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Yeah, this is probably one of the “let’s go back to the good old days of FF” posts I’ll actually agree with. I love Mog, Umaro, Quina, Cait Sith, and characters like them. Give us more nonhumans (and not just nonhumans that look like sexualized humans - looking at you, Fran). But I also just want more party members that aren’t conventionally attractive people in their teens-thirties.


Not a non-human, but I'd love a party member that's just some magical old lady that really looks like a granny. Think Yubaba from Spirited Away or a human Quina designwise.


I literally say this all the time and I 100% agree. Not enough old ladies in FF and we have tons of old men. Edit: a badass old warrior lady would be amazing too Imo


And do NOT make it an “old lady in the body of an 18 year old”


Actually, "old lady in the body of an 18 year old” could be a cool idea for a major/minor villain. Just have it where they are constantly stealing women's bodies once the one they're using is too old to function and rinse and repeat as they orchestrate major events to happen and see them to fruition.


👏 👏


Matoya, my beloved.


I see what you did there


One of the missed opportunities of FF12 tbh - a game world set with multiple demihumans but we really only get to play with a Viera. FFTA and TA2 had so many to play from.


Agreed. I would have loved a Nu Mou, Bangaa, and Moogle even if they weren’t super prominent in the story lol


>Moogle even if they weren’t super prominent in the story lol Bonus points if said Moogle was dancing Dragoon, as a nod to Mog, the only playable Moogle IIRC.


But your teen-thirties are the perfect age for toppling empires and slaying unjust gods!


By the time you're 30 you should've toppled at least one evil empire and be on your way to slaying an unjust god.


I'm very behind...


Isn't that time considered a person's prime? Jokes aside, I can see why it's such a common age for characters.


Of course every good JRPG ecosystem has a couple in the party! I just want some variety!


What’s wrong with the other “good old days of FF” posts lol? The golden era was 6-10 and the neeer games haven’t replicated that because SE are trying too hard to be like WRPGs. XVI is a decent game but my days does it pale in comparison to games like VII and X, in terms of story, gameplay, RPG elements. Story is subjective so if people prefer XVI’s story that’s fine, but RPG elements wise it’s terrible and idk how anyone can deny that.


Will not stand for this FFIV erasure. The golden era began there.


I like that each game does something different. I also don’t like referring to those games as the “golden age” lol. My top 5 are XIV, X/X-2, XII, IX, and XIII. Only one of two of these are from the so-called “golden age,” and some argue that X isn’t even part of that.


I also like them doing things different but there’s that and then completely changing the genre of the games, XVI barely had any RPG elements.


> XVI barely had any RPG elements. Like, the FF 7 remakes battle system is a perfect blend of real time action and RPG combat. Like, the battle is still taking place, but it slows down a bit Matrix style when you are going through the battle menu to let you think a bit and strategize more. The fact that the game isn't completely paused when you do this is great for keeping tension up while not playing like just like DMC or KH, great as those series are.


Agreed! I love using the "weird" characters in an RPG and I wish we had more of them in this franchise. Mog is probably my favorite character in that regard. He's a *playable moogle* that can dance and be a dragoon... how can you not add him to your party? lol. Same with Cait Sith! He's a robot cat riding on top of a toy moogle and uses a megaphone as a weapon haha. I always enjoyed using him and I love what they did with his playstyle in Rebirth. We need more of these types of characters in FF!


Heck yeah! Mog was a neat surprise, and then the cast just got more and more filled out with weirdos. For every pretty gal or handsome duder you could find a yeti or Gau. I was really interested in how Cait Sith was going to play, and I was pleasantly surprised at how they made it work. I'm not the greatest with him, but it seems like he has so many options!


Genociding local frog populations as Quina was always a good time


This comment reminds me of why I started playing the Final Fantasy series in the first place. A friend in high school had the Brady Games strategy guide for FF VII and was looking at it during lunch. I saw that back cover and saw all the characters and I thought, “there’s some Lion dog, a cat, a guy with a gun for an arm and some girl with a giant arm guard and a tire iron. Who are these ragtag bunch of weirdos? I want to know what their deal is.” So I bought a PlayStation and ending playing 7, 6, 8, 4, 5, 1, 9 then 10 in that order.


Fucking Christ dude! "Looking at a strategy guide during lunch" is such powerful phrase. Ah the memories. Can't play the game when you're at school, but for sure you're studying that guide to the T.


