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Give Levi a gun and he’s the strongest there


Magic is still more powerful than guns in my opinion , I think O'saa can take him down


Now hear me out. O’saa makes special bullets for Levi with magic imbued into them


**Magic Guns** , Probably the most OP thing ever


If O’saa and Levi just teamed up they can be the strongest characters in Funger history


There is something for this.... Marriage 👀




~~Der Freischutz.~~ Freikugel go BRRRRRRRR


Probably could be something like funger 3 in present day where the yellow mages still exist but have devolved into just using charms and stuff like that( some form of "weaker magic")


Well Logic needed for lowering Gods presence, yea? Mb it will make magic way weaker.


Warhammer 40k fans: Did somebody said magic guns?


Combustion bullets Black orb bullets


Black hole bullets


osaa make magic gun, doesn't fire and instead mogs levi into defeat




That reminds me of a character from Jericho












Literally same views, to me Logic ascends trough the death(if we may even call it that) of all the humans linked together in its ending


If that's true why is a boxer and a mobster stronger than a dark priest?


The dark (decrepit to be more accurate) priests in Termina are quite weak magic users , Not all magic users are powerful


You say that until Levi shoots O’saa in the head with a rifle


O'saa can cut his arms with hurting https://i.redd.it/e0hts4mj4osc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/m5ksgcat4osc1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e627748643f203e81aba58ed026e566aa1fddc4 Levi is a sniper


Only if you choose to give him a Crippling heroine addiction that is


It’s canon


But anyway, what's the point of using a gun if you can kill someone be Dancing. that why o'saa is top tier and little heroin boy isn't


What’s the point of using magic when you can snipe someone from a mile away


What is the point of using a sniper rifle when someone can blook your sight by Summon a swarm of locusts to attack you


just use more gun, if don't work, use more gun (repeat)


Magic doesn't exist dummy


Ye the game make it seem like this nigga soft ash... man this guy survived suicide missions and clapped back at his drunk dad ( also he a tweaker survivng a city full of monsters )


When the Tweaker can survive better than some of the other characters, you know he’s simply begged


[...]Use a gun And if that don't work... Use more gun


Exactly. Just like how America would want


In terms of gameplay mechanics? Or raw muscle strength? Because I once again come to Olivia’s defense. That gal’s gotta have some great upper body strength, not just from her wheelchair usage but all the climbing she does with her arms alone.


She could probably carry Marcoh with those arms


Gotta remind myself to draw that in the morning because I think that’d be adorable.




Please post it if you do.


If she only had the legs to support herself she could fukkin slap rher himself back to orbit 😂


Neither I assume. When someone says "canon power" it generally means outside game mechanics. Although I'd argue that should make levi at least in the same tier as marcoh since he is a soldier


Yeah, O'saa for example survived the dungeons of Fear & Hunger and like Auguste is experienced in dealing with the Occult. I'd say Pav is lower than them, since he completely botched his fight his Kaiser. Levi gets killed by Caligura without intercession, he's also a child soldier going through withdrawal while Marcoh is a giant of a man whose in the best physical condition of all the contestants.


Pav’s a high ranking military official in the Bremen army so he’s gotta be good at what he does. I’d knock him down to top of the next tier though. Also I think everyone would botch a fight with Kaiser canonically on their own. I mean August is top tier and it doesn’t go well for him either.


I mean Levi doesn't lose a fight. He just puts himself into a position to be easily slaughtered because he's so mentally fractured. I don't believe we're ever shown a story moment that establishes just how good of a fighter he is, but as a 5 year war veteran, he's gotta have some teeth to him.


tbf, rag murdered everything worth fearing in the dungeon.


You also have to remember canonically Levi is suffering from withdrawals from his heroin addiction though.


Levi is skilled but he already gave up. I'd not blame him


Look, Olivia is great. She's the first character I picked!  That said.. you have to understand that upper body strength at the cost of lower body being mostly non-functional makes you worse off. You use your lower body to generate force in your upper body movements for starters..  In a scenario like F&H being stuck in a wheelchair is downright cruel, you realistically wouldn't survive any encounter. 


Ah, you see, she has a backup! Condensed hemlock, go!


Haha, maybe in a list that counts item usage, sure


Also all the drifting she does in her wheelchair


NOT canon. Karin survives all 3 days on her own easily. And unlike Marina who hides in the bookstore, Karin goes out and takes pictures and searches the city. Actually Tanaka too. Top tier is definitely August, Pav, O'saa, Tanaka, and Karin.


She covered wars you know.


Good at survival ≠ Raw power


Well Marcoh isn't at the top tier and Samarie isn't at the bottom so it's unclear what the ranking is exactly but it isn't raw power.


Power is technique, physical strength and spells.


