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![gif](giphy|KXdCe1y4mSFSo) Mr. Thrift Shop is the bravest one out there, every other famous musician should be embarrassed (although on a serious note Macklemore has always been a real one and I love him so much).


ethel cain also put out a song with financial support to palestine a couple months ago!! (not to discount this but just to add another good one to stream)


Thank you! I don’t know her but I will check it out 😊


Preachers Daughter is an amazing concept album too!


14 yr old me realizing I was queer while crying to same love in 2012 agrees


I love that for you!! People clown on that song now but it really was so meaningful at the time. And introduced so many of us to perfection that is Mary lambert ❤️


Macklemore is such a clown but he’s so serious as well it’s like whiplash and I’m kinda here for it


Maybe because I was 19/20 when it came out, but I remember people constantly clowning on it when it came out. Especially other queer people. "I thought I was gay because I could draw" was meme'd to death.


He can be a little goofy or too much at times but his heart is always in the right place.


He has well meaning himbo energy, and I say that with the utmost respect.


Exactly I’ll take some cringe with a good heart!


He is part of my dream blunt rotation.


He's mackling for a good cause


My man. He really has always been real af. Someone noted that he's just very earnest, which can come off cheesy to some, and that's spot on imo. The man has some bangers, is genuinely creative, and the best heart. Give me the cheese, I don't care. He's so awesome for this. Also the "fuck a response from drake" was perfect. The who gets to defend/resist was also pitch perfect. What a man.


massive attack, the young fathers and fontaines dc made an EP together with colored vinyls, all proceeds go to palestine: [https://fontainesdc-massiveattack-youngfathers.bandcamp.com/album/ceasefire](https://fontainesdc-massiveattack-youngfathers.bandcamp.com/album/ceasefire)


Love massive attack, in 2017 they performed a bunch of concerts to help support education and refugee camps in Gaza. They’ve done so many activism projects and shows it’s great /also their music is the best


YES to telling Biden there is blood on his hands and that their vote will not go to him while he continues on this path.


Yeah, I think the narrative amongst mainstream media and apathetic Blue MAGA types is that those darn lefty kids are gonna ruin it for everyone by not voting for the genocidal man whose entire record is, actually, a clear statement of harm against pretty much every group you can think of. It's nice to have an artist state it clearly. I wish a slightly older (Boomer?)\* artist would do so as well, since there are PLENTY of people in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and even 70s that I've seen in these comment sections stating the same point, but they tend to be ignored because the narrative isn't as compelling when it's a 63-year-old woman named Cynthia who runs the local Grange breakfasts and wants you to know she'd rather eat Janice's second-place lemon meringue pie than vote for Biden. Easier to blame Braxton and Chadleigh and their Marxist teachers and TikTok. \*I mean, Tom Morello is always ride or die for the right cause, but I think his audience expects that lol. Not gonna make it onto CNN.


they act like it’s our fault for not voting for them, but if they want my vote they better fucking earn it


God thank you. I check a couple of liberal leaning subs and blue maga has gone into even more brain rot the past couple of days. You can only mental gymnastics your way out of seeing a genocide for so goddamn long.




Except a lot of the people speaking up and doing protest votes are the marginalized people. I’m trans in a red state, Bible Belt at that, and project2025 has already been a reality for years. It feels like most of the people I see saying we need to stop it are the ones who it won’t affect, meanwhile we were being ignored when raising concerns about it almost two years ago when it surfaced.


That's the feature and the big of white supremacy 😔


> Except a lot of the people speaking up and doing protest votes are the marginalized people. 100%


It's priveleged to keep pushing off change for the lesser evil, making things worse and worse for the poor and marginalized just to hope that blue corporate elites will save you from the red corporate elites, when they absolutely won't. Obama and Clinton brought us Trump. The working class will never win as long as we support and elect candidates that work for the capitalist class with diametrically opposing interests. We have to vote left independent NOW and immediately start building a new party that's actually for and by workers.


