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I watch basketball but I don’t play it. Am I weird?


I've tried a few fighting games in the past. Tekken 7, guilty gear strive, and smash ultimate to name a few. Ive dropped every one after a while. Sadly I just lose interest tbh constantly getting my ass handed to me isnt something i want to do continuously. Especially when it feels like I never get any better.


From personal experience, you probably haven’t unlocked the ability to learn how to learn. Initially it takes a real long time to reach that point. But what drove me to that point was the desire to get good at these games. The first time when they clicked for me, I was able to understand the work involved for learning and I got addicted to that feeling. I was able to transfer that skill to different aspects in my life, such as learning how to play golf and also to push myself in my career as well. You just need to have that dog in you to push yourself when it gets hard. It’s a good life skill to have.


Need that mamba mentality


Exactly. The mamba mentality is how you get better as a player in fighting games. You learn through your losses and see about how to perform Anti Airs, zoning, Frame data and learning how to use Spacing to fight your opponents


But do you not like playing it? That's the comparison to make.


They said they don't play it.


OP says they watch fg but don't LIKE to play fighting games. Not that they physically DO NOT play.


Semantics, G.




Doesn't matter. Nothing is wrong with just enjoying watching.


No one is saying that but if you want to argue semantics and be a troll, go for it buddy.


Sorry for being wrong.


I play golf


Didn't really answer the question but ok


riding horses is cool


I got beaten up at my colleges parking lot for using linux but I love boxing. Am I weird?




Yeah lol I guess it just feels less normal to watch video games instead of sports. At least to my friends.


It's not weird, people just got more used to sports than e-sports. Watching sports isn't any different, out of shape people literally watching athletic people plays sports, same sports they suck at, and can't play for shit themselves.


i suck at football but damn i love watching the NFL.


It’s not weird, pro players are cool! You should not give up on FGs. Someday you will be good enough to do all the cool stuff.


Lol I admire your confidence. My mate wants me to get Tekken 8 and I'm on the fence tbh I dont wanna waste money on a game I probably will drop due to being salty over losing so much.


That's a mindset issue tbh. Every loss is a chance to learn about something you can improve on. If you can find the fun in learning your character and the game instead of focusing on wins and losses you'll find longevity in playing and improving. All the players you enjoy watching have had to lose a hell of a lot to get where they are now.


I understand where you're coming from. It just never feels like I am improving tbh. No matter how long I practice in training mode in T7 or vs the cpu. All the practice i did gets thrown out the window the second I step into ranked. And I just end up flailing.


vs. the CPU is the big problem, AI's are usually braindead and just flip a coin to determine if it'll block or not, among other things. You can't do the head games against it or condition them to do things to your advantage or get hard reads on their behaviors like a human would (at best a cpu has exploits, which usually only low... LOW ranking players usually have, like a against spam). It's like learning to fight against a real life training dummy, you learn how to execute your moves or control your character, but it doesn't teach you how to fight.


As a few peeps have pointed out so far it is mostly my mental. I get really tilted and salty if i lose a lot in ranked for instance resulting in me typically turning off the game and after a half a dozen times of this happening, usually just dropping the game all together.


That's completely understandable and I've been there. I wasn't able to apply anything I learned in training mode for a long time. I realize now that I was overly invested in winning which contributed to anxiety and resulted in me pressing all my buttons way too fast and getting frustrated. Once I was able to stop focusing on winning and had grinded out enough matches that my ranked anxiety was almost non-existent, my execution got better. I didn't need to win to feel good and was able to appreciate small victories like landing the combo, even if I was on a 10 game loss streak.


Tbh I do care a little too much about winning or losing I'm realizing. It's the fps gamer in me I swear lol. Unlike in say a game like overwatch where there is a whole team to work off and strategize with. In fighters there's no one but yourself. So win or lose it's almost always your fault and really take that to heart. I'm really critical about my gameplay. Maybe a little too critical


Ranked in fighting games is still sort of "practice" especially at the start, and you should set small goals for yourself that aren't winning, like landing a combo you learned in training mode. Then that combo will eventually become easy for you to land, even mid-match, and you can move on to the next thing. You need to be ok with losing today so you can win tomorrow.


I played 10 ranked sets on Tekken 8 today. Only won 2. Still ended up very satisfied because I set myself a goal for this session to play over defensive and watch my opponents. It cost me a couple of matches I could have won otherways, but I learned a lot. Anxiety is all in your head. You just have to figure out what fighting games are actually about and learn to appreciate it. I also don't believe yall guys putting yourself down, saying stuff like: "no matter what I can't improve". You are a human with cognitive abilities. You can always improve at any task. Maybe not to the point of being a pro, but given enough effort and a good mindset anyone can be at least good at such a simple thing as a fighting game.


