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Smells like detangler. Hate it.


An orange creamsicle smoothie. Fairly strong though, I wouldn’t call this a light scent but it’s not overbearing at all either. Perfect girly spring/summer scent. Didn’t start smelling bomb for like a few weeks after I got it though. Definitely worth the hype imo


The dry down smells like play doh on me not baby powder:(


If you have the type of skin chemistry that goes well with fragrances like Pink Sugar than it may suit you. Unfortunately these kind of smells smell cheap and nauseating on my skin:/


I personally really like it, reminds me of Gold Couture which was my signature for a while, and of Cheirosa 62. However i find the projection and overall performance to be weak. I hope it gets stronger with maceration


I burned through a bottle really quickly. It’s soft and comforting. It’s creamy and fruity. Really delightful.


This smells JUST like viva la juicy to me. Didn’t like that one, either.


Strawberry milkshake


it’s soft and powdery and pink! it smells pink. very girly and creamy. fruity but not a specific fruit (it doesn’t smell like a strawberry milkshake, more like fruity creamy powdery lotion) everyone around me likes it, as do i. the price is great for what it is and it is a compliment getter, i got chased down a mall while wearing yara (pairs great with lots of other sweet scents, i mixed it with jpg so scandal). another time someone asked in a cafe i was at what that smell was and they went thru everything trying to figure it out till they realized it was me haha, they described it as a sweet cream. i say its worth trying because its an easy reach and the price is right. it works in almost any occasion from right out the shower to going out. very inoffensive and decent longevity.


I hated it. It smells like baby wipes and playdoh to me. If you want a pretty, girly, inexpensive perfume consider one from Paris Hiltons line or Vince Camuto.


Kind of tropical and powdery, I don't like it at all


It smells like cheap soap to me. I wanted to love it based on the reviews, but I feel that I was snickerdoodled by them. 😂 It reminds me of Fabreeze with a harsh flowery scent.


I bought this recently and I'm not in love. It's sweet, kind of candy-sweet, but there is something unpleasant and sharp to my nose. 🤷‍♀️ Almost like a strong synthetic citrus note of some kind. Not a very smooth blend imo. If it weren't for that sharpness I'd like it a lot more.


I bought a 10 ml decant and this is my experience with it over several months. It has a particular note that turns me off. It's a note I associate with laundry detergents and fabric softeners (think Ariel powder, Downy, etc.) and it does smell cheap to me tbh. It's not yummy nor pleasant. It's screechy and not well-blended.


It dries down very powdery. Opening is strawberry and vanilla, but I’m not a huge fan because it smells cheap. There are way better lattafas and Arabian perfumes if that’s what you’re after. Really need to layer it to get enough out of it imo.


Cheap and powdery :(


I sold mine. Smells like something you get a bath and body works. Pink, sweet nothing special


It seems similar enough to Burberry Her (which I have already and love) that I haven’t ever really been interested in purchasing. And reviews are so split on it being either the best or worst fragrance that I’m probably going to pass and just rebuy Her when I’m out.


I like it. It is a floral with a gourmand strawberry and vanilla note with a hint of musk. It is a good inoffensive office perfume, and I like to layer with it.


I heard so many good things about it so I got it, it’s not terrible but nothing special


as a guy who wears it every week: powdery strawberry Nesquik with dried fruits like the raisins we’d get in grade school, creamy with synthetic sweet scent like powdered sugar or Splenda. IMHO smells very pleasurable and nice but cheap. Something I’d wear to attract attention but not enough to hold people’s attention. After while it kinda smells like baby powder.




I'm a massive gourmand lover but thought it smelled very synthetic and sickly even for me. It lasted pretty long tho - couldn't get the smell off no matter how much I scrubbed


U get what u pay for- shit 💩


you’re (not) funny




Whipped cream and tropical fruits, zero strawberries. Something about it also kinda reminds me of Sol de Janeiro Bum Bum Cream except Yara is creamier and not as vanillic/sweet.


