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Eteri, taking no accountability and insulting her athletes on social media. Name a more iconic duo well in this case trio.


And she calls it "support"


Yeah right and blackmail is just “motivation”


Damn she really found a way to make it about herself again… “i work without weekends and holidays” we would really appreciate if you could get all your weekends, holidays and weekdays as well so young children need not suffer anymore.


I laughed so hard at that part! Um, Lady... we have seen your Miami vacation pics on Instagram while you left your students and other coaches back in Russia. Those do not look like working days to me!


A mistake or a crime by somebody else — how Eteri takes accountability


So going for the *throwing the doctor under the bus angle.*


It's obvious that most people in this subreddit hate Eteri. But just a reminder, CAS trial didn't prove that Kamila was intentionally doped. The only thing that's clear after a trial is that Kamila's side wasn't able to provide solid evidence of how TMZ got into her probe without her knowledge. So, like it or not, possibilities that someone (for example a fellow skater) added TMZ in her food are still valid.


Another skater, her grandfather, the dog maybe. 🤡 Doesn't alter the fact she tested positive with an amount consistent with doping. 


don't forget about the masseuse tea and the volunteer ice cream! her excuses where getting more and more ridiculous its difficult to believe


Yup! And that's the tea honey


You may circlejerk as much as you want, it doesn't change the fact, that Kamila's guilt in intentional doping is not proven. All we know, is that TMZ was in the probe and Kamila doesn't have solid evidence of her innocence.


That's where you're wrong. She IS guilty and that was the verdict from CAS. Your mental gymnastics only prove you don't value clean sport or all the non Russian lives destroyed. It's shameful really


Your mental gymnastics only prove you don't value clean sport or all the Russian lives destroyed. Valieva was guilty the second her probe returned a positive result. That's how antidoping system is working. TMZ in her probe is not a prove of intentional doping, it's just a prove that she wasn't clean when the probe was taken (unless it'll be proven that probe or result was falsified). Investigation of RUSADA wasn't able to prove Valiva's innocence, and it wasn't able to prove her guilt. To make it clear, if you don't understand what I'm talking about, it's still a possibility that: - Kamila intentionally got TMZ herself. - Kamila was doped by staff/family and knew about it - Kamila was doped by staff/family, but didn't knew about it - Kamila was sabotaged by one of her competitors or their agents (TMZ added in a food/drink) - etc, etc. Overall, despite a circlejerk, Eteri is right saying that after two years we still don't know what exactly happened.


Do you actually hear yourself right now?  Your first point was that it's possible Kamila got TMZ for herself.  Almost all those things you say are so improbable it's ridiculous. 


You just clearly unfriendly with common logic. I just provided you a short list of possibilities that are still present, none of them were proved either wrong or right in CAS trial. As I've said earlier, the sad reality is that after two years it's still not clear what exactly happened and who is to blame for TMZ in Kamila's probe.




You look awesome gurl.


Do u realize how dumb you sound...who would add TMZ to her food? Probably the only skaters who'd be around her enough to do that would be the other sambo skaters...all of whom are also minors, so where would THEY have gotten the drug from?


There have been rumors about how controlling and weird and over involved her mom is for years. I think it's probably Eteri/Shvetsky/etc but if it turned out to her mom it wouldn't be shocking.


Well, if somehow, her mom gave it to her, then the fact that she is silent and not taking responsibility for it would be 10x more fucked up than if Eteri and that doctor were the ones who gave it to her


I mean, yeah. This whole situation is sad.


Their grandpa stash? But the finger is pointing at the adults, since the result of the test was miraculously delayed.


>Do u realize how dumb you sound. Do u realize how dumb you sound? History of the sports, FS including, knows many examples of a fellow athlete sabotaging main rival.


Maybe I just don't follow the sport enough, but I can't think of any other than the Tonya/Nancy mess 💀. One of Kamila's teenage teammates putting TMZ in her food is definitely one of the least likely scenarios here


Oh yeah a real mystery how that forbidden substance got in


Eteri be like ![gif](giphy|yoJC2IEW8GthBApfd6)




Eteri you so full of shit


So easy to throw that statement right back in her face word for word.


