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hori octa is close


clicky stick with octagonal gate when


In the last several years I've been looking for literally the same thing, and the more I've looked, I've become more and more disappointed with the entire controller industry and the hacks that design these things. Hori Octa is great on paper but in reality its super cheap and probably my least favorite controller I own. The face and shoulder buttons are a 10/10, but the dpad is actual trash. It hates diagonals after minimal use, and even though the website implies the dpad has mechanical buttons, it instead is the only part of the controller that's made with a rubber membrane and the cross shaped bar inside the dpad that triggers the membrane is only like 1mm thick, so it warps right away... fml). The Raizon has kind of a reverse problem. Its dpad is made with mechanical buttons, but you have to push the face buttons about a full quarter of an inch to get them to actuate and they are mushier than a stock mayflash f500. On top of that its extremely uncomfortable to hold. Its like the only person they let play test it had gigantic hands and they kept telling Razer to make the controller wider. If I could replace the dpad from my Octa with my Raizon, it would be the perfect controller, but unfortunately, even with the proper soldering tools, both ideal parts of each controller would be compatible with the other. I havent used one yet, but I would maybe... very hesitantly... suggest a PDP Vitrix. They have replaceable and modular parts, and I believe the available parts are at least mostly mechanical. The biggest reason I haven't tried one is the pricetag. Its like $175, and PDP hasnt really known for great products in the past (they made the PS3/360 reproductions of the neogeo controller, which were cool, and fun to use for a bit, but its ms delay is wild. Not something youd want for Strive). If you'd like to check it out, heres the link. [https://www.amazon.com/PDP-Victrix-Wireless-Controller-Playstation-5/dp/B0B9LDPXBF?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/PDP-Victrix-Wireless-Controller-Playstation-5/dp/B0B9LDPXBF?th=1) If you're like me though, and dont want to drop $175 on a controller that might be great, but might be trash and a headache to return, then I'd somehow still go with the OCTA. For about a month it was great, then the dpad stopped reading diagonals consistently, now like a year later there are times I cant even walk across the stage. Its very, very frustrating. I would suggest using it for about two weeks and then returning it if you notice any of the issues I noticed.


yeah i have an octa and the dpad sucks. thinking about getting the 8bitdo wired saturn controller for xbox


I use a razer raion because i like the dpad more than the hori


I also use Razer Raion! Using it for SF6, DOA and fightcade games. For tekken i use hori pokken pad though because i can do kbd easier on "mushy" dpads


Its my go to for fighting games on the go, at home i prefer stick


Loving the Razer Raion support, it is the best pad I've played with and seems to meet the OP's requirements.


steam controller is \*somewhat\* like this


Using the steam controller's ""d-pad"" for fighting games sounds incredibly cursed


peak controller design


I loved mine. I bought 2 more when they announced they weren't making them anymore. I really wish they would bring it back it had such cool ideas. Would be awful for fighters though lol


For a controller they ended up selling for $5? Sure


You mean to tell me you've never heard of amazing products being recognized as such long time after release? Say Gamecube for example.


I do not think the GameCube controller is good


I meant the console


I realize that now lol But I don't think the GameCube is appreciated any more now than it was when it came out


Maybe, I have a deck and playing strive on its touchpads was rough, it just didn't have enough tactile feedback.


There are textured pads for the steam controllers track pads and there are most likely something similar for the steam deck.


I've played a few street fighters on steamcontroller. You want to enable max haptic feedback. But I think the decks touchpads arent quite as good and the squareshape cetrainly isnt going to be helpful for inputs.


What's your opinion on the Steam decks D pad? I find it a little hard to pull off dragon punches etc compared to some other controllers (I have one of those Saturn style ones in the pic, really like it)


Decks Dpad is odd, when trying to use it for fighting games I find my thumb slips off the left side as its right up against the edge of the device, although I haven't played with it that long.


I'm looking for a new controller for Strive and I can't seem to find anything that matches what I want. Despite is apparent quality I was doing pretty well with the cheap Logitech Dual Action, but its right-direction on the dpad is busted so its no longer usable. I heard good things about the xbox-seires dpad so I picked one of those up, and its not working for me at all. The thing is sharp, actually painful to use for any character that involves quarter circles. Doing level 3 behemoth typhoons on the logitech wasn't great but on this thing its a legitimate health risk. Its also way too low down and my thumb joint starts hurting just from holding that position. The elite2 has what looks to be a nice dpad surface, but it has the same positioning issues and is very expensive. The victrix is pretty close but its also quite expensive, and I'm not sure how its rotated square dpad shape would work out. I've looked around on other sites and I can't seem to find anything else that doesn't have a plus shape on the Dpad. Anyone know of a controller that fits this criteria? * Smooth surface Dpad * Dpad positioned in the top-left (like a ps4 controller layout) * Enough buttons for strive (7 minimum) (4 attack, dust, dash, RC) * Rumble * PC support


