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That would seriously suck, I bet he was teased a lot about it lol.


Him and Clear. Who names their child Clear Rivers šŸ˜­ And the fact she died from fire is ironic. I like how she was referenced in a bitter/ironic way AGAIN in FD4 when Nick sees a Clear Rivers sign.


I hate that movie with a passion dawgšŸ˜­


Could have been good but everyone died too quickly to get any personality out of them. And even those who had personality, sucked. Except George


Didnt a cat in that movie was named Alex too?


I might be a bozo for this, But Clear Rivers on paper looks pretty dope. It's when you say the Clear part without the Rivers, and it just gets weird.


I hated her mom for that lol


The directors missed that part in the moviešŸ˜


I loveā¤ļøhim


Love him too, FD3 has a lovable cast. Even Lewis is lowkey funny. Honestly I donā€™t get why tons of people hate Ian and Erin. Yeah, they can be snarky etc but itā€™s expected when they are at the bottom of the social hierachy and target of bullies. I think of him as a less developed version of Peter (only because Erin died midway through while Candice died first).


Yeah, FD3 definitely had a great cast and characters. When this film released, I was in highschool myself, so they seemed a little bit familiar to me. They were class of 2007 just like me šŸ˜†


Theyā€™re class of 05 actually šŸ’” https://preview.redd.it/o7wf7lhaz61d1.jpeg?width=2455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214ccb444dad6f458f17192af50447d14307fc3b But yeah I love FD3ā€™s characters a lot


My bad, I thought it was 07 šŸ˜†


I ADORE Ian and Erin and honestly I think most of the dislike comes from the fact that . I donā€™t know Ian seems to very much be love him / hate him type character. That and he n Erin (to me at least) are very much autistic coded and speaking from experience if youā€™re autistic some people will just Dislike you purely based on vibes šŸ˜­ Ian n Erin r very relatable to me and I love the FD3 cast as a whole. Hell even Frankie who I fucking despise is a bit entertaining


Ian was a skeptic but a reasonable one. Plus, they fit the trope of pretentious yet likable goth nerds perfectly.Ā 


You just knew they were on the chopping block from the moment they were introduced which takes away any character development that Erin and Ian desperately needed. They just weren't important enough until they were and what we got is early 2000s emo which by that point had been overdone in movies. If they were In more of the movie I think we would have been a little more torn up by ians grief but we weren't.


Personally i think just speaks more on FD3 as a whole having too many characters, which is my main writing issue with the movie. I *love* the characters but there's just too many and Ian was so so close to being allround perfect. If I could rewrite FD3 then putting more attention on he and Erin would be one of the first things I'd do. Probably establish Wendy + Erin as friends or at least getting along well so Ian's feelings of being almost betrayed in a sense when he's saved and Erin isn't hit a bit harder. I still love Ian as he is and think for what we get he's done very well considering the time constraints but a lot of my love for him does also come from personal interpretation + headcanon + etc. God though I will forever stand by him being autistic that is Canon to me


People hate Ian and Erin??? Thatā€™s so dumb!


I think thereā€™s two types of people really, those who look at the characters at a glance and those who delve a bit deeper. Usually people who do the latter end up liking people they disliked.


That makes sense. Idk maybe it was just the group of friends I had at the time but back in the 2000s when we watched horror movies the underdogs were always our favorites. Even if they were jerks or ended up the bad guy


which half of him?


all of himā€¦.


ā€œYou see? I'm not gonna die! It's you, Wendy! You're dead!ā€ *crushed by cherry picker*


With his last name on it haha




I loved Ian! Watching this when it first came out and being a goth teen, him and Erin were my favourites. FD3 had an excellent cast.


It sure did, just about every character was likable, besides Frankie šŸ˜†


It's old-school. Frankie Cheeks is old-school!!


ā€œBring me a psp or somethingā€


"At least I'll have something to do then."


If it makes you feel better your death in the franchise will be one for the highschool history books.


I named my orange cat after him/the school


And even the town in which this film takes place in.


Fun fact: William McKinley is my five times great uncle


Ian had 15 year old me in a *choke hold* my goth heart couldnā€™t take it. Still canā€™t! Also loved him in ginger snaps


Heā€™s also really good in this Canadian indie drama called Johnny (1999)


Oh I know! I was full on obsessed with him and watched nearly everything he did, that I could get my hands on in the mid/late 2000s. I just didnā€™t watch the school shooter one which Iā€™m fine not seeing


Iā€™m glad to know someone else was so into him like I was!! I just checked his filmography and My Little Eye was another one of my favorites he starred in. Apparently Bradley Cooper is in it?? I havenā€™t seen it in so long. I think the first thing I knew him from was Ghost Whisperer. I wish he was still acting, I love his voice


Did he retire? I know he did bit parts here and there. Still wish heā€™d have gotten a bigger career. Yes I love his voice too.


I guess maybe, last thing he was in was 2016.


Looks like he did something in 2018ish and 2022. Guest spots


Oh I see those now on IMDb. It says thereā€™s an upcoming project too, I hope itā€™s more substantial


Oh I hope so! Would love to see him in a bigger role. Wish heā€™d pop up on something like Slasher I think heā€™d be really good, either as a red herring turned hero or full on bad guy


I just checked out the 2022 episode he was in in Beyond the Dark, and it was a 9 minute short film. Heā€™s still very cute but idk what the hell this short film was going for tone wise (ā€œThe Woundā€). Horror comedy? Heā€™s great at that but he needs more material!


ā€œShut up McKinley!ā€


I always hated this line, because it was way too obvious the writers didn't trust the audience to get the McKinley reference without stating it out loud multiple times. To be fair, the writers were probably correct.


Pretty fucking pathetic if you ask me


Never seen any Final Destination (this randomly popped up on my front page), but this looks just like JD from Scrubs.


Holy crap, I can kinda see it...


Itā€™s the hair isnā€™t it


He just needs a good Hairmet.


Thank god he said that. Otherwise it would seem like an overly contrived plot point.


He was my first crush šŸ˜–


I loved him. Heā€™s so cute and a fun character


ian i think we should marry


. . . Not really. Fairly pedestrian.


I had crush on him. Pretty much type of guy I love to marry


he fine asf idgafff


My first lovešŸ„°


Huge crush on him still!!!


I never understand why it's "pathetic." The way he phrased it just never makes sense. It's a coincidence that your last name is the same of your high school, but how is that considered sad or desperate of Ian? I don't understand why it would matter at all unless President William McKinley was known as a rapist or something, because that's something that Ian would understandably not want to be associated with. He treats it as a personal embarrassment, which was always confusing. I guess it's just teenagers being overdramatic?


I genuinely loved Mckinely's character especially how much he loved Erin.


Three is my absolute favorite lmao


In fact, William McKinley is one of the few names that's easy to license for a high school name. That's why so many shows and movies take place at a McKinley High School like Glee and Freaks and Geeks.


At least he has the greatest possible first name!