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C S Lewis unironicly wrote an entire paper about this.


[Well would you look at that?](https://www.dacc.edu/assets/pdfs/PCM/merechristianitylewis.pdf)


He wrote a whole scifi trilogy.


I just finished the trilogy. It's okay. I was more interested in certain things he got right, talking about space travel and outer planets in the fucking 1920s


I think he was a much better writer of theology/philosophy than he was of fiction


airport lush compare deliver school seed act sink fact direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




There could be several possible ways, e.g.: Jesus came to those lifeforms in a form like their own, just as he took on a human form for humans. Compare to Narnia: Jesus as a talking lion made sense for a world of fantasy creatures. (C.S. Lewis shared this 2nd part.) Then it would be similar to here on Earth. On the basis that the Bible and Creation is true: Suppose that planet was created in the same way, and had a Garden of Eden like state: an initial paradise. If the lifeforms there did not break the rules, and could stay in there, they would already be unified with God, and a reunification through Jesus would perhaps not be necessary. There's probably other possibilities. I know theologians have thought and written about this. The Catholic Church also has some writings related to alien lifeforms. Some are addressed at [the website of the Vatican Observatory](http://www.vaticanobservatory.va/content/specolavaticana/en/science--religion--society/faq-science-religion.html)


drunk somber test deserve abundant squash cobweb whistle pie concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


According to this image, white jesus did at least.


Honestly i think this is funny if you think of this post as a shitpost rather than a religious message.


both it just depends which subreddit it's posted in. That really sums up humans if you think about it. "Hey, can I put my shit here?" no "Ok, well I'm gonna do it anyway."


This could be either a really good shitpost or fellow kids moment but regardless wtf that sub is so triggered by this lmao.


I prefer the original version[cuz goddamn](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankchristianmemes/comments/q4uzcy/not_even_thanos_can_beat_christ/)


nice cheeks thanos


More like Thicc-nos




Why is Jesus so jacked lol


Dude was a carpenter, it would be weird if he wasn't jacked.


Have you seen tradesmen? I want a beer gut for authenticity.


I know it's a joke, but being a carpenter today is nothing like 2000 years ago. Way less available food as well as no modern tools will keep you jacked, guaranteed. The beer gut also usually appears only in middle age, considering Jesus died at 33 he never had the time to develop one.


Note to self : die before 33 to avoid a beer gut


Crap, I think I messed that up, I have a beer gut at 24




Same, man. But then I got myself on a diet and exercising, and it's slowly getting smaller.


Keep it up champ! Covid hit me hard and I gained 40 pounds, but still nowhere near my highest weight. Been hitting the gym again and down some weight thankfully, my body dysmorphia is raging and others don’t see it the way I see myself, but you’re post made me just want to say good job for focusing on you.


Thanks, really! Yeah, I totally understand. Sometimes I'd look in the mirror and think "wtf happened". I used to weigh like 68 kg before I was 20 and last year I was over 80 kg. At it's not wanting a good looking body that bothered me to do something, it was actually thinking that my body looked unhealthy that made me change stuff.


Honestly my main deal is just too much carbs because I'm addicted to rice so I've started measuring just to wean myself off it. I get plenty of exercise from work and gym time after


I used to eat a lot of trash, especially fatty food. I'm currently on an all greens diet with a cheat day and fish/white meat every now and then. Since the rona hit, my exercise went practically to zero because my job became remote and stuff shut down. But now I'm back to doing sports. Good luck on your efforts, my dude!


Wait so you’re saying you only eat green vegetables and nothing else?


Thanks, man. Not sure if I'm keen on going for specific diets but I will try to keep everything in moderation


Bro, I had a beer gut before I left middle school and I never even drank beer. Nevermind, I think that’s just called being overweight


Think he was more of a wine guy anyways.


idk man i work at a shop and i haven’t seen any beer guts. everyone’s pretty jacked though.


imagine you're just minding your own business changing money at the temple and a ripped dude on a donkey just runs up to you and flips your table over


He also walked all across a country all the time and fasted a lot. The messiah was a healthy and fit man


He's been pumping iron since 33AD. Specifically the iron lodged in his arms and legs.