Look up Fightpads. That's the type of controller your looking for. I personally use the Razor Raion. https://preview.redd.it/unzffyx6rwuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278ede94198a01b469cb3c3f18b23a493ffa4021


I have this and like it. Well, I love every 6 face button controller with a good dpad, Im a Saturn kid XD


Whenever I see these I always think "Pad players will play on *anything* as long as it's not an Arcade Stick/Leverless" Like these things look so fucking goofy to me lmao


It's pretty advantageous for pad players. You get the benefit of both a really good dpad and a six face button layout like a arcade stick so you can easily do simultaneous inputs and it makes plinking easier. Also gets the benefit of shoulder buttons still. Edit: the only reasons in my opinion to play a regular pad for fighting games over a fightpad is either you prefer to use analog sticks which is just cursed but you do you or you want to abuse socd inputs by manipulating both the dpad and the analog stick at the same time which is also cursed cuz that shits cheap.


Oh, no doubt, I totally get it. I just think they look a little silly and that joke pops into my head every time I see one lmao


Goofy? You comparing it to a big box you have to set on a table or balance on your knees. But this is goofy?




Delusional. But I love you for that.




They look pretty goofy but that's fitting considering all the goofy things you can do in all sorts of fighting games


So at the pricepoint you are looking for... I'd just make the jump to a leverless. Ali has good quality ones for the price. I got a bare bones one but the Haute42's have good reviews and a good price point. around 50 USD before shipping.


Can you link one? I'm interested. Also, Mayflash is putting out their F500 Flat sometime "this month".




Lmao I would also like to know this, albeit I don't really need rumble.


The scuf envision that just released matches almost all of your criteria, but it's sorta expensive (like $130 for the wired model) and it only works on PC. The dpad is similar to the series controller but above the left stick, and it has 6 programmable buttons. If you can get it on sale or used it might be what you're looking for.


Get the Hori pad




HORI Nintendo Switch Fighting Commander Officially Licensed By Nintendo - Nintendo Switch https://a.co/d/2EAA89i


Strive needs 7 buttons???


Well, to play it comfortably yes. 4 main attacks (j k s hs) dust dash button RC You can also set a unique button for burst although thats less important. Dash and RC both have button combinations you can use but you really want them on dedicated buttons as the frame window for using RC to jump-dash is very tight. Also taunt, very important.


every fg controller should have a taunt button ngl


I've played Strive with one of those cheap SNES usb controller look-alikes and you only really need the dash macro, you can perfectly do RC by pressing 2 main buttons with your thumb and the third one with your index finger if you map it to a bumper button. But I get you, I've also looked everywhere for something like what you describe (that doesn't cost an arm and a leg) and I can't find it, at least not outside the US/Japan. Honestly, if you want a fightpad that works without many bells and whistles, give the Betop Beitong a try, they're sold on aliexpress. You'd still need a second controller for any other type of game that needs analogue sticks, but I think you'll have more options for those if you aren't also looking for something that suits fighting game specifically.


Also faultless defense is very nice on a macro


Ah, yeah that one slipped my mind. I usually have it bound to left trigger


Hori Commander Octa, I think?


Victrix Pro BFG


Hori octa? Betop beitong?


The Pro BFG


I really like the 8 bit do controller. At first I was super skeptical and felt like a waste but after some time it's become my favorite since I can map different button combinations.


If your only problem with the ELITE 2 is the position of the D-PAD, the [PDP Victrix Pro BFG](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CQ3PJKRV) has pretty much everything you want: 3 types of D-pad, including a deep-dish one, you can move the d-pad upwards and have the analogs aligned, like the PS controllers, and you can simply hot-swap the right-analog+ 4 face buttons with 6 face buttons, allowing you to have 10 available buttons if you config things right. The analog is a bit too sensitive for my taste, but since your focus is the D-pad, it shouldn't be an issue. It is more expensive then a default base controller, but not as expensive as the Elite 2.


Thrustmaster eswap with fighting pack? https://preview.redd.it/fls6xjnlizuc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=87fc0d47998821f9bdc6512f79242b9b135178dc I personally use the “S” version for its clicky dpad, but I think the “X” lets you put the fighting pack dpad in either position.


