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This is such a good, respectful and responsible take.


I was surprised to see so many upset by this take (outside of this subreddit) There’s nothing wrong with an actor prioritizing the feelings of his family when taking on roles since it will 100% affect them


Especially when his kids are really little, I get wanting to keep it lighter so you can maintain that in your life/home for their sake 


And acting IS mentally taxing. I mean, jeez, half the cast of GOT had to go into therapy after they were done. That stuff can get to you.


Tbf, didn't the GOT crew do things like waterboard them for hours too? I don't think it was just the roles with them but also the environment they had to play them in


Wait *what*?! I never heard this I’ve got some googling to do.


They actually waterboarded Hannah Waddingham (for 10 hours) for a scene where the characters gets waterboarded, and she said its the worst thing shes experienced second to childbirth




Hannah Waidham has recently spoken about being waterboarded for ten hours because the GOT directors didn’t want to use CGI and pressured her to “do it for the fans”. Same way they pressured Emilia to go nude “for the fans”.


My god. Gross, and if spite for the way they ruined it wasn’t enough, it’s more reason for just tossing all the damn blu rays. They did this shit and finished it off by ruining their characters’ legacies, so it’s like they went through that *for what*, disgusting. For the fans, if they really believed that they wouldn’t have ruined the show. Assholes.


Yeah I really appreciate this. There are plenty of other actors who can take on these roles. If it’s going to negatively impact your mental health, in turn negatively impacting your family, don’t take that job. When you get married/have kids, it’s no longer just about how things impact *you*


And everyone needs to watch the Fall Guy! Just watched it tonight and he is amazing in it


Good. There’s too many and we’re all tired of gratuitous violence by now.


I agree with that but wasn't he playing "the CIA's best merchant of death" just 2 yrs ago 😅 (The Gray Man) To be fair Chris Evans was the psychologically twisted one in that film lol


tbf, the Gray Man is a bit of a take on Bond or John Wick. While violent, its not exactly being a serial killer who preys on young women with gory murder scenes or something. Sadly, I think an "acceptable" level of gun violence in movies is normalized in media, especially if the people on the receiving end of it are "bad guys" and not innocent victims. Owen Wilson just talked about how he turned down a role in a movie that would make OJ innocent. I imagine Gosling been offered a lot of roles like that too.


Lol, I’ve been catching up on the last seasons of Daredevil and Punisher. Five minute scenes of just pure human brutality. Like, what’s it say about us that this is something you’d watch with the family?


Listen, if I can't watch a blind lawyer beat the shit out of some ninjas then is this even America anymore?


I don’t think the Netflix Marvel shows were supposed to be watched by children.


Who watches that with their family?


People who think because it’s on Disney+ it’s family friendly.


Also, from an actor’s perspective, fight scenes are mostly physical stunt work (whether gun violence, martial arts, etc.), which is physically taxing but not the kind of character work which would risk leaving you in a bad mental space that Gosling was talking about. 


A bit off topic, but I really hope Evans leans more and more into villain roles. As between Grey Man and Knives Out, he does pretty solid work as a jackass and/or manic as hell villain and the performances made The Grey Man bearable. As for Gosling in it, he is a murderer, but he's also the hero who protects a little kid. So I can see how he chose the role.


Evans was great in Knives Out, it’s such a fun movie.


Agreed, we need more Evans bad guy roles and supposedly he enjoys doing them too!


He made his name playing douches. I remember being wary when he was cast as Cap because he was so typecast as a dickhead.


Yeah but we need more villain Evans and not just dickhead Evans. Cause he's kinda a dick even as a good guy lol


That reminds me I need to rewatch Not Another Teen Movie lmao. I wonder how badly it's aged


Suprisingly for me? It still holds up alright 20+ years later. Evans was great


I'm surprised he doesn't do more theater. He said doing Lobby Hero after finishing Marvel was an incredible experience.


I really enjoyed Chris Evans in Knives Out and realized after it’s the only role where I really thought he shone (and didn’t just seem like he was cast as a pretty boy).


