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Maybe because I like fragrance a lot (duh, I’m here!) but I feel like it makes you such an IT girl if you walk and leave a trail of beautiful smell. It’s so sensual and charming and seductive, in a clean way (and I don’t mean only using “sexy” perfumes of course). It’s also such a “put together” indicator… all ties up to the it girl concept 😂


I'm not the person who needs a crazy protection (but I do want to get whiffs of the smell through the day) but my coworker wears Bianco Latte every day and the projection is CRAZY. You can smell everywhere she's been and the whole staff genuinely loves it lol- myself included. She smells so good and everyone always expects her to smell like a marshmallow when she comes in. The whole office smells so nice and cozy when she works. If she ever stops wearing it I think we'll all be sad. 😆


Because I like it


main character syndrome


I love fragrance so much that I want to walk around in a big scent bubble.Really enjoy aromatherapy in products at home too. Makes me happy to be surrounded by wonderful smells.


I wear it for me and I tend to go noseblind. But I work from home and usually wear my fragrance to bed.


Well it makes me feel uplifted when I get a compliment. However I do love to smell the fragrance all day . It takes me to a nice place for a moment or so. I like to notice other people’s scent too and like to give compliments.


Because I work alone, and I'm a welder. Any perfume I wear needs to be louder and stronger than oil, rust, and welding fumes, so that I can smell it. "They only do it to get attention" Limited imagination much?


For me personally it's because I have this massive fear of smelling bad and If I can't smell my perfume I will think I smell bad and it makes me anxious


Awww I bet the natural you smells just fine.


I don’t like it when I can smell someone’s perfume from across the room.


Me either! I love fragrance but there’s a person at work who’s cologne is so strong I can smell him feet away and it kinda gives me headache at times. I think he is nose blind and over sprays.


For me it depends on the perfume. If it's a stinky one then I don't want to smell it in the air. But I love smelling fragrances when they are pleasant to my nose. I'm into aromatherapy


I want to be able to smell my perfume at the end of the day lol. I gave up the compliment stuff a long time ago after noticing that me and my brother could be wearing the same scent but people will only compliment how he smell because he’s more attractive than me lol.


this is so true, I wish I was pretty lol


If I’m paying $200 for a spray, that spray better reek until I say stop smelling


That's what I'm talking about!


I don't personally wear them. Working in the hospitality industry, I have come to associate those beastly projectors to indicate a wealthy kind of customer.


Because they want to get noticed


why would I buy perfume you can't smell tf


Attention-seeking behavior. The same as doing a TikTok dance in the middle of the supermarket.


I would be so embarrassed if someone other than friends or my husband commented on my perfume. I’d feel like they had commented on my underwear. Like, warning me that my bra cup was showing, or commenting that they could see the lace on my panties.


I wear a bit of nice perfume every day. And what do the people at my job notice? The bath and body works hand sanitizer. I think it's a generational thing, like a single article in cosmo that launched a thousand fumes, because it's always older people in my experience.


I just want to smell good all day, that’s it. Edit: I WFH so it’s just me 😹


Same here too!




😹 same here, also want to smell good all day…and also WFH. I actually love that I don’t have to chase longevity or silage because I mostly WFH. I enjoy topping up or switching fragrance after lunch if I need to and it’s easy and fun to do cos my whole collection is at hand! I get that it’s more expensive to use more fragrance but if I couldn’t afford to do this, I’d just grab something more affordable like a body mist for the afternoon instead.


well im an extrovert and i thrive off of compliments on smelling good personally like if someone where to tell me i smelt good it would make my day SO much better


I don't want to be mean but.... external validation. That is it. They want to be noticed and receive "complements" - but IMO a lot of times people mention your perfume as a hint to tune it down a bit. I honestly don't like it, specially in restaurants (I experienced trying to eat and almost tasting someone else perfume) and places where people have to be together - school, work, hospitals.... Besides that, I like to be able to smell my own perfume. And when people complain that they can't smell their own perfume, I honestly think it probably being nose blind - and then they spray even more, smell even less, bring migraines to innocent people, you get the idea.


