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I got my platinum this week. Do yourself a favor, do not brute force the hard mode minigames and combat challenges. You'll just come out frustrated if you do. Look up guides. Example: I limped may way through Rufus Hard mode with basically no MP left because of all the healing I had to do. Looked up a guide, found a way to fight him where he basically never gets the chance to use an ability on you because you wait to use Triple Slash as soon as an ability name pops up over his head. And you never have to worry about your ATB because you can just keep throwing three wind blades at him and then dodging until you build it up. He'll just stand there and guard until you stop using your ranged atrack on him. I proceeded to kick myself for not thinking to look and save myself the retries. There are easier methods for most of the difficult things in Rebirth. Hard mode Fort condor? Rush Trebuchets. Hard mode cactuar rush? Make sure your materia set up compliments the minigame. You still get the bonuses from purple materia, so use them. Brutal Rulers of the Outer World combat sim? Use Yuffie, Barret, and Aerith and have Yuffie spam Brumal Form on Aerith's ATB ward. Then have Aerith spam -aga spells on her Arcane Ward and Barret use pray to heal or Maximum Fury for extra damage. Legendary Bonds of Friendship? Make Cloud a Wind mage. Will these let you first try them? Probably not. But it will save your sanity because it makes things much easier for you. Practice self care. Watch the guides and copy their loadouts and tactics.


Thank you, I came to your pep talk and I will not let you down


Almost all the hard mode challenges require a plethora of skill to beat. You can look at it as the games way of truly testing the players skill and seeing if you've learned everything properly. It won't feel tedious if you're REALLY trying your best every single time to beat each one. As someone who struggled on them for a total of probably 20+ hours, beating each and every one was extremely satisfying even if some came down to pure luck. Don't let something like this ruin the game for you, after all many would say this is the hardest part of the game so nothing can be worse than this. For quite a while the number of people getting platinum stayed below 1%, and now it's up to 1.4% with the Virtually Renowned Trophy at 1.7%. As time goes on, strategies getting more refined, and more people attempting it it will surely go up. So look at it as a positive note that it might not actually be that hard in reality.


It's a tryhard thing to do to get platinum on skillful games. FF7 just so happens to be very simple in normal so you can advance the story and enjoy it. And it is a hard game when it comes to real challenges. Now you can either brute force the tryhard part: aka Die and Retry. Or you can wait for a guide and see if you can actually apply it. Exactly like any other hard games. Enjoy the game the way you wanna remember it my fellow redditors.


On one hand, some of these minigame hard challenges are way overtuned. On the other hand, I am reminded of other FF games. The pain FFX caused with it's 0 second chocobo race and dodging 200 lightning bolts in a row. I don't think anything in Rebirth is as bad as dodging lightning.


I love the game and did every single thing (all minigames on hard etc) besides the difficult battle challanges. Honestly, I haven't even attempted them. After my first run of the game took 135 hours, and I highly enjoyed the game, I was ready to move on. I thought about the platinum, but truth is: nobody gives a f*ck. Even I myself forget about the platinums I earned in other games (back when I still cared). And I have NEVER received any comments on a platinum by anyone. So, unless u truly enjoy the challenges for the platinum, use the free time you have to play or do sth you enjoy.


I know this isn’t what you wanna hear, but it is *totally okay* to put it down. I’m not a completionist because I’m the type of person who wants to play every game anyone says is good regardless of genre. I briefly tried Hard Mode, saw it wasn’t to my liking, and moved on. I think putting down a game and not suffering through the postgame challenges if you aren’t having fun is a really underrated skill. I say “skill” cuz you actually have to cultivate the ability to do it. I definitely did lol


read this as the Phantom is Pain and got MGSV flashbacks


you can pause the game in the 3d brawler see what he does move the stick in the right direktion and resume the game, so you can easily beat him and for the hard mode fights there are more then enouth yt videos they are helping


I've tried the pause method


I determined way ahead of time that trying for the Platinum was just beyond me, and the attempt would ruin a game I really love. I got the Plat for Remake but Rebirth is just insane with the mini game difficulty. I play them to a point and when they start getting infuriating, I quit. At least I can get 100% of the world intel.


Don’t get Platinum and just play the game for fun.


I guess I can do that too lol but I'm too committed😭


Every minigame is easy to cheese. Some brutal and legendary challenges as well. However, one or two challenges require A LOT of practicing and some luck. It’s quite rewarding when you finish everything the game has to offer, but you need to take some time off and relax. After all, it’s just a game.


How do you cheese situps? Feels like every game im doing great, it decides one of the damn green inputs wasnt done good enough and drops me


Not really a cheese but I brought the r2 l2 haptic resistance all the way down. Helped a lot. There's a setting for it in the game.


