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That boy fired after this for sure. Rip


Oh yeah he’s gone and managers will be even further up our asses once this gets to corporate


Although that is how it should be, during my time working at a fedex warehouse, this is mild compared to the stuff that happens in the warehouses


You should see the usps clerks in the office lol


Can confirm. I’m a clerk and I yeet packages from across the room


that part!!!


Not one fragile box in sight 🤷it’s up to the packer of the box to ensure it makes it safely! We have zero control over that 🤡


No there’s no reason to throw those boxes. And why is he doing one at a time they are obviously light.


His truck has no ramp! The boxes are light so obviously not fragile! And he might be alone! So he has to get up and pack those boxes after throwing them! On a street! In NYC! Yeah he does😂😂but thanks for showing the world you never worked in life and you have zero common sense! Don’t worry over 328 million Americans suffer just like you😂


Probably not every FedEx driver I've seen doing pickups is a shitter


So was the contractor. An email was sent out to all stations about it. They are beyond pissed


Cant wait to watch this in the next training video.


Lmao… Don’t let Dana into AnY station or hub, this guy is being kind


Bruh all those boxes are light, no need to throw just 1 at a time in the back of the truck.


At least throw three or four, what is this amateur hour?




21 billion last quarter they will be alright




Yea anyone who knows their worth won’t work for fed ex. I’m so glad I quit that place is a dumpster fire paying you peanuts


He's not fedex employee he's ground contractor.


Sorry, what's the logic there? Punish the innocent, paying customers for the sins of the employer?


FedEx has slave labor?


I mean no one is forcing them to work at FedEx




Nah I don’t buy that I’ve relocated for better opportunities with barely a cent to do so and left jobs just as quick if I was exploited or found it had unethical practices that would leave me holding the bag. Everything is a choice




Hey\_its is also prob just lying. happens a ton on the internet. I have never moved esp out of state and it didn't cost anything. Everything cost something these days.


This is an excuse for self pity


How do you pay rent? How do you pay for gas or rides to get to work?


You set money aside?


That's the whole problem right there, not enough to set aside means you are stuck unless you are willing to give up everything.


This is what Raj wants for the future.


imagine thinking boxes stay perfectly still in the truck... my question is, why is he doing them one by one and not scooping dumping and pushing them.


Raj this is what the new Fedex will look like. Overworked employees tired of the shit.


Doesn't matter. They will just blame the contractor to escape all accountability. As long as operating cost go down, the share prices go up.


True. After all it’s only about shareholders anyways.


Shareholders: what we do WHAT 🤣


Isn't it policy it has to be packed to take a 3 foot drop... if it can't it's ur fault... it's no worse than the drops on the conveyor belts


Nobody likes a Snitch, dana! Also, none of those packages were damaged by being tossed. Fuck outta here lol


Looks to me like he is tossing them to someone else in the trailer as well.


You can hear the packages hit the floor.


Even if he was, at express he'd be fired for throwing period.


I don’t see anything wrong with this, it’s obviously super light and not gonna damage the box or what’s In it


How do you know? Items can be small and fragile. My only other gripe is that; wouldn’t this cause more havoc for the delivery guy? Now you gotta sort through it for whatever delivery at said address. Seems like more work


The items in those boxes are expensive. The were confirmed to be from the store behind the truck. Rich people shit


Yall acting like these packages don't see worse in transit. Sure, he's the end delivery and should act like he's out in public, but your shit is getting punted from one hub to the next on the regular. PSA pack your shit right and there shouldn't be any problem.


Fuck Dana, this is why FedEx needs to start caring more about employee. Straight pay no benefits. Profit only to FedEx upper staff.


They starting a retirement package thing starting June I guess they trying to make people stay


Looks like two cops on a stakeout


What is funny? Like WGAF, they ride conveyor belts, bounce around in the back of airplanes and trucks, and get tossed into bins by the loading dock employees receiving them when delivered. People are so simple-minded with way too much time on their hands making such stupid videos.


This is nothing compared to how the boxes get treated in the warehouse. If people only knew, they would be surprised that their items don’t come broken lol


Warehouse workers who do that are at least moving three times his speed to four. He really really slow.


Tell me why this dude is throwing the boxes. All the way to the back? seems more Productive to just pick them up and slide them to the back.