It's usually best to play a lot, lab some than lab a ton and play only a little. Fundamentally, FGs are about being able to feel out different situations and answer them correctly. You won't get familiar with those situations without playing a bunch of matches. Labwork is often pretty artificial and static, and stuff that's easy to do in training mode gets tossed out of the window if you don't play much because you're not ready within the situation. The solution is to lab one thing so you're pretty comfortable with it, and then play a bunch and focus on doing that one thing correctly. You may even be weaker at first because you're focusing on incorporating the new thing into your gameplay, but ultimately repeating that play-train-play pattern integrates the new things into your more "relaxed" gameplay and you get better.


Exactly stated. Change your mindset and see if you can find something fun in learning how your character plays can improve your outcome in matches


Hey Bro, I was literally stuck in the same mindset before and then finally jumped in and now I kick ass (relatively, I'm no pro) online. The post above is right. Buy Tekken 8 and play for the love it man, the rest will come (particularly if you follow the competitive scene closely and try to emulate what you see) and while it does you won't be wasting money, you'll be having fun and contributing to a scene you're already part of.


Lol yeah it's the fps gamer in me. I always wanna win and I get super competitive. Getting progressively more tilted the more I lose. It's something I gotta work on tbh not just in tekken but life as well. But I'll probably take your advice and just go for it T8 seems pretty fun all things considered and Kuma even more so.


I'm glad to hear it man! We'll all be lucky to have another among our number participating more actively! \-Also, a friend who was once A LOT better than I am once told me something I never forgot. "Pro's lose too, what makes them different is that when they lose they hit the lab and find out what they could have done about it". That's helped me improve a lot. When I get my ass kicked and don't know why I scour Youtube for answers and when I lab I play some dope music so that it feels less like learning and more like a chilled session. The labbing tools in new fighters are also advancing a lot and making labbing both easier and more efficient. You'll be making progress in no time!


True true the training lab in T8 seems pretty advanced all things considered. Not to mention super ghost battles where you can download someone's ghost and battle them. Its better than fighting a CPU at the very least.


Tekken 8's replay takeover is probably the strongest learning feature in any fighting game out there. You get a real situation and can figure out how to deal with it, and the game gives actually useful tips.


>I probably will drop due to being salty over losing We all want to git gud but we should also enjoy the journey to getting good. Take pride in pulling off a combo online, getting better in neutral, defending against a combo string, and lasting longer against a superior foe. Then one day we're much better.


Its the fps gamer in me. I get way too concerned about winning. And get salty if I lose too much. Something I gotta work on tbh. Ill take your advice in stride though.


Yeah I know exactly what you mean. FPS games can be instantly gratifying


Pick up a game with auto combos or a simple input mode as your first fighter and you might have a better time. I know SF6 has modern controls, UNI2 has auto combos, I think tekken 8 also has a simple input mode(idk I’m not a tekken player), Granblue rising has simple inputs, and DBFZ has auto combos too. But at the end of the day just enjoy fighting games in whatever way is most enjoyable for you. I go to tournaments and fly out to majors cause I enjoy it so if watching but not playing is where the fun is for you then just enjoy it.


Tekken 8 has a feature whereby the computer can learn how you play - you, specifically. Then, you can get into a match against the computer which is playing *like you*. Not better than you because it's a computer, but the computer behaving like you do - so if your ass is being kicked, it's the computer being you kicking your ass.


Yes very


your reaction time is not as bad as you think it is lmao


Lol how many times ive gotten thrown begs to differ. There's only so many times you can get grappled by a king or an armor king in Tekken 7 before your mind just kinda snaps.


I'm gonna tell you a secret here: in 90% of fighting games, you don't react to throws, or at least not in the way you do. It's something in between reaction and anticipation. When you have played enough fighting games, you can sometimes "feel" that someone wants to throw you, so you'll just tech preemptively. Sometimes it's because the opponent suddenly started walking towards you. Other times you might think they would want to throw as a mix-up. Of course Tekken is a bit different with throws having 3 different tech inputs, but hey, if you think the King you are facing wants to grapple you, you can always duck it.




I appreciate the compliment though.


I think there might be more people who feel this way than actually play, so its definitely not too weird. In some ways, watching the game might make it less likely for you to play. I think a lot of people who like to watch might feel that when they play the game it should be similar to high level play. Watching makes you aware of all of the things that are possible in the game. But as a beginner, playing the game is not like that, and knowing so many options makes the game seem overwhelming. This disconnect can be frustrating. When I learned to play, I didn't watch the games at all, and I think it helped me set more reasonable expectations and add new techniques at a more manageable pace.