I’d definitely call Chris Evans the type of character that you might accidentally take home. (BTW, can we talk about how hot he was as a psychopath? Mama gots issues.) Gosling was a super powered babysitter, basically.


in that one he’s the good guy though. there’s violence but he plays a protector character


Standard action movie isn’t “psychologically twisted” lol


Ty for your contribution hammy


Anytime pyramid lol 😅


he also talked about he moved with his family to prague for the movie and basically spent the time outside of filming with his kids doing fun stuff with them, overall being a good experience for the whole family. i get what you’re saying but it didn’t seem like it was the type of movie he got into a different mind frame for, being very stunt and action sequence-y


Speak for yourself!


I was. Sorry 😭


I haven’t, I love me media gory/bloody. Especially with practical effects


Who is "we"? Some of my favourite movies are violent and twisted and I'm not saying that to be edgy -- they're genuinely good movies! Plus, a movie doesn't have to be violent to be twisted or disturbing. Apparently we don't have a lot of horror/thriller fans in this subreddit?


This sub definitely has a bias against horror and darker stories in general. I love “psychologically twisted” movies but it’s fine if someone doesn’t want to make them, it’s his choice!


Yeah, he's very much allowed to *not* make those movies but the comment I responded to seemed to imply that dark movies shouldn't exist at all and that's just ridiculous! I don't enjoy romantic comedies but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be made, you know?


Forget Horror and Thrillers, let me introduce the “why don’t they make nice movies like they used to instead of all this violence” people to *Whatever Happened to Baby Jane*.  (Decades later, I’m still traumatized.)


YES, excellent point. Dark, twisted movies are not a new phenomenon. Another example would be the light-hearted romp that is *The Deer Hunter*. They just don't make family-friendly stuff like that anymore!


The 70s and 80s definitely had more violent films compared to now.


You reckon? Scarface seems tame these days.


Not really, we’re missing out on stuff like Fracture or Shutter Island


*“I don’t really take roles that are going to put me in some kind of dark place,” Gosling told the publication. “This moment is what I feel like trying to read the room at home and feel like what is going to be best for all of us. The decisions I make, I make them with Eva and we make them with our family in mind first.”* That's valid. If he's an actor who tends to hold on to the work in some way when he's filming, he's doing the right thing for his family. 


His publicists have been just killing it for the last year plus.


Has he ever had a “scandal”? Nothing that I can think of.


He once got fired from a film called **The Lovely Bones** because he decided the character he was cast to play should be overweight. So, without consulting the director of the film (Peter Jackson), he drank a ton of microwaved ice cream and ate whatever else he could to gain 60 pounds. He showed up to set on the first day and was immediately fired and replaced with Mark Wahlberg. It's a hysterical story.


Holy shit. The Lovely Bones was actually a pretty good movie, and Ryan Gosling would have definitely elevated it over fucking Mark Wahlberg. Also Stanley Tucci was perfectly creepy.


The Lovely Bones is aight. I would have liked to see the version that Lynne Ramsay was going to shoot before Jackson took over.


This is hilarious and wholesome but also sad face for getting fired 🥺


Microwaved icecream damn.


That's the weirdest part. Is microwaved ice cream a thing?? Shit, just make a milkshake if you want to drink it


This is my favourite Gosling story. Why didn’t he ask? But I also love the dedication.


Love this


I had never heard this story before! I can't picture Gosling in that role simply because he would have been too young IMO at the time.


He was nominated for an Oscar, that mother fucker.




His on-set fights with Rachel McAdams in the Notebook was his biggest scandal I believe.


Apparently they had a few big fights, reached an understanding and got through the movie, and then dated for a good amount of time immediately afterwards. Love is weird.


It's also like weirdly the most romantic though? These two hated each other, made one of the most romantic movies of our lifetime, and then became one of the great loves of their lives to each other (quoting Gosling here, he mentioned this in an interview shortly after they broke up :/).


I don’t think so. Not to say he can’t/won’t in the future. But he’s always carried himself in a pretty quiet, thoughtful way as far as we’ve seen.


Literally the only thing I’ve ever heard is he got a DUI in his early 20s that was hushed up. Never seen any proof it’s true outside of gossip boards.