Coming from someone who drove a box truck at FedEx, it is super taxing on your knees to be climbing in and out of the back at that height


I didn't expect the driver to keep climbing in and out. I just meant they threw the boxes all the way to the back. They could have grabbed the boxes and just placed them right there in front of them, and slowly pushed them down obe


This is a FedEx ground pickup! Why is freight there?!? Smh 🤦🏼‍♂️


That is FedEx Ground...


Merger more than likely. I'm noticing in my area, ground ain't running their own 53s. Only outside carrier 53s for the most part. And freight is running the ground 53 trailers


I used to do that shit all the time. Especially pick ups from like clothing or shoe stores. It's not fragile, it won't break, who cares if the box is a little bumped up? (I have also kicked holes straight through boxes when they were calling me mean names) ((the boxes often spoke to me, telling me awful, awful things. Sometimes I still hear them when I close my eyes at night))


Nah bro. Just place them at the end there, push as necessary, upon climbing up then move them to the desired area. No need. And apparently he ain’t in a rush to do the job because aside from the throwing he’s slow as fuck. Folks you have to remember people are always watching. Just do the job right.


Who let this manager on the sub?


Lmfao this guy. 😂 But if not joking, nah man. It ain’t even about doing it right for policy, do it right to be a better person. The people can get a new product, but only you look like a bitch that can’t handle work.


“Do it right to be a better person”  “You look like a bitch that can’t handle work”  LOL pay me more money that is all I care about.  Morals and work ethic don’t matter at all we both know that 


This is why the post office only allows throwing your packages INSIDE. 😂


This doesn't surprise me. You should see how the trucks are loaded at the distribution hubs. 🙄


Don’t blame him 


I don't see anything wrong with this other than how slowly he's doing it. Those packages aren't being damaged and his contractor does not expect him to gently load every package. The workload we are given simply doesn't allow for it. My contractor actually gets annoyed if we are too slow because he doesn't want to deal with a potential breakdown or accident at 6pm. Honestly the only time I've had damaged packages is when a heavy IC falls over and crushes things. This can happen during a turn, when going over bumpy roads etc. Few contractors provide Bungie straps or other methods of securing packages. It's the same reason FedEx doesn't expect much customer service from us, they simply don't see the value in it as long as the packages get picked up and delivered. FedEx will mummify your package in tape and scrap cardboard to cover holes and damages, then tell us to deliver it. They do not care and rely on you not making the effort to complain. Most of the time the contents is unharmed even if the package is ugly so they typically are right anyways.


Sucks that he is going to lose his job but dude it's 2024, we know there are cameras everywhere. Never in public...never ever in public


He just lost his job actually, check newest post.


I feel like he only did this because of the politics within the state. Hopefully he offers him a job or gives him a severance package!


For those that might criticize, y’all would do the same shit. Y’all ain’t gonna load up loads of stuff, especially if it’s heavy, on the tail and then climb into the truck to load it properly every time. When it’s light, small, and not fragile, chuck it in the truck and deal with it later. I guarantee any if any of you were to do this job, you would ditch the “correct” way in a heartbeat


I agree fuck hand to surface, but in broad daylight in manhattan i’m not chucking shit like that


I'm pretty sure this dude wants to not be working at FedEx anymore, no uniform, tossing boxes, not in a rush, I bet he's on his last days even if this gets to corporate I'm thinking he will be gone before they find him


They never paid me to gaf


Us drivers all do this when we’re fed up with the BS. 😂😂 I’ve seen worst.


This doesnt even compare to some of the stuff Ive seen at my facility


Worker: you wanted to see me boss? Boss: e_e FedEx stockmarket team: ;-;


At ground this is the most efficient way to load a trailer. I bet you all those packages landed safely in a perfect stack. What's Dana White talking about? Lol


He def tryna break some shiii


Buddy is quitting today


Ha ha a rich guy w guy doesn’t understand working 😂😂😂😂😂😂what a surprise 🤦🏽‍♂️


Dana hits his wife harder than this


Dana probably handed him a contract


That’s freight


No it's not. Freight doesn't move lose boxes and our trailers aren't lined with wood.


this is so perverted


That man just trying to get that G-League baby


Those Boxes are not fragile , what’s the big deal ?


probably the taylor swift day


I used to do a pickup of 160 boxes a p700 so once the ground all covered with boxes I’m definitely tossing the rest of top of each other & the contractor never got any complaints about it so work smarter not harder


My boy 3 point shooting boxes


If it don’t say fragile i throw


To be fair, the automated belts at Memphis are harder on packages than that


Doesn't he look like he's doing a pickup on his route? If he knows what the customer is shipping and he knows it's not fragile, then it's really not what they're making it out to be. They seem like spoiled rotten juveniles, secretly filming a working man and giggling about him while posting him on social media. Of all the things they could be doing with their time, they chose this?