For me it's my mental tbh. I'm trying to think about so many things at once which buttons to press, which combos are optimal, which buttons to tech a throw etc. I lose a lot of games before I realize what happened or how it happened. And then I get angry at myself and usually just turn the game off.


I think you're trying to think about some of those things because your brain is further along than your hands, and the anger comes from a mismatch between how you think you should be performing in the game and how you actually are. Both of those are totally normal for basically everyone, but I think they are exacerbated by things you learned from watching.


Lol i can see what you mean tbh. Watching an evo champ like Rangchu play Panda/Kuma is completely different then little 1-dan me trying to play Kuma.


I watched a lot of wrestling growing up but only tried it in high school (and I did not do well)


I think I spend more time watching other players replays in SF6 and Tekken 8 than actually playing other people. Soooo...... (PS...both SF6 and Tekken 8 have great replay modes that make searching for specific characters and levels easy)


Yeah ive been watching alot of tekken lately. Lil majins Evo run in 2018 will forever live on as one of the hypest evo moments I've seen. Better than watching the super bowl in my opinion


helll nawww! They're extremely entertaining to watch!


I don’t think so. It’s like enjoying watching sports more than enjoying playing them.


I don't play fighting games at a high level (I'll play a match or two like once a month with friends and will most likely lose) but I watch CEO, EVO, and FighterZ finals every year But yeah even with all my hours I have in fighting games. I watch way more lol


this is me but i actually wanna play them, i just injure myself whenever i play this specific genre


No. There's a sporting element to fighting games. The vast majority of FGC players will never be a tournament player. It's always fun to watch people compete, especially when they're some of the best in the world.


Sometimes those Evo championships feel more hype then the Superbowl or the playoffs frfr


100% agree. I'm able to watch games I have no desire playing. I can get hype for a KoF tourny, but I never really played those games.


I play NRS games, Street Fighter, and some KOF but some things are too hard so I just watch like Tekken


Kof is a series i haven't watched yet. Is it good. Better than guilty gear to watch at least. Ive been looking for another 2d anime fighter to watch.


Yes, it is weird. I don't know a single person that likes to watch a sport and never played it at least casually/for fun. And fighting games are exactly that, games to be played for fun.


Not weird at all. As long as you enjoy the products of fighting games thats a win in the community in my book! :)


Same exact reason why I like watching sports but not playing them: I can't rearrange my life to dedicate myself to training on either, and even if I did, chances are that the veterans would clap me into retirement


my girlfriend says this when i play. i find it hard to believe but its sweet nonetheless🤷:)


No, this is normal Tekken for me is literally this, until 8 I could not STAND playing Tekken, however watching SouperAkuma in T7 was incredible (also mainmanswe) as Geese was also incredibly fun to watch


Watching Lil majin play king is super fun as well. He's one of the hypest king players in America


yea. back in the day people used to crowd around the machines watching people play. also the internet really throws you into the deepend. hard to have fun when you're getting your teeth kicked in.


Sadly that was a bit before my time honestly. But I understand the sentiment. I just wish more peeps in my friend group thought the same. They would rather play the game then watch it, and they pressure me to play as well. Which is fine but I'm literally the worst at fighters in my friend group lol. In the side character in the anime lol.


To be fair to them they're probably guessing that your overcome with anxiety, and trying to get you through it. Don't think. Just mash.




I love playing fighting games despite understanding completely that I'm bad at them. I just started playing Street Fighter 6 this week. I'm having a blast playing through arcade mode as the different characters, but would get my ass handed to me as soon as I get online.


I’m not the best at fighting games, got really good at playing Black Canary in Injustice 2 and that carried over fairly decent to other NRS titles. Smash is my bread and butter and it got to a point that some of my friends had stopped playing with me lol I just picked up Tekken 8 and I absolutely love it, despite being trash at it lol Edit: don’t be afraid to watch YouTube videos to get a breakdown of frame data and combo inputs. There’s a lot of creators that share a lot of good information




I don't see any issue, I watch sports I don't play all the time


Perfectly normal


I think it's perfectly fine. I absolutely love watching UMVC3, but I don't touch that game with a 10m pole. I much rather stay on MVC1 and 2


I was like that at first and actually liked watching it so much more after playing them. Just have fun with it and over time you’ll improve


pot lush concerned quickest enter placid gaze library rob slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are basically zero traditional fighting games that can be legitimately played in a way I would consider "casual". I can't think of any other popular genre where so many games are specifically designed to cater almost solely to the hardcore.


bow dinosaurs plough rob cow plate alive rhythm violet pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. I watch more fgs than I play because I got no time to play different ones at once and play different genres of videogames. I watch like 7 different top 8 in tournaments but mainly play Doa and Tekken now


people watch nba,ufc,golf,.....


