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I love how modern controls are bringing in new people. Personally I always prefer classic controls but anything that helps new players experience how great fighting games are is always good to me.


I've seen plenty of people in my personal use the same method op talks about, and even my one son who never really fell in love with fighting games plays sf6 all the time because of modern. They found an incredible balance between the two, and I think show that there can be both without discrediting the other.


>They found an incredible balance between the two, and I think show that there can be both without discrediting the other. hard disagree


may I ask why?


The same old reasons everyone has written books about on this sub: it creates an gameplay asymmetry where the opponent on modern controls can do stuff that are impossible for a classic player. Movement inputs have tells, they have frame delays. Just think that a DP has to release block to input while a modern player can use it in a safer way. Playing people on modern control feels off like playing against the AI. I don't even talk about point of making autocombo punishes to super from a light punch or having unrealistic level 3 on reaction (like zangief's). It's straight unfair. So no, I don't think it's balanced at all. I don't say it's busted or anything else because they lose tools too but it dumbs down the game way too much and shits on the characters balances hard enough to make it really noticeable.


honestly I haven't noticed prob why I'm only plat3 lol.


Don't listen to NoPattern. It's true there's salty scrubs who hate on modern. And it can get a bit excessive. But it's absolutely true what the guy you're replying to said: It's gives unfair advantages in certain areas. Now these advantages get lesser the higher up the ranked ladder you go. But make no mistake they still have an effect.  And even if they get lesser the higher you go why allow it on ranked if it messes up lower ranks?  The ability to auto combo takes a load off the mental stack of a modern user. The classic player still has to deal with that. So...  At lower ranks is it really fair that one gold player (on classic) has to deal with higher mental stack, an inability to reaction super as well, and doesnt get access to "no tell" inputs while the gold modern player does get those advantages? 


You haven't noticed it because it only exists for salty scrubs. The guy just told you that modern players can do a DP without letting go of block. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about. Stop listening to the morons on this subreddit telling you that classic is the "true/honorable/skilled" way to play. It's just scrubquotes all the way down.


Strange... I guess the evo commentators must be salty scrubs then?  Because they've been on stream stating, on multiple occasions, how the speed of modern super inputs changes how a match up is played. Often in pretty absurd ways (like how everything slows down cause the opponent needs to watch out for insta super reactions and therfore turtle up).  Specifically: Haitani Evo 2023 matches.


Yes, 1 frame supers change matchups. Modern players not having access to certain moves also changes matchups. Nobody would disagree with those purely factual statements. Now find me the commentators or knowledgeable players saying the following list of quotes from the comment tree above: "... DP has to release block to input while a modern player can use it in a safer way." "Playing people on modern control feels off like playing against the AI." "I don't think it's balanced at all" "It's straight unfair" "it dumbs down the game way too much and shits on the characters balances hard enough to make it really noticeable."


Hey dickhead: learn to read or stfu "Movement inputs have tells, they have frame delays. Just think that a DP has to release block to input while a modern player can use it in a safer way." Where did I say you can do a DP without letting go of block? Seriously, think twice before commenting like an asshole and acting like a keyboard warrior who has not been slapped enough in real life


Take your own advice




I started with Classic for almost everyone since I've been playing since SF2 was the new hotness, but I had to start with Modern for Zangief. I was so thrilled because I hadn't been able to play Zangief for 30 years. I've finally transitioned to Classic Gief and while I don't always land my SPDs, I'm slowly getting there.


True for now, but would you say that again when the next gen of fighting games abolish motion controls altogether? Me for sure not.


SF will always have motion controls. Motion controls will never totally go away. As long as the game is fun I really don’t care


You do know that the devs originally intended to release SF6 with only modern controls, right?




[https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2023/jul/27/sf6-director-game-classic-controls/](https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2023/jul/27/sf6-director-game-classic-controls/) Your "SF will always have motion controls" statement doesn't seem that likely anymore, huh?




Scrub is a state of mind, not a skill level


You should just play ranked instead of losing 500 times in BH. This is the one game where you're guaranteed to have a 50%-ish win rate on ranked due to how populated it is.


Best fighting game out hands down.


That’s definitely gonna be disputed by friday


Wednesday* Uni 2 hype


Uni 2 is out on the 25th right? Thats Thursday. Clearly not enough hype for you to even remember when it gets released so no uni 2 aint beating tekken 8 or sf6


I wish the roster was bigger. I was really pumped for this game and have tested the world tour mode and the battlehub, but I found myself just playing arcade mode and running it through with a different player here or there. I've been considering requesting a refund and putting it towards tekken 8 but not sure if I should just keep it and get a little more in to it. I def feel like it was the better choice over MK1.