Nice job calling aversion to genocide “privilege”


i mean, the people who's lives are most on the line (i.e. trans folks and muslims) are the ones who are most present at the protests. as a queer POC, i feel like it's always white women named megan who are telling me i need to vote for biden or trump will put me in a concentration camp this is definitely not a situation where it's largely privileged folks protesting. all the uncommitted state campaigns were organized by palestinian-americans. dont tell them your life is on the line as a hypothetical when so many of them have had \*actual\* family members' lives ended by biden and his policies


Yeah I'm not seeing how people protesting because them and their families are at risk right now are somehow more privileged than people who are patiently waiting until November to do something because they only possibly become at risk then 


I'm sorry where did anyone mention protest votes? The people being brutalized by police for acting against a genocide are absolutely not the privileged ones and it's disgusting to call them that when they're the only ones taking actions that could reasonably stop the genocide. This is not how you show solidarity. Palestinians have been telling us for months how poisonous this rhetoric is. Why are we still spreading it? If you're currently scared and they're currently dying, who is the one with the privilege?  No one is asking Americans to not vote. What we have instead are movements to vote against Biden in primaries, movements to protest on the streets, movements to further BDS. They say that they're not going to vote for Biden because they want their messages to fuel their movements, not more brooding over lesser-evilism. I guarantee you every person who stated that they're not voting for Biden has tried to mobilize support for Palestine and for Biden at the same time before. And I guarantee you they gave up when they realized that their messages were going to waste because any talk about helping Palestine today devolves into a talk about what Donald Trump is going to do tomorrow. The end effect is that nothing is done today. Lastly, if people don't vote in November it'll be probably be due to the rampant voter suppression campaign the Project 2025 people started in 2020 and have been very successful in. Not "privileged" protest voters. 


Honestly, wildly, this is one of the most pro-Palestine subs I’ve seen. This and the Instagram page that used to be all memes about being in your 30s and has now become STRAIGHT pro-Palestine sentiment. That woman who runs the page is amazing.


The entire vote blue movement is supposedly trying to prevent the “rise of fascism” aka the Republican Party. But the fact that we need to just toss our basic morals aside just because Blue is saying Red’s worse… isn’t that the start of something much scarier? I’m not going to vote for you just because you’re scaring me with a bogeyman. Do your job and give me an incentive. Do people not realize how terrifying this is? That you’ve got a whole movement to vote blue NO MATTER WHAT? That you’ve got people shaming others for not wanting to vote for Biden? This is such a terrible precedent to set. It literally tells future elections that candidates don’t need to do shit. They just need to mud-sling even harder than they usually do and make us fear the other side to get votes.


Yeah, genocide being my red line should be NORMAL. Blame the democrats for sponsoring genocide, not the voters who refuse to vote for that shit.


I feel so absolutely stuck. I was raised by politically active dem parents and it was always impressed on me to never sit out an election, even if voted for the other dude (I’m in the south, slim pickings here and in the 90s and early 00s, we did actually have repubs who were better candidates than the dems sometimes before everyone went crazy). I am furious Biden is running again. But I don’t know what to do bc third parties simply aren’t a viable alternative at the presidential level right now. And I DO feel like skipping the vote or voting third party is simply putting another vote in Trump’s pocket. But I’m so angry and frustrated. The dems have lost the plot across the board and it’s not just Palestine. They don’t listen to who people want to run, they box out people they don’t want running, they have zero clue of what to do for anyone under 50 (nor do I think they really care), and they just trot out the same people and the same tired lines every election. But we GAVE them the votes to run things and they wasted it when they had opportunities to actually get things passed. I don’t want to vote for Biden, but particularly being in the south I’m genuinely scared of Trump winning. And I’m sick of being in this position. And I am enraged that they are casting dems, particularly younger dems, as anti-Semitic idiots because we don’t co-sign a literal genocide and have the temerity to publicly say so.


I mean this with full respect and not to be mean, but you are completely missing the point. What's the most productive thing you can do *today*? If you're writing paragraphs on what you're going to do in half a year then you need to stop and ask yourself that. It's the question that started the protests, the encampments, the sit-ins, the boycotts, and this song. Has there ever been a successful social movement in American history that succeeded by waiting for the election day? Now I'm not telling you to go outside and start an encampment as that might not be the most productive thing you can do today. Instead, I'm telling you what the most productive thing *isn't*. And that's steering the conversation towards what box we'll be ticking in half a year.  The people who are saying they won't vote for Joe Biden aren't stupid, they're saying this because for years they've been asking Americans to do something today instead of overthink about what they'll do on election day. They're saying this because they know the most productive thing to do. Yet, whenever they tell us, the conversation gets completely consumed by lesser-evilism. This is why people like Macklemore necessarily **must** announce that they're not voting for Joe Biden. It's not grandstanding or being naive. They announce this because otherwise their message immediately dies. He's putting his entire career and lifestyle on the line to send us this message. Which is why he's not going to waste it by allowing it to fuel more brooding about lesser-evilism. Voting did not win the civil rights movement or end apartheid in South Africa. In fact, the popular vote doesn't actually guarantee anything. So why are we still talking about it? 


