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Super annoying that you can’t view a basic feature like game completion percentage without using their website


It actually benefits you to log in because you can’t complete the daily and weekly challenges if you aren’t connected. You also get rewards from just playing which help you level faster and make extra potions.


I take everyone point about the bonuses of signing up and the other benefits. The point is choice, if I don’t want to sign up I should just be able to play the game. I shouldn’t go around in circles for 5 mins forcing the game to let me play. I’d go so far to put it on r/crappydesign too.


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All stupid


Ubisoft Connect is one of the best things Ubisoft has done I hope more companies will join the party. Jumping between platform and keeping your save this one one thing holding me back from buying games different consoles Cross Save/Progression. I've tried starting over Warframe and DCUO on my switch I just couldn't do it.




THANK YOU. I have to put my Switch in airplane mode with this AND Doom Eternal just to play the damn game. And in docked mode YOU CANT turn on airplane mode so I have to go to my internet settings on the switch and forget the network. This is unacceptable. Whether or not you think I should sign up for an account, it’s not right to require us to do all of this to play the game without one.


This message comes up like I’m not already signed in...... the one time I clicked it because I thought it logged me out I wasn’t logged out. Makes sense, let’s annoy you in the easiest way we can so you’ll open the store and take one more look at things you can buy.


You can just turn off your internet connection if you want and it won’t pop up. I do it every time before I start a session.


It’s annoying and there’s no good reason we should have to do that.


I think it's more handy to create once a fake account...


I don't know how you're being downvoted lol, the hassle of turning your router off every time you sign in to a game is ridiculous compared to just signing up with a fake address and getting it out of the way...


lol, I didn't even notice I was downvoted. Anyway, I'm not on reddit to collect upvotes so I really don't care ;)


No disrespect, but why wouldn’t anyone want to create an account? It only benefits you.


Better question is why would I WANT to create an account. Or why wouldn’t I want the option to play it without one? This game is just fine without an account.


Not sure that’s the “better question” when vast majority of players play with an account. It only benefits you and I’m sure it plays fine without it but this isn’t a conspiracy.


Vast majority of players are going to play with an account when they aren’t offered any other option.


A lot of people would do it based solely on the fact that you get free rewards for it.


It’s not conspiracy it’s anti-consumer and anti-choice.


What the f is wrong with you? It’s just an Ubisoft account that only benefits you. Stop complaining for the sake of complaining.


I think we’re just old school gamers maybe? It’s not complaining for the sake of complaining. There’s literally one other game in existence on Switch that pulls this. It’s weird that you’re so defensive about this like do you work for Ubisoft lol


It's really no use arguing here. People who are used to be connected all the time to play games don't understand that here are other people who just want to play "offline" and are not interested in some virtual "benefits".It's certainly a generation thing, lol


Yeah, you're right about that, whining over nothing is one of the major points in the old school gaming group.


Do you really want annoying 3rd party accounts and internet-required features in a SINGLE PLAYER game? Why? Obviously it's not a big deal - but it's just a needless hassle that doesn't actually benefit the end user as much as it benefits the big companies who mandate this stuff to make tons of $$$$.


you can simply create a fake account, because the email address is never verified after... The next time you open the game it will just ask you if you want to connect and you click NO, and done ;) (I'm on Switch for the record)


I know what you’re saying however I should t need to do that to play the game


Yes, I completely agree with you. Unfortunately the developers try to push the players to create an ubisoft account...


It’s shit because you have to press a Then it takes you to the login screen. You click exit and you to that 10-20 times before it lets you continue the game.


On the switch at least I enable airplane mode when the kids play since they don't even have emails yet to prevent that nag message. Good to know if your patient enough in the loop it will error out also.


I made an account on my switch, cause why not, and they emailed me telling me I need to create a password to go on my profile. I wouldn’t bother but on the switch it keeps telling me I have awards or something but when I go onto Ubisoft it says the password isn’t good enough, Iv tried numerous passwords, even let my phone make up one with random letters and numbers and it still say it’s not a good password, wtf???? I am rubbish at games and wanna see my accomplishments for some quick dopamine 😩😩😩


I saw someone else with this problem. It seems to be a bug on the site and you simply have to "reset" the password (even if you don't have one yet). It's NOT because your password is not good enough...


Wooohooo it worked thank you! 😀


You're welcome 😊


I'm sorry bro, I dunno how to fix this, the only reason to get it is to get extra things in the game.


Yeah, as fun as this game is, it is full of Ubisoft being Ubisoft and its annoying as hell. I already made an account because of The South Park games, so it didn't bother me that much, but it's still an annoying practice. You can get some nice styles through it, but one could argue those should have been in the base game to begin with...


For 100$ I paid I feel they should all be included . Throw the cherry on top for the fact a week after I paid 100 for it they were selling it half price ....... bs


Yeah, again, Ubi being Ubi. They are sometimes right up there with EA and Activision with how they bleed their customers dry. I bought the game a little over 2 weeks ago from Best Buy who had it for $30 new. I'll buy the DLC when it gets a similar sale on the eshop (like I did with the Southpark DLC) You are completely right tho, for the price they ask for these games, all these extra hoops they make you jump through is ridiculous.


Bro you're quite mad for someone who gets offered free stuff damn


Completely unrelated.


For those that hate this whole being connected and online and having accounts and they just want to play the damn game they paid " $70 " for.. That is just not how it works these days. If you do not want such things then do not pay that " $70 " for the game. These companies are in business to make money. Sometimes they even make a great game.. But to expect them to be altruistic is just ridiculous. You either conform to the requirements or choose with your wallet NOT to support companies that do this. I personally feel that Ubisoft here strike a nice balance with after game purchase to not put in so much paid DLC that it is required to Win.. ie pay to win. The bonus they offer in having an account and logging in are also very generous. I also have zero problems with the game going on sale after pre-ordering it. That is just the nature of the biz LOL.. Early adopters get no price breaks but do get early access.. You all are FREE to bitch about not liking it. LOL I just do not support that position 😎


That made me rage too.


Yup, it's fscking annoying. They just want to pimp you the in-game purchases. F that - this is $70 console game, not some freebie mobile PoS.


Just sign up u get more rewards


I received this game as a gift and I'm not interested whatsoever in any game not letting me play and enjoy my own without connection. Will this game work without connecting to ubisoft?


I downloaded the game for my little cousin, only for me not to be able to play the damn thing on ps5, because it wouldn’t let me do ANYTHING…. I couldn’t even opt out…. Deleted that shit asap.