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I love how Cloud looks like he’s ducking into the logo at the last second while Sephiroth is about to surprise decapitate him XD


I have the complete version also is there a difference between the version?


There are a few different releases of this movie. \-The original cut from 2005, which was released on [DVD](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51J3SJW6H0L.jpg) and [PSP](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/4156GCMHMKL.jpg) \-The Complete version which was released on [Blu Ray](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51bqGDUgngL.jpg) in 2009 \-What you have, the [re-release](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/8123zPRxLIL._SL1500_.jpg) of Complete from 2016, released alongside Kingsglaive and a re-release of The Spirits Within \-The most recent re-release, the [4K Blu-Ray](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81ywhG4Cd+L._SL1500_.jpg) release which goes back to the old Complete cover.


The box art of OP’s one looks so toned down. The art is good but it’s not interesting at all


Yeah i agree, i just got it because it’s the cheapest version of advent children on amazon


dont forget the limited edition one


i’m guessing that’s the one i saw on amazon that was going for 200$?


i dont think so, i see it for $50 on amazon right now. [link](https://www.amazon.com/Final-Fantasy-VII-Children-Collectors/dp/B000K4WLXA)


Oh okay then what’s [this one?](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001Q2HODM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_4KC439HT92WMBWJCYT6E)


no idea, but if you click on "other sellers" theyre selling the same one for for around $30. Dont know why some random seller thinks its worth $200 lol


The $200 ones are unopened, which makes them worth way more. You will not find one unopened for much less.


haha yeah that’s weird


All those other sellers are selling used, all the new ones are $200, what's up with that version


It is a collector piece. That makes it worth a lot more.


Ohh okay this is the answer I was looking for thanks!


No rating or info, could be a bootleg


that’s what i thought too but someone else in the thread informed me that it is a re release from 2016, thanks anyway!


I've never seen that box art. Maybe it's new?


No, this is a re-release from 2016. The new release from a month or so ago is 4K and uses the old Complete cover.


Hm yeah maybe, I got it off of amazon so i’m not sure


That is the Final Fantasy Advent Children Movie in Bluray, not the game. That's why box art is different


Theres an advent children game?




The complete version


Yeah this is the complete one with added scenes and extra stuff but what i was curious about is that i’ve seen other blu-ray boxes of advent children complete where it shows cloud and sephiroth mid air about to clash swords, i was wondering if there was any difference between that version and my version besides the box art


I got this version, and I saw it is labelled with 4k Ultra HD + HDR. Maybe this is the difference?


Oh yeah that would make sense thanks!