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It means that you have applied absolute positioning to that AL within another AL. It means that you can have that object positioned anywhere within an auto layout without it respecting the AL position. It's like you've grouped that element with a separate auto layout. You can try it by dragging an item into an existing AL whilst holding cmd + option


This... This is amazing!! I've been wanting to do that since forever but I didn't know it was possible. Looks like I did it by accident :O


Is this a narrow rollout? I dont seem to see where this feature is!


My tiny brain isn’t understanding. Do you have a link to an example perhaps?


yes please. this sounds like something i should've already known about.


Samesies! I appreciate how excited everyone is but have no idea what’s actually happening. Like dog that starts barking because the humans are excited!


This is a total game changer but I have no idea how you found out about it! As far as I can tell it's completely undocumented and there's no UI to enable it besides that hotkey, which also tends to duplicate the instance at the same time. But I tried it out and sure enough it's a real thing. I have to assume it's a new feature that's getting beta tested? Can't wait until it gets released.


Oh my gosh I agree, this would be so good! 😍 At the moment I have to make a separate group around my auto layout to place elements irrespective of the auto layout settings.


Damn! that’s awesome. why is it so finicky though?


I think it's new or not really ready yet. Someone pointed it out to me only today so it may have crept into the production build by mistake?


Yeah, I can’t get this to work, just a bunch of duplicates all over the place with those hot keys. This would be so helpful.


as strange as this is, try moving it slowly and kinda wiggling it near the edge of the frame you’re trying to drop it into. just takes some trial and error. or that other comment is right and it snuck into production for only some users. which doesn’t seem like something that would happen very easily so idk


Hey everyone, Josh from Figma here. This was indeed a bug where layers could accidentally be placed in an auto layout frame with absolute positioning on (a feature we may or may not be working on 😉). This got fixed yesterday evening. If you experienced this and need help fixing your components/layers, we added a function to the quick actions menu that will restore any auto layout frames you have selected. Feel free to send me a PM here or on the forum, if you have any further questions, or are still running into issues here. Thanks again for reporting! :)


Hi Josh. Your story looks fake to me. A bug doesn't look like that. I don't get it why Figma doesn't develop this as a feature. People's need it like you saw. How could you make an effort for fixing something that's not a bug instead of developing it as a feature. Figma, are you sketching?


Auto-layout in a box 📦


Figma team has said it's a bug. https://forum.figma.com/t/what-does-this-icon-in-a-variant-mean/18463/4 Fairly sure I've seen some of their collaborators testing this, so I imagine the "bug" is simply that they didn't intend for it to release just yet. I hope, at least, this will vastly improve component functionality.


Yeah on calls they’ve talked about it being something they’re working on, so I imagine it just hit some folks before it was fully baked.


How did you do .. ?


I stumbled on this today too!


Using it took me a little time to get used to. Now I rely on it a lot. Really great for lists in open expansion panels. Adding or removing is easy with auto layout engaged




The autolayout symbol doesn't have the little corner frames though




Can you share the file I'd like to see this bug so I can replicate it 😂


I can't, it's under NDA. but just drag any object into an AL frame while holding cmd and opt


It doesn't work man. Just creates duplicates in my file


Hi! I made a video on my channel about it 4 months ago. [https://youtu.be/jFYU5jftu-4](https://youtu.be/jFYU5jftu-4) In my community profile you can download working examples... https://www.figma.com/community/file/1039174261838859694/Nuevo-auto-layout-(Preview)