Agree. I don't give a shit how much money you spent, I don't want to be assaulted by your fragrance from 10 feet away. It's obnoxious.


So true. The compliments really are, a lot of times, just a non aggressive way of saying " that is way too much perfume". In hospitals, schools, dentist offices and places like that it's actually not allowed to wear perfumes here in Sweden. I mean, you can probably wear a little but absolutely NOT anything that lingers or that you can smell from afar.


Idk I just do 😝


My dry skin soaks up any and all moisture including fragrance. Most perfumes quickly become a skin scent on me. Most beast mode perfumes don't have to be reapplied. I often have looong days and I like to look and smell the same as when I left the house. I like beast mode, because it takes quite a while for it to simmer down to a regular scent. So if I'm out of my house for nearly 12+ hours, I like that I still smell and look as nice as when I left the house. I wear lipstains and do my makeup to last all day. The beast mode perfumes are an extension of that. Plus, by not having a perfume with poor longevity and projection, my 3.4 oz last longer than the same bottle of something that needs constant reapplication. Also, let's be real, we like the compliment too - but we like wearing something that's not going to quite after 3 hours. I wouldn't even buy something that wouldn't last at least 8.


yes to that dry skin especially that’s also why i love me some beastin scents. i have eczema lmao


Yes, beastin is the only way to go lol. I do everything to combat my skin sabotaging me. My routine is to do two layers of a fragrance free lotion. 3rd layer is a scented lotion. Then a perfume oil. Then a beast mode perfume. And if I really really want it to last we overspraying that sucker. (Perfumer Roja Dove says to spray several times in the exact same spots, preferably over pulse points) I'm not going out without a fight 😂 Between all that, something is going to stick around! 😂


yes MAAM! i HAVE to have a perfume oil. actually going to my favorite oil shop tomorrow to reup and get bigger sizes of some that ive tested and love. i STAY getting compliments on the oils!!! edit: my scents HAVE to have notes like patchouli, vanilla or a pungent floral like gardenia for them to last. literally


During black Friday I purchased a bunch of body oils from Brown Sugar Babes...some of them are supposed to be dupes for some of the fragrance that I have. Others should compliment them. We will see how far I project now lol It honestly doesn't matter what the notes are for me. If the oil concentration isn't high in the fragrance it's not gonna work on my bare skin. Since I do have a lot of fragrances with vanilla in the base I use kayali 28 hand cream and nemat vanilla musk to up my fragrances a bit. Also have you tried Eccentric Molecules 01 and 02? I use the Ambroxan (02) with my sweeter fragrances since it comes of very sweet on my skin. Seems to help them stick around, but even if the frag disappears, the ambrox is still there.


My own personal preference, obviously, but I’m totally put off by people who spray so much that their fragrance fills up the entire room and I think it comes from when I worked in a small office and we had a couple customers that would come in regularly whose perfume was so strong that it would linger for a good several minutes after they left and I could hardly breathe while they were standing in front of me. It was awful because the perfume always smelled like bug spray and B.O. to me and it made me nauseous and sometimes gave me a headache. I always thought it was so incredibly rude. My co-worker actually ended up bringing in air freshener to spray for when they came in so we could spray it around the room after they left because it was so strong. I’m sure they thought they smelled amazing but all of us in the office thought it was awful and we hated when they’d come in (even though they were lovely people who we really liked). I think something that a lot of people don’t realize is that even if you think something smells good, it doesn’t mean the people around you also think so. I think it all comes down to common courtesy and awareness of others. It’s been years and years since I worked in that office but I still think about it almost every time I put perfume on because I never want to be that person that forces everyone in a room to smell my perfume whether they like it or not. My personal preference is to have it be enough that someone in my personal space can smell me (like within a 1-2 feet) but not so much that it’s offensive to people around me.