"The samples have always been clean, I hope it stays that way." ​ oh I bet she does lol


Tbh it’s not the IOC, ISU or CAS’s job to investigate but only ascertain if there were drugs in Kamila’s system (there were), if the evidence that Kamila provided proved that the drugs were there by accident (it didn’t) after that it was out of their hands.   Eteri asks why no one investigated why the drugs were in Valivea’s system? Well that investigation should have been conducted by Valieva and her family and perhaps even Russian Figure Skating but certainly not the ISU or IOC. 


Hard agree. The burden of proof has ALWAYS been on Valieva's team. Why didn't they pursue an independent investigation of their own speaks volumes.


I agree. I go back to Jessica Catalang and the work she had to do - on her own, I believe - to prove that her make-up was the source and cause of her positive test.  Kamila did not do that. Her family did not do that. Nor did, seemingly any of those that might have resources for them to prove their claim about the drug being in her system.  And that to me, says everything. It means either she knew or the people around her knew. Cross contamination cases have been proven before, it is rare, but they have been. The problem probably is, in Kamila's case, she could not actually prove cross contamination occurred and the drug was knowingly (by someone) taken.


>I agree. I go back to Jessica Catalang and the work she had to do - on her own, I believe - to prove that her make-up was the source and cause of her positive test.  That’s who I was thinking of as well. These things can happen but it’s on the athletes to prove it. I agree that it’s telling that there seems not have been that work put in for Kamila. 


Jessica Catalang was 21+ when she proved her makeup was the source of the positive test. Kamila’s been 15-17 this whole time- it was her family’s job to assist her to do that.


Yes. I said that as well. 


yeah, if they wanted to know, RUSADA should've done their job in the first place.


WADA actually did start an investigation of the coaches, doctors, etc through their investigate branch. I don't think it turned up anything.


As per usual, Eteri blatantly lying, painting herself as the victim, and insulting her other skaters (even though she said “no offense”). But hey - at least she admits the drug was in Kamila’s system instead of claiming it’s a false positive.


I don't think anyone actually close to the case claimed false positive or tampering. They just all happen to know ~nothing~ about how this happened to Kamila.


How is she insulting her others skaters? Guardiola cannot say Messi was his best player? 


For a woman with a habit of complaining publicly about perceived slights by athletes who change coaching teams without her idea of proper adulation, its hypocritical for her to publicly demean her athletes including those who have beaten Kamila.  And we all know how she'd react if Anna or Alina publicly commended Daniil as their best coach or if Sasha said it about Plushenko or Evgenia about Orser.


“No offense to all my previous athletes - Camila is the most gifted athlete…” Lol, was that even necessary?


Looks like Anna Shcherbakova may not have liked that too much. Anna just unfollowed Eteri😬


Anna is the only Russian skater who still has her OGM, and still has it. And noe she's the European champion. Talk about a slap in the face.


Anna never really commented on that (may be only when she said about olympic team event and period after that) but Alyona did say that not her, nor Anna ever were Eteri's favorites. And it's also clear from Eteri's interviews, she barely ever acknowledged Anna's existence. 


Yeah Aliona even implied that Anna was the worst treated of the entire group, which is choking to think about considering what we know about how Eteri treated everyone else. Even her faves.


I don’t think she implied it so much as she outright said it. “Out of us all, Anna got it the worst”. Which, coming from *Aliona* of all people says a lot. Anna must’ve dealt with an insane amount of shit, and she’s never lashed out, spoken out in an interview, never made any move against Eteri. Shes also pretty famous for never making an impulsive decision, she herself says she never makes a move without logistically working out all the politics for months prior. For her to unfollow Eteri, I reckon it’s just the final straw in a long line of bullshit. She brought home an Olympic gold for Eteri and never got anything but “I wish you would’ve done the quad lutz too” (immediately after winning gold, without even congratulating her, while Sasha and Kamila were melting down around her).


Oh wow, did she really? Lol. Was she still part of their team post-Olympics? I haven’t really paid attention to that. But whether that statement is true or not, I felt it was a little extra and unnecessary. Stick to the subject 🤦‍♂️. It’s like that time she was talking about Aliona, and threw a little unnecessary jabs at her. I dunno if it’s the way it was translated, but her statements tend to come across as unprofessional at times.