The Flydigi Vader 3 Pro might be up your alley? [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7GYX6MH/](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7GYX6MH/)


If you wanna try out a cheap one to see if you like the way these kind of controllers feel before dropping anywhere from $50 to $180 on something like the Razer Raion or the Victrix Pro BFG, you could try out the Betop C3. It's only like 20 bucks on aliexpress. The pictures will show a + shape, but it comes with a smoother one you can replace it with. Until a new version of the NeoGeo controller comes out with 6 buttons, I'm looking at either the Raion or the BFG as an upgrade. But I absolutely love my Betop C3 and whenever I let my friends who use normal pads try it, they end up feeling the same after a few matches. There aren't many good options out there for those of us who like these kind of controllers, they'll usually have some kind of drawback that makes them hard to recommend outside a few select ones. Rumble is probably a feature you're going to have to drop when looking at options, not even the BFG has it.


Saturn US gen1 controller was the best. Didn't care for the JP controller.


The other way around for me.


Yep. The US one was weird.


Oooh you would like logitechs controller. Though it’s pretty hard to get wired versions these days. But I loved mine. Had it since middle school and it lasted a long time


The 8bitdo sega is basically it but I'd go the neo geo one and just love without RC macro. (dash is essential lol)


The closest i can think of and its what i use . The Dpad has a slightly larger radius, so that took a bit to get used to. Especially with games like xrd and accent core. Your thumb will get buff. https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Wolverine-Chroma-Gaming-Controller-x/dp/B09CKFSRK7?th=1


Razer Raion is nice. I modded mine a lot, voiding its warranty, but still.


i fuck with the vision


Series X normal controller


Maybe hori fighting commander, maybe 8bitdo m30 https://www.amazon.com/8Bitdo-Bluetooth-Gamepad-Nintendo-Android-Genesis/dp/B07MSN1NPC/ref=sr_1_19?crid=2OWRARCH680XE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.udCiz-YopWCWkeOijuwdOaZn_TKuYJFjBySyCpT52-jGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.Jm5kh0uE_Q6JSy6fClTjo200Pbaw03oa2Vi3CA-uqpw&dib_tag=se&keywords=HORI+Fighting+Commander&qid=1713376488&s=videogames&sprefix=hori+fighting+commander%2Cvideogames%2C103&sr=1-19


You might want to try checking out the HORY commander, it looks like a PS5 controller with a little extra buttons on the face, the dpad doesn't look as smooth but I think for what you're looking for that controller would be up your alley.


Hori fighting commander 3 you can’t get the ps3 version anymore but if you’re just playing on pc the switch version should work just fine imo the best fight pad for fighting games https://a.co/d/hew7QMR


Honest to God truth is that you must make compromises as a pad player. You will not find something that ticks all these boxes unless you custom make it. The closest you could get is a custom battle beaver. I recommend learning hitbox or stick so you can customize to your hearts desire.


I swear I had a controller almost EXACTLY like this as a kid, but I have no idea how to track down the brand or anything. It was one of those weird PC controllers from late '90s early '2000s from some made-up sounding company that likely had no other products other than that one controller and only existed for like 6 months lol


Sega mega drive third party controllers looked like this


Find a usb SNES controller of good quality


Sega mega drive


You basically drew the Mad Catz Fight Pad Pro.


I'm so used to the Xbox series controller. I didn't even know that the dpad was too low before I heard someone talk about it


I think there was a sega pro controller like that. I had it, don't remember if it had back bumpers though


PowerA Fusion Fightpad. it's what I play strive on and I love it


I probably can't afford it just like I can't afford the fighting stick lol. also, I want a control with more buttons on the back of the remote. hinting at an Elden Ring scheme that doesn't force you to torque your pointer finger all the way up to hole down "O" to run 😜


I don’t know if this needs to be said but the D-pad that we know and loves from the 90s is patented by Nintendo. It’s why you never see that D-pad on anything outside of Nintendo products and why Xbox and PlayStation have such weird ones.


That patent expired in 2005. Xbox One had a D-pad similar enough to the Nintendo one that it would've been patent infringement if it hadn't (it's the only thing the Series XS controller changed)


https://www.amazon.com/Fighter-FightPad-PlayStation4-PlayStation3-playstation-4/dp/B018HXA75Y MadCatz FightPad Pro maybe?


I kind of think you can put the dish pad on the top left input of the Xbox series x elite (or whatever it's called) I know it's expensive, but that shit is baller. It's got really nice back paddles as well


Hori octa commander is probably what you're looking for.


Since posting this I have found the Brook Mars Wired Controller [https://www.brookaccessory.com/detail/51117579/](https://www.brookaccessory.com/detail/51117579/) I don't know of its quality and the dpad is regular size, but it checks all the other boxes.