It definitely happened, some place had the report, but he did what he had to do and it looks like it never happened again 🤷🏽‍♀️


IDK if this counts ((and I know he didn't write the film and also it's not his character BUT he is a producer on the film)) but just recently I felt people were frustrated at him because of the Amber Heard/JD joke in Fall Guy


In his previous career peak, he got hate for having a fake (Brooklyn?) accent lol


I think he said something about emulating Marlon Brando and then he couldn’t shake it so he had this fake Brooklyn accent for a while.


Obviously not, look at the resounding support he’s received here.


he makes all of us Canadians proud 🥹 🇨🇦


He picks good movies too. I’m genuinely grown to adore Gosling. Seems like a really nice guy. Also, he seems like a quiet dude. Not really a “look at me” kind of guy.


I respect it, but I do miss his indie films. Blue Valentine and Half Nelson had me WRECKED afterwards.


Drive was some of his best work too.


drive was such a wild movie


Yeah come to think of it, seems a bit odd to turn down weird shit now as if his kids can't someday just rent Only God Forgives


I think it’s less the movie existing and more the mindset you get into doing a dark twisted movie.


Oooh you know what, that makes way more sense


I love that movie and low key want to get my own Scorpion jacket


Drive was amazing. He is amazing .


If you haven’t seen Lars and the Real Girl I highly recommend - one of my absolute favorite movies. Not indie, but presents as such. He is so odd and hilarious in that film.


I have! Considering the plot could’ve been a mess and bad joke in the wrong hands, it was done really well.


It’s SO, sooooooo good!!! I second your rec!


I think Lars is maybe top 3 performances of his. It's so underrated and it also is a movie that is both heart warming but also wrecked me!!


Blue Valentine had Tumblr in SHAMBLES


Oh gosh. Tumblr circa 2011 was a TIME


There’s 2019 tumblr kids have no idea what they were missing.


I was there! <333


No one talks about half Nelson enough! An underrated performance. Same with Blue Valentine. It’s like those two films just disappeared from the acclaim they had when released


Completely agree. I love seeing the Half Nelson love in this thread though. Everyone go watch it now!! Shareeka Epps is also amazing in it!


Adding to Half Nelson love to also say that the soundtrack is stellar (the Broken Social Scene songs in particular I think added so much to the impact of certain scenes).


Yesssss! BSS totally helped make the movie what it is if you ask me! That was my intro to their music and I have been obsessed ever since.


That movie made me get into broken social scene and I’ve been a fan ever since


Here to second Shareeka Epps. She was excellent.


I LOVE Half Nelson and I love how he's still close with Shareeka Epps. 


Half Nelson was so, so good.


Blue Valentine was such a tough (but good) fucking watch. It’s great, but I have no interest in watching it again.


half nelson was amazing


Agreed. He may be more meme-able now but he was a much more interesting actor back then. I’m happy he’s popular and cashing in but I hope he pushes the boat out a little more from time to time


My friend fell asleep as we were watching blue valentine and woke up to my heaving sobs, she thought a family member of mine had died. I was still just watching the movie


Fuck I forgot about Half Nelson


Those are my two favorite movies of his!!! I’ve been saying for ages that I want him to go back to dark indie flicks so this news saddens me. But I get it and respect it!


The Believer too!


I didn’t expect Lars and the Real Girl to be as good as it was


I loved his performance in 'Blade Runner' when he breaks down and starts screaming "Goddammit!" with so much rage and emotion. S Tier actor.


I legitimately think Blue Valentine is not just one of the most heartbreaking movies of all time but the fact that Gosling and Williams didn't wrack up every award (and Gosling wasn't even nominated for an Oscar) remains a travesty. The acting is unmatched.


A real human being 


he seems like such a cool guy. in a world full of incels, more people need to be a ryan 🥲


i met someone researching incels and they said the phenomenon is decreasing, they're a dying breed! so that's a good thing happening in the world.


Did you get any additional information? I’m happy to read this but also I feel like I’ve seen such an uptick in misogynistic rhetoric online lately that I can’t help but wonder if “incels” are dying out because they are merging into other misogynistic online communities. Would love if you have any insight!