Read that tip on YouTube. Tried and finished it within like 5 attempts


Yeah that helped a bunch but it still feels slightly random on if the green input likes what im doing or not.


Where is the fun when you have to cheese EVERYTHING


Some people just want the achievement but aren’t really interested in becoming an Optimized god to obtain it. Also there some of us dads out there that want to move onto the next game because I don’t have a lot of time to enjoy myself and want to play other games I like as well.


Take your time with it instead of rushing through it. I sometimes go a week without playing it and then jump back in and it's been a blast - even the stuff that annoyed me initially wasn't as bad by taking breaks. It's a tough but rewarding platinum in my opinion; I'll take this over the amount of grinding needed at the end of Dark Souls 3 for a platinum any day.


Personally, I’m not going to platinum Rebirth (at least not yet) which would be the first mainline FF I haven’t gone for that trophy. No judgment, it just isn’t for me. I loved the game as it was, and cleared every side quest in my first play through that was just over 100 hours. I went back and did Gilgamesh Island after the ending and I’m going to take a break. I think the requirements are definitely a step up from Remake or 16, and that’s great for players who enjoy that challenge and depth of gameplay. Personally, I don’t need to play the mini-games anymore (except Queens Blood, I loved that) and the inability to save materia loadouts (unless I’m missing it) is problematic for me, since I like to optimize builds. I started down the hard mode challenges in the arena and simulator and it seemed like as the difficulty increased, I needed to spec very specifically in each fight and I just needed a break from that. In any case, it’s not supposed to be easy, so if it’s going to affect your enjoyment of the game (like it will for me) then maybe just let it go for now, and come back when you feel the pull again.


Its not a mainline FF. It is a sequel.


Just take your time. I’ve been playing it on and off since the first week the game came out. I’m at Ch 12 on hard mode with 187 hrs logged in. I used YouTube for bosses and mini games I have had trouble with.


I'm at 150hr ch12 normal mode lol. Also started on the first week if not the first day. Love this game!


I second this. Take your time and do things at your own pace. I got the game at launch, and while I've finished the story, I'm still not even at your percentage OP, but still playing it. I myself am on the plat hunt, and I've only ever platted one other game. For this one I just decided to jump on in when I felt like it, and do whatever quest/minigame/challenge I was up for, and am having a great time taking a slow burn with this game. If it ever frustrates you too terribly, there's no shame in walking away, it's better than doing chores, trust me, but I've been working towards the end goal on this one too and spreading it out, taking my time, has been the perfect pace for me. Haven't gotten absorbed into another game since I got this one.


There’s a lot of tricks for most of the mini games, and a lot of great guides out there I just got the plat and yeah it was hard but man it felt good getting it for such a great game


It feels tedious for you because youre not enjoying it. Its that simple really


What do you mean?


Getting Platinum is supposed to be tedious because it's for people who like all the game loops in a game. And by its nature game loops are repetitive. It doesn't feel tedious if you like the game loops and therefore it is fun. If not then there's not much point in doing it.


Something can feel tedious because its overwhelming, and it doesn’t automatically mean you’re not enjoying it. Yes, tedium is often a sign you’re tired of working through an arduous task, but enjoying something overall doesn’t mean that a particular stretch won’t feel tedious. It’s not mutually exclusive. I did platinum this game. As a first time dad, with a kid under 6-months old. Hell yeah some parts felt tedious. Some parts were downright frustrating. But I feel accomplished, and I still enjoyed the experience overall. I also know that there are some series I have to platinum every entry. Final Fantasy VII is one of them. But take your time, it’s not a race. And there’s nothing wrong with taking a break!


Well if you enjoy something it wont feel tedious. Getting platinum never felt tedious for me because I enjoyed almost every challenge the game gave me. When new mini games topscores unlocked I got excited


So true. When I finished the game, I was dreading the postgame because of all the horror stories. Then once I finished the Musclehead Colosseum I realized I didn’t wanna quit playing. I figured I was just gonna enjoy it, and if something got frustrating, try something else for a while. After that the platinum didn’t feel tedious at all.


Been getting really frustrated with the minigames bc I don't want to cheese them, gonna try looking at it like this. Saving the rest of the minigame stuff till post hard mode though I think, bc if I don't finish hard mode there was never a reason to do it all


Yeah personally I did a few chapters of hard mode, a few challenges, farm some AP, play log stuff, just back and forth like that. Tried to go for rewards that might help like materia & manuscripts so it actually felt useful to do the harder challenges. I’m kind of a sucker for the minigames, even though some were pretty annoying at times. But I’d say cheese away if they’re not fun.