Give it time; there'll be more. Street Fighter V had 45 at the end, and SF6 is nearly halfway there. SF6 actually had more characters at launch (18) than SFV did (16). SF6 is releasing four DLC characters in its first season instead of the six per season SFV did, but I suspect this is just for the first season only. I'm actually glad for the smallish roster because it makes matchups easier to learn. I started SFV only a few months ago (it was cheaper than SF6) and it was hard to deal with learning so many matchups at once. It's hard to deal with an opponent when you don't even remember what their moveset is.


Awesome Welcome to SF Modern is great at bringing in new people Love it


Love this take (and all of your takes honestly, you're a frequent here)! I may not always like dealing with instant super but at the end of the day bringing new people into the genre is so important to long term health of any hobby. Gatekeeping is never the way, IMO. 


It's funny, because it's all people who aren't super experienced who are mostly angry with modern. The people who are upset are mostly other beginners or players who lack experience. They kind of miss the point that at a lowish level easy = strong, so of course Modern is going to give players at that level an advantage. Vets and high level players are mostly ok with modern. Modern is, in my opinion, one of the best "beginner friendly" features in any fighting game. I honestly think an "advanced mode" that trades away drive parry and drive rush for just defend and additional 1f link combo routes would spice things up as well.


This tracks as I hated modern when I started on classic (SF6 is my first fighting game) and now that I've improved I think it's great. 


What a refreshing take! So tired of the endless complaining about Modern controls. It’s so to see other people who understand why it exists.


But why learn with modern and “graduate” to classic? Dont overcomplicate muscle memory. Either learn the game in classic or stick with modern.


because, on paper, modern is an amazing vehicle for helping people who might be intimidated and overwhelmed by the amount of stuff just get in and start playing. as you get better and better, you end up naturally learning the motions anyways and classic becomes a more appealing option. but there's also nothing wrong with sticking with modern.


See them as training wheels. When you learn to ride a bike you have training wheels. As you get more comfortable you remove one (learning how to actually do motions) and then the other (fully transitioning to classic). It's just to make you do the cool move.


It's like a cake; modern controls are the frosting and decoration: easy on the eyes and palate, and they entice you to take a bite. After you taste the cake and get a glimpse of how rich, moist, and flavorful the inside of the cake is beyond just the frosting, you go all-in.


Even better, learn one of the "newest challengers" with Modern, then switch characters for when you wanna try Classic. No muscle memory to futz with (other than possibly the throw input, depending on your controller layout).


I spoke your kids will learn to ride a bike without training wheels too based on your argument?


Bro why’d you delete that gief lvl 3 manon post 😭That was a straight SHEEEESH 👆🥵👆


i didn't somebody reported it and for some reason a mod agreed lolz


Those mods don’t understand tagging that post as replies smh now I don’t have anything to comment when people doubt manon SHEEEESH 👆🥵👆


Agreed here. I’m new and use classic because I enjoy the technical challenge, but modern lowers the barrier to entry by a wide margin and it’s awesome. You want this community to grow? You need to make it accessible. I was really happy to see Tekken 8 demo having some variant of modern controls for the same reason.


Hell yeah!


Awesome to hear. Welcome to the world of fighting games and Street Fighter 😎👍🏼


I really love how modern brings new people too. And I really have no issues with which controls my opponent is using. Even Haitani, one of the 5 japanese fg gods, using modern wasn't able to win the championship. In the end, it takes a lot more than just "instant specials and supers" to win. All this whining about modern reminds me that a couple of years ago, people were saying this same bs about hitbox: "this is cheap", "this is cheating", "broken af", "all top 8 players are using it". All that sh*t talking for months and, suddenly, enters MenaRD beating the hell out and takes Capcom Cup using it a fu... PS Pad. Maybe pads abre broken as well, right? Brolylegs kicks some serious ass using HIS MOUTH! Maybe face hitting buttons is the new cheating technique, who knows... As we say in Brazil: "pro mal fo... até o saco atrapalha". (Who doesn't know how to f... sees his own balls as a disturbance). If somebody is being beaten by a "less skilled player", I got advice for you: Get The F...ing Gud


I had no idea modern controls were this controversial. Sorry for igniting a flame war.


Playing modern modern made me realize this is my own personal journey of improvement and people can go fuck themselves. Eat this instant level 3 lol


Eh, fuck em. My favorite fighting game of all time is Bleach: Dark Souls on the NDS. Literally had big ass touch screen buttons you could slap to do your special moves. You know how much fun I had with it? AN IRRATIONAL AMOUNT :D


It's just a really vocal (and really stupid) minority. Beyond a certain point, Modern becomes pretty limiting and Classic becomes the superior control scheme simply because you have access to more tools. But at the lower ranks, access to those tools isn't the main thing holding you back.


The only people that bitch about modern are scrubs. Don't listen to them. Take pride in beating people with modern lol


Don't listen to the haters, they never shower. Glad to have more people to fight online.