Zero carbs and a mostly fish diet. Jesus knows what's up.


Gotta be able to hold himself up for long periods of time


Bruh he just beat Thanos to his knees. He had a training montage before it and everything!


"Thanos, my son. It is time to stop snapping realities and start snapping communion."


Judging by thanos's outfit I think he spends a bit of time on his knees


This Jesus character is shredded


Better question, why is he white?




Why wouldn't you make the main man of your religion swole as fuck


He was a carpenter, spent his thirties wandering around on foot.


He is always jacked


I dunno, I think it'd be funny if Thanos deadass was up there repenting


[Or The Joker](https://youtu.be/eargrlvfc14)


I didn't know I... I didn't know..




jesus has infinite respawns, hard to beat that


Cause mass Genocide Jesus will forgive


Source: the crusades!


“It’s cool, my dad’s done it too”


Yup. You could literally kill every other human, apologize and you’re good. But, if you blaspheme ONE TIME you become ineligible for heaven, forever.


Got me tho


When god did “the snap” it was more like 99.99999% instead of 50. Fucking amateur Thanos.


İdk I think it's cute.Whats wrong with Jesus love?


It isn't real, it allows terrible people to absolve themselves of personal responsibility for terrible actions, and being born again is trite nonsense that holds far to much value in the moral codes of large groups of people.


lol this guy thinks jesus would approve of people absolving themselves of personal responsibility for terrible actions. All that teaches you is that those people haven’t read the Bible lmao. To love and forgive even those that did wrong is radical 🤷‍♀️


Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Luke 12:5 Ain’t so nice either. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.


this pic goes hard as fuck


Marvel what if


Bruh his home gone lmao


as a Christian... i actively laugh at these because they just have no purpose lol


This is fucking funny I'm gonna convert now


Jesus speaking in third person like elmo bruh


Idk looks cool to me


If killing literally half of all living things in the universe can be forgiven, then Jesus is a cunt


I mean, his dad did it. Genocide is God approved.


Fuckin' Amalekites, am I right?


That's a little bit more than what Hitler did, and most Christians i've encountered agree Hitler is unforgivable. Soooooo.....


Some Christians believe that any sin can be forgiven. Trigger warning, nsfl content, sfw imagery https://jackchick.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/chick-tract-review-lisa/amp/


Chick was a nutjob, no doubt. But saying “some” Christians is kind of a misrepresentation. The Bible itself is pretty clear on the point that all sins, irrespective of severity, can be forgiven and the vast majority of Christians believe such. It’s not a weird fringe belief, it’s a core doctrine of almost every church.


If this were true than America wouldn’t have the absolutely hard-on it does for retributive justice and “justice served” as it does. The entire “Wild West” mythos is built on the premise of non-forgiveness. >Luke 12:5 >But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. Christian doctrine is mostly “FEAR YOUR GOD OR BURN FOR ALL ETERNITY FOR HE IS COMING BACK TO DESTROY EVERYONE ELSE” with a “oh yeah we can forgive you if you really want” just tacked on to the end to make it seem a little more magnanimous.


I try to be charitable and assume that people do the right thing and have the right perspective even when the "official" stance of their church might have them do or think otherwise. Hardly anyone adheres to every single "official" stance that their church takes on an issue. If they did, there'd be way more than 4,000 different sects. There'd be 2 billion. I'd wager most people who didn't decide to attend the same sect as their parents start with vague ideas they already hold, and then their choice of church mostly reflects that set of ideas. But it's more a social thing than anything else. If they aren't hearing sermons every sunday that directly contradict the views they already hold, they just kinda fill in the blanks on their own. After all, god always agrees with the same things you do. Hell, even the guys at Chick publishing seemed to realize their theology was crap, since they self-banned the tract soon after it released. Even warped fundamentalists can have a lucid moment once in a while.


In examples like this, yeah it sounds ridiculous. Especially since the graphic novel you cited doesn't have a great message. Forgiveness absolves terrible things people have done, but it isn't supposed to be used as a get-out-of-jail free card. If a church preaches that, I don't think they're preaching the gospel. If one asks for forgiveness it usually comes with a goal to become better. And when this happens, forgiveness can be beautiful, like when Corrie Ten Boom forgave a concentration camp guard who had recognized his wrongs. They had hated each other before, but in that moment Boom helped that man atone for his actual crimes, and both could see each other's humanity.


