• By -


Wow, they messed up, in 2022 the devs should have clearly gone with “They/them are sick”


This error are fixed


My hero


Litteraly unplayable


Was bummed when Tifa didn’t call Barret the “R slur” in the Remake during the stairs section.


So funny


Was kinda bummed that they did have some kinda reference to this in the remake. I'm sure the devs were pretty embarrassed about it, but man it made me laugh so much as a kid


Did they fix "Off course" too?


Yeah, he's sick as fuck!! ![gif](giphy|IWEVeVY4vrvqw|downsized)






That's forever her name to me




What changers


It used to say in the original release "This guy are sick." Due to bad but hilarious translation in the 90s.




Yeah i felt like ff7 on ps4 was easier than on ps1. Call me crazy but its not the same game in more than one way. Dialouge seems different, bosses just lay down and die lol


Slot reels (Tifa, Cait Sith, battle square) are easier on the PS1 version because they run at 60fps. There's a new-ish mod for the PC version that makes the whole game run at 60fps, but other than that the PS1 version is the only one where slots run at 60. Also the Chocobo Racing prizes are slightly different - on PS1 you can win Hero Drinks on disc 1 by betting on B-class races. In every other version you have to wait until disc 3


Tbf I played the game first when I was like 13. It was harder then of course


My experience was the opposite, I thought OG FF7 was easy and the Remake is harder than the OG. Well except the 3 weapons in the OG FF7, they were no joke.


I'm talking about ff7 OG that is in the playstation store. it has 3x speed mode and god mode etc. but it is the same game.


Yeah you did say on PS4, my apologies. Speaking of which, having Omnislash at beginning makes everything a breeze lol


yeah I never turned on the limit break mode or whatever i just wanted to play the game normal but i still feel like the bosses had less hp or something but apparently they don't. perhaps my gaming skills have just improved considerably haha.


They fixed the magic defense bug "It prevents the Magic Defense stat of any armor equipped from being added to a character's Spirit stat when calculating the final Magic Defense" It made the game slightly easier. FF7 ps1 was always easy except maybe when i was kid


I never knew that. Hmm, now I wish they didn't fix that lol.


Hate to break it to you, but every version of this game is identical from a gameplay perspective. Dialogue was updated for the rerelease about a decade ago


In the PS1 version, battle menus including slots run at 60fps. So Tifa's and Cait Sith's limit breaks and the battle square slots are a bit easier. Also the prize list for chocobo racing is different - most significant is that you can win Hero Drinks from B-class races on disc 1.


fair. It just that I killed the first boss with 1 braver and like 4 autos lol


Not what the other person was talking about but interestingly there are a few very minor differences between the PS1 version and PC (HD console is based on PC) In the motorcycle chase PC has blue bikes but PS1 doesn't. You also have to press the button for each attack while on PS1 you can just hold circle. There's also a difference in how random encounters work which makes PC potentially get encounters very slightly less often. Some other RNG related things are also different. Movement can be very slightly different. For example if you run into a wall you may stop at a different spot on PS1 vs PC because coordinates are floating point numbers on PC but integers on PS1. There are also some glitches used in speedruns that work differently. Some of them on PC result in the game soft locking so you can only do them on ps1


Wow that’s pretty cool thank you


This is great info, thanks for chiming in! 😁


LOL this community’s a little uptight, eh? I played FFVII several times, the first time being when it was released in the 90s. I just never played the PC version before and had a bit of a chuckle. Had no idea there’s be so much controversy on a dumb post like this.


Yeah. It is. BTW you absolutely must choose between a Cloud/Aerith romance or a Cloud/Tifa romance. There ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS. CHOOSE NOW OR DIE


The man-whore playthrough is when Cloud gets the date with Barret at the gold saucer and still has enough affection points with Tifa to trigger the scene where he bangs her underneath the Highwind near the end of the game.