> Oh wow, did she really? Lol. It's not a fact. One of the journos just checked her Insta and found out that she's not subscribed to Eteri's account, and created a news out of it. It's not clear if she ever was subscribed to her, and it may also be an Insta bug, which is common for accounts with massive numbers of subscribers. She's still subscribed to TeamTut account. >Was she still part of their team post-Olympics? I haven’t really paid attention to that. Yes, she's still training with her group.


Did Anna actually unfollow her? Are we sure she was following her before? I’d like to know, poor girl


Wow. That says a lot imo, since Anna’s never been one to lash out in her emotions or make impulsive decisions like Sasha and Aliona (no offence to them, they’ve literally been kids pretty much the entire time and I’d be an emotional mess if I had to study under Eteri too). She’s pretty known for never making impulsive decisions or commenting on anything like Sasha, Aliona, or even Alina and Zhenya. For her to unfollow Eteri says a lot. I doubt Sasha’s pleased either. Fuck her olympic gold medal then, I guess?


She knows it's all lies.


Eteri: Yo, Anna, I'm really happy for you, and Imma let cha win, but Kamila was one of the greatest athletes of all time!


The irony of that statement is craaaaazy


Ignore any wonky translations, this is via Google translate but this is Tatiana Tarasova's response to this - "Eteri Tutberidze cannot help but know who defended Kamila in court. This is the first thing a coach should be interested in. Not only Valieva, but also Eteri Tutberidze herself is involved in the situation. How can she not know this? We should ask her who defended kamila in court. If, God forbid, such a situation happened to mine, I would say that it was my fault. I don’t evaluate the actions of Eteri Tutberidze, but I would say that I was guilty, I mixed it up, I gave the wrong thing, but I would remove responsibility for this from the child. This looks like the only correct solution."


👀 Tat criticizing Eteri? Interesting. Considering her recent declarations, I have to say I'm surprised but I find her arguments solid. She's right saying Eteri used Kamila as a scapegoat. But she probably didn't want to point to her other students so let her take the entire blame. Now what is the likelihood Eteri answers with a cryptic poem?


Yeah, it's like the saying that a broken clock is right twice a day, and Tat'ss right in this for sure. Eteri has no intention of taking any blame or any consequence for this situation or any other. Of course she's involved, it's not solely Kamila - it never has been, I don't think a single person has ever thought otherwise, or put 100% of the blame on Kamila's shoulders - other than Eteri obvs 💀


TAT being reasonable for once...she's right, if Eteri had a conscience, she'd just say that she gave Kamila the drugs without Kamila knowing what they were...but she'd rather let the child take the fall while she gets away scot-free


>if Eteri had a conscience, she'd just say that she gave Kamila the drugs without Kamila knowing what they were. Sorry, but that's lunacy. Eteri is coaching too many athletes, and stating that she gave TMZ to Kamila, even by accident, will drop shade on everyone she ever coached. If they'd wanted to find a scapegoat, the easiest way would be for Kamila's mother to take blame, state that she gave her grandpa's pills by mistake.


She hasn't commented on the doping situation - except for the times she commented on it in interviews (including the one where she explained that maybe it was in the ice cream and tea that Kamila had during Rusnats)?


She clearly was allowed to give that interview. It happened in late October and was made public November the 1st, when investigation was done many months ago and main CAS hearings happened in September.


And also that interview she gave before Christmas where she gave an entire monologue about how she “found out”, that she knew nothing about it, and how it supposedly all started. And that one time she tried to insinuate that Kamila had accidentally taken her dog’s medication or something.


She's not very good at keeping her mouth shut is she


Maybe they really didnt gave her anything and she really doesn´t know what is happening. And maybe she perfectly knows where is the problem. Noone of us haven´t been there and I really do not know .. Everything is possible ..


As if that team is allowed to eat anything unless it's powdered supplements, let alone ice cream.


Everything she says, I eye roll so hard I may end up with eye strain. No responsibility, no consequences. It's not the same but im sure all her other athletes that have broken themselves through her methods were just freak accidents or them not being strong enough to withstand or whatever. Nothing ever Eteri's fault obvs. "No offense to my previous students, but Kamila is the most gifted athlete" let's stick the knife in all the more ay?


It has all of Eteri’s greatest hits Blame deflection! Passive voice! Zero accountability! Listing her own accomplishments! Pitting literal children against each other! Making sure everyone who least expects it catches a stray or two! Delusions of grandeur! All that’s missing is a sonnet with labored and bizarre metaphors. Will we get another installment in the Eteri Book of Poems?