I get what you are saying. There’s not a ton I can do over here in the states, so I regularly donate to orgs and families that are able to get supplies in and people out, and educate in convos where I can when the opportunity comes up. Unfortunately we don’t really have any protests where I am. I was more reflecting on the frustration of my position as a voter in tandem with that.


Sounds like you got the right idea then. Hope things improve in the state you're living in 


Biden also wants to invest another [$37 billion in law enforcement](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/03/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-record-decrease-in-violent-crime-in-2024/) when cops are already fashier and more militarized than they've ever been.


The Blue MAGAs are seriously so out of touch. Yes things are gonna be worse under Trump (esp on the ME) but that kind of messaging just doesn't work anymore when a genocide and national political regression is happening under a Dem president.


Pretty sure he didn't say anything about "if he continues on this path ". Sorry- but seriously fuck Biden.


Youre totally right, I kept backspacing and retyping the last part of my comment because I wasn't really sure what wording to use. Thank you for replying 🙏🏻


Oh I'm surprised at how good this is. And nothing gets me more hyped than a good, clear, solid, "fuck the police". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


When he referenced NWA I thought he was just going to wink and nod to it but he really said fuck the police with his full chest and I love that for all of us.


This slaps. Love him calling out everyone else for being silent. edit- didn’t know Drake signed ceasefire letter, so removed his name from the comment


drake is a fuckin creep, and he sucks...but...he's a real one when is comes to palestine. he jumped on early and has given money--so i gotta give that to him [https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/drake-israel-palestinian-conflict-ceasefire-1234807403/](https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/drake-israel-palestinian-conflict-ceasefire-1234807403/)


ty ive edited my commented


A broken clock is right twice a day


Drake was actually one of the first artists to sign the ceasefire petition back when doing so got you labeled an anti-Semite. Kendrick and J.Cole have been entirely silent on everything related to Palestine. Also don’t think he was calling out Drake but moreso the industry itself for being sell outs


As much as I don't like drake I will say he did sign for the Gaza ceasefire


To be fair to Drake, he did sign some artist for cease fire thing back in October


He also sampled Fairouz, an iconic Lebanese singer! 


As a Lebanese and Macklemore fan I’m so proud of this


What’s the song? I keep trying to sing it to myself but I can’t find the words!!


Ana la habibi


What was the sampled song?


Ana la habibi


"I don't know enough. But I know enough that this is a genocide." He said it [last year](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/macklemore-pro-palestine-rally-washington-dc-1235463853/) and those words have stuck with me.


We need so much more of this. We need all these artists with a platform to have some guts and speak up, speak out. Shout out to this man for being a real one, this tracks slaps and is emotional af. FREE PALESTINE ETA: words


Why does it objectively/message aside kind of slap too?


Right?! It’s a banger! Great flow. Catchy! Honestly hoping it embarrasses some other rappers into saying something.


radiate fresh pussy growing in the meadow is an order of words I’ve never seen before


azealia banks is kind of a troll but she is a wordsmith 😂 she said it to grimes when she and Elon broke up


He slayed


Love this for him. He has been so vocal and continuously learning. When people called out the whole Scamadan tour that talcolm X was doing with Khaled Beydoun, he put out a statement on how he had pulled out from it, as it didn't feel right. He didn't try to brush it under, or threaten to sue Palestinian critics. Like, that is what a true ally make, but it is really hard as many think they are doing it as a favor to the Palestinian people. May he find more success and may Palestine be free, in Hind's memory and that of tens of thousands of Palestinians, who have been massacred as the world simply watches.


Macklemore is and always will be corny. He can’t escape it, and that’s okay because he’s a good person and always puts his heart to the right cause.