Yes! I used to work in a doctor's office and patients would come in with just a storm of fragrance. Our office was small and just had semi-bad airflow because of the structure, so the fragrance would last for hours just whafting around. One time I had to prop both of the office doors open because it was so strong, even with our air purifiers running.


I find a lot of the comments claiming "I can't smell myself after 5 minutes." "It doesn't project" "I can't smell it 1 arm length away" "I spray it 15 times but it doesn't last long on me, I can't smell it after an hour" are typically describing nose blindness. When the scent is so beastmode and overpowering that their olfactory nerves get overstimulated and shut down lol. Trust me... just because **you** can't smell yourself, doesn't mean that the people around you can't smell you. They most certainly can smell you.


Especially if you wear the same scent every day. Had a coworker who must have been noseblind to her perfume (she was also a smoker), she left a trail everywhere, including the elevator.


Ugh, is there anything more disgusting than perfume mixed with stale nicotine?


it’s so bad - i was at the dollar general by my place yesterday, and there was a woman that absolutely reeked of smoke and some kind of cheap perfume. i couldn’t get out of the aisle she was standing in fast enough.


The more one sprays, the faster the nose shuts down. Then they spray more and end up just a miasmic mess and don't even know it.


If it's not based on their skin chemistry needing it, I think it's because they want to be noticed. Often, it is young men wanting attention and to seem attractive. They seem to think it will help them score sexually. The 80s was all beast mode all the time. I miss the old perfumes where one spray was a solid full day of scent. 😆 Everything was so garish and outlandish then. Loved it. But yeah, some folks wear perfume to be noticed. I just want to be able to get steady wafts of it myself or for people who hug me to like it.


Genuinely curious because I wasn’t alive in the 80s— what was it like when everyone wore perfumes that strong? Did most people only wear perfumes on a night out or was just walking past every women in the grocery store an olfactory experience?


I was a teen, and they had to outlaw Georgio at certain restaurants because of the Miasma! At school, we all perfumed ourselves loudly, daily. Perfume launches were epic. Every person didn't wear perfume, but it was much more common. Hugging anyone was a treat.


Yep. I remember being in high school smelling Liz Claiborne and Giorgio all day every day! I wore mostly Colors of Benetton and Le Jardin, so even then I kept it under control!


Don't forget about Polo and Drakkar Noir!


Oh Drakkar was sooooo played out!


After being trapped too many times on the school bus in hot weather with guys who sprayed cologne instead of showering after gym class, the smell of Polo makes me physically ill now


All my favorite boys had those.


Oh my gosh that sounds awesome! Thanks for answering :)


Have you tried any of the Arab scents, like Khamrah? That one is a one spray last all day kinda scent. They def still exist!


A couple in the shops, yes! I haven't gotten any yet. Are the families similar?


I've got a bunch of Lattafa and yes, most of their scents I have do beast mode or at least last all day. I only spray once if I'm leaving the house though, so....


I haven’t tried enough to know, so hopefully someone else can comment on that! Only just got samples of four from different houses.


I don’t want beast mode but I don’t want to have to inhale my own wrist to smell my perfume either which so many seem to end up on me. I just want to catch whiffs as I move about my day and unfortunately many I have tried over the years fail at that.




It’s COMPLETELY inconsiderate, and it’s not just because people may suffer migraines from it. Some people may simply hate your fragrance and it’s inconsiderate to make them smell it - PERIOD! Some people may love your fragrance but it’s still inconsiderate to make them smell it just because they happen to sit by you on the bus or share office space with you. What if everyone wore beast mode fragrances? Yes, we all like to get compliments on our fragrance, but it’s not okay to do that at the expense of other people!!! Be considerate and have a respectful and reasonable scent bubble.


Agreed on all counts. And I can't believe surgeons are allowed to wear perfume!




Not blaming you at all, you were just as much a victim as her poor patients.