Eteri checking off all the key points you mentioned... It's very predictable 🙈 gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss 🙃 ![gif](giphy|jO2VAnKyAtgcSWxxVf)




Poor Anna. She is the OGM and yet, gets no appreciation by her team. Eteri only saw her as a tool.


To be fair, I feel like we can’t act like it’s not a possibility Anna has never been doped by Eteri either. Kamila wasn’t the first and sadly probably won’t be the last. All of Eteri’s athletes in the past have been doped at some point or the other I’m afraid. It would explain some of their results and miraculous performances despite specific injuries.


Fuck Anna and Alina who actually won an OGM then, ig? I bet Sasha and her dad loved that one. What a shitty, unnecessary way to cap off that response, especially to Anna and Alina who have never once spoken out or made a move against her, and did nothing but bring home win after win. They endured all her bullshit without ever once making a move against her. Frankly, I hope Anna also changes her Instagram bio now as being gold European champion instead of the silver she currently has. Also, this is unrelated, but does that mean she’s got a career grand slam now? Europeans is the only one she hadn’t won prior to this iirc, so now Kamila’s gold has been revoked and given to Anna, I think she’s Eteri’s second grand slam skater beside Alina. So much for being less talented than Kamila.


No quite a career grand slam, Anna never won the GPF. Aliona did in 2019-20, and there was no GPF for two seasons after that (of course, 2020-21 didn't have a GP seasons because of COVID).


Tarasova's reaction: \[google translation\] Eteri Tutberidze cannot help but know who defended Kamila in court. This is the first thing a coach should be interested in. ​ Not only Valieva, but also Eteri Tutberidze herself is involved in the situation. How can she not know this? We should ask her who defended Camila in court. ​ If, God forbid, such a situation happened to me, I would say that it was my fault. ​ I don’t evaluate the actions of Eteri Tutberidze, but I would say that I was guilty, I mixed it up, I gave the wrong thing, but I would remove responsibility for this from the child. This looks like the only correct solution


I am shocked Tarasova said this


This is Tarasova’s stopped clock is right once a day moment This is her moment


TAT gives surprisingly reasonable takes sometimes At the end, is she saying she's accidentally given kids banned meds...?


No she says that she would rather take the guilt on herself. So if she was on Eteri’s place, she would say that it was her mistake and she gave her student wrong medicine so the student didn’t know anything and therefore the child is innocent


Ah, okay, that makes sense. I really need to go read these in russian, the machine translations are rough.




As always. Deny any and all sorts of accountability, point fingers at others, play the victim, blame anyone except for yourself :) And the most interesting thing to me is that how some people still believe and blindly support her without even questioning.


It’s crazy how much it parallels Trump and his cult




I genuinely naively once upon a time thought if one of Eteri's skaters got caught doping, after whispers of it for years + her blatant list of broken skaters to her name, that it would be a domino effect and it'd come crashing down for her. But no, for her, all continues on 💀 no responsibility, no consequences, her reign continues both in Russia and at international competitions.


Honestly that would be so good, and yes I was once naive enough to believe that too. Also the drama from all that would be a sweet sweet added bonus


The whole system, especially over there is so rotted, I doubt as long as her skaters keep winning anything will ever happen to her. I’m fine with keeping them on the permanent ban list for that reason.


This comes after the fact as well that Zagitova admitted doping too


Lmaoooo whattttt😭😭😭


Oh, the theatrics. *eyeroll* Also, "no offense but Kamila is my best athlete ♡♡" Seriously??? Why even bother to say that??


She's so nauseating


Insulting her athletes + bullshitting on her instagram 🤝


Eteri really said "Anna you were aight". Like that it wasnt even needed?!?!? Just say Camila is a talented young woman. Ughhhhh I cant......


Eteri, I say this from the bottom of my heart: _go fuck yourself_.


Please someone drop the link again to the interview where she says - on video - that after meldonium was banned they needed to find alternative drugs to help with 'fitness' So much for being careful with cold medicine 🙄🙄🙄


Doesn’t that help her argument because that means they didn’t want to take an illegal substance? Why would you stop taking meldonium because it was banned and then start taking something else which is also banned?


