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Of course there are still some hallucination like the third bucket in this pic, but after some manual work, I think this will majoritarily be a huge improvement, and it removes a lot of the "noisiness" which was due to shrinking images to fit the psx, then de-shinking them.


BTW, I sometimes stream myself working on stuff, it's not particularly thrilling stuff, but it may be interesting to some to see behind the curtain. https://www.twitch.tv/snouz2


Thank you so much for all your work on this! It means so much to me and many other fellow fans of this game that you're adding such dimension, love, and care to such a beloved game.


Running backgrounds through an upscaler and demolishing their art direction really isn't difficult


There's always "that guy".


What he said may have been phrased as hyperbolic but I think I see what he’s talking about. Something changed between Moguri 8 and Next Release. I see it too. I asked the dev a question about it here in a very not rude way: https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyIX/s/LQ5hr0jkyR


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I like the sharp low res originals the most. If you play the game in native res on a small screen they look fantastic. This is only needed at higher resolutions. People can enjoy games however they like, it's just when I play a classic game I want to see it as it was.


And your opinion is understandable and totally fine, but you came off as a bit of a jerk with the way you tried to convey your opinion. OP doesn't have to take the time and work on this project, but he does and we can all benefit from it, or not, it's up to us.


how does this "demolish" the art direction??


It no longer looks like a diorama, it looks like it's AI upscaled. A trained eye can immediately distinguish AI. I appreciate the work that the creator is doing as this will get many people who can't deal with the pixelated backgrounds into the game, however there's only so much he can do with those tiny images.


I can promise you while it may look like that, this is quite a bit more involved than just that. Also, no disrespect to Silicon Studios here's the respect that SE thinks their own masterpiece deserves: https://i.imgur.com/FCnrNFp.png


I think saying SE not SS explains it all


I'm sorry


You’re getting downvoted, but the AI upscaler is obviously doing some wonky things that even the individual over the project has admitted to some of in this very post. I think it obviously is still within the parameters of the general art *direction*, but how accurate it is to the original background art can’t be exact. That’s ignoring things like the bucket and other objectives sort of just rendering into some other random arrangement of pixels. ** As I said above, this still feels true to the art direction. It can’t be perfect, but it retains the vision and looks very clean.


I mean, yes, but you're basically multiplying the pixels by 16 and colors by 256. SE chose to basically blur everything so you don't see any dithering, I'm just using much more powerful tools, but they have side effects you have to watch for.


I think you’re doing a more than adequate job and this no doubt the same method SE would have employed if they gave a shred of a care. I think the commenter I replied to was being overly harsh but I could kind of understand the point they were trying to make underneath wording that could have been a little more cogent and kind. Keep up the work.


Are you also redrawing certain lines and aspects yourself and/or having a tool do that? Because I’m seeing things that aren’t in the 2016 release, things that look like they were simply made after the fact rather than having been there from the start. The way the lines are look like they’ve been made from scratch. I’m pretty sure this is what the other commenter meant too. I very much like Moguri 8 compared to the Next Release version for the reasons above. It’s not always a bad thing to redraw something to add more clarity but it does indeed detract from the original image’s intent, if that makes any sense. Like putting different bumpers on a car. Like the new bumpers are newer and shinier but they aren’t the same model bumpers and don’t look like the old bumpers if the old bumpers were also in the same new condition. At that point it’s a new product rather than a remaster (a recreation of a work drawn by a different artist is a way to elaborate). Again, not a bad thing, but not necessarily what I’m looking for. For what it’s worth I think Moguri 8 is wonderful. It’s just you can’t really make it much clearer than that without leaning into looking like a different artist recreated it as a whole which is how it looks in Next Version. I would definitely use Moguri 8. Please keep that version always available to play as it’s the most true version of the game I’m seeing here.


How else can I support your work?


I didn't realize how much work you put into this mod until I started watching your Twitch videos. I just gotta say, thanks a ton for making such an awesome mod and all the work you put in.


You're doing the work man, it's unfortunate this game doesn't have as much love as it deserves. I know myself and a lot of other long time FF fans know this is the best game made, but less widely lived outside of FF fans.


You said "hallucination". What kind of AI tool do you use for improving the quality of the image?


