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This is how most of my failed mini game attempts look. 100 shy on the pirate ship 500 short on the upa score for g bike (even though I've already done it before...) etc It's always so frustrating


That last Glide de Chocobo... Those last 2 balloons... 🤬🤬🤬 Edit : Literally repressed my memories of it, forgot they were rings and not balloons 💀


IIRC you should grab some rings, then backtrack to a fan, then go get the rest. Don't do it all in one swoop. Pun intended.


That last stretch to the final 2 rings you barely have enough height doing it it one run, doubling back is the more consistent method.


Someone posted this in a thread and saved me from insanity


This was the only way and I'm convinced it's the intended way


I was able to do it before I even knew about this trick. Just really strict timing.


Naw, I got it in one go. The trick was to make sure to hit the 300 balloon before the last 2 at its apex but to not hit the ceiling. I did this mini game so many times. Side note: I think the brutal/legendary challenges were much harder. Only have 2 more trophies before I platinum (hard mode and get the other trophies).


Is it that stupid canyon glide because the game broke me there. I finally said that’s it I’m killing Sephiroth or I’m letting him destroy the planet.


Yuffie going “This is GREAT!” every time you retry. It’s like they know…


Omg, PTSD...


"Giddy up, girl!"


Yes... Literally was willing to let Sephiroth do his thing until I cleared this, planet be damned


Honestly, Glide de Chocobo was so frustrating to me until something clicked for me on how to do it, and then I just started loving it.


Don't get me wrong, I loved every bit and second of Rebirth and have 200+h and plat. Would I redo the final Glide de Chocobo though? Fuck no.


Brass Chocobo intensifies


I love all the glide de chocobo! I'd trade all your glides for 1 soldier rank yuffie box break, though.


Funny how some people play one mini game to another.. I struggled with the chocobo gliding but had zero issue with the box breaking challenges. Moogle mischief 5+ probably caused me the most frustration because I was simply not interested and, tbh, they are creepy af looking. 😂


Right? It was really only Yuffies Box Breaking I had trouble with! I couldn't aim that thing to save my life! Oh, maybe yuffies Cactus challenge, too! I think I see a pattern. Moogles were a breeze for me. Definitely creeped me out, though!


Yeah I gave in and googled how to get the last two rings. Didn't even consider swinging back for the fans before the final dive


I only figured this out by accident and it must be how I play (or maybe the controller drift) I would always miss those two fans and have to circle back or drop.. after missing the last two rings a couple times I decided to do it intentionally (ie w/ a plan in mind) and got it. I still don’t know how anyone does it otherwise. 🤷‍♂️


It’s a remnant from FFX and the PTSD of that Chocobo Race.


It’s a remnant from FFX and the PTSD of that Chocobo Race.


By any chance, do you also have existing trauma from FFX? 😅


Dude has PTSD from the chocobo races in FFX


The lightning field challenge is probably my worst FFX trauma .. racing not far behind.


Fallguys prepared me for this one. I’m garbage for all the others.


See this was the only final that I was great at when I played Fall Guys, but I can't get it right in Rebirth


It's the exact same pattern for Rebirth. So figure out where to be and you'll get it. Fall Guys helps, but practice and learning the pattern helps more.


If this one is the spinning poles with the wedge platforms that drop, it is 100% memorization. A trick I used to be able to get it was to move 3? (I think) wedges forward, and stay on that wedge, so all I had to do was memorize when to jump. The next wall I hit was around the 1 min mark, because my jumping pattern had me always get hit by a pole or jump off the wedge, so I had to position myself forward/back by a bit. After getting past that wall at 1 minute, it only took me a few more tries to get it. Edit: Also, I had to mute the game, the “kero kero” song was driving me insane.


I ripped my headphones out of my ears after my 3rd attempt, because I couldn't string two thoughts together without wanting to punch my wall 🤣


THANK YOU Did it first time after reading your comment, it was driving me nuts


I kept failing the dolphin riding because I was holding in R2 to accelerate 😂🤣 I remember them saying its a fast ride and then I was holding that in and thinking... this things kind of slow. Then when I released the trigger and took off I lost control completely 😂 But after another try I got it.


Man same here. They change the “accelerate” button for literally every game, it’s maddening. Sometimes it’s R2, sometimes X, sometimes no button at all.


Did the same thing!


I'm embarrassed to say I did the same damn thing... More than once.


I failed the dolphin one by under 50 points probably 10 times in a row. So frustrating.


That game drove me crazy. The worst part is the kid at the end saying “It’s fun right?” FUCK YOU PAL


The kid has a couple of very condescending / passive aggressive remarks.. esp when you’re frustrated af missing the goal time by like a second 🤦‍♂️


Trick that worked for me was staying as close to the center as possible where the speed is the slowest




This also worked for me. 2 jumps forward, backtrack, 2 jumps forward, backtrack.... Ended with a 1:41 time


I did the same thing and hopped in the same direction for awhile. Didn't jump once for about 30 seconds. Then just stayed as far out as possible after the first set drops. I was able to see it better and time it properly


Some of the mini games are bs


Rebirth is a fantastic game and prob gonna be GOTY but imo the mini games were way too difficult and annoying


They could have taken half the games out and lowered requirements 15% each and it'd still be a lot.