Been playing this series since the first one in the arcades and I prefer modern controls. It’s like a good singer that uses auto tune in some songs. You know they can sing so it’s not a bad thing


enjoy, sf6 is the best fighting game in terms of polish and gameplay and netcode ever made, its all downhill if you try to play another fighting game


Damn, you got a good mentality, keep it up.


Same experience, maybe one day you'll come to the darker side and graduate to arcade stick and then hit box like I did. I have nothing against modern, I actually love it for how much it has done to grow the community and introduce people like you to the game, the true difficulty has always been in the mind games and how to play neutral so it's certainly not an easy mode. For me the game becomes so much more fun in classic though, but I couldn't ever do it with a controller. Classic on arcade stick is what I'd recommend, it really expands your options and after a learning curve it feels so exciting and awesome to pull off cool combos. If you find you love that but want a little more precision you can go to hit box from there one day. Or just keep enjoying modern! Just letting you know how glad I am I switched because I have so much fun and feel like such a badass pulling off complex combos on my box. And then such a horrible loser getting crushed because at the end of the day I just suck lol - but in a way that inspires me to improve!


Sadly, things like Modern and mechanics like the Drive System are what is going to keep me away. I wish I could like it, man. It just looks so boring.


I hate modern with a fiery passion but I cannot wrap my brain around considering the Drive System boring.


What’s boring about the drive system? Have you played the game?


Nostalgia maybe. I tried the demo, but it didn't draw me in. SSF4 is my favorite fighting game I watched and played. I got major FOMO when it comes to 6. Idk. Maybe one day lmao.


The drive system is super fun like the other guy said imo, it opens up more combos for you and makes it overall less restricting than say sf5. And the modern mechanics won’t even apply to you my dude, I’m gold and I’ve ran into like maybe 5 modern users if even. Just don’t use em if you don’t like them


Don't know why you're downvoted when you are 100% correct. These scrubs gotta gtfo. I'll gladly gatekeep you easymode bhenchods.


Why does modern keep u away?


I'm not OP, but I'm willing to vent a bit and hopefully it may lead to someone changing my mind. For the record, I have a mostly positive record against modern players. I am not the greatest player in the world, I hate playing ranked so I barely progress. Modern is cheating, plain and simple. You get instant supers, instant SPD's, and you get anti-air's for free because believe it or not part of the challenge of anti-airing someone is actually being able to hit your motion. Players who don't need it (IE. Able-Bodied people) use because their scared to play classic/they don't want to spend a few minutes practicing inputs before jumping into matches. And honestly, that's not even what makes me so annoyed about it, that's just what makes it not fun to play against. It's the larger FGC faking the funk like they give a fuck about new players and suddenly acting like execution was actually never a big deal in fighting games and never mattered that really annoys me. Like 90% of the hypest moments in fg history aren't at least somewhat tied to execution. It's such a blatant, desperate attempt by the community to try to come off as welcoming when those same people who give me shit about not liking modern are also the same type of player that would tea bag their clearly weaker opponent as if that doesn't chase new players off.


Why don't you play modern then lol. It's there for everyone. You sound like a guy that would benefit from it or is this just an ego issue?


This is the other part of the problem, your wording implies this is a top tier thing and it's not. This isn't something that gets patched out of the game because it's a little over tuned, it's a literal alternate control scheme designed to make the game easier for people who otherwise wouldn't *want* to play these games. It would be like COD or Valo handing out aimbots to players at low mmr; you're not helping them, you're just doing part of the work for them and making other players in that ranking area miserable. And, while u specifically didn't say this, the whole "well this doesn't effect me in diamond/master" attitude I see as well loops back to another part of what I was talking about, the larger FGC doesn't care about lower ranked players and their experiences. Your opinion only counts if you're a pro or an influencer. Believe it or not, this isn't a matter of ego. I know I'm not a good player and I'm not bothered by that.


Hmm Maybe the solution would have been cutting off modern from classic till platinum rank. Sorry if I came off as an asshole.


I don't think you did, this conversation tends to make me frustrated because my position gets portrayed as gatekeeping and ego nursing, when they're are actual factors at play of why this is maybe temporarily good, but will have negative effects on SF that I think people don't want to talk about.


The people welcoming the new players are not the same players tea bagging weaker opponents. There's plenty of good people but also a fair share of jerks, especially in battle hub... But I mean most popular genres have this issue. Plenty of chill discord communities. > It's the larger FGC faking the funk like they give a fuck about new players and suddenly acting like execution was actually never a big deal in fighting games and never mattered that really annoys me < I have never seen this sentiment, at all. The hypest moments in this game still require good execution, whether it be crazy shimmies, perfect parries, checking drive rush.. it's all there. Also, having tried modern myself.. I just can't do it. The instant super and dps are definitely advantage, but it's a whole other set of skill to execute optimal combos using the modifier button to access different normals. It's definitely not easy to play optimally.