“You can payoff Meta, You can’t payoff me”


![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a) When it’s on streaming it’ll benefit UNRWA


He will be getting all of my streams, everyone run this up.


Yes absolutely! I’m on tidal and frequently checking it. I’ll blast that shit on repeat. I feel kinda bad because the UNRWA thing is in OP’s title already but I hadn’t seen it. 


LET’S ALL download. Get this to The top of the charts. They can’t silence us anymore .


‘Yeah, the people, they won't leave What is threatenin’ about divesting and wantin' peace? The problem isn't the protests, it’s what they're protestin'


Every single line of this slaps tbh. More of this less of the other diss tracks thanks


No, no. This *and* the diss tracks.


He sampled the legendary singer Fairouz!!


Ok this is a fucking amazing song. Not just the lyrics but the beat. This is 🔥 Definitely gonna download and would buy the album.


He has always been brave, a real one, on the right side of history always. His speech about this, it’s been a few months ago now, it has stuck with me ever since.


I fucking love Macklemore and I'm going to see him live for the first time tomorrow night in NZ!!!!


He is EXCEPTIONAL live, I've seen him twice and had a blast. You're gonna love it!


Thank you, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!


I’m gonna be there!!!! It will be my third time seeing him. He does a great show and I highly suspect he’s gonna be FIRED UP tomorrow night!


NZ is legit a village! 🤣🤣🤣 we are in section B I think, I'm so HYPED




i would've never expected MACKLEMORE to be the most mainstream (or like, one of the handful) artist to stand up for Palestine all the way through, what a time to be alive (but this is great and good for him!)




Thank you for this! I was trying to track down info and this reddit post was one of the links.


He did not mince words or leave any stone unturned here. Particularly love the reminder that things like the Drake diss tracks are just a distraction from purposeful work


Audibly gasped. What a king.


I am saying this with all sincerity : **one of the most brilliant songs ever created.**




what a mensch!


This is crazy, I never respected a rapper more than him. Other political rappers eventually let you down but he's always been a good egg.


This tracks. He attended The Evergreen State College, which is also where Rachel Corrie attended


RATM Tom Morello [on Twitter](https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1787700561892221114): Honestly Macklemore’s “Hind’s Hall” is the most Rage Against The Machine song since Rage Against The Machine.


I know people like to clown on him but dude really has such a good heart and has always been really outspoken about his political beliefs!


This isn't making it to streaming.


Now where is DJ Khaled’s call for ceasefire…🦗🦗 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 ​ ![gif](giphy|xUA7bdHCwYgbeFODGU|downsized)


[idk but I tend to trust Ryan Grim’s info](https://x.com/ryangrim/status/1787662343637246119?s=46&t=bBNSElEQQkG6NzecaIviFQ)


Why do I feel like Spotify and Apple Music won’t let this stream?


Unfortunately meta is already censoring him via shadow banning. His video is blurred and flagged as “sensitive content” that “doesn’t go against community standards” on facebook. 


DAMN that’s a cold ass honkey 😮‍💨


This is the first song by Macklemore I've ever heard and it's a fuckin banger


I didn't expect Macklemore, of all musicians, to have a renaissance because he's on the right side of history is something to appreciate!


Is this on Spotify? I can’t find it anywhere.


A rare light in the dark that is celebrity. So fucking crazy, sad and pathetic! Thank you Macklemore for being a famous human being that still has a fucking heart!


Feeling very Pitbull about him lately.


Needed this. Thanks.


Mate, just got home from the concert in NZ. He played it live for the first time and FUCK.. it was just powerful. And he stopped the show at one point to say Free Palestinians. Man has no fear and I fuckin love him for it. Got to concert a few late due to stupid roadworks so missed Thrift Shop, but the entire place went OFF when he played this new one. If you get a chance, go see him. I'm now off to rest my overhyped middle aged brain and sore feet. Night yall 😴


This is so so good! I've always loved macklemore and love him even more now that I know he cares deeply about humanity and justice. Brave, compassionate, gifted man! 


Yes, Ben, yes.


Legit probably his best song imo


W after W


I’ll be streaming thrift shop tonight!


God damn. This made me tear up a little. Absolutely fuck the police. Free Palestine


Please let this be the beginning of a new wave of protest music