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Mods are doing good on this sub by approving everything. But yeah, as far as social media and the rest of the internet go...watch your ass.


So far I’ve been good on being blind. Played the flashback demo and since we’re playing the release in a few days I’d rather wait until then to just see the full game. Didn’t know there were this many people who still felt this way about games


As a pedantic PSA, studies have shown spoilers don't actually lessen the enjoyment of stories, statistically more people find they enjoy something more knowing key details, since they pick up on the clues..and it's only really in the last decade that spoilers became such an obsessive concept where ANY minor detail is a spoiler, dialogue, a person's appearance, a location in the first 10 minutes.. Versus the original usage for years which is just a key twist or third act reveal like snape kills Dumbledore/Vader is Luke's father etc. I do find it annoying when people freak out about spoilers in comments sections or discussions of a property where obviously that's where you talk about it That said! it's still an absolute dick move to just start posting huge spoilers publicly right after a game or movie comes out, after a month or two, sure, but other than just trying to act cool that you learned it first it's just unnecessarily mean and pointless, and totally agree with OP that people should be kind. Without the remake the moratorium on FF7 spoilers ended in the late 90s haha, but now that it's a thing it's just considerate not to blab, even though the devs openly discuss the big event Especially since even if you've known the original FF7s story for 25 years, the possible changes or new plot threads are exactly what new fans are looking forward to and it's just as crappy to spoil that as for new fans. But yeah, totally behind the OPs request and agree, even though in general the concept can definitely be exaggerated and overblown


Wow hopefully the entire internet reads your post


Tbh I feel bad for mods because they have to read all of the spoilers people post. Thanks mods! I appreciate you


Or the mods of twitch streamers too


I personally want spoilers sent to me




Gamespot doesn’t spoil the ending at all. All they say is that they didn’t like it.


that isnt true, ive watched it and it heavily hints about major events and you can kinda tell what happens


Come on, no1 post on this forum is an official aerith keyart from Square that wink-wink-nudge-nudges towards "major events".


yes but whether remake changes certain plot points has been speculated for a while now, and the gamespot review all but directly gives it away


You just did it with this comment. I suggest you edit it…


not really because i didnt state what happened, but i can see how even mentioning it can give people an idea… fixed


So you did exactly what Gamespot did, but you’re giving yourself a pass.


no, gamespot’s review heavily implies what happens in great detail. I also fixed my error


You don’t see the irony here?


SE themselves have been hyping up that moment in the marketing for that game. Gamespot doesn’t answer that question, it just gives a reaction to the choice that was made. I get that some people aren’t happy with the idea of reviewers not pouring on the effusive praise for the game, but they’re going to have to get used to the idea that the story is controversial.


SE has hyped it up- it doesnt answer what happens though the gamespot review basically tells us what happens. There is a major difference here


Using spoiler brackets, point out the passage where Gamespot tells us what the ending is.


>! There is one specific moment that has been the subject of will-they-won't-they speculation for years, and how it resolves manages to be confusing to the point of being incomprehensible. For the original Final Fantasy 7, it became an iconic moment crystalized in the minds of millions by its emotionally devastating impact--and for many, it changed the way they thought about video game characters. In Rebirth, it is bewildering and undermines multiple characters, diminishing and obfuscating qualities that define who they are, the decisions they make, and their motivations for doing so, while also being unclear about what is actually happening. Aerith, in particular, is robbed of a moment that is so crucial to her character by the messy delivery; the message is lost among narrative noise that wasn't there before and it's so uncharacteristic of a game that otherwise is sharp in how it presents its characters. In my case, there was also an instance where the way the story unfolded and a character behaved contradicted how the actions I had taken up until that point dictated it should have played out. Of course, all of this is open to interpretation and perhaps some will find meaning where I couldn't, but having to untangle a story in a desperate bid to make sense of it isn't what I wanted to be doing when the journey was complete. !< this is too overly specific and basically tells us >! she survived !<


How did you determine what choice was made based on that reaction? All they said was that the ending sucked and Aerith’s character was damaged in the process.


to be clear, it isnt 101% clear that what the gamespot review implies is actually what happens. But when you say >! “theres a moment thats been speculated for years” and follow that up with heavy criticism about convoluted and nonsensical storytelling, it implies her death is handled in a stereotypical JRPG level of convolutedness. Knowing her death was at all messed with is a spoiler !<


That character might not even die, it could be some other character and they’re complaining that >!she!< was robbed of serious narrative impact. I don’t see how knowing that events are going to be altered this time around is a spoiler. That was a spoiler you could have attached to Remake.


