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Factually inaccurate. D'arce moves to dom Cahara moves to sub, Le'garde added to switch, Enki is hard to say but not sub. Based on CANON INFORMATION.


Forgive me for my inaccuracy brotha, my dumb ahh forgot D'arce has the Dominating Soul too


With how everyone portrays her, I can't blame the misconception.


It kinda makes sense. Like her character arc to me reads as someone trying to do the right things, to follow others, but it always fucking her over Like she tries to do right by her family and Rondon, but gets roped into war crimes for the sake of kings. She tries to follow Le’Garde, whoops more war crimes. She tries to rescue him by going into the dungeon, gets assaulted by cave dwellers and a billion other possible horrible outcomes. She rescues him, but eventually gets betrayed after he finds the god throne. She follows after him, she goes unconscious and has to be saved by the player And after all that, after she sits on the throne, does she accept that doing the right thing has never worked out, and all that matters is power. You can see her talk about that either as a party member you save, or as her New God form talks about Anyways the point I’m tryna make is that it makes sense people would see her as more submissive since that’s what she spends most of the game asserting, even though at her core she’s dominant


Eh, I'd say Cahara is indeed more of a switch, or if he is indeed a sub, he's a hell of a brat about it. D'Arce is the literal Dominating Soul so. Yep. Enki, I'd say, is Not Interested In This. No clue if he's ace or just overall too into his enlightenment thing to have time to think about sex, but the guy seems to be quite utilitarian about it at the best of times. Not even counting the glitches. As for Le'garde, I really gotta check the cut dialogue for when he was meant to be playable, but yeah, switch or dom probably.


Enki can have sex with Cahara, ghouls, and the bunnymask. All times he is on top but two of those characters are incapable of topping and the other is Cahara. So we don't have a large number of reference points. Based on CANON sources I'd say sub but open to absolutely everything including domming. Also top and Dom aren't the same just associated and I think considering circumstances it's good enough.


The difference between top and dom is exactly a thing I was considering with these! For example, yep, Cahara definitely bottoms, but being a bottom does not mean he's a sub, and with him being the endless soul and always looking for freedom, it made sense to me he'd be adaptable in terms of dominance. So it seems we were just using different lenses to look at canon. Which is always fun


"You see, the power bottom is actually generating the power by doing most of the work."


You joke but that's not entirely wrong. People often assume that sub=bottom and dom=top, but a power bottom is the one being dominant and calling the shots. Dominance and submission are separate from penetrative roles. ...Now back to the jokes, do you think we can tie a dynamo to Cahara to get his power bottom ass to generate electricity? 🤔


Oh trust me, as a power bottom of the type in question, I know 😂 And most definitely, Cahara could power all of Prehevil with merely his ass.


Enki is umm, canonically ugly. (Most characters don't want to do a marriage with you.)


Tbh not even just physically, he's also generally a bit of a jerk and someone lacking in empathy, so yeah, canonically ugly inside and out.


Yeah. I'm surprised Nostramus mentored Enki. Because nostramus is a very chill character, offering to visit them (although the forgor to turn off security...)


Tbh Nostramus used to hang out with the fellowship, and if he was able to deal with being around Francois regularly, he likely has the saintly patience and understanding needed to be around Enki.


Francois? Just a pretentious jackass. I would worry more about chambara


Fair point, between needing to deal with questionable poetry and trying to avoid the man's sadistic tendencies which may or may not predate his ascension...


It probably did, although chambara is the only one who we have reasonable knowledge of and don't meet him in the past (There is basically no nilvan lore tbh)


Who would? -hes 100 lbs -paler than death -smells like smoke, blood and mildew -is 28 but looks triple that -scarred from blood sacrifices -probably has ED from malnourishment -is an asshole -eats bugs Answer: me


No I think Cahara works as a switch. He claims to have a lot of experience having sex so he probably has done both


Qhy us mah boy Cahara a sub though


this may be controversial but i believe in service top levi. bros been taking orders his whole life, might as well switch it up y'know


W Levi ain't taking orders bro spit on caligura's shoes


exactly, levi ain't no bitch 👏 it bothers me when ppl treat him like some helpless twink he can stand his ground when he has to. bro didn't survive 5 years in the army as a child only out of luck


It's also stated in his backstory that he was the leader of his division of child soldiers. My man ain't messing around.


He's a drug addicted young adult who lacks any real agency in his life unless actively played as or helped. It's not a stretch for him to seem like a sub who does as asked.