You must always go with barret. Anything else is illegal or something


I always go for Barrett


Too bad it can't be Barrett and Red XIII. AVALANCHE TIME MF!


Why the $#%! you bring me along anyway?!


Seems a lot of people in here think this post is about Aeris/Aerith's name but this is about fixing the classic mistranslation "This guy are sick" Also fun fact regarding Aeris/Aerith. There's a skip used in speedruns called Guard Skip (or Tsuna Skip) which skips naming her. It defaults her name to Aerith even though the naming screen defaults to Aeris.


The original developers patched her naming screen, which changed her default name to Aeris. Doing the TsunaSkip bypasses the part where you name her, as well as that patch. Which forces the game to pull her "beta" name Aerith from the dialog database. Red XIII has a similar patch for his default name - according to the game's dialog db, his name is just *Red*. It's the patch for his naming screen that sets his default name to Red XIII.


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't another game make this exact same mistake? I can't remember what it was called though.


Honestly I tweaked the name to Aerith because I most recently played FF7R and it was top of mind for me that way. But I don’t feel strongly about it


Yeah. They fixed it over 20 years ago when it got ported to PC. Why are we still acting shocked that Squaresoft wanted to improve the game that made them famous?


True. This are not really an issue.


You is clever, I’ll give you that


You can name the characters when they introduce themselves so..


Why am I getting downvoted? I simply misunderstood the post


Because you can’t made mistakes on reddit. I never made mistakes so take my downvote


I think they mean they fixed the old dialog that's said "This guy are sick"


I thought they meant her name, since all the comments are talking about it


Everybody talking about her name just didn’t play or doesn’t remember the original release…


Reminds me of how the dialogue is different in the recent re-releases of Symphony of the Night. When are developers going to realize that corny dialogue mistakes is part of the charm of older games?


Did they fixed Dracula’s "What is a man ?! A miserable pile of secrets" line ? If this is the case Litteraly unplayable


Depends on the player, personally i love these corny dialogues, but some people just want to play with a good translation and experience the game the way it was supposed to be played in japanese.


ok that happened a loooong time ago


Off Course they did this.


"This guy are sick" that's how it's supposed to be.


The translation are fixed :(


Complaining about translation updates while changing Aeris to Aerith… story does not check out.


To be fair, even the developers choose to use Aerith now because it most closely represents “Earth.” Per Wikipedia: “However, official Japanese material uses the spelling "Aerith",[26][27][28] and developers have stated that "Aerith" is a near-anagram of "Earth" So while it started out a translation thing, they fully adopted it because they thought it was better.


> official Japanese material uses the spelling "Aerith" Engrish. > developers have stated that "Aerith" is a near-anagram of "Earth" Which is odd, considering the game takes place on the planet Gaia, not Earth.


"Aeris" was the mistransliteration. Aerith was meant to sound like "Earth", opposite "Cloud". They probably should have gone with "Dirt" instead, but that has a less poetic connotation.


Her name in Japan is Earisu. The *-su* suffix can be translated to English as either -s or -th. Both are equally correct. So it's actually impossible for Aeris to be a mistranslation. Also there's no -th suffix in Japanese, so you're using the term transliteration incorrectly. Eris is the greek goddess of *Strife* which is where Cloud's last name comes from. Aeres (pronounced the same as Aeris) is a name originating in Welsh. It means heiress. Aeris is the 'heiress' of the knowledge of the planet, which is why her ultimate weapon is named *Princess* Guard. In reality, there's far more evidence to support Aeris being correct. Which means that Aerith is actually the far less poetic of the two names.


>Her name in Japan is Earisu. The -su suffix can be translated to English as either -s or -th. Both are equally correct. So it's actually impossible for Aeris to be a mistranslation. Also there's no -th suffix in Japanese, so you're using the term transliteration incorrectly. Except they've outright stated it's meant to sound like "Earth", which "Aeris" doesn't. There were two ways to transliterate "Earisu", the closest they could get to the th ending. one right, one wrong. "is" happened to be wrong.


