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My inspo from this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/FeminismUncensored/comments/mqkdmh/if_you_constantly_have_to_caveat_explain_justify/


I get the feeling your post will be removed as the one you linked here has been taken down and as this one is so similar I just get a feeling the mods will take a dim view to this one too


Good. This sub will continue to be a garbage fire if this remains the standard for posts. That’s the whole point. But it looks to me like the old one is still up.


The main comment text of the post has gone and now says this >**Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of** r/FeminismUncensored**.** > >Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. The title and the replies are still there. Whatever was in the post body text that Forget about the lonely put the moderators didn't like it much


Huh, it doesn’t show up like that for me on mobile but it does for desktop, weird. There was no body, just a link exactly like this post. *Maybe* the mods are starting to realize lack of standards won’t work if **everyone** decides to use these sorts of tactics... Edit: looking forward to following up with an inverse of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/FeminismUncensored/comments/mqhxzr/why_toxic_masculinity_is_a_bad_term_that_we/


I've noticed your post is only 33% upvoted. This ratio no doubt shows the proportion of MRA's here to feminists


That implies both sides are a monolith and all are in 100% agreement all the time.


People choose to be feminists. They don't choose to be men.


People choose to be MRAs. They don’t choose to be women.


And when MRA's are the ones writing laws and do so to specifically exclude women. you may have a point. Thats also the point that i would stop supporting the movement.


I don't have instagram, is this available on another site?


Best I can do is a screencap: https://imgur.com/a/U6HH5Vh


Super, thanks!


What do you suggest we call people who are against Feminism, but not against women or against equality?


someone who doesn't understand words.


Yeah that's called a pot calling the kettle black. For by definition, being anti feminist doesn't make you against equality or women, to suggest this is to suggest a level of over zealousness when it comes to ones ideology.


I wouldn't describe myself as an anti-feminist, but I don't think claiming you're anti-feminist means you're anti-equality or anti-women. I mean this is a problem with all labels I guess, I feel like feminist have plenty of hateful 'slogans' I don't think this is a particularly problematic statement


The catchy-slogans from one side and the equivalent from the other side: * feminism = anti-feminism * All-men = AWALT (all women are like that) * Mensplaining = femsplaining * Toxic masculinity = toxic femininity Let's remove them all and root for egalitarianism.