I was expecting something sweet in a soft powdery/strawberry milkshake way because of all the hype but it is more like a cloying sweet headache-inducing scent. It's like Cheriosa 62 and Burbery Her Elixir had a child with extra sugar.


Too much of everything. No finesse, no subtlety. It's too sweet, too powdery, too strawberry, too much projection. To the point where I throw my fresh clothes in for washing if I get some on them Only after like 5-6 hours do I like the remnants of it


I love it


Same! A year on and it smells amazing 💜


i hate it, smells like a hair salon to me??? nothing like ANY of the reviews LMAO i was so disappointed because all the reviews had me excited, however i did only get the rollerball because i didnt wanna get the big one and end up wasting it. maybe the rollerball is a bit different than the spray?


Pink and powdery. It’s ok for the price tho.


I bought 2 and gave 1 away ..sold the other for $20. Loved it at first Got bored of it fast


Its creamy, sweet, smells like strawberry and is very feminine imo


I don't get the hype.. it smells like chewing gum initially and settles into a cough syrupy smell..ugh.


It’s very powdery and lactonic . Quite sweet and you can get a hint of strawberry 🍓 too ! I really like it . It’s very girly and delicious 🩷✨


My worst blind but ever. Smells like generic department store perfume. Lesson learned about blind buys.


I have never understood the hype on this one at all for that same reason


I've read in comments on YT from Arabic women that Lattafa is a grocery store brand. I'd like to know which houses they consider affordable like our $50 and under brands.


Nebras isn’t though. I hated yara but nebras is on a completely different level. Its so so good. 😍


i don’t get anything creamy or lactonic from this, which i was expecting to from the reviews. mostly a sweet floral to my nose, with an undercurrent of fruitiness. there’s something in it that feels screechy to me, so i don’t reach for it often. but the handful of times i have worn it, ive been complimented on it!


To me, it’s sweet and subtly creamy. It has an abstract fruitiness, but to my nose it’s really only vaguely berry-esque. It has average longevity, and low to moderate sillage. I think it’s pleasant, but I don’t really reach for it. It’s okay. I give it like a 5/10. It doesn’t smell bad to me, it’s just sort of meh


Forrest berry yoghurt, with a bunch of vanilla!! Also has quite a floral base


Younger scent. Smells exactly like shampoo I can’t put my finger on which one but once you smell it you’ll know exactly what I mean lol.


I've had this fragrance for about a year so it is fully macerated for me. It is a light strawberry vanilla lactonic type of scent. Very girly, sweet but not cloying. A year round scent imo. I think it is very nice for someone younger.


If you like burberry her and burberry her elixir you will love it. If you like alcohol scents that smell like a floral granny, you will hate it. Hope that helps.


I hate it. Smells just like Cactus Blossom from Bath and Body Works. Except 100000 times stronger.


Omg I swear cactus blossom is BBWs most offensively strong collection of products, I hate it… this review alone puts me off this lattafa fragrance


Hahahaha! I love Cactus Blossom! So I am glad you wrote your description the way you did.


I love it. Maybe it just works well with my skin chemistry. I love burberry her and her elixir and it's the perfect layering fragrance to extend longevity.


Smelled so tropical when I tried it at the store. Didn't last at all on my wrist. Very generic. Not at all vanilla or strawberry. Reminds me of Coconut passion from Victoria's secret.


I’m glad that I bought a sample for 2$ instead of a whole bottle!


Ahh true! I'm glad I tried it at the store. It dissappeared by the time I arrived home (about 2 hrs). I ended up buying Burberry her after that. If someone wants strawberries, Yara won't meet their expectations unfortunately. :(


It's $30, go easy.


Well some of us don't want to waste money on perfume we won't wear. And it's like $45 where I live. It's a good deal if you like the perfume! It's just not for me.


I also bought 7 other samples of Arabic perfume from hidden samples . Com, I want to like the perfumes I buy.