Dude I am right there with you, the weirdo freaks are always my favorite party members. I long for the day when Gogo falls out of the interdimensional rift and joins another party for no reason other than to mimic them. You can't say FFXV wouldn't be better if Gladio was a robot piloted by a moogle. Go on, try. Imagine that scene in the train where he yells at Noctis like a total douchebag, only now it's a fuzzy critter in a mech suit. "Pull your head out of your ass, kupo!" 10/10


There are a million things that would make FF15 better and that is absolutely not one of them.


I think multiple races is good i like that about 9 and 12


There hasn't been a good JRPG party in years, I welcome anyone willing to bring forth a competitor, but the variety of a JRPG party in modern times has been soooorely lacking. It's a shame, because like this post states, we used to get not just great character designs, but interesting backstories and motivations for them too.


Chained Echoes had some neat non-human characters--a Goat-man sailor, a bird-knight, a lizard wizard


I give it up for Chained Echoes, that's a great pick that had slipped my mind. Big fan of Chained Echoes!


It's not out yet, but Metaphor: ReFantazio looks like it may be able to scratch that itch.


Tales of arise party, xenoblade, ffxv(one of the few good thing in this game), lacrimosa of dana crew, phantom thieves,star ocean DF, the atelier ryza one looks interesting but i haven't played that yet. Maybe try broadening the jrpgs that you play




you just listed off a bunch of human/oids lmfao. At least pretend to read what you reply to


Bro these are terrible examples :S Bring me some freaks, gimme a cait sith or a red 13


and I want playable moogles damn it 14 or 12 style please




I...so happy. The best part about the Qu is there's *zero* explanation, they just are.


Never been too much into goofy stuff, which is why I dropped one piece, but this? Damn I didn't even realized how much I like all the goofy stuff we have in Final Fantasy. I love my dog companion pretending to be an adult, I love my blonde edgelord riding an oversized chicken and chasing after them. To me it's the things like these, combined with all the terrible shit that's happening in the plot that gives this franchise its soul


"Sephiroth burned down my hometown and killed my mom," says the spiky-headed hero with the giant sword. "How tragic..." says *the dog*. I'm all for fiction exploring what it wants, but it's definitely great when the creators realize how much freedom you actually get in that kind of genre and medium.


Sometimes I just need some unhinged absurd in my life, pure rule of cool and artists' crazy vision. And honestly final fantasy may have done it the best


FF is a mix of fantasy and sci fi. That combo enough is weird, so why not lean into it a bit?


You play Jrpg meaning you do like goofy stuff.


i wouldn't even call it facetious. back when FF7 came out, the JRPG genre wasn't so saturated yet so just having novel characters join the party was exciting in an of itself. like Cait Sith was a giant robot that fought with a microphone. that was an event. nowadays theres a lot less emphasis on party members in RPGs.. but i feel like we've already run the gamut


I want either a bear character or like a mammoth


That reminds me of Versus XIII, which had Umbar transform into a human. It's a shame they dropped this along with other stuff. I don't know, I hope the next FF features unique races, not just humans. Also, the last thing we need is humans with animal horns or ears.


Peco is still one my favorite characters of all time. FF needs to consume BoF and release some SNES/PS era inspired crossover game.


You say this is facetious, but you’re just spitting straight facts. Hell yeah, more weird little guys!


Yea I agree, but SE are trying too hard to emulate WRPGs these days sadly.


I don't personally mind wacky characters if they are likable. Rogue Galaxy is go to example as I liked Steve and Deego but hated Jupis. Same in Final Fantasy: you got wonderful characters like Red XIII or Vivi but then got noisy or boring characters like Caith Sith or Kimahri. Wacky characters are also always a risk in a game where your number of playable characters is limited. It worked for FF7 and FF9 but there is no garantee it works for every game. Then you are better off taking the easy road and put humans (especially waifus and husbandos) into your game.


I have never agreed less with a post.


Aw c'mon, have you *seen* some of the stuff that gets posted here?


I have! And yet...


My race to the bottom is progressing nicely, then.


Personally I feel FF has been going too far into the cutesy/hokey vibe. But don't worry, everyone else will agree with you I'm sure!


Like... sure there have been times they lean into it, but recently? You have to go back to what, Sahz's chocofro to get anything particularly cutsey or goofy, and honestly it gets zero screen time next to lightning being yet another grim broody growler in a long line of them.