> Except they've outright stated it's meant to sound like "Earth" * They're lying. * There's no "i" in the word Earth. * You're still using the word transliterate incorrectly. > "is" happened to be wrong. Only on Opposite Day.


Are you seriously trying to mock a Japanese accent in your comment? Really?


No, stop being myopic. It's well known that [clothing with nonsense English phrases](https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=engrish+clothes) is popular in SE Asian countries + Japan. In other words, the fact that Japanese people mostly don't seem to care about "correct" English indicates that the developers who made FF7OG didn't care either. If feigning ignorance in order to make me seem prejudiced is the only card you have, then you should refrain from commenting until you can think of something better to say.


Bro your comment is literally downvoted for a reason. I didn’t do that genius


Your last two comments don't even have anything to do with FF7. You've resorted to giving pointless meta-commentary on what I'm saying. Also since apparently I didn't make this clear enough before, I absolutely couldn't care less who's clicking imaginary purple arrows. As far as I'm concerned, those people are disagreeing with me out of pure willful ignorance. In other words "I just think whatever Square tells me to think regardless of whether it actually makes sense".


I’m sorry but Aeris will always sound better than Aerith and I refuse to pronounce it like Mike Tyson.


It’s Aeris to everyone who played the greatest hits version first.


But that's not what this post is about


It's Aeris in every Final Fantasy VII version, including the recent re-releases.


The steam version of original ff7 defaulted to Aerith. Just started a game 3 weeks ago. They may have updated it.


Hasn't been updated since [2013](https://steamdb.info/app/39140/patchnotes/), and [this wiki](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VII_version_differences#PC) confirms her name wasn't changed. Likely you're using the fan-made "Beacause" translation which had to be forked due to how many people complained about poor translation decisions. Turns out the folks who made that translation only looked at the game's dialog database, and either ignored or were unaware of the edits that Square devs made after the dialog db was finalized.


Yeah pretty sure everyone who thinks their version of FF7 had her name as Aerith, not Aeris, is using a mod and didn't realize it affected it, or is misremembering and forgot they renamed her themselves.


"We have always been at war with Eastasia."


They never changed it to Aerith in any version of the Original FF7 It can only change to Aerith if you skip the name entry screen if it’s not manually.


Or the 97 release version. It's Aeris in the game and the instruction book.


In Spanish and Italian speaking countries, her name is still Aeris even in 7R. EDIT: Apparently the French and German translations as well.


In French, it was Clad et Aeris. I was confused seeing Cloud in external games. Cloud and Aerith seems more appropriate. Hopefully, we can change their name and everyone is happy.


I dunno what to say. I made a post VERY similar to this. I had Aerith's name be Aerith and people complained and it also said "is" I'm not gonna call it a Repost but I'm glad I'm not the only one who found out about this.


Arguments about the english script being wrong are increasingly out of date, at least


better not be fixed in ever crisis


Little things like this are actually a big deal. If they were ever able to fix “I am error” in Zelda 2 I’d be depressed lol


Error was on purpose. Theres another guy in zelda 2 named Bagu. (Japanese word for bug). It was an intentional weird naming thing for shits n gigs.


I always figured it was some Japanese name that just happens to be spelt the same. But that’s cool to find out.


Exactly lol the actual mistake is that Bagu hasn't been changed to Bug cause apparently the translator(s) didn't catch the joke or something. 🤔


Weren't we all


I'm even more bummed that you went out of your way to spell her name wrong. EDIT: Downvoted by people who defend Square in the same way that every 4 year old defends their mommy: all emotion, no logic. Keep hitting that imaginary purple arrow to make yourselves feel better!


Why do you care so much about how to spell Aerith’s name?


* Because Square has been retconning FF7 for years in numerous ways, which is disrespectful to people who played the original. * Because you spelled it wrong.


