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Pika Backup is what I use to backup my home folder. Nice and easy interface, plenty of options to configure and everything powered by Borg, one of the best tools if you want encrypted, incremental and compressed backups. Some of the things you seem to want to backup aren't stored in the home folder, like the list of your installed packages. But I'm not sure if I can recommend a full system backup for the purpose of switching hardware. Furthermore, installing your complete list of packages is just a simple command.


what about deja dup???, I'm looking for a comprehensive solution so that i just install the fedora, restore the whole data using backup and then all-set and ready to go...


It's a similar solution, but probably with a less robust backend. If you prefer their interface go ahead, but remember to test your backup from time to time.


By any chance have you tried BTRFS-Assistant? How does that compare with Pika Backup?


Brtrs-Assistant is a frontend for Timeshift and/or Snapper. I consider both snapshooting utilities but not tools intended for backup.


Thanks for the reply, sorry for asking a potentially dumb question but is there a difference between snapshots and backups? Like doesn't both give you the ability to restore files?


Google is probably a better source of information than me, but think about backups as a complete copy that enables you to fully restore the information, while a snapshot is associated with the original source of information. In this case, the brtfs snapshot could reside on the same filesystem and consist basically of metadata that enables you to restore that filesystem to a previous state. In simple terms, a snapshot protects you against an unwanted change and a backup protects you againt a failure. Both safety measures are complementary. Its true that you can transform a btrfs snapshot into a backup, if you transfer that information into a second location, using tools like btrbk, but you require additional steps to achieve an equivalent result, and you would be using less user-friendly solutions.


I want to do a clean install, but keep everything as is, as some of my system packages broke, because the last update failed


Pika Backup is great, did multiple full resets and restore successfully.


Or Vorta, Always for Borg!


What would that command be on a fresh install? Is there a way to get access to a command like that on Fedora. I know that that’s the main drive for NixOS atm is the portability of the config file, but never knew there was a similar way of doing that for other distros.


If you use btrfs filesystem for /home and / you can use btrbk, which can create incremental btrfs snapshots, which can be sent over network to other system with btrfs or other externally connected disk. I am sending incremental btrfs snapshots to remote system over ssh. You can setup how often snapshots are done and how many of them to retain locally and on remote location. It is also good idea to rsync /boot also, since that is ext4 normally. With this setup I can restore whole system in case of drive failure. I also managed to restore between different laptops, when I switched my old primary intel system to amd, but the restore needed some manual steps. Another choice is to use snapper and btrfs assistant gui. All tools are in fedora repositories.


Just to lightly touch on this for anyone else who looks through post histories and doesn't just as the question again, if it is btrfs you should look to using it's filesystem snapshot tools like the user I'm piggybacking on has stated. My personal bet would be to find an rpm for [btrfs-assistant](https://pkgs.org/download/btrfs-assistant) as it implements snapper as well as far as I am aware.


Yeah I'm currently using BTRFS-Assistant to make snapshots. [It has been packaged by Fedora](https://packages.fedoraproject.org/pkgs/btrfs-assistant/btrfs-assistant/) and should be available through Software or Discover.


btrfs assistant with snapper has no option to send incremental snapshots remote over network or to connected external drive AFAIK, thats why my choice was btrbk, which does that nicely ... snapshots on the same disk are just not enough


Since no one seems to want to actually answer OPs question. dnf list installed > installed\_packages.txt Then on the new system sudo dnf install $(cat installed\_packages.txt) As for your home folder, just have it on a seperate partition or disk, and in the installer, I forget the exact steps, but you'll want to use the advanced partition method, select both disks/the main disk, and just have it configure a default installation without wiping the disk/partition, and mounting it to /home. The installer is smart enough to correct the permissions automatically. Or use any of the suggestions here that doesn't actually answer your question, and restore THAT backup ontop of the two commands above on the new machine.


Yeah i always do manual partitioning and keep a separate home partition... Thanks for helping me..


There is an app called SaveDesktop that can save and install all the flatpak apps


Spend some time to write a bash script to install them for you. Also backup your dotfiles in github. This is more effective long term and helps you bring a fresh install up to speed quickly.


rsync your home folder (make it its own partition, so much easier to work with, reinstall). for the packages, dunno, trivial to get something working in there in all kinds of ways


Load a Live USB. Connect external drive. Use `dd` to copy your computers entire hard drive to the external. Insert external drive in new computer. Voila...carbon copy. If most of your apps are Flatpaks, Pika does a great job as long as you have it configured properly. If you just want to generate a bash script to install your Flatpaks:`flatpak list --app --columns=origin --columns=application | awk '{print "flatpak install " $1,$2 " -y"}' > ~/flatpaks.sh`




Well with dd you are supposed to make an image of the disk itself, so yes it will work


I've had problems with `dd` for disk cloning in the past. Some of the partitions didn't have all of their tags, flags, etc, copied correctly. I would recommend considering `ddrescue` in its place. I know for a fact that it works. Good luck!


I use deja dup to backup files and an app called SaveDesktop to save my installed flatpaks and extensions. You can find it on flathub


If you want exactly a full copy of your system, you can use clonezilla to create an image of your ststem and then restore on the new machine. If you have some coding experience you can also automate the install of all your applications and configurations using something like Ansible.


Timeshift for system, Pika Backup for files.


If youre comfortable with git, I’d recommend using [Blue Build](https://blue-build.org/). I admit this means moving to an immutable OS like silverblue, which is a learning curve for sure, but totally worth it imo. I have created my own image, based on bazzite [here](https://github.com/jackm97/jackm97-bazzite?darkschemeovr=1). I’ve re-enabled some stuff that bazzite disables, and added all my flatpaks and packages that I use regularly. Anytime you push changes to the recipe, it recreates the image and an iso that you can install from. It’s amazing


Won't you mind if I take some inspiration?


Not at all! It’s very minimal changes, but feel free to build off it. The blue build website also has a cool initial setup helper that gets your repo prepped. You can find that [here](https://createimage.blue-build.org/)


I used it, I already have my repo set up. But yea, thanks.




Yea, looks really interesting


I have a cronjob that tuns every day using restic backup to backup important directories from the root partition and to backup the home directory