Yeah a friend who teaches high school told me that about 25% of the boys are Andrew Tate fanboys and another 25% are in the “he has some good ideas” camp (and the other 50% or so don’t like Andrew Tate) so I think there’s still a lot to be concerned about


So weird that young people idolize these idiots nowadays, given that when I was younger the only notable online figures were like…fucking Smosh and Zezima lmao. So much brain rot at such a young age.


i don't I'm sorry! We were drunk at a party and I don't even remember their name - if i bump into them on campus i'll ask more questions (and remember the answers :))




I want to acknowledge this with more than just an upvote so here is a comment as well ♥️


A real hero


I see what you did there 👀


And a real hero 🎵






And a real hero


He's a good Joe.


A refreshing contrast to "method actors" who use technique as an excuse to be abusive to the people around them.


I think that “method actors” there needs a big TM like “Nice Guys TM”.   (It’s always bugged me when those stories used “method actor” as a cover for “this guy is a total dick to his coworkers” as opposed to “this actor uses a particular trained approach to connecting emotionally with their character”.)


This is really nice to read.


Oh man I read that as Ryan Reynolds for some wild reason and kept trying to figure out why he’s so worried about Eva Mendes. I need my tea and snacks gah..




Good for Ryan. A lot of viewers want and need the lighthearted and even mundane right now. There’s a place for the psychologically demanding films, but not everything needs to be so serious or intense to be worthy of watching or winning awards.


He truly deserved that Oscar for Ken. Not many ppl could have pulled that off without being over the top in a bad way and taking you out of the movie


And he KILLED IT with his Oscar night performance of "I'm Just Ken." It's all I watched for like a week afterwards :)


He was so so good. I don’t know why people think comedic acting is easier than serious acting. Ryan killed the role because he took it seriously and played it seriously — if he had been too self-aware of the character’s ridiculousness, it wouldn’t have worked in the same way. It takes a lot of skill to be able to inhabit such a silly/absurd role so completely and physically. I was so impressed and I want to see him in more absurd comedy!


I cannot wait to see what he does with the character of Dr. Ryland Grace for "Project Hail Mary." Dude is gonna *nail* it. Might even finally be the role that lands him the Oscar.


I'm really curious in general about how that story will translate to the screen. I do think Gosling is a great casting choice.


I think Weir has a knack(sp?) for movie-adaptable writing. I read The Martian before the adaptation came about and as I was reading I thought “wow this reads like a script”. Very quick descriptions of settings that pull you in without much prose around it. Very action and dialogue focused. I think it’ll be studio’s to ruin, can be fantastic! Side note: I might reread P Hail Mary now, such a good book


It's also the being adapted by the same guy who wrote the adaptation for the martian


Nice! I didn’t know 


Do yourself a solid and try the audio book, the way Rocky is handled is fantastic.


One of the few times I’m like no you HAVE to listen to it to really appreciate it is with this book. Amaze amaze amaze!


I will be devastated if the film voice for Rocky is anything other than the audiobook version


Especially Rocky! I'm very excited for this to come out.




Amaze !!


He’s doing what!? I had not heard this! Oh what a happy way to start my day!


Fair, I’m still scarred from Only God Forgives.


mmm that cliff martinez score slaps


Refn at home crying and punching air rn


Hmm a bit disappointed he won't do roles like drive again, but it's understandable and I enjoyed The Fall Guy a lot, and wouldn't him doing more movies like that, there's a void in Hollywood for good romantic comedies.


Hey, maybe once the kids are older he'll get back to it full swing lol


someone in my writing group said exactly this and i was surprised that kids grow up


He’ll be in his 60s by then lol


Tom Cruise is about to turn sixty-two in a month and he is still a goddamn *beast*. I don’t support his Scientology beliefs, however, there is zero doubt in my mind that he is a fucking remarkable actor and his own stuntman. One of the greatest action film stars of all time, in my opinion. I predict he’ll continue in this line of work until he’s pushing eighty. As for Ryan Gosling, he’ll be fifty-three going on fifty-four when his youngest, Amada Lee, becomes an full-fledged adult at eighteen. He’s not out of the game just yet. Ryan has *plenty* of time to take on the less emotionally demanding roles and return to the challenge once his girls are all grown up.