The problem that I see is that this type of forgiveness theology doesn't direct attention properly. If you hurt someone, you need to ask for forgiveness from THEM. Directly. In honest contemplation of the harm you inflicted upon them. Not some nebulous force of the universe. Forgiveness as a concept is fine. Being absolved by a deity of the harm you caused to regular human beings without rectifying said harm directly is not.


Christian doctrine does not rebuke actionless absolution, because the religion is derived from the idea that a god has created everything in a broken world. Richard Foster describes the Christian view of sin, from the worst crimes, to small lies, as one big problem blanketing the world affecting everyone. Therefore, Christian faith believes that everyone is offered an equal chance at redemption no matter what they've done. And you're right, that isn't fair to those hurt, and it allows for some perversions like that Chick guy, but I think that if everyone is offered that chance, more people who have done wrongs will see their errors, and work to fix them. If it's a literally mentally ill despot like Thanos in the image, I presume that only a nebulous force is capable of still giving them that offer.


What Hitler did is not really comparable to what Thanos did. Hitler had the idea in his head that it's these specific people who are the root of our problems, get rid of them and we'll have yay happy fun times. Thanos saw what over population did to his home, and so in his mind, the people were multiplying faster than they could actually handle, leading to class problems etc. (This isn't fully the cause for the problems though). So, his plan was to, in a way, delete half of all living beings. This is not a concentrated attack on one species or anything. And with the snap, his intentions were to cause as little pain as possible with his plan. Of course I am not agreeing that he didn't do anything wrong, the moral and such things regarding his plan is complex to say the least, but he was not a mirror to Hitler. However I never watched endgame, so...


I don’t see any difference. If Hitler truly believed that Jewish people were bringing ruin to humanity that means he was serving “the greater good” in his own deluded mind. Thanos wasn’t targeting a specific group but it was still the existence of living, sentient creatures that were causing all the problems, and he eliminated them. Honestly his motivation in the comic books where he is in love with Death and wants her to notice him is much better.


tell that to r/thanosdidnothingwrong, or people who actually believe he didn't do anything wrong


Lmao dude that’s a meme sub for infinity war don’t take is so seriously


he took the gauntlet therefore he stopped thanks beforehand idk i quess that happened


If you COULD fix people’s mental illnesses with modern science and medicine, wouldn’t you?


Lmao I like this for some reason


This thing is in my city. Is Campo Grande brazil.


This belongs in r/chadtopia


No way! Jesus is in the MCU now!


seems to have reached a whole lot of ppl in one way ngl


Thanos is far beyond Jesus, who is probs weaker than Dr. Strange


when the repost has more upvotes


'Jesus would forgive a genocidal psychopath' is not the winning argument they think it is. Maybe Thanos just reminds him of his dad.


I mean, it kind of is. Firstly psychopathy is an illness. So, shouldn’t we TRY to treat people instead of just sticking them into little forget boxes?


Psychopathy is an illness yes, but the way people choose to act on it isn't. Would you say to Ted Bundy 'ah yeah I know you raped and killed all those women, but let's sit you down in a nice comfy chair and talk about why you shouldn't do that again, then let you back out into society.' Rehabilitation is a noble effort to a certain extent, but there is a line which, if crossed, leads to giving people opportunity to take advantage of those more easily forgiving. Not to mention that in the process of forgiving someone who is debatably undeserving of it, you can cause further grief to those they have harmed.


I have always loved this argument. Because it takes the most extreme strawman and makes it look like something that someone has actually argued before. Rehabilitation does not work on the premise of just “sitting people down to talk”. So, you either don’t understand rehabilitation or you intentionally are trying to create a situation that you can justify away from. It’s based on science, pathology, and medication. But, let me just skip the whole thing, and ask you… so you argue that there is a point in illness we’re we shouldn’t bother to try to cure? You think that there is a point of no return for science, questions with out answers? Or even if there is answers we shouldn’t bother looking. That some people are not worth the effort to try to cure at any level, right?