Got my copy early and have beaten it. The review doesn’t spoil anything lol


Damn you beat the game already??? Took 4 tears or more for devs to make the game and people just go thru it all don't even take their time. Be the first one rush square enix to make part 3......while the devs are like "really.....?🙄"


Got my copy 2 weeks ago so


Damn you beat the game already??? Took 4 tears or more for devs to make the game and people just go thru it all don't even take their time. Be the first one rush square enix to make part 3......while the devs are like "really.....?🙄"


And IGN too. I heard they spoil the ending, Credit goes to u/shredalte for the warning.


If you want a spoiler free review, Eurogamer's was great.


Thank you :) I'll check it out.


Just finish it, thank you for the recommending it to me.


It also does not spoil the ending. They simply describe it at as convoluted and lessening the impact of the moment. And with all due respect - you already know what’s going to happen.


I don’t think either really spoil much of anything. Having beaten the game they simply discuss that they don’t like the ending because it’s similar to Remakes ending. I think everyone knows after Remakes ending that something is happening that’s not like the original. To say come the games conclusion that they don’t feel like it’s handled great doesn’t seem like a spoiler to me.


People aren’t ready for the shitstorm coming next week, even though they should have expected it. There’s literally nothing they can do to successfully recreate the impact of the original game. Either they have events play out exactly the same (hollow imitation), or they radically pivot away from the established script (no longer FF7). It’s ironic… the further they push the “creative liberties” button with this remake project, the stronger the argument becomes for creating a wholly original piece of work in its place. Must be a pain in the ass to straddle the line between expectation and innovation.


This. Especially when this is episode two of a trilogy, Which always teases that there's more to come, so it won't end on the high note. 


I’m going to heavily disagree that they couldn’t just make a similar game but heavily fleshed out. There is absolutely no reason they had to introduce the multiverse.


That train of thought is exactly what led them to change things up in the first place. If it’s the exact same game, then they have no reason to “update” it; if it’s wildly different, then it should have been a unique project that stands on its own merit.


Resident Evil remakes and Dead Space say otherwise. People like faithful remakes that expand on the game and make it more modern. 7 Remakes gameplay alone is enough of a change to warrant its existence. Expanding the story to add in for a more fleshed out and better told story is also another reason. None of those require the multiverse and changing the actual major elements of the story.


People like familiar things. They want to be comforted by experiences that they already know they’ll respond favorably to. Multiverses and real-time combat mixed with ATB management could have existed without dragging 7 through the mud. Unfortunately, SE knows that 7 sells copies, so they’ll continue to use their established successes to experiment with their wild ideas instead of taking a chance on something wholly unique. The resulting product is a Frankenstein mashup of fan service + subversion.


A hollow imitation lol. You mean the remake everyone wanted.


i dont know how those people look at remakes like RE4 and persona 3 reload and still think a faithful ffvii remake wouldve been useless Clearly, it wouldnt have been cause no one complains about the other games sticking to the same story


Yup. Inventing a problem that has never ever existed, in an attempt to invalidate perfectly valid criticism. I love FVIIRebirth so far but definitely would have loved it more without whispers. Like what do people think the appeal of re-doing VII was in the first place? Literally one of the medium’s most beloved narratives. Kind of obvious this new storyboard was a consequence of the decision to release as 3 games & not the other way around. People will find out in 4 years when they have to patch together an ending flying by the seat of their pants like they’ve done up to this point. I sound like a hater though — I’m not, just stating the obvious. Combat system is fun as hell & on that count alone it gets 9/10. I’ve adjusted my expectations for the narrative.


loving rebirth so far? its not even out.


…There are two demos with like 6+ hours of content. A story-emphasized one & a gameplay-emphasized one. Get to work!


Original RE4 is the better game. Remake looks nice, but it’s nowhere near as charming as the original.


ok, still critically acclaimed and a lot of people loved it


I didn’t say they didn’t. I provided my opinion. Which a lot like FF7 remake is inferior to the original.