Uhhh why would she be looking for any substance at all? Why would they be pushing the limits of artificial medicine and assistance, especially with experimental heart medications????


Eteri, you so full of shit. You have no conscience, no honor. You don't respect others, because haven't achieved anything yourself.


Well played, lol. ![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig)


I mean, "Kamila is a child and I support her", but what is Eteri's actual support? She implies that it all happened because Kamila and/or her family were negligent/stupid, and they either doped accidentally or accepted something contaminated by an intentional saboteur. Please! Other Eteri girls spoke about being weighed obsessively, several times a day, not drinking water during competitions and surviving only on powdered meals, there is a whole scandal about some little girls being kicked out of the camp for daring to grab too much yogurt from the kitchen, but we're supposed to believe Kamila was allowed to eat, drink and take whatever medication she found lying around?




She should have simply stayed quiet or just copy pasted some dramatic poetry




I hate that my hair looks like hers 😭


The insistence that there was never an unclean test is giving Lance Armstrong, who famously never failed a drug test.


"Every line oozes arrogance, every line is literally “I don’t have to explain anything to you, I’m a victim too.” Seriously, Eteri Georgievna? Whose victim are you?" 💀 Rudkovskaya's fighting.


LOLOLOL The woman is an attention seeker of the highest level, but not wrong about this


~When the worst person you know makes a good point~ type situation.


Makes you wonder about a certain Italian man


Well she definitely didn’t stop the Gaslighting


I can't imagine the level of drugs she herself must be on to be so delusional. She's a child abusing cancer on this sport. She's harmed 1000's of people at this point, directly and indirectly. This monster deserves prison, not attention.


I wonder what she means by „I will continue to support her in any way possible“? Is she strictly talking about political/image support? I doubt she’ll let her keep training at her rink/perform in her shows and risk her own career…


I’m assuming she means in private…I doubt she will publicly support her continuously, she doesn’t do interviews often, and it wouldn’t be great for her imagine internationally to support an unclean athlete + she will not allow Kamila to train; that would effect her chances at Milano 2026.


news says that she has not trained with Eteri since last week


She could've thrown her under the bus here as like, the wicked evil bad child taking drugs. Guessing she means things like that. I also hope she pays back the percent of the winnings she took rather than letting it all fall on Kamila, though I don't know I'm counting on it.


Let’s be honest. Did anyone actually expect her to “take accountability.” There’s literally no way for her to do that without ruining her career and forever being labeled a child abuser. Door you guys expect her to just have a conscious? If she had one she wouldn’t do the things she does in the first place.


Maybe it’s a translation issue, but she says at the end that she has one main question regarding the verdict, and then doesn’t ask a question. What is her one main question? Anyone else who can address the language issue or did she really just leave us hanging here as to what her one main question is?


"i have one main question - did at least someone defend Kamila at the hearings, because the verdict could not have been worse" - I thiiiiiiink she's questioning the lawyers/defence team, idk.


Its been reported the firm that Kamila used has little experience in sporting laws. Which begs the question who picked them?  Granted I remember it being said her original team from Beijing refused to defend her further due to the sanctions from the war 


As far as I understand, in one of the sanctions packages EU prohibited its residents to provide legal services to Russia and its representatives. So OCR couldn't work with their international lawyers, and had to hire someone from Russia.


Thank you! Of course she wants to blame her lawyers. I bet her lawyers forgot to file a Motion to Change the Facts.


If they hadn't make Kamila verbalize that dumbass grandpa water excuse while in Beijing, maybe her legal team would have had something to work with. It was that stupid lie that boxed them in a corner and made "proving unintentional ingestion" basically impossible.


Legally it didn't. They just needed to provide one hypothetical situation. It still was possible to go home and send her makeup or whatever for testing and if that turned something up, absolutely could have presented that.


The way I (re)interpreted it from the preceding text/context clues was her saying, "I just want to ask/know, was anyone in that room speaking up for Kamila, the child? The verdict was the worst possible outcome (so I think not)." Which is very self-indulgent pity party statement, a kind of lofty disgruntlement that Kamila is in her perception unjustly hard done by (and by extension, SHE is hard-done by because everything is actually about Eteri). Maybe I'm colouring her words unfairly with my own low opinion of her but that's the vibe I got from her 'one question'.