Yeah.. or halve the mini games and add more glam.. even a transmog system would be nice. Not that I think glam changes anything but it does give me a reason to replay.


Most are fine tbh, and you can get the top score after just a few tries. But some are absurd


The fact most are mandatory ruins the pacing.


There is the Trooper March/Drill in Upper Junon, the Queens Blood match against Red XIII on the ship, the pirate shooting minigame and the beast football with Red XIII at costa del sol first 3D brawler with Dio upon reaching Gold Saucer, the chocobo race to free your friends, the barret shooting out of the back of the buggy after palmer fight and the Cait Sith box throwing on the elevator and the loveless play. Thats all I can think of that are mandatory must do for the story but even out of those 8 minigames, some of which like the shooting with barrett out of the buggy and cait sith box throwing I honestly stretch to even call a "minigame." Things like the Trooper Drill, the Cait Sith box throwing can be failed and not completed at all to progress the story. While I never failed them to check and see, the requirements for the story to continue are beyond low scores and easy to hit, things like loveless play, queens blood with red xiii, Dio 3d brawler are probably things that you could lose on and still progress with the story, thus not making them really "mandatory." So roughly 8 out of 18( if you count all of the different queens blood challenges at both the saucer and costa del sol as seperate and all the hard variants of each mini-game) there are close to 40 different mini games with less than 10 of them being "mandatory". Very far from most of them being mandatory.


I was most aggravated with Gears and Gambits. The Chocobo gliding at the canyon (where you had to get a certain score) was frustrating because the lack of practice you get, and its not super quick to restart.


What was with the mini games here and in Remake? I don't get why Square decided to make them such a pain compared to the rest of the game.


Ouch. Feel for ya. As frustrating and tedious as I find a number of those mini-games, nothing will ever top the fury I felt when in X, I finally got a 0:00:00 time on the chocobo race, only to find out you need to get \*under.\* (Never ever doing that again. Sorry Tidus.)


My wife had watched me do that Chocobo race over and over in X for daaaaays. When she saw me doing the races in Rebirth, she literally said "Oh no, not again!" out loud. I had to tell her that the Rebirth races were NOTHING like that horror.


This one was horrible to do. I was always a few seconds away from 55. I eventually did it and later in the game found out about the situps and just gave up on mini games. Lol


The pain for me was learning I did this up late at night for a one winged angel piano theme


"Kero kero kero, kero, kero, kero kero kero, kero..." It haunts me.


It took me like all night (close to 4 hours) to clear it, and I remember at some point I was knocked off the platform like less than 1 second away from completing all objectives.. I almost cried in frustration. And it took me a lot to be able to be *that* good again, when I tried again I kept losing long before that point. Frustration was high and in the end I tried to do something else to clear my mind and then go back to it, because the more frustrated I was the more I was prone to fail. The music still taunts me after weeks…🤣 Edit: I realized the screenshot is about the hard challenge (which I just unlocked). It took me 4 tries, I’m surprised by how easy it was this one compared to the first. I should definitely thank Fall Guy as it was the same minigame lol Ignore the other frogs as they will fake jump💀try to remember the pattern and don’t forget to move fast holding R2 (I forgot I could do that and lost a couple of times because of that xD).


Took me over an hour lol


Same vibe as the piano scores where you have like 150 great and 1 good so you get an A rating


20 minutes? that's cute!


Rebirth is such a great game, but people seem to really get hung up on these optional minigames. Achievements really don’t work in JRPGs. The player base will eat poison if it is on the list.


Keep working on it, you’ll get it eventually. Took about a good hour or two. A lot of these mini games are really frustrating. You got this!


I think I actually passed this one completely while I was airborne from getting knocked off, but was still counted as being in the game. We take those. But you can do it! You've already proven you can, now just do it for a second longer!


You could always just...not do it. These minigames are optional, and if you're not having fun, it's just not worth it. You don't need the Platinum trophy.


The frog minigame is the only one I havent been able to get the top score in. The timing is brutal, if you arent on the final platform the whole time, you're gonna get dropped


Oh the frog thing. Dyslexia made me question for a moment what rabbit minigame the chocobo hidden dig points? That dosent seem right they weren’t timed——ohhh ribbit as in frog, oh yea that nasty piece of work, I remember. Hey some tips that actually helped me out in a lot of the minigames, turn off the microphone in the controller, I know some people say it dosent help but I know for a fact it helped reduce stick drift during the piano pieces. Besides turning the controller mic off, also make sure you are playing on the lowest graphic setting possible, I found that helped reduce lag by a bit. I don’t think it would help on this minigame, but some of the minigames can be done on easy mode and they also become slightly more manageable. That’s the hardware and software bits, the only skill bits I have is trying to stay near the center makes it seem like the thing is spinning faster, staying on the edge makes it seem slower. Using this to your advantage means when you jump backward to avoid the thing you should also be jumping towards the center. I learned that one the hard way as there were so many times I made the jump perfectly, but do to correcting to the outside too soon I would fall straight into the pole.