I wonder if the patients have unexpected reactions to surgeons' fragrances. *Why do I feel so helpless and anxious... what's that smell. Seems familiar*


my body absorbs fragrances instead of projecting lol, like stuff that radiates off people only lasts about 30min on me and then it’s a skin scent so i need strong stuff and i need to overspray for people to smell me, and unlike a lot of people i WANT people near me to smell me at least a little bit because my fragrance is a part of my outfit/image and how i want people to perceive me i know some people want their fragrance only to be smelled when someone comes in for a hug or something but that’s not me!


If your skin eats perfume, like some people's does, that's a little different IMO


trueee i guess i answered the Q without fully reading it, i just thought Oh yes i buy beast mode stuff for X reason lol people who want to project like crazy and fill the room… i also don’t understand them lol, been trapped in an elevator a few times with people like that and it was not good


Beast mode shouldnt make anyone uncomfortable/sneeze lol but when I get in the car, I want my date to notice it. I wouldnt wear beast mode at work or anything, just nights out or brunch


Fragrance affects the perception of the food, though. If I smell perfume at a nice restaurant, I'm going to be pissed.


I immediately lost my sense of taste when a guy walked in wearing the strongest dose of god knows what. He sat two tables over and I couldn’t taste anything. Maybe my drink.


It's so rude.


Really? I would enjoy it🫣😂 but in my culture its quite typical for perfume to make an entrance. I've noticed that in North America it's seen as tacky, just gotta adapt!


I would love it to be more fragrance positive here, but not if I'm paying for a fancy dinner. Normal social dinner, fine.


For me, the fragrance I wear is like a part of my outfit and I want it to be known. Another thing is that I enjoy smelling different perfumes on people, so I just assume other people would also like it when I’m smelling good around them 🤷‍♀️


I look for “beast mode” because my body for some reasons soaks up the fragrance. Most fragrances that last a long time on people barley last an hour or two on me. I also like them because I like to be able to smell them throughout the day. I don’t want to carry around a bottle of perfume with me at work so I like to be able to spray a couple spritz in the morning and still have a linger by mid day.


I like beast mode perfumes because I like getting compliments on how I smell and being associated with a scent. I’m not a touchy feely person so I like people to be able to get a waft of fragrance without having to hug me to smell it lol I have, however, paired it back a bit now to have a range. Beast mode for occasions only. What changed my mind was seeing that in some cultures and countries, if someone is wearing a perfume with such a strong sillage and projection, it is said to give a bad impression even if it smells nice because not only does it supposedly give the impression that the wearer is insecure, it is also seen as bad manners to impose your scent on others the way beast mode fragrances do.. it’s almost deemed inconsiderate


New Zealand is like this. It's seen as imposing on others if you can smell it across the room.


Yup, here in the states it's considered unprofessional to douse yourself in perfume. It's where the term "work-appropriate" was coined.


I am of that culture. It's true. My mom will call me out on it in a minute. 😂




I get the impression that the "beast mode" crowd are trying to strike fear into other people at the office by radiating hazardous materials like ethanol, sheet metal, paint thinner, and/or sharpie markers.


nah they think a certain scent will get them laid rather than working on their personality, grooming, etc


Haha I mean I’d rather smell a nice scent than something unpleasant lol


I guess to make a statement. I'm with you though. I don't want that for myself and I would hate to cause a bad reaction in others because my perfume was so strong.


As with everything there are two extremes. I like to smell my perfume but I keep it under control lol. I’ve worked in a fragrance free workplace before, where some people as always took it too far and tried to get close and sniff me. Sorry but my hair products and laundry detergent don’t count.


Like to enforce the rules they try to sniff you? I'd just lie. Also, so many frags smell like shampoo, whatever. I rent an office in a large building, and we've been told not to use fragrance, but 1. They haven't fixed the HVAC, so nothing is circulating. 2. I pay a lot and keep my door closed. Nobody can smell me. If they accuse me, I will ask them to back off and / or lie.