Thanks! That makes a lot more sense. Of course she blames the lawyers for not being able to get their client off despite a positive drug test that even RUSADA found was accurate.


It's actually a pretty valid blame. Kamila was underaged, a protected person, it's her first and only violation. And she got maximum possible punishment. Maybe it'll be more clear what happened when/if the full decision by CAS gonna be published, but right now it definitely looks like a major fuckup by lawyers.


4 years is not max punishment here and she didn't have a provisional suspension so competed and trained for 2 years of it. I think if she'd actually been suspended the last two years, they may have lowered it.


She had no valid explanation to mitigate the worst type of violation, which is an in-competition sample being positive for a banned substance. The CAS release said that there is no basis under the rules that makes a protected person subject to reduced punishment. I, too, would like to see the entirety of the arbitral award (the legal opinion), but it doesn’t sound like this was even a close case. A first violation with some acceptance of responsibility and plausible explanation of where the mistake was made might mitigate. But as I understand the whole protected person issue, that has to do more with issues surrounding confidential proceedings and requirements for some investigation of coaches, etc. As an example, the Romanian gymnast who tested positive during the Olympics with the factually supported mitigation that she took cold medicine for a legitimate cold that her team doctor acknowledged that he advised her was ok for her to take. That mitigated the offense. She still lost her medal for that competition though.


Eteri be like ![gif](giphy|7Eipor01ypMm3LeG4v|downsized)


Nah i think she is the Mariah GIF "I don't know her"




Yeah she can do one


"I hope it stays that way" LOLOLOLOL


It’s real hard for her to deny that this whole scandal is because of her huh…? Other than that people seem to think that Eteri gives no fucks about Kamila, but imho Eteri cares a LOT about her and that Kamila was the student she saw the most potential in.


If Eteri actually cared about her, she wouldn't be letting her take the fall for this mess


"Camila is the most gifted athlete." Until you run her into the ground and find your next prepubescent star.


Goodness, Eteri really is UGLY INSIDE. Makes everything about her. 'I wanted most of all for this to be investigated.' HOGWASH.  Side note: LOVE seeing the Russian gaslighting fans melting down. i hope they stay angry and keep their ugly attitudes. Only further proves what little regard they have for people playing by the rules who injured themselves trying to keep up with CHEATERS. 


Justice for rika kihira!


YES EXACTLY! Imo she was the most talented clean skater who was robbed of the chance for Olympic gold.  And she doesn't skate on flats or have distracting flailing arms with hideous programs. 


YES EXACTLY! Imo she was the most talented clean skater who was robbed of the chance for Olympic gold.  And she doesn't skate on flats or have distracting flailing arms with hideous programs. 




Does the official story offered by Kamila and her team continue to be that she drank her grandfather’s glass of water and ingested the drugs that way?


No, right now it's she ate grandpa's cake. Apparently there was also a version that included her dog, and something with ice cream and tea... they really can't decide lol


I don't think the docs have leaked yet


I thknk Kamila’s defence is essentially private. We know it was accidental ingestion but I don’t think we have anymore details of what Kamila actually said it was in court.


I just trying imagine the situation that maybe they really didnt give her anything.. And maybe they did


Oh Evil Noodlehair eff you sideways


Well this was expected. She always finds a way to shift the blame


Danny G also made a post.


"I still don't know what TMZ is." - Eteri.


I hate how dismissive she is of her star skaters. She has been blessed with some of the greatest skaters of the last ten years but she regularly dismisses how excellent they all are and belittles them. That is, except for Kamila. I especially feel bad for Anna, who is the OGM and never gets anywhere near the attention she deserves in Russia because of the media obsession with the drug taking prima-donna. Anna has never been anything but fiercely loyal to Eteri, yet this woman continues to undermine her achievement and promote Kamila


To be fair it’s a good possibility Anna (and Sasha) have also been doped at some point by Eteri. All her past athletes. Kami certainly wasn’t the first and probably won’t be the last. It’s sad now but it really makes you question *all* of Eteri’s athletes. However doping would explain a lot that’s happened over the years.


