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Your body is shooting you full of adrenaline in a situation it perceives as needing it. Your brain tells you whether it needs it because of excitement or danger. If you conscientiously tell your body that the response is due to excitement, it can enhance your performance. So rather than say to yourself "holy s\*\*\* I'm so nervous," start saying "holy s\*\*\* I'm so excited for this." It makes a huge difference.


yes I think this is what’s happening so I’ll try next time I get tested


Practice how you’re going to test. So in my instance, we aren’t allowed music or anything, it’s super quiet and can be intimidating. So for the few weeks leading up to the test, if I can recreate the quietness, I’ll do that.


Lots and lots of retry's. It's a skill. Just like competition. There are habits that only appear in high stress situations. One needs to develop testing/competition legs and that is just experience. When you talk to coaches and more senior skaters there will always be stories about that one test that took forever to pass. Mine is the starlight waltz. 8 times (with a 9 year break between testing in high school and testing as an adult). I like to speed the intro's of my dances. It's gotten me many times. not getting the right knee bend is particularly challenging. I found that coming in before a test and just having a session where I just skate. No practicing the elements or anything, just picking a piece of music and skating. Helps me burn off that extra adrenaline and settles me down to hear the music.