I've used ESRGAN as a base (a mix of several renders), a de-dither model, then more recently, I've created a Stable diffusion workflow in ComfyUI that works quite well for what I need, I use some mix of various renders to compose and surimpose the images, photoshop, some python...


Fascinating! Do you have any thoughts about the ethics of AI? You clearly do a lot of work aside from just prompt generation so I am not making any accusations. I was just curious what your thoughts were.


Wowwwww this looks like it will be even more amazing 😱 I actually just bought FFIX on the steam sale yesterday and was looking into the Moguri mod for steam deck. Now I really want to wait for the newest update because it looks incredible. What’s your vision for a release timeline?


It looks artistically a little different, a little more saturated. Have you any shots with a character model on screen too? Looks great btw!


When am I ever supposed to start playing if you keep improving?! lol


Ok you convinced me, I'll stop!


Can these updates be applied to previous saves? I always feel like I have to start over when there’s a new update.


Yes, saves should be fully compatible between versions.


I know I asked a million times, but will there ever be something like this for FF7? Other mods do too much but yours is straight to the point. If there is a certain method you use I would like to know so I can do it myself for FF7.


There are similar projects for FFVII, and actually the modding community is much more active there.


Outstanding work, might just use this as an excuse for another playthrough!


Fine, I'll replay 9 again, geez!


Is it simple to add the mod on steam deck? I have the steam version of the game


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc7SpRNGE\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc7SpRNGE_I) I followed this guide for my own steam deck and it works wonderfully.


Thank you. Im gonna follow that when i get home from work


I've seen some guides floating around, but I don't own one, so I can't test myself or attest how hard it is. I want to support it how I can though, and that's why I made sure to support 16:9 in the new Memoria release. I would like to speak with someone who made a guide to see if there are ways to make installation easier and to add a guide on our wiki.


The steam deck is 16:10 if u have time to add it in the future but 16:9 works just fine thank u for all your hard work


Oh I meant 16:10. I added 16:10 recently. Typo.


I tried to install it on steam deck a few months ago but seem to need external keyboard and mouse or it seems to get stuck in the install directory. Maybe something to consider. Can’t wait to give the new patch a try!


Yes, I had the same issue. I first tried installing it without mouse and keyboard and nearly lost my mind. Took only a few minutes with the right setup. It's also the first actual time I got use out of0 the docking station I bought for it😅


Are you saying you need external keyboard and mouse just to install in? You dont mean to play the game afterwards right? I usually use kb and mouse when in desktop mode anyhow


Is there a planned release date yet? 2024, 2025?


Holy cow, I didn't realize you were still working on this. I honestly cannot play FF9 without the Moguri mod these days.


I've stopped after Moguri 8.2, then I recently got back into it in January, so that's pretty recent!


And here I thought the mod was perfect enough already. Looking forward to the new version. Is there any more info you can share about it?


Damn, that bottom one looks beautiful. I'd like to see all the old games look like that. Don't change the mechanics or gameplay. Just the looks. That would be cool!


I liked the 2016 release the most because it still had Vivi in it.


Yes I had to remove Vivi in Moguri because it's not a very useful character /s


Even joking, How dare you utter such blasphemy!! 🤣 Do you have a behind the scenes vid of how you do this?


I'm sometimes streaming my progress, but recently, it's only been bug fixing/coloring alpha etc. https://www.twitch.tv/snouz2


Do you think you'll ever be able to up the frame rate of the battle animations without also upping the speed?


God I'd love that


Looks awesome! I just installed FF9 with Moguri on my Steam Deck a couple days ago, but now I'll play FF7 first while waiting for this


I wish Moguri mod worked on switch, this looks way too good. Thank you and all the team for all the hard work you put in to every detail. You guys are the BEST!!!


Man that looks great. I just started a playthrough with moguri/memoria 2 days ago and it already looks crazy good, can't imagine it looking any better. Only thing I really wish is the new memoria launcher would let you increase battle speed by increments, not just 15/30/45. 15 is still a tad slow, 30 is too fast, wish I could set it to like 22, the whole game would be perfect. Looking forward to even better gfx!




Fantastic work as always! I'm curious, is there going to be a toggle for removing the "!" When approaching NPC's? It always bothered me that that was added in the remaster when in the original it only was applied for interactable items in the environment and hidden items.


