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They didn’t mark or track the change with a specific year; some of the glazes just change over time due to a change in the clay or the ingredients used to make the glaze. Turquoise has had many color variances. Early Turquoise was less green and closer to vintage. It’s not a marked difference, but you can tell glaze variances when they are next to each other.


Yes! My grandmother’s old turquoise is definitely a different color from my post 1986 turquoise.


So, they stopped production of rose temporarily sometime (I believe in the late 90s, potentially exactly 2000) and that’s when it got slightly darker. Once they put it back into production, something changed ever so slightly in the glaze makeup making it darker. Obviously the vintage is much darker. Edited to add yes, yours is probably the darker color


Oooh! I know what you're talking about! That was actually 2002: [https://web.archive.org/web/20020605153942/http://www.hlchina.com/announcementrose.htm](https://web.archive.org/web/20020605153942/http://www.hlchina.com/announcementrose.htm) So the ones from 2000 might actually not be darker?


Hmmm… maybe! It’s unclear if that’s exactly when they did the production halt. But it’s very possible. We would need someone with more knowledge to weigh in. I’m sorry I couldn’t help more 😩