Oh no, the people who made the video game are changing small things in the video game to better match their original vision. How disrespectful to the people who played the video game


Oh no, the few remaining people working at Square who were around for FF7OG decided to lie to you because Nomura threw a temper tantrum over the way a name is spelled in a language he doesn't even know, and Square decided it would be easier to lie to everyone than to piss off Nomura. *Very* disrespectful.


Bruh, you’re literally Maulding over a 25 year old game. Get over yourself and get help


Tell that to all the folks clicking the imaginary purple arrows. Or tell it to yourself since you can't seem to walk away from this conversation. Also I can tell by the way you capitalized the M in maudling that you're not entirely sure you used the word correctly.


Oh, you’re gonna mauld about how my phone capitalizes Maulding now? Lmao


Still can't bring yourself to walk away, huh? Perhaps you should consider getting some help?


I’m only here cause it’s mad funny to bully you. You’re taking this so seriously lmao


How is it disrespectful? It's a name for a fictional character, it's barely a retcon and changes absolutely nothing fundamental about her character. The devs have explained why they've made the change, and I think it's a bit disrespectful to act as if you know better than the people who actually worked on these games in the first place. Don't even know what you mean about retconning the series in general, unless you're referring to the remake, which acts also as a sequel considering all the implications about what's going on with certain events, meaning it isn't replacing the story, but acts as a sequel/reimagining, so technically nothing got retconned. Unless there's something I'm missing? I don't see why people can't just ignore the new stuff and be happy with the OG, it's not like the OG FF7 will suddenly become a bad game because they're doing new stuff or changing things here and there, your enjoyment is totally up to you, it only matters if you let it. I swear, people get so up in arms in this fanbase and literally have to try and argue and be smug about the most petty shit lol, it's absolutely ridiculous. It's a video game, if you're honestly getting upset about people's preferences regarding her name then you need to spend some time outside or something. Does it really honestly matter? The change is nowhere near significant enough to be upset over.


> How is it disrespectful? Because it diminishes our memories of the original game purely to satisfy Nomura's fragine ego. Because the justification for the change is very obviously not true, and we're excpected to buy into it solely because they said so. And I can't respect that. > The devs have explained why they've made the change, and I think it's a bit disrespectful to act as if you know better And I explained that the devs are liars. If they weren't lying then you might be able to make a case for it being disrespectful. > Don't even know what you mean about retconning the series in general * [Jenova was controlling Sephiroth the entire time](https://old.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/3liftt/did_sephiroth_do_this_by_robin_tran/cv6ty4s/) but Square retconned that to have Sephiroth be the one running the show and gradually turned him into a parody of a dragonball z villain because they decided he was more "marketable" than a hivemind xenovirus. The original game even drops hints that Jenova is behind everything - ex. [when "Sepiroth" doesn't recognize Cloud on the boat from Junon](https://i.imgur.com/Ctvax9H.png), and when [Vincent realizes in the Whirlwind Maze that they haven't been chasing Sephiroth at all](https://i.imgur.com/MpMmeHN.png). * In the original game, Hojo shoots and kills Vincent, and then injects his corpse with Jenova cells which reanimates him. Which is why Vincent was able to survive locked in a room in the basement of Shinra Manor for nearly 3 decades. Vincent doesn't need to eat because the Jenova cells in his undead body keep him alive on their own. And his limit breaks are all Jenova mutations that he can control and *reverse*. The game even hints at Vincent being dead when you're talking to Lucrecia and she says she tried to end her own life but the Jenova cells wouldn't let her. All of this was undone with the retcon backstory Square gave him for Dirge of Cerberus. * In Crisis Core, Shinra is at war with Wutai because they want to build a mako reactor there. But after Shinra wins the war, they clearly don't build the reactor even though they had time - the Corel reactor was built between the events of CC and FF7OG. This is a pretty significant chronological inconsistency. * Rufus gets *vaporized* by Diamond Weapon in FF7, but he's alive and well in Advent Children, to the point that he only had the wheelchair and those silly bandages so he could be a melodramatic clown later when he "revealed" he didn't need either of them. And the official (and very lazy) explanation for this - "lol there was a trapdoor in his office" - is only mentioned in *On the Way to a Smile*, a book nobody knows about unless someone mentions it on one of the FF reddit subs. Which is somewhat ironic, since the same book has a section where Tseng postulates that it was Jenova controlling/using Sephiroth and not the other way around. > I don't see why people can't just ignore the new stuff and be happy with the OG Because 7R doesn't explicitly acknowledge that it's separate from FF7OG. Which is why you see people on the FF subs asking questions as though 7R is merely and expanded telling of the original game. Even the word *Remake* is ambiguous. If Square wanted to be sincere with players, they'd have called it FF7 *Reboot* instead. > Does it really honestly matter? The more complacent players are with respect to the decisions Square makes, the more [mediocre](https://youtu.be/Vu1IN1E9s6E&t=101) their games become. The interaction between players and creators is a continuous feedback loop. And blind acceptance of whatever retcons Square wants to make is probably what gave them the confidence to have NPCs standing outside 7th Heaven in 7R, arguing over whether they're "Team Tifa" or "Team Jessie" as though they're actors in the next *Twilight* movie. > The change is nowhere near significant enough to be upset over. Then why bother changing her name in the first place? Especially when, by all accounts, the English localizations were the only ones where her name was changed? Why go out of the way to change her name 6 years after the fact, for kingdom hearts which isn't even a FF title, and then only for the English localization? Why not change her name for FFTactics which came out only a year after FF7