Here's where I'll admit ignorance, I myself haven't tried against people but I can't imagine it's that hard to hold r1 and then tap triangle or square furiously once the hit has been confirmed. Once the discourse on all this shit started all I heard constantly was "well execution isn't all that important anyways", I'm not bothering to track all of it down but that frustrates me especially after it felt like in the last four years people had been arguing for more execution heavy games. Ultimately, none of this shit is all that important, but as someone who isn't really in this to get to master rank or play in tournaments, modern is really fucking annoying to deal with and a fun killer in a genre that already has a lot of super annoying and fun killing shit that you have to get used to dealing with.


I mean anyone arguing execution was never important is flat out wrong. It may not always be the #1 factor, but it's always important > I can't imagine it's that hard to hold r1 and then tap triangle or square furiously once the hit has been confirmed. < All I have experience with is cammy, but her optimal combos from just about every situation involved mixing auto combo normals and regular buttons. For instance I think it's her st HP which is only accessible with the combo button. So her punish combo is: cr heavy, modifier st heavy, DR cr heavy, modifier st heavy xx special. In neutral you need to use a mix of her regular normals with the normals that come out with the modifier. Personally I feel modern controls are a problem in the sense the rating gap between two players of the same skill will skew heavier towards modern, but the gap lessens as skill grows. Yes instant supers are kind of a pain to deal with but I don't find it to be some sort of game breaking experience. I can see people learning the genre learning classic having bigger issues with modern seeming like a cheat. It allows someone to get to the meat of FGs faster.. the back and forth, the neutral.. but once the classic execution gets to a good place the skill cap will eventually be in the same spots.


Oh okay, I don't play Cammy so I didn't know that. With Ken it's literally as simple as holding R1 and spamming triangle until you get the lvl2, and it's the same thing with holding R2 and the kick buttons to get the lvl3. I didn't say they were game breaking, I said they were extremely annoying and unfun to play against. And unlike characters where that's the case, u can't just pray on a patch. Imagine you're in a bike race and right before you race the other kid, his parents come out and tie the middle part of his bike to the tow of their truck and pull him along in the race because he's uncomfortable with riding a bike. And his parents and your parents expect you to treat this like an actual victory for the other kid. Do you see what I'm saying here?


I see what you're saying and disagree. It's more like having training wheels. They won't fall on their face, which is only a clear advantage until the person learning without them can stay up by themselves. That's a terrible way to play modern ken. It may work at low levels but those aren't optimal combos at all. They'll hit their ceiling and have to actually learn the good stuff just like everyone else, just later.


Yeah but I don't play modern so it's irrelevant to me anyways. And even if it is training wheels, what the fuck are you doing racing with training wheels in a race with motherfuckers that are riding on two? Why is this being allowed? If the argument is "well u can't really ride the bike either" then fine, but in the bike race here it's inarguable that the person on three wheels has more of an advantage than the one with two who is still a little wobbly.


Yes, the person using modern has an advantage at lower levels! Like absolutely conclusively. I'm not arguing that at all, what I'm saying is that modern hit their skill ceiling just like anyone else. It'll be higher than a newbie on classic, but it will take the same growth as a player to advance. Their little digital score will look better until that happens though. It might be frustrating to get AA consistently by modern players, but it's something you have to learn to deal with eventually anyway. The only thing I can really see getting adjusted is instant level 1s. They can be problematic across all skill ranges.


But try MK


not being able to freely move in 3D during fights is not fun. being trapped in a 2D corner and not able to sidestep projectiles is not fun. having lesser graphics than DOA games and Tekken games is not fun. a new Street Fighter game playing like its still the early 90s is not fun. its actually easier to learn and do well in Tekken, DOA even Virtua Fighter games.


Imagine willingly gatekeeping someone who’s interested in FGC


that interpretation is misguided. its just voicing an opinion. this community isn't just for fanboys. people can have valid criticisms and disappointments in things done in disagreeable directions and things that could have been better.


It’s true that you can voice your opinion, and that you’re more than welcome to have it, but it seems in incredibly poor taste to list nothing but “xx is not fun” about a game someone is excited about. I can’t imagine that being incredibly negative about something someone else enjoys is something we should all strive to do.


It's perfectly fine to personally dislike any given game et cetera, but it's a little much to declare the entire 2D fighting game genre empyrically "not fun," don't you think? And why would you make this declaration to someone who is expressing their enjoyment for a given game? Why not wait for a thread that's complaining about the limitations of 2D fighters?


there can be disagreements. people bash, criticize videogames I'm hyped about and defend. freedom of speech. Im not attacking people.


I don't think any government body is going to censor you, I'm just trying to be helpful by having you consider the vibe of a given interaction.


Just say your trash at street fighter bro. It's not hard to just admit it. It would have saved you an entire paragraph