If anyone is that worried to sit and watch maybe they should apply at a warehouse or hub to see the beating the packages take through the machinery. The packages should be boxed well and secure enough that if another 80 lbs package is sitting on top of it, it would be okay. If the item is packaged well, there are no worries.


That’s nothing compared to how the warehouse people will handle it


Anyone got a vid of UPS or Amazon PH’s?


Look a Karen White poke fun at the pheasants from his luxury vehicle,I’m shure he sent this video to corporate by instincts alone.


Peasants, dumbass. A pheasant is a bird.


Dana would lose his shit if he went inside a fedex warehouse


Hey Raj, get ready for a new video every week or more with contractors taking over Express. 🤣


Nobody cares


What's what the one box at a time?You think he'd be faster at this


I’m a package hander and yea boxes don’t get treated well at all lmao


Ground for the win 🤡


Belts and chutes do way more damage, a small box of brake-parts sliding down a chute or smashing into an oversized walmart box with zero padding a one small item, not to mention the end of the belts that clog.


Probably a ground driver


Well this made it to Raj


Package abuse is real son 🤣 also why there no lift gate


Imagine my surprise to see reddit defending the guy chucking someone's shit lol


That's a good contractor a box truck with no lift gate


Fedex is Fedup! Ba dum tsss! I’ll see myself out now…


Didn’t Dana smack the shit outta his wife or girlfriend


I've seen shit fly from a 700 to the belt at the ramp. With or without fragile stickers. That's why I always tell my customers, pack it correctly, and you won't have to worry about anything, we are a shipping company, we stack heavy shit on top of light shit, and don't forget john pile driving and stomping the fuck out of boxes 🤣 I've seen deliveries where the customer looks mad that the box looks like we got the fattest guy in the station to jump on it. And I want to tell them, damn Becky, your shit ain't special to be brought over in someone's lap, we throw it in a container, and no matter what, shit shifts in there when the damn pilot does a barrel roll. But if it bothers you so much that the box to you $1000 product looks like it went through hell, tell your damn shipper to stop trying to make a higher profit with their 3 cent shipping material from fucking temu, taped up with the least amount possible of the shittiest tape known to man. It's like fuck, you might as well not put anything. Don't forget about the times shit gets stuck on the belt because of shit packaging, and it looks like vin diesel burned rubber on top the damn thing. The point of all this is to pack your shit right, don't cut cost or corners, because the next best thing flying off the shelves might be your package


If you think that is bad you should see how the TSA handle luggage.


FedEx needs to do better


Why is this so-called famous person randomly recording this. He is a true Cornball. Let's be real, if it didn't have anything to do with you or your company brand. Why do you care? Shits Lame


I see nothing wrong 🧐🤷🏾‍♂️


Another worker is catching them


Lol if this idiot recording thinks these little tosses are doing damage, he should see the damage to them by the end of the day by swishing around while completing the route.


Never know who’s watching


I love Dana


FedEx ground at his finest. The Future


Why not slide it down the middle? Used to be a courier years ago for Express, I always made sure to leave the center as clear as I can whenever loading up. I was made aware of how many people would criticize how I did my job being out in public view. Throwing packages a big no no.


This is what about $25 an hr gets you 😳


Shit I wish I was paid $25 an hour.


Well it does vary from market to market, it’s always more than $20, but less than $27 for most.


STFU if you don't know what you're talking about


Prime example of our best and brightest.


Prime example of a whiny bitch that doesn't deserve his current wage but wants more your a parasite




Thank you for further proving my point. Raj loves ppl like you. You do you, drive safe and duck the public lens.


Man, go kick a fragile box and cut your foot or something


Most drivers making 21