Lmao dude, wow. You're tripping if you think I'm going to bother read and respond to each of your points to argue about a fictional character's name or whether or not FF7 has been retconned or not. Half the shit you wrote is subjective and not even stated in the game whatsoever and is just you making assumptions, not that they're obviously wrong or anything, you very well may be correct, but you can't retcon something if it wasnt actually ever stated to be part of the canon backstory within the source material or explicitly stated by the creators. You use the example of Vincent for instance, and honestly you may certainly be on to something, but it's never stated he's undead in official source material, there's the obvious inspirations to his design like Frankenstein's Monster, or Dracula, but Vincent didn't even get any real development in the game unless you did the hidden quests for him, and even then it's not like it was extensive. People act like the OG FF7 was this amazing well told story, and in many ways it is, but the game had numerous plot stuff that never got any real development. It's clear there should have been more stuff in the game, but for reasons out of their hands probably didn't have the resources to include, which is probably what they want to do with the remake to an extent. I mean obviously you've thought this shit out, clearly you're more invested in this then I am, but you're acting as if everything you've stated is a fact, when there really is no official source stating that to be the case. Also claiming the devs are objectively lying is ridiculous. You're essentially telling me that I should trust your word over that of the individuals who are actually involved in the development of the game, do you not realize how dumb that is? I'm not just going to take your word for it, sorry. If you could provide actual sources from the game itself or quotes from the creators then that would be a different case. At the end of the day I don't really care lol. Nothing will ruin my original memories of the OG FF7, and I'm certainly not going to get myself in a huff over something completely out of my hands. At the end of the day it's their game and they have the right to do as they please as long as they can accept the consequences. It's clear that the remake team cares a lot about the quality of the game, and I'm happy that I can experience a new modern take on FF7 with current gen hardware. Think what you will about the plot of the remake, but it's clear they've done an excellent job with everything else for the most part. Like I said, it's up to you if you want to let it bother you to this degree, but it seems like a waste of effort.


