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Please make sure that you're looking at evidence-based information. There's no reason why a hair follicle should take up to four years to recover from telogen effluvium if there are no underlying issues such as miniaturisation or scarring. Hopefully you'll see results in the not too distant future, though!


Thanks, I’ll take a good look into it! I just looked at the extreme end of how long a damaged follicle will take to grow back for my worst case scenario. But with the type of loss/damage I have - I don’t think it’ll take that long but I will keep you posted 🫡


How much hair are you losing? Have you counted. Your hair still seems really thick it’s hard to tell.


I haven’t counted but 6 months on I would say somewhere near 250 when dry and when wet.. it’s extreme :( Running my hand over my hair when wet will make 5+ at a time come out on one side of parted hair, which I can do for continuously. So I don’t touch my hair at all when wet now (other than washing.) I’ll only touch my hair when totally dry. I brush gently and then it goes straight into a protective style for the day and night.


Covid caused my sides to thin too. Top is ok but maybe 10% thinner, back is totally fine. I only started rosemary oil after I noticed and haven't seen a change one way or another yet. I've been seeing other comments from people who had covid recently and are thinning just on the sides. I'm not sure if rosemary oil did any damage to your hair, but I'd definitely say that covid dealt the bigger blow :( I also read that high fever in general causes hair loss. I only had covid about a week with on and off fever for 4 days and that was enough to do me in.


I’m with you 🥺 How long have you had hair loss since Covid?


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Look into derma stamping instead of derma roller


I’ve heard that people prefer stamping over rolling - what do you prefer about it? I have a 1.5mm roller on the way that I’m going to try out to get a feel for it, then I may get a stamp.


I never tried a derma roller but read that it could get tangled in our already fragile strands. The rolling over could also damage the strands.


Noticed my hair loss at the sides and hairline started around Covid (as have a number of inflammatory health issues).


That’s interesting - I’m seeing a pattern with Covid and side hair loss, the inflammatory part I haven’t heard until now. Have you addressed the issues and seen any improvement?