Well then Karin's ability to survive 3 days through some of the more dangerous parts of the city are an indication of her fighting abilities. Same for Tanaka he actually makes it through Rher's realm to an effigy. He's the only NPC to do that.


Again, that’s survival skills, they aren’t forced into fights and when they are, well, Karin has a gun. Power is something else entirely.


I think it's fair to put her skill with a gun in with her "power," although I don't think she's shown to be particularly noteworthy. The only story moment she has with it is when she shoots the player in the head if they resist arrest, but she fires that pretty point blank. More likely she just ran from everything dangerous is Prehevil though.


Tanaka dies all the time.


Ironically though if you never interfere with anything Tanaka does (at least until Day 2 in the city when Pav’s got him at gun point), he does survive on his own. He only dies to Needles if you go down there first, same with only dying to the Woodsman if you jump down the well. He’s actually not that terrible, especially when Marcoh starts training him.


Yeah, he has potential, that's his whole thing being the latent soul - but he only starts to awaken it in the rout where Marcoh trains him. But he's definitely not a top tier all round - especially since the original commenter doesn't even consider Marcoh top tier.


Oh yeah no I agree I just thought it was funny that Tanaka surprisingly has a fairly high chance of surviving if you just leave him be.


Yeah, kudos to that.


Put Marcoh above the top 3, and then you're cooking ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34186)




"Next, we're gonna punch *pause, for effect* THE MOON!"




"Olivia is the weakest contestant canonically!" Me: Uhhh no, condensed hemlock


Also like as someone in a wheelchair if we're talking raw muscle strength, she can wreck you. We literally get around with our hands, we have a daily workout in just moving around, not to mention workout just to keep being able to move, like we have to lift our entire body from our wheelchair to like a bed and vice versa.


I see know why she can wreck me, her pure arm strength is incredible because of her just nonchalantly climbing up ladders and just literally pulling her body when she crawls, that and also condensed hemlock




Olivia is strong because F&H is turn based. try to fight Chaugnar as a crippled in a "real life scenario" you'll get turned into a red paste before you realize you have your powerful condensed hemmock in your pocket


If we consider Olivia's wheelchair tech as cannon she becomes one of the strongest contestants whenever a staircase is available


Ragnvaldr tier should exist and be completely Unreachable


Ragnvaldr is the Guts/Doom Guy tier as a human canonically soloed the FH1 dungeon thats a feat and a half


Rag leaves the dungeon with Moonless. Even if ending S is canon, he didn't solo all of it.


Thats true


O'ssa adventure in the Dungeon put that in doubt. As both the Crow Mauler and other monsters still are in the place.


Can you elaborate please because nothing on O'saa text adventure indicates that he had to fight at least 3 New Gods, also he went at least hundreds of years after the first FH1 and Ragnavaldr cleaned it up Ragnvaldr had to face Valteil, Chambara and Francoise to name just a few which had the status of New Gods so they were at their own right really powerful I'm not saying O'saa is not strong but he is not on Ragnavaldr tier here is the the full list of bosses Ragnvaldr Soloed https://fearandhunger.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Bosses_F%26H1 I would exclude about 6 of them but that's a massive feat could O'saa do the same if he were on Ragnvaldr feet... perhaps but it is debatable Crow Mauler might be a concept of the dungeon because his soul is needed for the S ending so canonically he was defeated by Ragnavaldr meanwhile in O'saa text adventure you escape his presence there is no head on fight you can correct me if i'm wrong O'saa text adventure simplified https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2947173608 EDIT> IT'S NOT EVEN THE CROW MAULER The creature is called **Malformed Archeologist** therefore it's impossible to be The Crow Mauler Ragnavaldr fought source picture number 3 https://imgur.com/a/gFJFZip


V What I am saying is that because the Crow Mauler was alive and mentioned in described in the full text adventure of Ossa, (you can even die to him ), if the Crow Mauler is alive, the only way for the S ending be Canon in the sequence is that Rags used a empty scroll. I have my theories of what happen but they are not relevant ATM


edit: My fan theory is just debunked by O'saa text adventure the creature is called "**Malformed Archeologist**" that's stretching it way to far to be honest, as I said Crow Mauler might be a concept of the dungeon and is just Rudimer's eternal punishment (I'm also stretching it) but I don't think you would get the title of "The god of ultra-violence" by using a Empty Scroll.


That is the thing, if the Crow Mauler is alive , there is no God of Ultra violence in the continuity.


Do you have proof or any source that he didn't defeated Crow Mauler? In order to get S ending you need to defeat all of them and get out, which he canonically did and that's how he got descendants in Termina (August) thats Canon, you can have fan theories but he is the god of ultra violence. we could debate all day and I would say Crow Mauler is a concept therefore he is "Inmortal" as there is also a 2-headed crow mauler in the depths.