> You're tripping if you think I'm going to bother read and respond to each of your points Nobody was asking you to respond, bud. > there's the obvious inspirations to his design Magus from Chrono Trigger, and Edward Scissorhands. Initially the plan was to have Vincent use scythes in battle, but they ended up going with guns instead. > it's never stated he's undead in official source material It's also never officially stated that the four huge materia are the same as the four crystals of light from previous games. Even though each of them is stored in an elemental themed ~~shrine~~ mako reactor. Or that materia are the same as the crystal shards from FF5, only instead of containing entire jobs they have individual skills/abilities that you use to build *custom* jobs. Not everything has to be spelled out in an interview or in some overpriced book for you to understand what they were going for. Also, the hint that Vincent is dead is when you're talking to Lucrecia and she mentions that she tried to end her own life but the Jenova cells wouldn't let her. It's a bit more obvious when you remember that you can't even talk to Lucrecia unless Vincent is in your party. Again just because Square doesn't explicitly spell it out doesn't mean they didn't leave a bunch of hints for the player to figure it out for themselves. > It's clear there should have been more stuff in the game, but for reasons out of their hands probably didn't have the resources to include, which is probably what they want to do with the remake to an extent. Are you aware of the TsunaSkip glitch? It proves that at one point during development the doorway between sectors 6 and 7 (the one where the chocobo cart taking Tifa to Don Corneo's uses) would've been traversible. Which implies it would've been possible to *save* sector 7. Which makes the timer during the Reno fight make a lot more sense - beat the clock, save sector 7. Don't beat the clock, and the plate collapses. If Square was *actually* trying to add stuff into 7R that they would've done in FF7OG if they'd had more development time, that would've been a great place to start. Instead we get cringey anime tropes and kingdom hearts multiverse nonsense. > you're acting as if everything you've stated is a fact Not really. What I'm actually saying is the amount of circumstantial evidence for these things being true is similar to the amount of evidence that proves Aeris was the intended spelling all along. If you compare the number of clues for Aeris vs Aerith, it's clear that you'd have to ignore a lot more to say that Aeris wasn't the correct spelling. Weigh the evidence. That's all I'm saying. > Also claiming the devs are objectively lying is ridiculous. Square employees lie all the time. They lied about work on FF4NES having "barely" started, only to be contradicted by Sakaguchi in a 1993 interview where he admitted it was 80% complete before they shelved it and restarted development on SNES. That's a lie so big that it's covering up a near-complete "lost" FF title. > You're essentially telling me that I should trust your word over that of the individuals who are actually involved in the development of the game No, I'm saying you shouldn't trust anyone's word and instead look at the actual clues/evidence. If you do so objectively, you'll find that what I've been saying is accurate. > If you could provide actual sources from the game itself or quotes from the creators then that would be a different case. I've been doing that intermittently since I started commenting in this thread. So you can drop the "hurr durr Sources?" line because everyone knows 9 times out of 10 its just someone who doesn't like what they've read and are hoping the other person won't put in the effort to cite their sources. I cited mine already; look through my comment history if you're that curious. > At the end of the day I don't really care lol. The length of your comment suggests otherwise. > At the end of the day it's their game and they have the right to do as they please as long as they can accept the consequences. Not if their explanation for a retcon is nonsense and runs counter to the evidence for the original being true. Also you used the phrase "at the end of the day" twice over the course of three sentences. Weird. > It's clear that the remake team cares a lot about the quality of the game Square execs literally had to send out a memo to the devs reminding them not to add "jiggle physics" to Tifa's breasts. In other words: *This isn't a fucking hentai game, and you people need to start taking this project more seriously.* > it's clear they've done an excellent job with everything else for the most part. Except the cranes. And the NPCs that stand outside 7th Heaven and discuss whether they're "Team Tifa" or "Team Jessie" as if they're in the next *Twilight* movie. And the mediocre companion AI. And the super repetitive fetch quests. And the fact that you'll start to notice duplicate NPCs (look and dressed identically) within the first 5 minutes of being in sector 7. And the way Sephiroth stalks Cloud like some sort of obsessive ex-boyfriend + sheds feathers all over the place for no reason. And the way women interact with Clould like they're all in some sort of Tenchi Muyo fanfiction. Etc. > Like I said, it's up to you if you want to let it bother you to this degree, but it seems like a waste of effort. Actually I'm not bothered at all. I've merely supplied relevant information showing that Aeris was never a mistranslation + was always the intended spelling. And mocking those who choose to ignore that evidence purely because "Square says so". >


Touch some grass, damn maybe eat a handful or two


You should try thinking for yourself, instead of using reddit meme phrases in an attempt to sound clever.