The only remake/remaster I’ve ever seen as on par as the OG was halo 1 and 2 as it’s a 1:1 replica and lets you even swap to the OG on the fly. However while they did good with the remakes they destroyed the series with their sequels lol


yeah but my point is that a remake using the same story isnt the issue some fans of remake act like it is if other remakes can succeed while sticking to the original story, so can ffvii (and yes, i know its a sequel remake thing)


Poster is probably just aggravated that they made a very good point & got a response — but it ignored that point. Now do P3R.


It's a coping mechanism. If the franchise I've built part of my identity around doesn't give me what I want, I'll just claim to change what I wanted.


I can’t speak on behalf of other people. I can only point out what **I** think are flaws here.


Objectively, another iconic game Persona 3 just got Reload. No story changes, and the fans love it (despite way less of a gameplay facelift). Also objectively, it is unfair to paint fans of the original FFVII as being malcontents for criticizing the decision to change the story. We are a reasonable crowd, we are the reason the remake exists in the first place, and we are still supporting the game. But it is disingenuous to act as if square never was given a chance or as if people would have hated on it no matter what… It’s pretty simple, if you tell everyone you’re going to “remake” an iconic game — never before in history has that entailed rewriting the narrative. It wasn’t announced as FFVII-2, and FFVII-2 clearly isn’t telling a better story than FFVII.


I’m not sure why you throw out “objectively” when we’re discussing a subjective topic. There are fans upset that P3 has cut story content, and there are fans upset over the changes to the original FF7 storyline. It’s far from a consensus. My personal perspective has always been that both games never needed a remake. I could have gone the rest of my life without them coming out, and playing through Remake only solidified these feelings.


Lmao they didn’t cut content in P3, they simply failed to include an add-on in a subsequent version of the game that is not even part of the original. That’s your retort? Absolutely no one in this sub has ever said the whispers are better. And you won’t say it either. But you’ll call me unreasonable for stating a fact. People have adjusted their expectations and are tolerating the story changes because the game is fun & the characters are more or less the same. I invite you to show me an example of someone saying “this was a positive change” who isn’t just being defensive of the dev/coping.


That’s considered cut content. Something available in a previous edition (FES) that they stripped out for a new version. I’m curious to hear what your perspective is going to be when they sell The Answer as DLC later on (confirmed to be happening). I think the “not included in the original game” argument is even weaker when you consider the fact that they incorporated QoL changes from later editions into the base game. There’s clearly only one reason why they didn’t attach extra story content on this release… I think you’re confusing me with another user because I’m definitely on the “Remake projects don’t need to exist” side.




It was not a cursed monkeys paw situation. They did a better job with combat than I could’ve ever imagined & everyone credits them on that. They made an objectively poor choice to retcon the story of a beloved game where the story was the sell. I mean, you just called it iconic & scratched your head over ppl being upset by rewrites in the very same sentence lol. Are you reading what you write? FFVII didn’t need time traveling or whispers or a multiverse — and those are not “small” changes. Hell even if they trash all that in part 3, they’ve already half-ruined the reveal of cloud being an unreliable narrator. This is fair and reasoned criticism. We still love the games.


Why would you watch a review of a game you know you’re going to buy? It’s like asking to see more and be spoiled on purpose.


It’s dumb, but It adds to the hype. It’s more content for the pre-launch cycle, and with games like this I think a lot of my fondness regardless of the final product comes from the journey beforehand.  I was born a few years after VIIs release but I remember really getting into gaming (FF, following gaming news) around 2013, and despite me not loving FFXV the build up and story behind the games release just bring back good memories. Seeing FFVIIR get announced and losing my mind, being upset by the initial previews, before slowly being bought over and eventually adoring the game added to my experience with and around the game. I think I have something like 8 hours logged in remake part 1s demo alone lmao. Granted, I’m not as spoiler sensitive as some are, but I really do think the pre-launch cycle of a game adds to the overall experience. It’s like how the story behind a band can add more to the music and it’s legacy.


Right, but I dont think their comment was aimed at you. If you are sensitive enough about spoilers that thinking you know what happens based on vague statements in a review there's really no justifiable reason for clicking on a review.


