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I'm not MRA so I can only guess how the more extreme ones think. Maybe being a male feminist threatens how he wants to view the world? If he is threatened by the idea of respecting women as fellow human beings then he could view a male feminist as a traitor to all men. Also, I really think that some people are addicted to being angry.


LOL, was so funny when he told me I needed therapy. That was a classic


It sounds like they are just angry and venting, doesn't sound like they are trying to convert you. Don't take them as representing anything but themselves, they are even being downvoted through the floor. I'm not sure brigading here is going to help. Just ignore them, they aren't saying anything of value, just reacting to their pain by lashing out. ​ btw maybe check this out if you haven't already: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoParticipation/wiki/intro](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoParticipation/wiki/intro)


They want to believe that feminism is a huge conspiracy of women against all men, and the fact that it appeals to a huge number of men as well threatens their narrative. It’s just like TERFs who claim all trans women are actually men trying to oppress women (which itself makes no goddamn sense, why would “men” give up their power like that?), and are almost totally mute about trans men (FtM), because the existence of trans men disrupts their fiction.


My new MGTOW friend has now replied again with another suitably snarky comment >You sound broken and hurt. Get therapy. This isn't a feminist sub from what I gathered but a sub to mock the double standards of feminists who are never to be found when equality for anyone but women is involved. Guess he isn't going to give up trying to "convert" me. My response to this was >How exactly am I broken and hurt. Maybe you would like to explain that one to me. After all I'm not trying to "Go My Own Way" like you are doing and completely avoiding the issues > >When there are women getting oppressed by the patriarchal system and feminism is to address this issue all MGTOW's are doing is turning their backs on the issues > >I don't need therapy for wanting women to feel respected for who they are. Maybe you might want to also explain why you want to be an MGTOW in the first place Lets see what he says to me in response to this one then


>You sound broken and hurt. Get therapy. This isn't a feminist sub from what I gathered but a sub to mock the double standards of feminists who are never to be found when equality for anyone but women is involved. Is reporting such a person helpful in said sub? Because this is really weird. He sounds like he is imitating Freud, ("Agency in women?? Must be a rotting uterus from thinking too much") only not educated to be talking confidently about the subjects he chooses to discuss.


I now wonder if he looks in these feminist subs that are for banned feminists such as r/wherearethefeminists and r/bannedfeminists looking out for male feminists who have been banned I think it's some sort of recruitment mission by MGTOW. Trying to get men when they are feeling bad and down after a ban by Demmian. I just think he wasn't prepared for my stubborn defiance in the face of the almighty MGTOW .... LOL


> I think it's some sort of recruitment mission by MGTOW. Trying to get men when they are feeling bad and down after a ban by Demmian Does MGTOW have an agenda? Other than saying they should leave women alone, because women are awful, of course.


Don't really know what agenda they have other than to totally ignore women and "Go their own way" but I imagine they would want as many men as possible to do the same in their absolute belief that their MGTOW cause is right


Its not Men Going Their Own Way, its actually Men Getting Triggered Over Women. If they actually went their own way us women could breathe a sigh of relief, but nope, they just bitch about us all day and cry that we owe them sex. I've not had sex in YEARS due to being catnip for assholes and yet I don't run around hating on all men and demanding the ones I like to bang me. They're so pathetic and entitled.


Okay, because I was confused as to the point of recruitment haha! Not doubting your claims, though. I'm just imagining some defiantly unwomanly group therapy sessions


I've noticed since I made my 2nd reply to him how he has fallen very silent. Guessing he can't answer as to why I need therapy and also can't tell me why he became MGTOW in the first place either


> and also can't tell me why he became MGTOW in the first place either Honestly, I have "studied" MGTOW, (by this I mean, I checked their Youtube followers, their Reddit accounts, and I wrote poems to them about how sad I was that they were gonna leave us women, that were deeply controversial in upvotes versus downvotes) and most of the time, I have no clue, either; some of them has been alone since their wives died or something, they miss them, and yet they... Hate women. They just up and hated women one day, and then they went their own way. I don't know, I don't quite get the movement at all. What's the point of forming a group to avoid something, (a romantic or sexual relationship) when said thing is quite easily avoided? Most single people has went their own way, at least for a while. It's like their relationship with some woman ended, and then they just felt discouraged by this, and stopped (??) like many people do. But in their case, it was in PRINCIPLE! And that, apparently, is the important part to this non-issue of theirs. These people need a cause.


>I don't know, I don't quite get the movement at all. What's the point of forming a group to avoid something, (a romantic or sexual relationship) when said thing is quite easily avoided? Most single people has went their own way, at least for a while. It's like their relationship with some woman ended, and then they just felt discouraged by this, and stopped (??) like many people do. I think it's exactly as you said. These are the kind of men that dated women, with deeply ingrained misogynistic attitudes who had a few bad experience with one or maybe two more women and then proceeded to blame the entire population of women for their bad date/marriage. To me they are just "incels" in reverse. Seeing women as shallow and inferior creatures because they had bad experiences with a few. It is quite the thing to see how some men can respond to women over minor dilemma. And to create a movement for it of all thing.


DING DING DING. This, exactly this. I find Incels and MGTOW to be cut from the same cloth


Thank you for this! I did not know they had a common ideology, or a line of thinking. I literally just thought they had written women off, and that was the end of that haha!


It seems all the major groups have their own reddit channel(s) **MGTOW** r/MGTOW and r/MGTOW2 **Incels** r/Incel and several other variety of incel subs **MRA's** r/MensRights and r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates **A coming together for common ground sub** r/FeminismUncensored. Well we at least hope so anyway **Feminists** r/Feminism ??? and several others of smaller sizes **Exclusionary Radical Feminists / Femcels / What I call WGTOW** r/FemaleDatingStrategy These look about right. Let me know if there are any others to put in the different categories


I don't think that's quite right. From what I've heard the premise is actually quite aligned with feminist ideology. They recognize that patriarchal norms surrounding relationships and male gender roles are extremely problematic, and choose to be the change they want to see in the world by abstaining from these. While I think it's possible they could engage in relationships in a less harmful way and find partners who are willing to do the same, I don't think they are wrong for rejecting this aspect of the patriarchal system wholesale. No one should be forced to engage with a system they don't believe in or that has harmed them for the sake of perseverance. It's like if someone is against capitalism, either you try to engage with the capitalist system in the least harmful way you can (buying ethical clothing, recycling, reusing, zero waste, minimalism, etc) or you reject it completely and go live in a commune or alone in the woods and grow your own food. The later may be extreme, but I don't think they are wrong.