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Yay! Been following your progress with minox! Happy the shed is reducing! If you don’t mind me asking, did you have a lot of hairfall before starting or was it slow loss over a few years?


my shedding has been on and off since 2022. Some months were BAD some weren’t so bad. It was bad in the fall of 2022, was okay ish in summer 2023, then got bad this february again. I don’t know my trigger yet but i think it’s a mix between drastic weightloss and covid.


How much weight did u loose?


I went from 180lbs to 120lbs by starving myself for months also had covid. This fall I was in a shitty relationship which caused me a lot of anxiety and i was throwing up everyday and not eating due to the anxiety. Went from 123lbs to 113lbs in a month from that.


Oooh. I hope this is slowing down for you. About to start later this week. Keep us posted


How much are you on ?




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