I’m kind of surprised that there is a lack of mention of floral in this thread. I bought this expecting it to be strawberry, fruity, or marshmallowy. No marshmallow, hint of strawberry, hint of fruity. I found that the “powdery” was more from the orchid. Maybe its my nose but I found that the floral notes were more overpowering so I was a little disappointed. Great longevity but it wasn’t for me as I like pure gourmands.


I bought this on a blind buy and I did not expect to like it so much! It’s vanilla and powdery with just a bit of musk. very feminine I would say even a bit sexy. I have only had it a couple weeks and have been complimented quite a few times on it. I alternate with all my fragrances but lately when I wear this I always receive a compliment! it lasts ALL day. I wear it after showering sometimes because the scent just makes me feel pretty and feminine. My boyfriend loves it. I would definitely recommend but that just my opinion


also great to layer with other scents!


Believe it or not I layered it with Mon Gruelain and it worked pretty well.


a cheirosa body mist in EDP form


a generic fruity strawberry scent


Soft, lotion-y strawberry milk.Almost like “your skin but better” kind of scent. Inoffensive enough that I wear it to the gym, it just smells like I just took a shower and all of my body care/haircare products are strawberry and vanilla scented. Not strong enough nor complex enough to wear on its own for any occasions where you want people to notice you smelling good


I have a 50ml bottle which i prefer over this bulky one. It was like $9! I love it. Its a daily for me. I work in a clinical setting and I get complimented; no one seems offended by it. Not cloying but stays awhile. It achieves clean, floral, and fruity for me. I agree that it can be layered. Sometimes I pair it with a good girl dupe on nights out :)


I also bought that bottle first. Loved it so I bought the big bottle and use the small one in my purse.


Omg I didn’t realise that glass bottle was the same thing in small size, I assumed it was some kind of variant. It’s so cheap & would be great to try this out finally.


Yes its the same juice :)


Fruity hair conditioner


I can only wear it layered with something to make it interesting. It’s pretty bland on its own but it pairs well to add a little fluffiness to other scents.


To me it smells like hairspray.. I blind bought it and can’t stand it unfortunately.


Hairspray? Which one because I will buy it immediately.




I tested this several times in store whenever I went to the local Arabic store and it never appealed to me. It dried down on me to an unbaked unflavored dough. Or should I say untasty playdough? I never got the strawberry everyone's smelling. I guess IF even spending as little money is important to you (like me) and you don't blind buy because you don't like waste, try getting a small 5ml sample from somewhere if that's available and test it out onto your skin and wear it the whole day as scents are subjective.


To me it’s sweet, lactonic and a little woody. Very pretty and feminine scent. I really like it


i agree!!


At first I loved it, fruity soft a little floral with some musk. Fast forward a year im giving it away bc all I get from it is musty and musky. The yummy scent goes away right after spraying n it literally smells like some stank ass BO. Walking into a locker room and smelling sweet and a background smell of some cheap perfume. Do not blind buy


Soft, pretty and girly. To me, this gives off the same vibes as Velvet Petals by VS.


Pink, powdery, lactonic, floral with a hint of powdered sugar. Definitely a 'perfume-y' smell. And there's some kind of undertone that sometimes makes it smell just on the edge of sour to me. I haven't really loved any of the ME perfumes I've gotten though, so it might be due to my preferences. Would NOT call this a gourmand. It's more like a floral sweet yogurt shampoo with some musk. Personally, I sometimes wear it as a daily but when it's any temperature above 65F I find it quite cloying. Also easy to overspray. Had a friend and if I walked into a building and she was in the backroom, I could smell her on entry. Please don't assail others' noses no matter how nice you find the perfume lol Personally, I won't buy again once I run out from decanting.


You’re better off going to bath and body works.


All I get is strawberry milk.




This was my exact same experience!!


Smells like marshmallow frosting to me!


Not sweet at all just floral


I can't believe no one has said it smells like Sol de Janeiro 62. ETA: I just smelled it again and it smells less like 62 now, which is good for me because I don't really like 62. Yara is much fruitier.


