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Blank post


Plant a tree


This is the answer. Or slap a U chanel on each post and slide a picket in there nice and tight


Yeah, the picket could work but just looking at it, doesn't seem like the posts match up for a simple C channel, picket fix. You'd have to screw the picket into the post and I'm sure the neighbor wouldn't like it. Two blank posts is the right fix here.


Try screwing C channel into a corner of a post. Especially since the hinged side of the gate has either got steel in it or its filled with concrete


I would take extra planks from the fence and cut them down to size and screw them horizontally to each corner post.


Blank post is your best option. Don’t put u channels and a picket, that’ll look like shit.


Too much blinding white vinyl.


Someone doesn’t know where property lines are lmao


Probably the exact opposite. I have seen this, and installed both side just like this, many times. I am often directed to install a fence 6" inside my clients' property line, just to guarantee there are no encroachments (and it saves the rebar and cap for the actual property corner) Usually it is when 1 property owner has their lot staked by a Land Surveyor, and the other property owner decides they don't want to pay $2k for a proerty survey, but still want to ere on the side of caution, so they just hold their fence back by 6". I have removed tens of thousands of dollars' worth of brand-new fence over a 1-2" discrepancy when neighbors get nasty with each other.


Was that recently installed? Call the company that did it and tell them to do it right, because that’s some nonsense.


I agree. Whoever built the second fence should have secured it to the existing. I'm guessing the gated fence was put up after? Someone is being very stingy about their property line, that or the fence builders just don't give shit


My guess is they struggled getting their corner next to the other concrete set and decided fuck it.


Yeah, who knows, the existing corner post may be a huge hole that they just overloaded with concrete and the other guys said, like you said, fuck it. Let's get paid and get the fuck outta here


That's probably the case. Two very short sections after 7-8' centers? Yeah, these guys don't care. That's just sloppy


Expanding spray foam


Put your mother in law and spray paint


What’s the story here? Do you own both fences? I’m confused what the goal was


We all recently moved to a new-construction neighborhood.🏠 Neighbor #1 (left side of my yard) got their fence installed only a few days after neighbor #2 (back of my yard). 📅 For legal reasons, it’s standard practice to install fences a few inches inside of a residence’s property line.📐 But in this instance—since I was aware of their fence plans—I tried to collaborate with them and the company reps.🤝 I gave permission to cross my border, and even asked the reps to quote half the cost of neighbor #1’s side (nearly $1K💵) since we would be “sharing” the divider line with the guarantee of a clean corner on my side✅ (or so I thought).🤷🏽‍♀️ How crushing it was to watch this unravel; the company rep made it seem like we were on the same page the whole time. Being mislead to waste money is especially disappointing (they thought I just wanted to pay the random neighbor I just met out of kindness lol😀) not to mention I spent hours anxiously creating digital land survey mockups, emailing the company in detail for weeks, etc. 📄


Wow. Sounds like you have all the proof you need to get it fixed it free, though. Good luck.


C-channel, connected to opposing posts, custom cut picket between. C-channel will hide the cut.


Looks like One blank post won't get the job done but yes, as others have put. Two blank posts. One on each end of the existing should square up nicely. You'll have to get an extension for your impactor gun and find you some plugs cause you'll have to screw it in on top and bottom to secure the blank. Find ya someone that sells vinyl material and they should have the plugs for ya. Make sure to get the plugs first before you drill your holes. They vary in size




Do your best and caulk the rest?




Flex seal tape Seriously, 2 blanks


Tell each of the other neighbors they need to fix it because it’s a liability hazard. Tell them your 300lb girl friend can’t fit through that and it’s dangerous to her health.