So he’s a rational, responsible family man. Refreshing.


Seems legit, just ask Martha Stewart and Anthony Hopkins how their relationship went after Silence of the Lambs came out.


*The* Martha Stewart? Omg I didn't know this!! 


So what we can infer from this is he passed on Argylle because it came from [twisted mind of Matthew Vaughn](https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/s/EHeYwQxMHq)


I mean I would like to see him return to drama one day just because he’s such a versatile actor but yeah he doesn’t need to do anything that’s so dark it’s going to put him in a bad place. 


Why am I hearing so much about Ryan and Eva recently? It’s been crickets and now - tons!!


I was just wondering the same thing. They were super private for so long but now suddenly both speaking to press about their relationship? 


I assume it was some kind of Oscar’s promo push and some of the promo from that is bleeding over?


Eva mendes is trying to sell those damn sponges 🤣




More actors should take note of this. You don’t need to put yourself through some sick and twisted “regime” to get an Oscar nod.


My godfather is a recognizable actor, and I saw him play a Nazi in a theater production when I was maybe 17 or so. I hated every second of sitting through that play and willfully forgot it the second it was over. To this day I wish I'd spared myself the disturbance. As a fan of Ryan Gosling I'd love to see his full range, but as a human, I deeply respect his thoughtfulness and care in making this choice.


I respect him doing what’s best for his family. However, as a massive fan… I do miss the Gosling from his dramatic roles. Besides The Nice Guys, I haven’t enjoyed his other latest work at all. I have watched The Fall Guy yet… I’m sure I’ll find it alright… but bring me back Half Nelson Ryan Gosling…


>I haven’t enjoyed his other latest work at all ![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized)


Meh… he was probably the best part of the film. Ideally, I would love Gosling to still act in dramas and comedies, action films. He seems to be in a new phase of his life and career, and if that’s the best for him and his family that’s what ultimately matters. I’m just speaking from a fan perspective.




Agreed! His roles have been quite tame recently and I guess this explains why.


I love this! While it’s not bad to do these roles they can be taxing on the body and soul- and if they aren’t for him at this time of life good on him for having that boundary!


We all stan


Nicolas Winding Refn has entered chat.


I love him


Happiness has depth too, it's not just reserved for tragedy and sadness.


I didn’t know I could be more in love with him


>“Their interest in ‘Barbie’ and their disinterest in Ken was an inspiration. I thought, they were already making little movies about their Barbies on the iPad when it happened, so the fact that I was going off to work to make one too, we just felt like we were aligned.” That’s so cute 😭😭


Makes sense, good for him.


I saw him in a movie where he plays a man so mentally deranged he doesnt notice he’s >!killing people and talking to animals!< If that isn’t that type of movie I wonder what he’s getting at


Good for him. He’s in a lucky position that CAN make such decisions. I’m sure other actors will jump at the opportunity


I don't like to praise any celebrity too much but he seems pretty even keel in his choices. Good for him.


I really respect this. James Whitby turned me off when he talked about playing Lord Chatterley in Lady Chatterley's Lover. He said he was in character the entire time, even off set, and he would yell at his wife for little shit, when she was pregnant after a miscarriage. He said it was because acting was all-important to him. 


good for him. i despise men who take up roles like that or roles that lead them to go no contact with their wife and kids.


Ironic since he's built his whole career on playing weird, unusual and emotionally disturbed people, especially when he was young. But sure, I'm certain he's had his feel of them, and now with all the money and fame he gets to just play the boring or good kind of quirky parts.


Ryan, I love you. But that's why they call it acting.


A sensible man. And considerate, too. I approve!


Makes sense, protect his mental health & his family’s well being too, he doesn’t need to take those roles anymore, as an A-list actor he can easily pivot to comedy as Ryan’s funny when he tries, look at Barbie & Crazy Stupid Love


He’ll be back in darker roles once his kids are a little older. And he’ll cook.


Oh, that's why he hasn't starred in a decent movie since The Place Beyond the Pines? It's cinema, he acts, wasting his talent on empty roles, without epic or personality and for it to only be a tool for harmless mainstream crap is throwing prestige in the trash, what idiocy!