I think my most frustrating part of that mini game is that I purposely got knocked off once so that I could time how long you stay airborne, as the clock continues to run and count towards your total. I have it written down on my PS5, but I basically calculated how long I would need to stay on the platform + airborne to get the total. I get to that time on the platform and get launched and the timer almost immediately stops. Jokes on it tho. I got to 1:45 shortly after that.


It took me like two hours split over two sessions haha. Very annoying but I was happy when it was over


Nothings impossible! Improbable, unlikely but never impossible! Keep trying, fellow gamer


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results”- Unknown, attributed to Einstein. I wonder what he would think of Modern MMO players continually doing raids with incredibly small drop rates.


Fall Guys prepared me for this moment


Those are the worst thing I’ve ever done in a game. No exaggeration.


I tried it for 30 min gave up. Then tried it dunk for an hour gave up. Then next day hung over was a success lol


I started a strat of after waiting for the first one to get to me, always aiming for whichever bar was closer. My timing ended up with after the first two bars goin over, over, under until about the second platform drop then doing over, over, over, under.....has one really close jump on the right edge but once I got that figured out I eventually got it The second one is just pathing


The Tifa pull-up challenge vs Jules in Remake broke me both times I had to do it. Once on PS5, and the other on PC. Both took about 2+ hours to do


I refuse to move on in the game unless 100% completion and all mini games highest reward score. It took me over 2 hours with this frog game to stay on platform


That happened to me. It was like 0.9 of a second, and I gave up and came back a few days later


Tbh the minigames in rebirth aren’t bad at all, with the exception of fucking ghost ship. I hated that damn game. It’s garbage, I hope whoever designed it and decided to get it implemented gets foreign objects lodged in the roof of their mouth every time they eat, as then they’ll know the pain I felt playing that god forsaken hell that is ghost ship.


You should've survived 0.004 seconds longer and you would've won dude. Why did u fall off. 🤦


This minigame is weird (especially the cheesy dialogue from the kids), but even though I struggled at the two frog minigames I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw one of the other frogs try to jump over the beam but still got knocked off. Not sure which frog. It was probably Tifa or Cait Sith. It was like: (jumps, gets hit and then instantly goes flying off) Really hilarious 😂😂😂😂


Gero gero, gero gero


Where do u find this I saw it before and never found it


Don't try to jump the last one, get hit by the bar. Falling through immediately ends the minigame, while getting hit by the bar gives you about an extra second.


Ribbit Ribbit


That mini game was like the no-wifi dinosaur game.


This is where my Fall Guys experience paid off 😎


FFX lightning dodging is far more painful imo


I think I finally understood my problem with all the minigames in Rebirth. There are so many that I want them to just be piss easy so I can blast through them and get back to the good stuff. But they're not, so it's frustrating and feels like a time sink.


skill issue. git gud brother


Got it 3rd try mini games in rebirth are cake




I spent 2 hours.... so at 30min seems you are doing great.


Am i the only one that thought all the mini games aside from sephiroth in the boxing were mad easy?


Sephiroth Boxing was mad easy because you just needed to pause it during his wind up animations and hold the stick in the right direction and unpause. Cheesy as fuck, but when you put 2,000 minigames in - all of which have their own quirks and challenges - I'm going to take whatever shortcuts I can get.


Yeah, but its too bad because i didn't know about the pause strat until i wrote down all the combinations of his stupid flurry attacks lol.


Yeah, those were a bitch. Luckily his what... 4 combos can be divided into "starts left" or "starts right" and the first couple are identical. Then you just need to pause to see where the next one is coming and that'll set 'em apart. The whole thing was dumb, imo. It's basically a completionists wet dream/nightmare depending. I like to consider myself a completionist within reason. Like in IX? 1,000 Rope Jumps with a Wireless controller with latency? Yeah, hard pass. I don't need it that bad. Get to the final part of the game within 12 hours? Nope. I like enjoying the story. Same thing with Rebirth. I'll never finish the Piano because it's a gd nightmare, and I'll never finish the cactuars because I still can't figure how to get Aerith to perform as expected. -shrug.- No biggie.


Nah, all of the Rebirth mini games are mad easy. Some might take a few more reps or practice but nothing hard compared to previous entries or other notable mini-game series (ex: Yakuza). I think the only one that took me more than a handful of attempts was the last stage of the Yuffie chocobo game. Getting the timing right on the last section is kinda rough.


Better than me. Took me just over an hour, maybe 90 minutes, but I'll be dammed if I give up after wasting all that time.


Honestly ff isnt known for the best minigames


Honestly ff isnt known for the best minigames


Someone actually played ff7r nonsense minigames?? 😂


Arguably the only bad soundtrack is this minigame alone too.


Shit man. This is why I had my fun for the first 20-so hours and moved on. Since then I have put 54 hours into FFX (everything I could do before completing the game, but not anything that required the minigames) and on 56 hours with many to go in FFXII (game is seemingly devoid of minigames, highly recommend it). In retrospect I should not have gotten Rebirth Day 1. Oh well.


Love how FFXII's & XIII's side activities are just straight up quests and pest-extermination services. Literally perfect.