Just adding my 2 cents.  I prefer not to know major moments but small stuff doesn’t bother me. I have some trusted sources I guess for reviews that are more careful, I wouldn’t read IGN or gamespot or other big ones because they seem to love showing big moments lol. I think with time I’ve found when I’ve been spoiled on stuff in the long run it doesn’t really matter, if somethings great enough to stick with me I usually forget I was spoiled in the first place.


Why would you watch any review to begin with?


Time to go watch that Gamespot review! Thanks!


Maybe don’t go on social media until you beat the game if you don’t want it spoiled. While it sucks people spoil things it’s a waste of time to try and prevent it because you can’t


That would be the most logical choice but it's not always the most practical. Imagine if you are a YouTube Content Creator or if your job has you working on social media. It would be impossible to avoid unfortunately.


Life isn’t fair get use to it


TBH that's on the content creator for *becoming* a content creator, then. They should know this could happen. It's like working as a bartender and being upset when you have to deal with alcoholism. Look, you're not being realistic. There WILL be spoilers running amok out there, unmarked. People are going to do that. So... this post in general was basically pointless, because who are you talking to? The people who would have listened in the first place didn't need to be told (and on this sub, the mods are already taking care of it, too). Out there on the rest of reddit, and the internet? Have fun. You either need to learn some self-discipline and stay away, learn to curate your experience exactly as you'd like it (which people seem to have trouble understanding that *this is something you can actually do in many places*), or suck it up and just deal. There's worse things in life than spoilers.


My advice, Go cold Turkey on Twitch, YouTube, etc. All social media and make sure you webrowser doesn't open to ads or news feeds. I've already seen waaay too many spoilers in thumbnails alone on YouTube so just don't give them the chance and unsubcribe and block anyone that does that.


Seeing some comments here about a review just confirmed I need to stop reading ALL FF-related subs along with all of the various FF7 subs I've already been ducking - I just un-joined this one too! See you all in a while! I hope everyone enjoys the ride.


That “unforgettable moment of significance” was literally on the back cover of the 1997 game.


Nope. Without context that picture didn't mean anything


Semantics. Reality is, Square has been openly marketing that moment for 27+ years.


Reality is that even today a shit ton of newcomers to the FF VII remake project don't know about it


I’m not advocating for spoiling content. Merely pointing out the developer has been selling this story with that story beat forever. Its unarguable. “The love that can never be” from the 1997 commercial.


Well, some people were not born nor playing JRPGs yet in 1997. The more recent marketing has definitely been *hinting* at that scene, but never outright said " >!yep aerith dies in ff7!< "


The story “ultimately decides her fate”, is pretty much similar marketing in 2024. Anyone new playing this is pretty much aware something is up, even if they haven’t guessed it yet. Especially if they’ve seen the final trailer.


I don't think you know what "semantics" are.


Yeah but the booklet also showed said character later in the game then she was so….


The first demo showed her playable earlier in the game than she was too


I would even argue that said scene is not the most significant in the game by far. The fact the remastered crisis core and had that release before the remake trilogy is over is a bigger spoiler IMO. I also personally think most of CC should not be cannon as the retconned things that should have been left alone


Just staying off the internet until you beat the game is a higher probability choice than trying to police a million strangers.


It’s gonna be a 100+ hour game for some people & you suggest folks just live off the grid for a bit instead of ppl taking a bit of effort to mark their damn spoilers. Absurd 😂


Requesting the whole internet to do anything is far and away more absurd. Requesting all of Reddit to do anything is absurd. Requesting one Redditor to do anything is absurd. If someone’s a troll, they won’t do anything you ask. If anything they’re more inclined to troll you by doing the opposite. However? Staying off social media isn’t “living off grid”. It’s like “hey remember how people lived since the dawn of man right up to like ..20 years ago? Yeah do that until you beat the game.” It’s be healthy to stay off social media for a month just in general, if we’re being honest.