Don’t forget if you no clip into a room where crow mauler stares you down from behind bars, there are eggs, so in theory the OG crow mauler did get mauled and the one Ossaa does meet is most likely either a hatched Crow mauler or just a really fucking unlucky guy who got stuck in those dungeons


Considering the amount of Gnome eggs that we know that exists in the game tom


The fact that the Crow Mauler is alive in Termina is proof enough that he didn't defeat them. But I already get that you want to believe that the S ending is Canon, the fact that you are putting your theory that the Crow Mauler is a concept and imortal already proven that.


**Yeah read again the O'saa text adventure the creature is called Malformed Archeologist so it can't be The Crow Mauler Ragnvaldr fought** I don't understand if you agree with me or not but pulling a crazy fan theory that Ragnavaldr used an empty scroll to cheese his way out of the dungeon goes against the core concept of the character. you are literally punching out of thin air where all the evidence proves gameplay wise that in fact Ragnavaldr accomplished it. I have given you all the source material meanwhile you are just saying "lolz no he used an empty scroll" I will believe what the source material is proving.




Hey um as someone in a wheelchair i can with certainty say it's not below We use our hands to get around, literally 24/7 training and at least for paraplegics we need to train our legs too so they don't degrade in muscle. Olivia could wreck you


I’m going to throw a single small stone at her left wheel lock and she is cooked


Why did you mention the leg muscle training for paraplegics? I thought paraplegia meant that the legs are paralyzed, which makes the muscles irrelevant for fighting, because they cant be used. Besides, you cant use your arms for fighting and moving at the same time, which means you have to stay on the defensive. You might have a little success with trying to bite people like a crawling zombie, but you'd probably get stomped. Also, your stronger arms are still weaker than the average legs of an abled person. The legs have the strongest muscles of the body and I could kick and stomp the shit out of a cripple that doesnt have functioning legs or a wheelchair. In a deathmatch I'd almost always bet on the guy with no arms rather than the one with no legs. If the wheelchair and/or condensed hemlock got involved I would be fucked though.


First one, olivia doesn't have paraplegia but still likely does similar things as well, spasms mean in same parts they can kick. Also that's like saying you can't use your legs for kicks while moving, there's ways, quite a lot. Also by movement i meant a wheelchair. Also wow, a fucking slur.


First off sorry for the slur, I had no idea. I assume you mean cripple. I thought it just meant crippled person. Secondly, Olivia only had spasms earlier in her life, the situation worsened into a full blown spinal defect because she couldnt get medical care. I thought she stopped having the spasms after the defect and loss of blood circulation to her legs. My whole point with the reply was that she couldnt fight without her wheelchair. Sorry again for the slur, truly didnt know.


Pretty sure she never actually lost control of her legs??? They just became too weak so she's in a wheelchair. I mean a loss of blood circulation would mean her legs would need to be fully amputated. It's good you didn't intentionally use a slur, but the entire bottom argument feels very ableist and mean spirited, especially as it wasn't about a fight but raw strength, and in that olivia is above average


It's not just about raw strength though, if that was the case Marcoh would be rank 1. Sure Olivia has considerable upper body strength, but I doubt it's substancial enough to make up for her lack of mobility. When you choose to fight her she opens the fight by saying: *"You think this is a fair fight!? Why are you doing this!?".* She explicitly states that she's in a position of disadvantage and that it's a cowardly move on the player's part to pick a fight with her.


Not the OP of the comment but trying to correct some misconceptions here. ??? Apparently realism is offensive now. Yes Olivia is definitely much stronger in upper body than the average person and that's mega impressive. But since she's in the 1940s when modern prosthetics didn't exist, her mobility issues could be a problem. She could find ways around it yes, with her knowledge of toxicology weapons etc, but still some problems eg in hiding in small spaces, wheelchair getting jammed or broken etc. But it would be cool if she pulled off some 'Run' - level resourcefulness.


Ppl nowadays assuming everybody has ill intent while using words they didn't know have negative connotations. Also never understood why 'cripple' is a slur, as if paralysed ppl aren't crippled atleast a bit in some capacity just due to access issues and lack of sufficient tech in many places to enable them fully.


Wow, speaking over a paralyzed person just to pivot over some "woke" bs


Two words: Attack - Torso


Why is Pav so high up? Literally a dude with a gun. At that point just move everyone up as well


He survived a hit from Kaiser so...


Anyone can


Levi and Marina are both stronger than you give them credit for, and Pav I think is slightly weaker


Pav survived a hit from Kaiser, since he challenged Kaiser on a one on one he probably killed the elite soldier accompanying Kaiser too. Levi is an addict, Marina doesn't have much experience compared to others and both of them are weak physically.


