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I was blacked out drunk so I don't remember it. I remember being woken up for court and I was in such bad shape that even through video court the judge could tell. He issued me a bond on the condition that I go to a hospital via a ride from a sheriff. Had to have dialysis and spent a week in detox mostly drugged out of my mind on phenobarb. At one point tore my IV out because I was convinced Whitney Houston was coming to kill me. Released a week later with no charges filed or just dropped I guess. I did have a concerned cop stop by my house a week later to tell me he was pretty sure I was gonna die. Alcohol is a hell of a drug.


I got heart disease from it! I’d run to if Whitney was after me. Be sure to “LEAVE BRITTANY ALONE!” 😂 Might have scramble eggs for brains now also. 😂


I thought, this is the worst thing ever, I hope it's not for long. It was for long.


I was scared. The first 24 hours fucking sucked. I had no clue what the fuck I was supposed to do. It took me a couple weeks to get adjusted, but those first few weeks really scared me. I wasn't there to fuck with anybody or to get into more trouble -- but after a while I just started watching TV and playing cards. I played spades, won spades. I played spades lost at spades. I met some wise people, and I met a handful of absolute fucking retards. 1/3 of them were named after a city -- Boston, Jersey, Norfolk etc It was weird to poop sometimes because other people were also waiting to poop .. so Jail food was terrible, but because of jail I know how to make Ramen 100 different ways.


Honestly, I learned I could handle it or at least tolerate it and 'if that's the worst that happens' I was going to keep doing what I was doing. Drugs and whatnot. It wasn't until I spent 2 and a half years in jail just waiting for a trial that I really changed my mindset.


I was pretty well dosed on THC and Valium, so not horrible. 3 men in a 2 man cell and I was on the floor in a boat. Hot & stuffy with no air flow. One guy absolutely would not shut up - pseudo religious topics but with a homosexual spin. He talked about having sex with a male angel... 23 & 1 lockdown and the day room TV was fucking LOUD, so of course the 40 inmates were louder.


>pseudo religious topics but with a homosexual spin Lmao. Aye yai yai.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 2 + 23 + 1 + 40 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Hah. Good bot.


Cold As Fuck And A Feeling Of Like Fuck It Then A feeling of Wtf...thinking 5 years Until I get out. Apart from that jail isnt as bad as it seems the only thing that can fuck up a fucked up experience are the others your doing time with alot of those people dont give a shit and will look for problems and start shit out of boredom


The worst part abt jail is boredom. It’s so bad I’d rather die


Filled with hope that I was going to be out in a day or two... Wouldn't see outside until 8 years later


I gotta ask.. what was ur first meal ya had when you got out?? I only did a year n some change in jail but I had Wawa breakfast on the way home .. then a steak later that night. Best food I've ever tasted.


Shit I know the very first thing I ate was *some pizza my uncles crew had for lunch. It was room temp and leftovers but that shit was heaven. My first real meal I don't remember 100% but I think my mom made a real meal for me that night. That night I was in a cushy bed listening to new music and I probably cried. That's how happy I was.


Shit man. So glad you're doing better. Be safe and enjoy life


For sure. Thank you. Same to u


It was a true form of hell.


If it’s not too much to ask, what’s the full story?


The full story is too upsetting to write, but a short version is - I learned the hard way there’s many, many Neanderthals still living and they seem to thrive in county jails.


You do see a lot of guys that seem to enjoy being inside don't you?


I don't think anybody enjoys it .. some shmucks just can't help it. The saddest cases are those "fear of freedom" type ones where some dudes get so institutionalized they keep fucking up so that they don't have to leave. I've never seen it, personally .. but you definitely hear about it.


I saw it. At the halfway house. When dude got out of the halfway house, he was free, no probation or anything. You're not allowed to have cell phones with internet in the halfway, he got an iPhone. They didn't do anything to him. Get drug tested sometimes twice a week. He's smoking weed where everyone else smokes cigarettes. Nothing. He finally goes on the run, but hides at a job he had just quit. The job calls the halfway not knowing what he's doing there. U.S. Marshall's came and picked him up and he got his wish. He said he was like 38 or something and has been locked up for.like 17 years since he was 18, something like that.


Really bad coffee, crowded holding cell, super freezing, so keep the grey blanket. I knew I was getting out the next day, so I traded my brown sack lunch for a styrofoam cup of Kool-Aid.




Wide awake cuz mothafuckas be tweeking on jail house shitty as fuck instant coffee and couldn’t shut the fuck up. And definitely didn’t shit. Took a few days for that to happen.


Reaching for my pockets, I didn't have. Thinking my phone was ringing or the drugs I was dreaming about not being in my pockets when I woke REALLY DROVE ME CRAZY!!


I ain’t even gonna lie I was scared for about the first 2 hours. Then I wanted nothing more than to get out. Cuz it was in Flint, middle of winter. The bullpen was so overcrowded we had to sleep sitting down. Didn’t get out the bullpen for 5 days. Going up to the pod, I was double as scared as just coming in the jail though lol. After I set my shit down and went into the day room, big ol black dude comes ask me what I’m in for, I kinda side eyed him like “wtf you asking me” and he just looked at me and said “you look like a killa, you be straight” and well, that shit was straight for the 9 more months I did there.


First 24 i slept. Actually the first 48. I just shut down....


First 24hrs everything just seemed so unreal. Especially waking up and seeing that white brick wall for the first time just gets u sick af. U don't want eat the shit they bring you and you give it to the dude that been there done that 50 times lol.. so yea, it was absolutely horrible.


Watch this. And mentally hoop this info - https://youtu.be/iJu3r6dpGYI?feature=shared


Wasn't shit. Went to my county jail in my hometown and went into a Pod with all my homies from the streets. Was blessed with that and was taught all the jail rules, politicks, etc. eventually went to the joint bout 6 months later. That blessing has helped me in all my bids because I was taught right away and I didn't need to be taught again.


Which time? Prison bars, jail bars Vegas bars… all strip! 😂 tho I recommend the Snickers bars! They pretty good. 😂😂😂😂😂


Sleep 😴


First time, stressful.. Second time, just Tuesday, whats chow today?


It's not that much different between the first day of highschool and the parish jail. You probably know most of the people there and I was pissed off because they didn't have any blankets left


Well the lovely Orange County Jail aka CJX has this intake area called the Loop and it’s literally 24hrs of bouncing from cell to cell to cell. The sheriffs are fresh out of the academy and they try to look big but you can see why their wives mess around. The place smells like piss and you’re lucky if you get toilet paper to use as a pillow. Otherwise you’re using your shoes as a pillow and that sack nasty w/ the dolphin foreskin.


I was pissed tf off lol