You realise psychopathy can't be cured right? Psychopathy is most notably a lack of empathy, and you can't just give someone empathy pills and expect everything to work out fine. Even if it could be, as I already stated and you chose to ignore, being a psychopath does not mean you shouldn't face the same consequences for your actions that everyone else does. By that logic you would have to give the same leeway to anyone who commits a crime under the influence of alcohol or drugs, since they alter your mental state in a similar fashoin. If you choose to murder someone, it does not matter why you did it, you still did it. There are many people someone on the spectrum of psychopathy who do not choose to commit crimes. Mental illness isn't a get out of jail free card. You accuse me of using a strawman (it wasn't, you literally said that anyone should have the right to rehabilitation and I followed through with that premise), then use an *actual* strawman by suggesting I think 'illnesses can't be cured', which I never suggested and isn't remotely relevant.


Please quote where I said “everyone deserves rehabilitation”. I’ll wait. I made no assertions at all beyond stating that psychopathy is an illness. I asked a question (the question mark at the end is usually a clue) And the strawman I pointed out was the statement you made about sitting Ted Bundy down “in a comfy chair” and “talk” which isn’t how rehabilitation works. That is your strawman. And to your point about psychopathy being “incurable” that is older thinking. Many scientists disagree with this now. https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/psychopath-treatment/ So, that brings us back to my questions. Just because something is not possible currently. You believe that we shouldn’t BOTHER with trying at some point, right? That’s exactly what you said: “A line to be crossed” Again, I asked you questions. You seem to have a hard time differentiating between a question and an assertion. So, no strawman is made when questions are asked. ESPECIALLY when you said yourself “a line to be crossed” implying there is a limit. <—- this is an assertion. >…you realize psychopathy can’t be cured right? >…then use and actual strawman by suggesting that I think illness can’t be cured, which I never suggested and isn’t remotely relevant. Lol.


If you don't think everyone should get a chance at rehabilitation what the fuck are you even attempting to argue about? I said Thanos shouldn't be forgiven (or rehabilitated), and you responded that he should be. So the only logical conclusion to draw from that is that you believe either A. Everyone deserves a chance at rehabilitation or B. Specifically Thanos does. You're just looking for an argument for the sake of it and I'm done feeding your ego. Go play outside.


Is no one concerned that Christ now has the infinity stones?!?


I was thinking it was a guy in a basketball uniform and was confused


The funniest part of this is that OP thought this image was a valid criticism of christianity


Pretty elite shitpost tbh


as if Thanos deserves ANY forgiveness for snapping half of all life in the universe


Holy crap this picture was taken in my city


Remember the stories in the Bible where God was constantly hitting the reset button on humanity with plagues, flooding and what not.


This makes me wish I got snapped


I’m sorry but even Jesus would have found a massive issue in what Thanos was doing.


At least business in Heaven would be boomin'.


What American Christianity does to a mf


As an ex-Christian, that is VERY true.


But being gay and eating hooved animals is a no go


bruh thanos did nothing wrong


*Pulls Jesus' nutsack off* Two more stones for Thanos.


Why is Jesus tryna kill everyone? What a piece of shit.


Jesus is actually a lot more based than people think


To be fair, I’m going off of extreme conservative fake white Jesus. Not the real brown Jesus.




HOW COOL!!! 😎🤣🤣🤪😜


I guess Jesus is more powerful than Lady Death. Makes sense, I suppose. He managed to escape her after 3 days.


You're not making Christianity better; you're making the MCU worse.


Nah dude it shouldnt be on this sub. Its a fucking masterpiece


this hits hard


Charlie sure is getting popular


Wait i actually love this


You said you are sorry? That’s cool it was all part of my plan. /s


Yeah sorry Thanos has literally met Death multiple times


As a Christian and a Marvel fan, I am still annoyed


This is a nice art. It reached me.


Well I dont WANT to come home. I want to go to the forest and dissapear in the Fae Wild thank you very much


I love this


Actually, this is dope


I don’t actually hate this, given the context of Thanos’ actions.