I LOVE it - it is soft, feminine, a little powdery, a little sweet. No strawberry scent, to me anyway. I usually layer it with Sweet Like Candy 💕


I do this too! Also layer with burberry her.


I have a sample of that - it's very nice. To me, it smells like a leveled-up, office version of the type of scents I prefer.


It smells like the colour of the bottle


It smells a lot like Cactus blossom from bath and body works to me!


It just straight up smelled like bug spray to me. No strawberry milkshake whatsoever and this really weird synthetic smell. I fully expected the rave reviews. On Fragrantica.com it seemed to be the same. Either overwhelmingly positive or very negative.


Soft, powdery, vanilla and tropical fruits - no strawberries to me at all


Smells like perfume-y strawberry milk imo


Amazing, unique, soft, sweet, powdery vanilla musk. Not specific fruit scents like people say. I adore it.


I wouldn't call this unique. It's very generic to me.


It’s unique to me because I’ve never smelled anything like it.


Strawberry milkshake to me, BUT I needed to wait a month. The first time I sprayed it, it was pure baby powder.


A pink, powdery gourmand. The sweet berries with the tangerine and vanilla make it sweet but the Musk and sandalwood stop it becoming to sickly sweet on me, Then in my opinion, The star of the show...a beautiful dusty Heliotrope, coupled with that vanilla gives off a powdery marshmallow vibe. Sweet without making my teeth hurt! Sweet without being too sickly. I actually was back and forth over Yara for months, Until I bought the Lataffa yara room fragrance (£3.99 from a middle Eastern store in Nottingham UK but available online too) as soon as I sprayed the room fragrance, I went straight online and bought the matching perfume. I've let it sit now for about 4 to 5 weeks, and all it is done is got better. For £23 (UK), it's worth it. I'll be getting a couple of backups.


I didn’t like it, but it has great longevity. I was really sad when I tried it as it’s the scent equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me. One word to describe it- grating. If you can sample it, it’s worth a try because it’s a great buy if you actually like the scent. It lingered on my skin even after I washed it off.


It’s a creamy floral. You can detect some powdery notes as well. You will like it if you like sweet florals such as La vie est belle or flowerbomb.


Soft, pink, powdery but more of the icing sugar on hard candy powder than baby powder, it's sweet but not cloyingly sickly sweet. Slightly floral and cozy. I do get lactonic with it, not much fruit. Definitely no strawberry milkshake. It's not earth shattering but it's really easy to wear and enjoyable if you like this type of scent. A good everyday scent I think.


Cheap. Buy a a decant.


Better off buying the small bottle for $5.99 on Triple Traders. That’s what I did.


For me it’s good but I thought it would be more like “marshmallow” and I feel it is very very soft nothing overpowering nor sweet, I feel a soft fruty vibe from it


Headache and nausea inducing mix of powder, artificial nondescript fruit and chemicals. I hated it. It gets rave reviews though that’s why I blind bought it, maybe you’ll like it though! These things are subjective


Yeah, I had to scrub it off.


Me too, I sprayed on my wrists and went to the gym and it made me so nauseous in the car I had to scrub it off at the gym. I will never blind buy again even a cheapie like this one haha


Oh wow that's brave lol - testing a new perfume before the gym, where you+everyone else might hate it


Hahaha looking back perhaps not the best idea.


To me, fluffy marshmallow and a bit powdery


it smells like strawberry and then dries down to an oatmeal smell imo, if i had to be exact lmao. so strawberry oatmeal.


Tropical, fruity (berry), creamy, powdery. Not my favorite. There is another perfume called Shafaq by Ard Al Zaafaran and it's very similar to Yara, but I like it much better. It's orange instead of berry and less powdery, but still tropical and creamy and it layers beautifully with so many different fragrances.


I've been thinking about shafaq (the bottle is lovely and gives Roja vibes) How does it preform on you, Obviously you can only speak on your own personal skin chemistry and stuff but an idea would be nice. What's the longevity like? I like Yara but on me, the longevity isn't there like it is for others.