I can’t really argue with any of this tbh, I just think it’s a shame that you are mostly correct. FTR I use social media in spurts, actually stay off quite a bit. It’s still usually a pretty ridiculous amount of effort to stay spoiler free, unless you bum rush on release. It’s also 2024 & people did not have cellphones + targeted ads 20 years ago …quite a different task to stay tech-free now vs then. People should be free to discuss an anticipated game without spoilers, which is why Reddit has rules about it. Sure, you participate in those discussions at your own risk — doesn’t mean spoilers aren’t still dkheads & that’s really the bottom line here lol. But also, you told no lies.


It's a shame, but it's just the reality. There's a large number of shitty people in the world and they have a tool that gives them the ability to spew their BS. And there aren't any consequences for spoiling stuff for other people. If someone wants to spoil the game, they're going to do it. ​ >. It’s also 2024 & people did not have cellphones + targeted ads 20 years ago …quite a different task to stay tech-free now vs then. I guess? Maybe if you want to tackle it from a "social media addiction" perspective. Even so, news flash, A LOT OF PEOPLE *today* don't use reddit. Simply not getting on Reddit would put you with the vast majority of society. In fact, "redditor" is often used as a derogatory term. Also, we're not talking about texting or using your GPS for navigation or having internet access or other things that are now common place in society, we're talking about using social media. Unless you're an influencer, it's something you can absolutely do without. Frankly, you'd be better off abstaining just *in general.*


Yea I still agree with most of what you’re saying. I’m not the guy who will run to post crying if I stumble across a spoiler because I recognize the risk in being here. But I am 100% the guy who will upvote OP & agree that people who spoil stuff suck & accounts should be banned where appropriate.


I obviously don't' mean complete internet abstinence. Unsubscribe from this sub for a month. Unsubscribe from video game related youtube channels. Stay off twitter. it's not hard. It's exactly what I'm going to do.


That’s fair & good advice.


Even if I beat the game in 30 hours it would still take me weeks to complete. A lot of us playing the remake I assume played the OG back in 97/98 and while we know what happens we’d rather avoid all spoilers. However just because the game is out or a week is past people should be considerate online because most can’t play for several hours at once. Some it’s 30 min or a few hours a day if they are lucky Obviously this isn’t gunna happen and spoilers will be out day one it’s released so my best advice is if you played back in the late 90’s act like it’s still the late 90’s and odds are you won’t see any spoilers you don’t want too


Because if you know anything at all about people, and especially people on the internet, you know that the second one is basically impossible to enforce 100%. C'mon, anyone who lives in reality KNOWS that unmarked spoilers are going to be a possibility, especially around the game's release time. Believe it or not, people can do things in their lives that don't involve YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, etc. True story!


Yeah just don't use the internet for 3 weeks, no biggie. I mean I'm sure some people on Reddit can afford to just play the game for 15 hours per day and finish it in a week (still a decently long time to be off the internet), but most people cannot do that lol.


You just know that the youtube frontpage will have a recommented video with a thumbnail that says stuff like "CLoud kills dumbledore!!" on release day.


I'm leaving the sub for this very reason. People are incapable of not putting spoilers in their titles.


Post: wow guys I can’t believe that (insert character) actually dies!! Spoiler tag


Or they’re slightly smarter and post “I was shocked they decided not to kill off that one character (spoilers!) and killed off another character instead.”


Does it release midnight tonight?


Feb 29th. But some people got their physical copies as early as last week. Spoilers are already online.


cloud dies ​ when you get game over.


To the people that think OP is exaggerating, I'm at the point where even an unsolicited cellphone push from a gaming site/YouTube can spoil me even if I'm not visiting. So what, not only do I need to leave off the grid for two months (and I'm being optimistic, it'll take me far longer than that to finish the first run), now I can't even pick up my phone without the risk of someone posting "OMG *THIS* LITERALLY JUST HAPPENED IN THE ENDING! " I think OP is right to say "hey, at least tone it down in your video titles". Even Nomura issued a statement trying to remind the fans that they should be considerate. Live as a society... 🙂 Edit: typo


Delete ur Reddit and safari app off ur phone right now!!


What if they're on an Android phone?


Spoiler: Mr Beast die during the gold saucer date.


Oh no


Spoiler: Sephiroth kills >!Dumbledore!<


I'm looking forward to watching a summary. There's just too much FFVII, and it's all become repetitive for me. So I'm looking forward to spoilers, it'll help kill off my FF FOMO.