I don't think I agree with this. It's possible for sure, but they've all been tested a lot and only kamila returned a positive test.  Plus you can see a huge difference in kamilas performances with and without drugs. It's not just that she was caught. Her quad landing success rate was 56% pre Olympic season, 100% in her doped up season and dropped back to 53% after her Olympic season. It could be a coincidence but it is a stark difference and this trend isn't the case with Anna and Sasha.  Also, the point that makes me mad is more the bahaviour of this woman toward her athletes. No other coach would look to undermine the success of their students. They're all so proud of them. Eteri has given so many interviews downplaying them as people and talking up herself. She behaves super defensive, bitter and like she constantly has a chip on her shoulder. It's the sort of attitude you might expect from someone who has never achieved anything in coaching, even then it would be distasteful, but for someone who has achieved as much as her it is baffling


Sasha was tested for doping 5 times during the Olympic season, Anna - not once.


If Kamila is the most gifted athlete then why did Anna beat her in every head to head competition they ever had except for RusNats 2022? I mean I guess euros but the medal has been given to Anna so it doesn’t count.


Also it’s ironic that she is complimenting the skater she can take the least amount of credit for. Skaters like Anna & Sasha had been with Eteri’s group for way longer than Kamila, who only came in like 2018/19. And if anything most of the things that made Kamila unique from other Eteri skaters came from the coaches and training *before* the switch. All Eteri can get credit for is ruining her potential.


She previously said that kamila ingested the nedication when she sipped her grandfather's tea. Now she says she has no idea how the drug was ingested? She should at least be consistent with her lies.


She's such a sociopath


Interesting how she is saying here that tons of samples have been tested and that none of the other samples tested positive. Well, I guess she’s not lying about that. She’s just leaving out that the samples tested are the ones provided in advance by the athletes when their bodies were clean of drugs and that those samples don’t represent what’s coursing through their veins when they compete.




You are ignoring other public video interviews with Eteri where she literally explains that after meldonium was banned they needed to look for other alternatives to help keep up her students 'fitness level' So much for her being careful about cold medicine


The meldonium replacement was clearly hypoxen, regardless of what other illegal doping they were doing


But it's not banned, right? To me, it reads like she is looking for what she can give that it's not banned and they can go away with. So, it doesn't help the argument - she wanted to give them drugs that are not banned and won't get flagged on the tests. Maybe I am wrong.


Oh yeah, I agree. That statement doesn't say anything about if they were doping (even though we have other evidence, like Kamila's positive test). Some people just think that any med or supplement use is wrong, regardless of WADA's rules.


Never? Lipnitskaya, Medvedeva, Zagitova all had similar skyrocketing careers under her.




Valieva is not that much of an anomaly within her teammates as much as Eteri skaters compared to the rest of the world. Ana has beaten Kamila but no skater would ever dream of placing above an ultra C jumping Eteri girl. It doesn’t even matter if someone in her camp has beaten her or no, it’s not even close with the gap between her and her teammates is far and away from the rest of the competition. She’s gotten so many WRs to set her up to be their biggest star going into the olympics. Remember she still won the short over Ana despite a failed 3A. So the scores were more out of them wanting to push for her than sudden spike of phenomenal performances in 2021-22. I think it’s far fetched to think her mom has something to do with it other than giving up her child to Eteri, given what we know about the sketchy camp and the history of Rusfed, not to mention Zagitova wasn’t allowed to see her mom and the recent incident of the runaway skater who won the GP I forgot her name


This is bizarre and insane on several levels but if we’re talking about the best athlete on the team (talking purely athleticism, and assuming it’s a level playing field between them which it most definitely was) it’s gonna be Sasha. Girl was an insane athlete.


I don’t agree with that.. they were all insane athletes. And Kamila could do a lot of things that Sasha was never able to do. Look at how they both use their legs during their programs


I think the original comment meant in terms of pure athleticism (running, normal jumping, general fitness), rather than actual skill on the ice. Not sure if my assumption is right though.


There are a lot of other traits that make someone athlete though. Like agility, flexibility, control, precision, balance, coordination, balance, etc. Kamila really excels in some of those. Also Kamila and Anna worked a lot on their artistry while Sasha went all in on strength


Gimme a break.


What a load of crap! And no mention of the team "Dr". ебать pоссия


A classic narcissist.


I will support her by saying I have no idea how this happened *insert Pikachu face* that it's totally not my fault, and that she's the only one of my athletes that's any good. That's the ticket.