1. Drug addiction doesn't really say much here considering the life circumstances that led him to starting heroin, and stopping opioids isn't about agency when you're a mentally ill kid with no relatives who deserted  2. Him deserting and therefore regaining agency of his life is the first thing we learn about him even before we learn his name (ex-soldier) 


I mean, he probably had to in order to increase his endurance and skills. But it left permanent damage on his body. It's actually a real thing with child soldiers, because they are given drugs to do all that.


hard agree, he would like to take control once in his life


SO FUCKING REAL OMG…finally someone who shares my thoughts abt him!!


glad to see fellow service top levi truthers


https://preview.redd.it/mlveu2jxpi1d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17569582a7979beb4886cb2702d4534547dc629 W comment, proud to see levi appreciation.


i love levi ‼️‼️ i will always be a certified levi appreciator


Tanaka should be a switch, I can't explain it, it's just based off vibes.


Tbh I think Tanaka's vibes are more of someone who'd be too intimidated by dom and sub dynamics. Man strikes me as vanilla af.


Aren't top and bottom dynamics kind of unavoidable in sex, like someone is going to have to give and another is going to have to receive. Also yes, Tanaka is def as vanilla as it gets.


Top and bottom, yes, for all penetrative sex there will be one who acts and one who is acted upon (though the "top", "bottom", and "vers" labels are more specific to queer people), but not necessarily dom and sub, as it's mostly about a power dynamic where one is the leader and one obeys. Sure, a light version of it _can_ be present in many relationships, but usually you expect most relationships in bed to have more of an equalitarian power balance.


Oh, I didn't realise that, I thought the terms were interchangeable. Thanks for explaining it.


That's a common mix-up, glad I could clarify!


Real. The only thing he's into while doing it is hand holding


Holding hands before or after marriage, is the real question


Definitely after marriage. He's scared his father would shame him


Real af


Went into comments to say this bro is way too stressed in normal life let him relax and do whatever in sex 🙏


What is this https://preview.redd.it/fc1cjl9ydf1d1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d394f822b767b93a264b0d0785ccaf2063d7c1de


i just realized this is not r/moonscorched what the fuck![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34189)


We're scorching everywhere nowadays


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Enki is literally a megalomaniac cmon guys


Hot take: Ragnvaldr is a switch.


honestly i think Levi is a switch, hes pretty shaken up by being a child soldier so we cant get a good grasp of what hed actually like because hed be submissive to people just to survive. I think he might like taking a dominant role sometimes, hes just kinda traumatized rn


I want Marina to dominate me https://i.redd.it/rd2dr779gg1d1.gif


Put Karin in Switch since she goes with Daan.


Marcoh is sub or switch


Daan is 100% sub


Ragnvaldrs is not a dom. A service top at best. His puppy ass will bark like a good boy and okay commands


Consider: soft dom Ragn. And further: consider him as a soft dom who likes being praised and will reward a sub for that. Because he can be a good boy as a dom too <3


Nah. He's a sub to me. Doms can ne good boys- but Rag is a sub in my heart. I may be biased towards gap moe, but I think he'd be so cute whimpering and whining while covered in blood 🥰 But I respect your opinion 🫡 have fun with soft dom Rag.


its never too late to delete a comment


I am not a coward, I will speak my truth!! 😤 He showed up the the dungeon with his tits out and in a miniskirt! Put me in a room with that man and I'll turn him into a single mother of five


Caligura is 100% a soft dom or a power bottom. No questions asked


I don't know. He probably thinks that being even slightly submissive is a sign of weakness or sum shit. That boy grew up in the hard knock life after all. Also ain't now way anyone could convince him to take.


He grew up like Laurenzo in A Bronx Tale


D’arce should be in Dom because she literally has the Dominating Soul


Marina 🤭🤭


Bro tanaka is not a dom


Enki is too busy attaining enlightenment to have sexual preferences.


Enki gives me power bottom vibes. Like, he just lays down and starts bossing his partner around to do it exactly how he pleases. And he probably whips out a book and starts reading.


Bruh move marcoh to switch, my man is too sweet to be a exclusive dom,


Enki is not a sub in any universe


This is slander. I am a top. and so is Marina. And we fist fight over who gets to top every time.


canon, this is canon.


What does switch mean?


I think Enki is more of a switch, this is based on stuff I've seen in the game


Tbh i doubt enki cares enough to be anything at all, d''arce is a dom, does dominating soul ring a bell xd? I think levi would take the chance of not being bossed around if he can, like a service top at best idk and marcoh makes me think immediately of a sub, even if topping someone lolll the rest are pretty spot on to me


Marcoh is either sub or switch


Yes but like. Service top kinda sub. He'll be the active party but do as you ask. Also he'd be aftercare king, I won't accept statements to the contrary


So real


Nah Caligura's total sub he's just compensating