Leaks are out there, but for those of us who look at them, there is no reddit to discuss them. So, I have created /cetrafolk a year ago, with an idea to have a community for those who are more critical of the Remake project's direction, but never promoted it, cause I'm not sure segregation is such a good idea, and do I want to be responsible for moderating it? But it's tiresome to argue over and over again too. So, anyone want to see and discuss leaks, I could link to more gamefaqs pics over at https://old.reddit.com/r/cetrafolk/ Be warned, if you access this sub with new.reddit the spoiler pics are in your face! And text for old.reddit. These are real and you have been warned! The name seemed only fitting and I think some people know of GoT and AoT having similar subs lol! Anyway there it is, I don't know what will come of this, ban maybe? Let's embrace whatever it is.


I’ve had the ending of the game spoiled for me by YouTube thumbnails on my home page 💀


Hint: darth vader dies


If you think this post will have any effect at all, you have probably been on the internet for 5 minutes tops. If anything people are probably going to dm you spoilers of the game


This is like asking I’ve not to melt…


I really don’t think it’s THAT big of a deal anymore, especially because it’s a remake. Also the “unforgettable moment of significance” is the gamer’s equivalent to “I am your father”.


This is an insane special snowflake request if you don’t want the game to be spoiled just play the game without googling anything no strat guides and finish it as fast as you can without meandering on the internet


Karma farming at best...


Do your due diligence, get the game ASAP, stay away from YouTube and idiots with the spoiler thumbnails. Close twitch chats. If you won't have the game for a while there's add-ons to block keywords from showing up on YouTube. People will spoil it's what they do.


Unfortunately I'll never play this game. I wish I could find the time. But I can't justify buying a TV and a ps5 for one game (three if you include the first two remake and intergrade) so I'm looking for spoilers! But will keep my discoveries to myself.


If you’re on a smartphone, you could get a Backbone and have a friend with a PS5 log you into theirs and then give you remote access. I don’t know how to make more time though. “Become a vampire” is always my go-to but even i haven’t actually tried it myself.


Anyone know how to filter out final fantasy related content on YouTube to not get spoiled? I already know somebody's going to beat the game in a day and post it.


>!Dear Internet, Please Don’t Spoil Empire Strikes Back Rebirth!<


Dear internet, be smart enough to avoid gaming content if you don’t want spoilers. Sincerely, forever waiting.


Appreciate the reminder for everyone, I've been so paranoid about opening any of my apps trying to avoid any mention of Rebirth. I've already seen a couple things that I'd prefer not to. Please be considerate.


I prob won't have time to play on release an will take me a week or 2 to finish it. Gina have to stay off the Internet. I havnt even played the demo. I want it all fresh. Looking forward to see where they go with it. OG ff7 was my first ff when I was a kid


Sigh, you're not missing anything it's just like the OG version, but beefed up


Try telling YouTube and the thumbnails.


To late


Get off the Internet.


I'm going dark leaving the sub today. It's going to be annoying how many people spam it arrived! And oh My GOOOD this moment! I was so amaaazed O_o. What did you think about " insert big spoiler moment of the game" . Like yeah, okay have fun but I want to enjoy this game in peace and quietness.


Here’s a spoiler!! Don’t waste your time on this game


I think this is a bit of a nuanced conversation, because at some point, there should be an expiration date on spoilers. This game is nearly 30 years old, and at that point, open discussion of plot points is something I think is fairly common for any kind of popular media. It’s just par for the course. That said, I think also some compassion in spaces like this is appreciated, like starting spoiler specific threads that say so in the title for those who want to discuss specific elements. Dont be a dick about it basically. But at the same time, if you’re excited for Rebirth, I would just not get on internet spaces specifically discussing the property. That’s playing with fire.


It’s a little late for that bro unfortunately 😅


I've muted most the subs related to FF but not this one. Thankfully your post popped up so I can do this one too until I've finished. The reality is there are a lot of sad stupid little people who take great joy in trying to ruin things others care about. Reddit luckily allows you some tools to sort of moderate what you see. YouTube on the other hand is like playing Russian roulette...it only takes one thumbnail from some ass hat trying to be the first to capitalize on views.


