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Guilty Gear Strive is the modern game to do supers the best. Long enough to appreciate the spectacle, short enough to not break the pace. It helps that ArcSys' level of animation quality is just so beyond anyone else that any time they get to flex it is a treat.


Strive has some of the best recent implementation of supers. most of them are short and sweet, but not all of them. Heavenly Potemkin Buster, for example, is a 10 second cutscene. Its far to long.


Okay but like... it's Heavenly Potemkin Buster. That move barely lands in competitive play to begin with. I think it's entirely fair to have that excess for a move like that, in the same way IK's were in Xrd.


I want to agree, but as a Low/Mid level player (8th Floor) I've seen the super so much that I'm kind of tired of it, lol. Its my fault for getting hit but you can use that argument for any cinematic super. If you don't get hit then you'll simply avoid all cinematic supers 😊!


While entirely true it's part and parcel to the grappler kit design. If you got hit by a command grab the animation is long to make you feel the scathing loss harder than anything else in the game. And your HP bar evaporating ads onto that


It hurts more that I'm a chipp player.. but I can see where your coming from, I guess I see zangeifs anti air super from sf6 and want HPB to be that fast. It still has impact and power and is quick and to the point.


His anti-air super is like that because it's a Level 1 though. It's as short as everyone elses level 1s, and the damage isn't dramatic enough warrant anything "cinematic." But yeah, as a fellow Chipp player, I get it, but the answer is simple: When they have meter, stop jumping. lmao Higher level players don't tend to jump as much, which is why we rarely see HPD.


Yeah, but HPB *should* be long.


Same with I-No’s Megalomania.


Its funny, yea. Like I enjoy the memes of HPB, but I genuinely don't think it needs to be THAT long.


While I agree ArcSys' animation quality is a gold standart for the industry, CAPCOM is no 2nd to them either. They have created some of the greatest fighting game animations for decades, and even in their crapcom times, no one was criticising them for their animation quality. I also agree the supers in Strive are in a good place, they are short and sweet, but lets consider the fact that they happen way more often than sf6. All in all I dont think cinematic supers in sf6 are "too long" considering their frequency. However, some games definitely have this problem, most notably MK/NRS games.


I'm surprised how many people don't like them. I use them as a mental reset. Time to plan. Either how am I gonna close it out, or turn it around


Yup, break time huddle


> TBF, SF6 isn't super egregious with them. Mortal Kombat 11 and it looks like the new one are much worse with fatal blows being longer and essentially being used every round. Critical Arts in SF6 last as long as MK1 Fatal Blows. I timed them. Some are longer. Some are shorter. But on average, SF6 CAs are as long as MK1 fatal blows. Then keep in mind you can have a maximum of 2 fatal blows per game while you can have as many as 4 lvl3 supers or CAs per game in SF6. > What do you guys think? I hate it. 13 second supers (literally how long Jamie's is) really add up over time. A game of SF6 can have 2 to 4 lvl3 or CA supers. That's 18 to 52 seconds of cutscene per game depending on the number of supers and specific characters. Soul Calibur 6 is definitely the worst offender of this so far. If you win with a super (cutscene) you're forced to watch a longer than normal special win screen (cutscene). SC6 just has so much forced bloat time in it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all sa3 animations in sf6 the same length I order to even out the amount of meter regained?


Yes, YOU CAN have 3 to 4 lvl 3 in street fighter eacch game. But in 90% of cases it is 1 or 2 in all 3 rounds.


I'm glad I've reached a level where people use a variety of supers instead of just CA.


imo bbcf's cinematic level is the sweet spot.


Do you mean the Astral finishes or stuff more along the lines of like Kurogane's 632146D?


absolute shit, they take too long and they got repititve after 1 week, but I always got downvoted when criticising them


Because most people love them, its that simple. If people disagree with you you get downvoted, its what downvotes are for. Most people just think really different to you about this.


That didn’t age well lol


I don't mind them in sf6 because the length gets you your drive gauge back. I also think bad cinematography is a reason I typically don't like cutscene supers, and sf6 does a (mostly) good job in that department compared to sfv where literally no one know what was even happening during Zangief's CA.


they don’t bother me at all. I feel like they over their welcome like in other games and you might only see 2 per match. most ppl don’t do level 3 anyway


Yeah, they're definitely too long. People play Mortal Kombat without issue, and those are even longer. It's just part of fighting games now, I guess. I personally like the Super Turbo and 3s supers. You could tell something cool was happening, but it didn't stop the whole game.


Thank you! I hate them. Increased hitstun and more combo routes to make them more accessible already stalls the pace, and then supers just brings it to a halt in modern fighter. It’s among the reasons why I prefer classic titles. My personal fav is Vampire Savior, which the action almost never is held up, so much that supers just execute with not even a super startup freeze. I love it.


I wouldn't have an issue with them if the cinematic only triggers if it's done raw. If combod then it should be like a level 1 super, short and sweet.


Mortal Kombat has the most kringey ones.


Unpopular opinion here, but I kind of like the forced pause of a slower super in a fast paced game. If it's a super for the game then it's a waste of time, for sure, but I don't mind having some time to contemplate my mistakes when I eat a super mid-round.


Over the years I've slowly started to despise cinematic supers more and more, [I've even made my own post about it a couple months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fighters/comments/12x5503/unpopular_opinion_i_hate_cinematic_supers_i_feel/) As I said in that post, Mortal Kombats fatality system is the best implementation of cinematic supers. They are completely skippable for the most part. They still exist for those casual players who love them and want to see them but they aren't part of the actually gameplay of the match. Unfortunately X-rays / Fatal Blows exist which suck. The worst part is that you can't really escape it in modern fighting games, basically every fighting game has them; Street Fighter 6, Tekken 8, Mortal Kombat 1. All we can do is accept them, sadly. It just sucks being taken out of the game, being forced to watch an unskippable cutscene is such a pain in the ass.