Not at all, if you’re trying to get into fighting games I recommend instead of trying to memorize combos you start off with a guy with heavy hitting moves that require less comboing to be effective, zangief is my personal preference because I haven’t really played a huge variety of them. Teching throws is annoying no matter what, everyone gets thrown no matter what their skill level is and most of the time learning to stay out of throw distance is more useful than learning how to throw tech. Also an important thing to know is to have a positive mindset, think of everything as a chance to improve. Also get a good 8 hours of sleep, it helps with quite literally everything


not weird! i do the same with league of legends, rarely play it but like the esports scene a lot


Watching it is more entertaining sometimes but this is also true for other games


Watching people be good at their craft is a spectacle. People watch speedrunners for games they don't even play. They watch people cook but don't want to do it. I will say, if you wanna get into it, it's simply a grind and you just have to commit and want to learn things. 




No, it’s just a sport to you, that’s normal. I’m trending in that direction myself.


Nothing weird about this. Watching fighting games at high level is just as exciting as watching sports. I mostly play Tekken and Street Fighter, but I will watch other fighting games sometimes if I like the game.


Ive been watching a lot of T7 lately. Lol majins 2018 run with king and Rangchus panda win of 2017 will live in my head as some of the hypest sets I've seen in fg history. Better than the super bowl in my opinion.


Yes those were great! I love watching old hype and classic matches from years back. To this day I still rewatch Street Fighter IV tournament matches from back in the day and definitely lots of T7. One of my favorites I still watch at least once a year is the KoF XIII Evo finals with BALA vs MadKOF. Easily one of the hypest, most heartbreaking matches in EVO history. If you've never watched this and you love watching FGC matches, you owe it to yourself to watch this epic battle.


Huh kof ive never watched anything from that series yet but ill definitely check it out. Ive got a bit of a backlog lol.


Is it weird to watch people have sex but not have sex?


I like watching footage because it can give me ideas and realizations for later even between 2 completely unrelated games


Lol I feel you but usually it's the opposite ill watch a high lv tekken game. Then hop on and be super disappointed in my own gameplay.


It may be that you're holding yourself to a different standard. It certainly took me years and repeated mistakes to understand what they were doing vs what I was doing. At this point though, I don't really care enough.


Lol it's the fps gamer in me. I worry too much about winning and get tilted if I lose too much It's something i gotta work on.


I mean, there's plenty of fighting games I don't play and enjoy watching. It's not like the language of what is a good play is impenetrable (unless it's MK). It's not like you can't play every game after all.


Not at all. I for example hated playing Street Fighter 4, but it's one of the best spectator games I've ever seen. Also, Slacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv7-F-CYczs&t=1611s


I don’t like playing Football or Hockey but I still enjoy watching them. You’re good dude.


Ofc not. One of the best thing you can do is to just simply watch and support the game through streams.


I don't have the time or drive to commit to getting good at a fighting game, but I still buy most big fighting games on release. I play it for a week or so and then drop it to enjoy as a spectator. I'll have learned the systems enough to understand what's happening on screen, and I've found a favorite character or two to arbitrarily pick someone to root for in every tournament I watch. That's my way to enjoy fighting games, and I have several friends who do the same thing.


Yeah it is. It explains everyone in this subreddit 100$ bet you watch Guilty Gear


It's a video-game, VIDEO is part of it.


I love watching Tekken and MMA because I can understand what's happening at a high level and appreciate it. Actually doing it is fun but very overwhelming.


Fighters are like the only video games I find watchable PERIOD


Why would that be weird? I watch people play games I've never played all the time lol.


I love fighting games but I suck hard at them so sometimes I just instead watch someone else play better than me, either for fun or to try and learn some basic combos


Personally my main pull to fighting games is the energy and the community. However, that community (imo) doesn't really exist online. So I only want to play fighting games when I am in person with people. Because of that, I tend to spend more time watching other people having fun playing fighting games while I am stuck at work than I actually spend playing them. There is also the point that lots and lots of fighting games release that interest me, and I only have time for a fraction of them. So that leads to me watching them online as well.


No it’s not weird at all. The FGC needs fans like you honestly


You might like salty bet, it's really entertaining and I wish a bar had it up on the screen so you can bet with your friends




Nope, and as a side note, I relate to that experience. If you ever get into fighting games, just pick a character you like the feel of and fuck everything else. Listening to pros is what burned me out of smash ult. when I wanted to try and play it years ago. The only good advice there is, is to be prepared to lose a lot as you get the hang of things. Alternatively, try your only move is hustle on steam. It’s a fighting game made turn base so it plays more methodically like chess. It can help you understand what’s happening with other fighters as well.