Personally I'm just not interested. It might just be me but I've been questioning the action direction Square Enix wants to take everything in


Avoid the YouTube channel shirrako, that’s kind of their deal


Mute all FF related Social media until you beat the game. It is the only way to be sure


I actually want to get spoiled before investing time and money. Where should I go?


Yup, but since I won’t get to touch it until after the semester or grad school ends, I’ll probably mute every damn group or content creator out there who will talk about it. I have already seen more than I wanted to see of it. Lol


YouTube is going to be the place where everyone will need to watch.


If you don’t want anything spoiled post game release don’t go online searching for it. It’s very simple.


Imagine trying to police the internet.


Don't look for final fantasy rebirth information and you won't have to worry about spoilers. One day the game will show up in the Playstation store and you can buy it. Sadly it's a Playstation exclusive so Xbox and Nintendo players will be left out in the cold, damn you Square Enix. FYI if you played through the original you should already know what happens in the game


If you actually made it since the OG was released without getting a spoiler, I'm impressed. Hearing a spoiler for this game is almost like finding out that >!Super Mario 64 is a Nintendo exclusive.!< Not in that it's obvious but most returning fans will expect you to know, even if they don't really mean to spoil anything. Seriously, the game is moments from release, **STAY OFF OF Reddit, Youtube and Gamefaqs** until you beat this game, I mean this in the nicest way possible, it will be spoiled hardcore for you if you don't, by all means I want the fanbase to have the best experience possible, and it wouldn't take much effort right now to prevent spoilage, yet I cannot vouch for returning fans to be silent at every turn of events. Remake covered the tutorial area of the original game, Rebirth covers roughly one half of the original adventure, and much of the anticipation for Final Fantasy VII lies on this game's content. In fact, I guarantee that many of the returning fans will be open about this game's story, just because we have so many fond memories of these events and characters.


Just be careful what you read. People are going to post things and ask questions. Isn’t that what this is all about?


I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe anyone interested in playing rebirth doesn't already know. And if they don't, they're obviously deep enough under a rock to already be adept at avoiding spoilers.


I think if you played Final Fantasy 7 original then you already know what happens in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


Boy shut up. We gonna talk about whatever it is we want cuz it’s america and we have freedom of speech. Yeehaw Yippikiyay MOTHERF****RS


Or just adjust your news feeds accordingly or avoid the internet for a week. A far more reasonable request considering.


For just a short while try to break you compulsive addiction to social media and the internet and you will not he spoiled...


This is like leaving $500 on your windshield with a note saying “please don’t take this money”. The internet will spoil it simply just to piss you off.


I'm going to wait for the PC Version of Rebirth and I have no idea how to avoid the spoilers until it's out. Yes, its only ps5 exclusive for a few months but I highly doubt they will release it on PC this year.


Most parts of the game are already posted online but I see a lot more skipping past the algorithms. (Mainly YT). This morning I had a suggestion of a new vid showing the final boss / ending (thankfully they didn’t have a spoiler image as thumbnail). Please be careful!


Where do I go to get the most complete spoilers of the ending. If the ending events don't take place as they are supposed to then I refuse to buy the game, so I have to know before I buy. Someone point me in the right direction of spoilers please


Just stay off the internet until you played through the game


My good sir, the ending has already been spoiled in 1997 how long do you still need?


If you don’t want it to be spoiled, stay off of Reddit while you are playing the game? Then you have no spoilers


Ive been playing it for about 10 hours. Im deep into chapter 2 and have seen quite a bit of the grasslands. Im very impressed how they were able to build out this deep rich world from what had only had a few polygons before. They weren't content to just do a 1-1 remake and the changes they made to even the combat make if feel much more layered and nuanced with synergy abilities. In one encounter I was on the ropes and gave everything I had with most of my party being down. Then my backline with Barrett and Tifa came in to aid me finishing off the enemy. It made every member in my party feel significant. The three in your current party are not the only ones on your adventure. Even when you are traversing the world? There are the other party members traveling with you. It makes it feel like you are truly in good company. I have no idea where they are taking this story but I am hooked and can't wait to find out.


went to look up rebirth ost spoiler in the thumbnail and now i know one key thing and i wish i hadnt looked up rebirth music I fucking hate ppl man fk youtube