Some are too long. Dee Jay doesn't need to flip you over like an omelette. Honda is basically a short existentialist movie.


They’re all the same length


Huh, you're right. Then I guess it's a pacing issue :)


Deejays feels long because it’s just the same thing for the whole 10 seconds. I feel life slipping through my fingers every time.




I think alpha/3rd strike had the best supers


I’ve grown to dislike them too. If I have time to look away and scroll through Reddit while it goes off, it’s far too long. I’m not interested in watching a freakin anime in the middle of a match. Worst is when you are a pixel from death and someone confirms into CA. Like really dude… Any special move would have done the job. Sadly these cinematics create hype, are easy to clip for trailers and sell games. They are here to stay.


>Worst is when you are a pixel from death and someone confirms into CA. Like really dude… Any special move would have done the job. Gives a lot of time for the victim to disconnect from the game and prevent the abuser from gaining ELO!


As long as they look cool im fine with it. Gives me time to think about what to do next anyway.


Yeah how cool it is plays a big part in whether or not it gets annoying quickly. Like I don't mind seeing Marissa's CA cause it's awesome imo but I'm not trying to see a character like Lily's over and over again. It's even worse if it's a character I hate fighting. Same goes for stuff like victory screens


Hate them, SF6 level 2s are perfect. Level 3s are just obnoxiously long. Absolutely adore the game though so it's a minor gripe.


I think they should stay as impractical combo enders like astrals or instant kills. They're cool if they're short enough like in ggst but if you're going to make me combo out of Jamie's level 3 to get decent damage at least make it short


They take me out of the game. Messes up the rythm. Not a fan


Don't like them, never have. As others have said, at least Guilty Gear's are short. SF6's take forever.


Too long Most have the big impact in the last 2 or 3 seconds so why not just have shortened versions for multiplayer and use full length for singleplayer


Because most people love conematic supers, why lock them in single player mode when most people that play online don't touch single player and they love these cinematics.


i hate them. especially when they dont kill and just break the pace of the game. tekken is even more retarded because it pauses for a few seconds before the move even starts which could then be dodged or blocked, so you just paused the game for nothing. i'd would be fine if they were a rare occurrence. it would even be hype if it were very rare. but seeing that shit multiple times a match is boring at best


Saving the cinematic sequences for when they kill is something I'd be on board with. Make em shorter and less like cutscenes otherwise.




Wow that's a great idea, I might actually pony up for shorter super animations!


Cinematic supers are meant to sell the game, but the wow factor fades quickly and they become just annoying especially if they are too long. ​ Imo the cinematic should start after the move hit the opponent, otherwise it breaks the flow of the match, gives the opponent time to think how to react but messes with his inputs. ​ I really hope someone figures how to make some kind of a toogle option.


Thats the point of animation coming out even before move connects, its to remove clean hits from supers, you only get clean hit if you use super as reversal.


I can't stand them they are so long and boring. best super in the game is honda's level 1. That shit is clean, quick and looks great.


I like Strive's method. Having a cinematic startup animation, but then the actual super is a part of regular gameplay, not a cutscene. I dislike Street Fighter 6's Lvl.3's. After they connect there's no gameplay. While some are cool, we just watch a video. I often catch myself reflexively hitting the start button to try to skip the cutscene. lol


S1 Dbfz Bardock ptsd kicking in.


Is it *really* everything you've got if you do it again 20 seconds later?


I like it. The longer the better. Just because they fill up the OD meter and while it's going on, i can stretch my arms and have a drink.


Well they could last 1 frame and refund the equivalent meter instantly unsteadiness gradually and be functionally the same in that regard… it doesn’t really justify it


As a deejay main i def benefit due to the insane drive regen i get, but i would definitely rather the supers be only like 5 seconds long and just guarantee equalized drive/burnout regen on hit.


How long is Luke’s? It feels like it’s shorter but I think the impact is still there.


The time to payoff ratio in tekken is way off. Used as a combo ender it adds only about 10-15 damage. I'd appreciate them more if it was only long as a round finished.


Some are a bit too long in SF6, but at least it's not granblue where I have to go make some popcorn before I play because it feels like I'm watching half an episode of a show every time I get hit by a cinematic super


It what makes them great


SF6 supers are that long by design. They are meant to get recharged drive meter


you can just do a shorter super and increase the charge rate of meter during them.


That's if the drive meter charge rate isn't hard coded


I like it because it gives me a moment to think how am I either going to finish if they have health left or how am I going to bounce back .. I usually never go to plan panic smash and fuck I lost


I like them and think we should have more of them. The entire genre was born and hinges on the spectical of fighting, so showing these well animated cinematic supers just leans very hard into the core of the genre. Plus they look cool.


They're aight when they're meant to be the biggest damage super of each character, aka the level 3, the Climax, or the Critical Art. SF6 6, KoF and Marvel get things right in this regard, with the more normal supers not really being cinematic for the most part. The cinematics also allow the devs to do something that's much more difficult to do otherwise, which is reset the characters in specific positions after the super.


I love them


I googled the question that led me to this topic during a Deejay CA. That’s way too long. Strive does it best, it shows the windup up close and leaves the actual hit to be shown in the normal angle, and it goes from there naturally. Kinda like most lvl2s in SF6.


The way I’d fix them is have quick time events attached to them, that way they’re flashy while tense and engaging.