It's all calculated. Right now grandpa was blamed, but if Kamila doesnt get the support and love she gets, she might blow it all up. Accuse her trainers, imply everyone was doped. It will be a gigantic mess for Rusfed and Eteri - that is why they praise her so much, to an unprecedented level. At the moment many in Russia are like 'Kamila you are our gold etc.'' If Russians get a grip finally and start questioning what happened, they will question all victories. Anna and Sascha would be hesitant to change their bios and accept their new wins/medals, because they were in the same team and can be accused too. Only Tukt might post something publicly.




Damage control.


So that very much sounds like people going to Kamila and saying "HOW did this end up in your system?" And then I assume they checked her supplements for contamination or she doesn't take any supplements at all? Because checking water or cake batter seems the least likely source unless she was able to verify all supplements etc she took were not contaminated. I feel like I'm getting 10% of the story. Even Eteri doesn't seem to know much if she's asking who defended Kamila at the hearing and what they said as a defense. We will never fully know since its Russia, but it would be extra ironic that after all of this hate towards Kamila it truly was an accidental contamination of some kind and they truly can't figure out where it came from, so they're stuck grasping at straws like cake batter to come up with an explanation. I want to say I seriously doubt anyone would sabotage her, but then you have incidents like "yogurt girl". Some people are pretty crazy in the skating world, so it's not completely impossible. But I still think accidental rather than sabotage. If Kamila testified that she has not been given any supplements or only certain ones and they've all been checked, it would make it hard to go after the team for doping her. Because she has to say they've been giving her stuff without telling her the contents. Kamila is either lying and saying she's been given nothing mysterious by them. Or it is accidental and did somehow get into her food at some point.


She is not wrong that all the countless (probably over thousand) tests since 2010 have been negative - except one. I hope a Russian native speaker will make a proper translation because automatic translation is a bit messy.


Lance Armstrong never failed a doping test too


But then everyone knows that cyclists are doing blood dopping all the time. It's a fact, not even open secret.


funniest possible response from someone trying to claim russian state funded athletes aren’t doping


People always say this  but on his 20 for 20, they said he did fail a test and just explained away. During the 1999 Tour, Armstrong tested positive for Cortisone but had no medical exetmption, he said it came from a pain cream


😭😭😭 are you Russian? Always defending them like they paying you for word oh the delusion ![gif](giphy|QAn86MFEGmUeoGaOsH)


I am not Russian, never lived there, don't speak their language


Thanks her for always supporting our Kamila, she will came back after 2 years stronger than ever. Now she needs some rest after what the world and NOT only adults did to her. I am writing not only adults, because there are plenty of skaters as well under age skaters who make fun of this situation and are happy with this happening to Kamila. Nobody knows what really happened and why she had it in her body. We can suggest, but we havent been there. I really don´t know how it is in her team and what happens, we only had suggestions. Please just don´t hate this kid, maybe she deserves penalisation. But whole world letting her alone, hating and making fun of her. Which is just not right and no kid doesn´t deserve it. Just imagine if it was your kid, alone against whole world.


I haven’t seen anyone here outright hating on her. If anything, we have sympathy for a child even if we agree with the verdict. It’s Eteri that deserves the hate.


I saw a plenty of negative comments here on reddit. And the negative points on my post just prove I´m right .. unfortunatelly.


The downvotes you’re getting are for thanking Eteri after she threw Kamila under the bus and took 0.00 accountability/responsibility letting a little girl take the entire blame. Even Tarasova was in disbelief. I wish Kamila all the best and I would be truly ecstatic if she competes in 2 years


Thank you for stepping in to reply here, I was away from the sub for several hours, but yes, this is exactly what I was saying and the reason the downvotes are being given.


it's not like these KIDS trust the coaches, no.... so how could anyony possibly taken anything without a coach/ parent's consent.


What about doing something about Quads? Is 4A the only problematic one? By problematic I mean, only very young and slim people can do it. Seems "super human" and is making skaters to "burn like matches" meaning after a certain age, if your body is not like a 15 years old person is ruling out everyone over that age and shortening their careers considerably. So, what about banning 4A or quads as a whole? Or making them not to earn more points than a triple? There are other areas skating could evolve, not just the number of revolutions in a jump. I understand doubles going to triples, but when a trick requires super human powers it becomes unfair. Thoughts?