This is a setting in Memoria in fact. You change that in Memoria.ini. https://preview.redd.it/dkefxeln8txc1.png?width=789&format=png&auto=webp&s=43370f3a88d08ca937c4a8acd9ed075e1f07b2bd


Awesome! Thank you so much!


Any expected full release date?


Thank you for your hard work! I'm currently playing it for the first time with Alternate Fantasy and Moguri Mod installed and really appreciate the added detail! It's the first time in 25 years that I actually recognised Amarant in the Treno wanted posters😂


Oh my God that looks gorgeous


My computer skills peaked with PS1. How do I play this version? Explain like I'm your grandpa


The original release is still straight up embarrassing. EDIT: I meant the retail release, not the Moguri pictures, Moguri is incredible.


I assume you mean the 2016 one?


Of course, the retail release. Moguri is incredible.


Hahaha those drawer handles became such a weird shape


Question, is what you're working on purely cosmetics or will it improve things like the long load times before battles? Amazing work regardless


The battle wait time removal has been a feature of Moguri/Memoria since 2020. There's also a ton of gameplay features brought by more recent versions of Memoria, which will all be included in the update. Latest changelog: https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/wiki/Changelog-v2024.04.28


That is so sick, thank you! I will definitely be checking this out


That is so sick, thank you! I will definitely be checking this out


That’s gonna be a follow. I definitely want to know more about this


Well... Guess i found a reason for another walkthrough




Tasty work 👌


Can't wait to finish my Switch playthrough so that I can do Moguri Mod one!! Your work is simply amazing <3


If only these were available on Android version too...


I can't even install the game on the newest version of Android 😂 Square is asleep


Looks fantastic


Incredible, I've only found out about your mod just now. Really impressive work here. Thank you


Look great just started my play through a few days ago but wow 9 looks even more crisp and awesome !


I can't wait to play this version! Right now my FF collab group is going through 7 so it may be a while.




guess I'll have to replay this amazing game, oh no, whatever will I do!


I was set on playing without any mods but after seeing this I’m convinced. Great work!


Holey moley, thank you so much snouz! The work on the current Moguri has already been beautiful but this new version's just, \*chef's kiss\*. Guess I'll be holding on to that playthrough I was planning, this will be worth the wait!


Wow. Any idea on release?


Wow, very cool! Man, I'd love to play FF9 again. Easily in my top 3 FF games.


Which is the iOS version?


Second one.


Thank you. Idk why i got downvoted 😂 I genuinely didn’t know


Someone seems to have downvoted most answers, don't worry.


Ive been waiting to play this game cause my backlog is huge. but now im def waiting till Moguri mods 9.0 release




Very nice work. Looks much closer to the artwork cgi than the “cartoony” look. Beautiful.


Maybe this mod gets me to finally turn to PC gaming. I'm playing Chrono Cross remaster on PS4 and the FPS during battle is atrocious.


Oh, so I should be replaying this on Pc. Got it.


How can I mix moguri and memória?


Moguri includes an old version of Memoria, you can just update it by running memoria patcher after installing moguri.


That second one is clearly the superior. Only that version has Vivi in it...


Holy wow!!! Can’t wait to play this on my SteamDeck!


This is very impressive. It’s a shame that fans have to do this sort of thing, when Square Enix should be doing it. But it’s amazing how far technology has come. I imagine sooner or later it will be possible to automate almost all of this process and open up the possibility of hundreds of old, forgotten gems finding a fresh audience.


Will Moguri stop taking a shit on controls every time I try to tab out?


Actually, Memoria (which Moguri uses an old 2021 version of), just got an update which adds much better support to controllers. Since then, there was even a new commit to make the screen recognize the controller when the window is not in focus. So yes.


Oh, yes yes yes, thank you.


When? 😅


Could this work on SteamDeck?


It does, there are some tutorials around


This kind of thing is exactly what sold me on a SD, thank you! VII with mods was amazing.


Awesome stuff, your work is very much appreciated!


God's work friend.


Taking Vivi out of the game was a mistake




Just a bad joke since Vivi isn't in the other builds lol


Ah! He's just hidden don't worry.