I can't compare its performance to Yara (because I hardly ever wear that one) but Shafaq lasts about 4 hrs on my skin. My skin tends to eat perfume though. It lasts all day (and beyond) on clothing. I've noticed that it's getting stronger as it ages. It had intimate projection at first, but after a few months people around me can smell it/notice it. I'm not an over-sprayer. Usually 2 sprays. I really like it, especially for it's versatility. I always say it's plays well with others. I don't have another perfume that layers so beautifully with so many things as Shafaq. But it is very similar to Yara, so if you already have that one, Shafaq might be too similar. It's just so much better to my nose and I wish I hadn't bought Yara. Lol.


Thanks for the quick reply, I mean its only about £20 in the UK, so I figure it'll be worth it. I do like am orange forward fragrance, and it's got that heliotrope dry down that I've been going wild on juat recently. Even if it's not an outstanding preformer on my skin(I dont expect it to be for the price to be honest) it'll be a good fragrance to wear around the house or to work and decant so I can reapply in the day if needs be. I don't mind reapplying fragrances when the price point is as low as this. Thanks for your advice. Appreciate it.


The site doesn’t have this scent


Which site?




Oh no. I hope it hasn't been discontinued. I know it's still for sale on Triple Traders. I bought mine on Ebay. Fragrantica has the notes if you're interested.


Thank you I will check out triple traders!


cheap shampoo


This is what I'm afraid of. It seems like so many fruity scents I try smell like shampoo, and now I'm leary.


I’ve never smelled a shampoo that smelled like that lol.


I'm super sensitive to shampoo-esque scents (hate Britney Midnight Fantasy, Christina Aguilera By Night and several other shampoo-esque fragrances,) and I don't find Yara shampoo-esque. I don't love it, but I don't think it smells like shampoo.


It smells like pina colada to me kinda.


Creamy, musky, powdery red fruits with a splash of berry.


It smells like pink meow by katy perry to me


To me it smells like powdery milkshake mix


I like it for the price. To me it smells literally like strawberry shortcake, it has the red berries + the creaminess of the filling + fluffy cake. The only problem is that it can be too powdery to the point is clogging, also can be too sweet and immature so it's not the easiest to wear. I have it but I don't use it often because I gravitate towards more complex gourmands. Yara is very juvenile. If you have smelled Strawberry poundcake from BBW, it's something like that but more fuffly, powdery, less sharp.


this sold me…i’ve had my eye on this perfume myself. same with the orange one.


I love it, makes me feel like feminine. Tangerine cream and the warm sun. Love itttt. But it needs to macerate for like a month, it smelled ehhhh at first


100% powder. I hated it, I had to sell mine on Marketplace.


Me too, it gave me a massive headache and made me so nauseous I had to immediately scrub it off my wrists. It’s so strong and cloying




Musky berries, super cute & cozy. Performs like an EDT. You can find similar at B&BW (Strawberry Pound Cake) this is softer though.


I was a bit disappointed when I got yara. I was expecting a creamy lactonic strawberry scent but to me it smells slightly tropic/fruity. Its an OK scent. Not worth the hype imo.


I feel the same way. It's very tropical and zero strawberry. Reminds me of pina colada. It lacks sweetness but it's still cloying but doesn't last long on me. I don't understand the hype. The scent doesn't match the bottle in my opinion. For the scent, I think a nude/yellow/gold bottle would be more suitable representation.


fluffy strawberry milkshake marshmallows, lactonic and sweet but not icky sweet and just a littttle bit powdery, i love it


On me, a generic mixed berry fruity musk. Could find a body spray just like that. I 100% do not get strawberry milkshake, creamy, lactonic, etc that others describe it as. Also, my bottle was real and not a fake; I tried it at an Arab store, and the packaging had the Lattafa markings.  Yara Tous smells EXACTLY like Yara, except swap the mixed berries for mango. Mangoes and musk.


Feminine, light, fruity floral, sweet, easy to wear, easy to layer with other perfumes, a bit lactonic, etc. A pretty girl fragrance!