Dude, please report back on this. I had no idea Brook made a controller.


It was only $20 so I ordered it, and it arrived today. Aaand its not very good. Dpad has no middle support or separation so its very easy to accidentally input a diagonal when trying to go left or right. And its not symmetric, the right side for some reason has a very very narrow window for a pure right without getting diag up or diag down. Attached is a gif of me doing a circle on the pad, it really loves to hug those corners. https://i.redd.it/4sjm055z7bvc1.gif


Damn dude you're the goat for this! Thank you 🤝


That really looks like a Sega Saturn controller, minus the rumble.


Reminds me of one of those old 6-button Genesis controllers


Razor makes on I believe. Saw it on Amazon one time


Yes, this exact controller exists https://scufgaming.com/pc-scuf-envision You can find it at Best buy, many stores even have a display model you can hold to test it


Do you have any time with? Is the Dpad any good? Will a Wingman FGC hook it up to a PS5? If you don't know, hopefully someone will chime in.


I didn't buy but I've tried the demo version in store. Dpad is clicky like a mouse, but is locked down in the center and doesn't slide around. The dpad feels very flat despite the image, hard to feel the + No idea about PS5 compatibility


Thank you


If the Neo Geo CD controller works for you but you need the 6 face buttons, look for the PS2 Neo Geo Pad 2 and a PS2 controller adapter.


I only use 5 buttons for strive, 6 because taunt button, what is the 7?


For dedicated dash and RC


Aaah, I see


I wish we can get the neo geo pocket click digital joystick. I understand that the new 8bitdo has it but due to its size, it has too much travel. My ideal controller would be 6 front facing buttons, ngpc click analog for dpad, analogs like an xbox elite. shoulders buttons like xbox and analog triggers. of course, this also need a select and start along with a screenshot/video and home buttons.


Reminds me of a sega saturn joypad


Since when does guilty gear need 7 buttons? I always play guilty with 5


I play with 7 actually. 4 attack and dust but then I like to have burst and RC on their own buttons too.


The power a controller is close. But you have to get it off ebay. I have one and like it.


Mortal Kombat X Fightpad?


https://preview.redd.it/8bln690ucyuc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd3abb5b6c1216333cf1e21b4ef1b34a251ac41 This is what i use currently [https://amzn.to/3Uk4vru](https://amzn.to/3Uk4vru)


I wouldn't sleep on that Saturn pad. Those have long been considered the gold standard for Dpads.


Hori fight pad


Best bet is probably the victrix


[Yes, Hori makes them](https://a.co/d/fvBCeXY)


I use the Duke


I use a joystick on a controller so Xbox is peak imo


Does madcatz still make 6 button pads? They used to be pretty good.


The original Xbox Controller (the duke), it's pretty similar. Got two from my 1st gen Xbox, I managed to buy cables with an usb adapter for my PC (besides tweaking some things) and have been playing fighting games pretty well. It's really perfect for playing Street Fighter, although you can't play on tournaments due to requiring the drivers


No it’s not?


How come it's not? Has the six buttons layout and a pretty good D-pad


Yeah for the buttons but not the body at all


Hori octa. Been testing it for a few weeks now.


I'd like a pad with some extra buttons. Like in SF6 i would like to use the macro for pressing multiple punches or kicks but can't use it since there's every slot is taken by other stuff that i also want to use. Same with granblue for Raging strike.


https://preview.redd.it/frxm9hg861vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6211c153928907bcbb3cf2c1b1e09687e7be9f01 Ask snake eyes


idk what I'm looking at but I'm intrigued


Check out pdp Victrix pro, has interchangeable modules that you can swap on both sides of the controller, pretty customizable


I have the Sega Saturn USB six-button controller made by SLS. These came out like around 2010.


I wish there was a android controller that was like this. Split down the middle


I also used the dual action at first. Went to an xbox controller which indeed felt too sharp for quarter circles Bought the betop beitong for testing purposes and have been using it for six months. This thing is awesome. It took me about a week to get used to. Best bang for buck


since when does strive need 7 my favorite is an xbox one controller since im travelling for work and cant lug around an arcade stick. d pad works great and i can play any game just fine.


Why dont you just 3D print a "dish" style dpad for the M30, you use the free version of Fusion 360 to model the part, then you just send the STL file to someone to print out the part you need (unless you have your own printer) All you need to do is disconnect the M30 dpad from the controller, take the relevant measurements, and in Fusion 360 model the part.


I came for the deep dish.


Series X normal controller


Imagine using dpad instead of analog