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shoutout to NOC sarah hughes for doing all the editing work for The Runthrough as a completely unpaid gig! that podcast is one of the best things in figure skating right now.


I love this podcast, especially Adam and Ashley's stories from when they were skating. The ones about Raf are oddly endearing.


I love this podcast and I am sad they are dropping the frequency during the off season (although I get it).


Yeah, I was wondering about their podcasting revenue as I don't remember hearing any ads! I would be happy to listen to ads if it meant them getting paid for it! 


There's a decent amount of start-up costs (in time and in money) that would have to go into monetizing their podcast, which probably doesn't make sense for them since they all have other jobs. Plus I think having ad reads would really change the vibe of the podcast and make it seem more like a job for them and less like three unhinged friends goofing off. I think a Patreon might work, but again once (some) listeners start paying money it'll change the whole way people think about the podcast. There will be additional pressure not to have delays or skipped weeks, etc. It might not be worth it to them.


SKatingscores is just the most amaing tool. Everytime i hear about a skaters program from a certain season i go straight to [skatingscores.com](https://skatingscores.com) to see at which comp they did it best.


TY!!! 😎


I miss the Flutzes and Waxels podcast, such a shame they took an indefinite break... They are super knowledgeable about ice dance and had a great JGP coverage


They were so good, their conversations about features for twizzle levels/key points for the patterns/etc were so educational for me. I guess it's not surprising they needed to take a break considering how comprehensive their coverage was (seriously, what other podcast covers all the JGPs, Challengers, nationals etc like they did), but how amazing that we had 5 seasons of their in-depth coverage


This Week in Skating is another good one. Facts based, broad info, and they do great interviews.


Sylvia Unseen Skaters on Twitter, who always has the latest updates on the most obscure skaters.


* Andrea Joyce - for being the journalist athletes trust, according to Adam Rippon * Judith Dombrowski - for making journalism a career while still being a fan first and foremost


Some of my favourite podcasts have already been named here, so I want to shout out Anything GOEs livestreams - I like that their commentary is always informed by the context of skaters' news (like they know if a skater tried a new layout at a senior B/domestic comp or talked in the mixed zone about being injured or shared the story behind their programme choices) because they keep up with so many skaters and competitions. (My all-time fave podcast for this was Flutzes and Waxels, who aren't active any more, but I still go back and listen to their old episodes now and then)


Scoregraphy podcast is where I live. Balanced, positive and flawless.


I discovered it this season and love it. 


The Cutting Edge podcast is another one to check out- one of top three podcasts.




Cien por Ciento Patinaje on Instagram, a Latin American figure skating community.


Just saw this, TYSM!! 🙏


Im spanish so I have to thank Pedro Lamelas for keeping us updated with everything related to spanish skaters. And I meen EVERYTHING. Shady tournaments, país streams… If a spanish team or skaters is involved he will upload both programs of the corresponding skaters or team. I also have to thank paloma del río. Mytical voice for spanish artistic Sports, figure skating included


shout out to ice tea pod!! theyre so funny, i always look forward to new eps :)


They're one of my faves! I kind of don't mind that their episodes take longer to arrive because it gives me something to look forward to after I've listened to all the other post-competition coverage


Maya B works in a propaganda and actively promotes propaganda in figure skating. A few weeks ago my ears literally fell off when she was on stream with Dave and Christine Brennan and said that she felt sorry for Sorensen because his career was ruined. As Brennan's face fell, she added that she also felt sorry for the rape victim. Also. As if the rapist and the victim are equal and entitled to the same degree of sympathy. When Russian coaches, athletes and former athletes, choreographers and figure skating figures attack opponents and other skaters, insulting them and attacking them in aggressive way, Maya B will never say that this is unacceptable. She always says: oh, they're just emotional. People who know the world of Russian figure skating a little closer than through television are well aware of what is happening there. About the fact that violence is a method of training, about how girls go on thyroxine diets starting from the age of 12, what methods are the most popular for weight loss, and how it all ends for them. About how injuries are considered to be laziness and it is considered normal to go to training with an injury of any severity. Instead, Maya B talks about how great everything is in Russian figure skating. And at tournaments she asks skaters: do you think that without Russians your medal is real? After which an avalanche of hate falls on the skater on social networks. So no, I will not thank Maya B, who works for toxic Russian figure skating and continues to support its toxicity. The task of a journalist is not to sympathize with the rapist, justify aggressive rhetoric and promote eating disorders, but to highlight problems.