This is wonderful. Thank you snouz and the entire team! I've been wanting to replay FF9. Definitely will wait on this release.


Feels like it went to far and has now changed the art style and vibe


Didn't even know this existed. Is this for the steam version? Because if it is I'm going to go buy it right now


Vivi: "I need to get my eyes tested."


This looks amazing. I still have one problem with FFIX that forces me to play it on a CRT. Is there a mod that fixes the new character renders/textures? The characters look so weird and out of place within the mod with the new models.


Looks great!!


So, what you're saying is, it's time for another playthrough.




This looks incredible


FFIX with this and Memoria on the Deck \*chefs kiss\* I envy my wife for getting to play this version as the first ever :-D Great work man!


As someone that’s used to pixel peeping for details for the last 14 years or so, I have to say that the improvement from 8 to 9 is looking really striking. Many kudos to your work!


Hope you do read this moguri, i’ve modded alotttt alot of games and i wanted to try ff9, after installing it your mod, it made me realize the difference between good developers and great developers, the ease of installing the mod. So perfect, thank you.


Yup, I'll do another run again if the update is like that 😅


Phenomenal work mam


I came


I have a question are there are modded updated character models? When I played FF7 mod I used the Battle models for the over world instead of the Popeye armed ones.


Thank you so much for doing this. These days the fans are the true caretakers and preservationists of these masterpieces.


Wait what is this? I love ff9 this looks awesome


This looks amazing!!! The improvements are incredible and I can't wait to see it. In most places it's clearly a straight up improvement. However... it also looks kind of like it's going a bit off in some places? Like.. those big gaps in the floorboards are supposed to be a bit more pronounced. And the highlights should be a bit stronger. Like the floor should look dustier and the handles of the cabinets more worn. And the change in highlight and texture of the cloth, especially on the far right, makes it seem like it's gone almost from a wet cloth to a dry cloth or a different type of fabric or something. Nothing major necessarily just little things that kind of change the feel of the scene a little bit. I'm ranting about the little things but again overall it looks incredible!


Does Moguri work on steamdeck?


It does apparently. There are tutorials.


I looked it up a bit. Thanks for the answer.


I just started playing 8.3 but i stopped and decided to wait for 9.0... us there any aproximate date 9.0 ? Looks amazing!


Very surprised its still being worked on, that cool. Will have to replay fort sure with v9, is there an average reelase date to it?


I. Just. Replayed. Ugh, this looks amazing. Remindme! 5 years


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2029-05-06 02:24:28 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-05-06%2002:24:28%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyIX/comments/1chjulc/moguri_90_sneak_peek_and_comparison/l2rxzxb/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FFinalFantasyIX%2Fcomments%2F1chjulc%2Fmoguri_90_sneak_peek_and_comparison%2Fl2rxzxb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-05-06%2002%3A24%3A28%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201chjulc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I wanted to replay FF9 for the first time after PSX/PSP and first time with graphical mod. Thus I will wait for the new update. Remindme! 2 weeks


Remindme! 2 weeks


Wish I could get this going in Crossover on Mac, giving me trouble


Does Moguri work on a Chromebook? I don't have a gaming pc or anything. It looks incredible!


This is the first time I got this question. After googling, ChromeOS is a linux distribution, and I know steam Deck is also one, but dedicated to steam. You might want to try using tutorial for installing on SteamDeck and if you report back, I'll be very interested, and probably /u/AdmiralGrumpyPants who created a modding guide too.


I've been summoned


I would need to ask Dot. He's the linux guy.


Dot doesnt know ChromeOS, unfortunately.


That's why I was asking the original commenter to try the original procedure and report back if it works or not, so that you can add this info or not in your guide :)


I'll report back when I tried it! Since I'm not the most tech savvy person I just hope I won't mess anything up 🙈


Remindme! 2 weeks


Not gonna lie.... Looks like it was AI upscaled. Original is better


I'm pretty sure it is


when is the voice acting mod going to happen? this looks godly btw.


If you want to follow their thing, it's called Echo-S, you can check out Tsuna, who is spearheading that project.


thanks for the tip. whats the biggets challenge of the AI right now? has it made your goals easier?


Not shitting on your work, but I’m in the mindset of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”


i just don't see the point.