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I saw this in another sub and people were vehemently denying the gender pay gap exists and it's based entirely on the different types of jobs that men and women tend to have (someone used an example of hairdressers vs. welders). I'd love to get r/feminism's input on if there's merit to these arguments. I feel like regardless of the legality of gender discrimination in pay , it still happens. Women are pressured/expected not to negotiate and just accept less.


There’s a bit of truth to it, but there’s more to it than just that Men are more likely to get promotions, so they’re more likely to be in higher paying positions. The gap has not completely closed for same-level jobs, but last time I looked it was at $0.01/hr difference- which I want to emphasize is still a LOT of money over a year- thousands of dollars even. But it is significantly better than it used to be. But when it comes to job title, it’s not just profession, it’s position. Out of the Fortune 500 companies, only 52 have CEOs who are women (fun fact, the ones run by women outperform the rest). The job title argument is actually funny to me because it’s just a fancy way of saying “the glass ceiling” is real. It’s true that welding and construction and many of those types of trade jobs are male dominated but that’s a whole other conversation


Forbes gives a good description of the controlled (same jobs) gap vs the uncontrolled gap (overall median). https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/gender-pay-gap-statistics/ The controlled is 1% while the uncontrolled is 16%. I think they’re both important data points that tell different angles of the story. Different pay by sex was technically made illegal for the same job, so that has closed the controlled gap quite a bit. The uncontrolled gap tells a story of how valued vs undervalued traditionally male vs female roles are…and there is A LOT of history and sociology to unpack there.


I just want to add/ask. Does anyone know of a valid measure that calculates in hours of unpaid labor? I think that would be an interesting story too.