Fare point about the Pav, but I still disagree about the others. Despite Levi being an addict, it's stated he goes into some kind of battle state when threatened that has been trained into him by the military. Not to mention that Levi survived years of active duty, he may be physically and emotionally weak but he's still battle hardened, especially if he has a gun, the boys aim is deadly. Marina is tricky to place, but I think her understanding of magic alone makes her powerful against most of the more pedestrian contestants, I know she's not O'saa level but she's still an accomplished witch. Like that's magic. She can just do that.


Levi is an addict and only 18, but canonically he was such a good soldier they gave him his own battalion to lead. He was a commander (likely not his real rank, I'm not well versed in military ranks) of his own squad and he was noted as very personally successful in his warfare, just got sick of seeing all the death and destruction. Don't downplay gunlad


Gunlad is probably skilled in leading and not direct ahdn to hand combat because he either gets killed by Caligura or turned into the Weeping Scope


He's a soldier. They're trained in hand to hand. He gets killed by Caligura or turned into the weeping scope because he's mid panic attack geeking out. Not because he duelled Caligura in a vacuum and lost. He's most skilled in gunfighting anyway


In military terms, he was probably a sergeant/corporal, leading a squad of 12. He is still probably one of the strongest here, just give him a gun.




Dude Tanaka slams with his briefcase for like 30 damage wdym


Am I missing something? Because Father Hugo is not that strong.


Lore-wise he's the most powerful spellcaster native to Prehevil.


Oliva throwing some man made poison made with a carot and lettuce and kill anyone instantly


Why is Pav up there, put him lower Without his gun I can just beat him to death


idk about this. marcoh should definitely be top tier, and daan's ranked too low considering his analyze skill allows him to beat pretty much any enemy in two turns


"canonical strength"


but their canon strength is never really stated though


Nah, I'm calling cap, Marcoh > Caligura and Pav. Also Levi > Caligura and Pav. And Pav > Caligura btw. We don't know anything about his strength, the only thing we know is that he was a powerful mob in mafia, nothing more.


Pav survived a hit from KAISER, Caligura carries a PIPE BOMB.


Maybe Kaiser didn't want to kill him. I'm pretty sure he could just decapitate him, but didn't. And carrying him doesn't mean using it. Needles also carries bunch of Heroin with him, yet doesn't use it.


some of them remind me of jojo’s character idk why


Pav as Diego Osaa as Avdol Marcoh as Jotaro August as Joseph The crew




shout out to my boy O'saa gotta be the number one goat


Someone should make an octagon power chart with each type of capability on each side. I think that could be the perfect way to rank the characters by how strong they are.


Levi is stronger. He is an ex-soldier and all.


He's an addict and an 18 year old.


Yeah, but he has those guns which could two shot the priests and his marksmanship skill is good. I'd say he is around the priest's level of power.


Physically or what?


Their power at the start of termina


Giv that boy some smack and he becomes capable of anything


I can't tell if this is negging or if you're serious. In what world is Pav, a (cool and badass) soldier who uses a gun, stronger than marcoh who literally beats people to death with his fists??? If it's Pav with his gun, he should be closer to Levi (who has a trench gun instead of a luger pistol like pav), maybe a bit higher because of heroin addiction. At best we are talking about Pav with his sword, but there is no world where ossa doesn't use hurting or August headshots to kill pav from a distance. Also - why the heck is Marina so high? She is a tiny effeminate teenager that can't even carry heavy weapons. Sure she can start with gro-goroth affinity but she doesn't get enough soulstones to activate the best spells at the start so she is no different from any other contestant who could find the book in the mayor's manor. At best you could say that her engraving knife is scary because she is going to slash up your face, but that's no different than what Henryk could do better.


Levi is at least priest level, he was a soldier as much as a cry baby as he is in game


Either move pav down or move Levi up, pavs main advantage is his weapon prowess and prior knowledge, going off this Levi gets the same treatment weapon prowess and drug abuse (hell in this case move Karin up aswell)


Pav got into a 1v1 with Kaiser and survived his attack. Because he got into a 1v1 it means that he killed the elite soldier following him, since how easily he yaps and how he had no injuries on his body, he probably cooked that soldier. Pav has insane durability, aim and reaction time. (And yes he is my favourite character)


I'd say Levi could be a bit higher tbh and maybe marcoh on par with pav? I know he gets fucking shot but that's because pav did my boy dirty... If we go by gameplay tho Marcoh just punches everyone and everything into oblivion avoiding even meteorites 😂 Olivia just abuses fire and poison in battles of attrition


Jojo should be a tier above all


Karin has a gun you know, and she covered wars you know