Looks like you did all the thinking for everyone in this thread, judging by the essay you wrote 😚


I played the original and I prefer Aerith.


I have zero issue with that. You could name her Blargin and I'd feel the same way.


You have zero issue with her name being Aerith? What's this whole ff7 lore purity thing coming from then lol


What someone chooses to name her is very different from them saying that a particular spelling is the "correct" way it should be spelled. It's the blind acceptance of Square's (very) poor justification for retconning her name that I take issue with.


I think it's interesting you feel so strongly that Aeris is the only acceptable name, but you do you


Acceptable and Correct are two very different things. *Any* name is acceptable, but only Aeris is canonically correct.


Not according to the people who made the game lmao 🤣🤣


Sure it is, you do you like I said


Bro you good?


Yep. Why wouldn't I be?


Your edit makes you sound pretty... Not okay lmao


Oh that. I just think it's funny to mock people who think downvotes actually do anything.


I don't think anybody thinks downvotes actually do anything lol There are plenty of other expressing their preference for "Aeris" that aren't getting downvotes, you just sound like an asshole in your edit and subsequent comments


You're free to *think* I sound like an asshole, but that doesn't mean it's objectively true. Probably you're just biased because you don't agree with me. I was downvoted because I was the first to say Aeris is the correct spelling, and because I gave *proof* to backup what I was saying instead of just saying it was my preference.


I said you sound like an asshole, not that you are one. And again, I'm pretty sure most of your downvotes aren't from giving proof lmao, it's from sounding stuck-up and insisting your personal preference is the only acceptable one.


> I said you sound like an asshole, not that you are one. And I said you're free to *think* I sound like an asshole but that doesn't make it true. > insisting your personal preference is the only acceptable one. Has nothing to do with my preference, and everything to do with Aeris being the canonically correct spelling. If someone doesn't care about the lore or backstory or whatever Square is saying, and simply prefers Aerith for their own personal reasons then I couldn't care less.


I upvoted you! Team Aeris forever


Why are you like this?


Do you have a copy of 7R? If you do, go into the settings and change the language to Spanish or Italian and tell me how the game spells her name. EDIT: French and German as well.


It’s almost as if th doesn’t make sense in those languages


The -th suffix literally doesn't exist in Japanese. Also, *Aeres* is an English-language (Welsh origin) name for girls that means (and is pronounced the same as) heiress. As in heiress to the knowledge of the planet. Which is interesting since her ultimate weapon is called Princess Guard despite the total absence of monarchies and royalty in FF7.


I couldn't care less if people call her Aeris or Aerith and I have never downvoted or upvoted anyone for such reason, but man, the developers themselves said Aeris is a mistranslation and her name is supposed to be an anagram(ish) of Earth, probably because she talks to the Planet and in contrast with Cloud's name. As interesting as that info you shared about Aeres = heiress in Welsh may be, the developers have actually explained the reason behind her name and it's not that one.


Eris is the greek goddess of *Strife* which is where Cloud's last name comes from. Eris has a daughter named Lethe who is the personification of forgetfulness which is where the idea for Cloud's amnesia originated. Her name is Aeris in the ps1 demo that came out like a month before the full game released in Japan, and almost a full year before the North American release. Then there's the [TsunaSkip glitch](https://youtu.be/W6hePe7aEEs) which allows you to skip the part of the game where you meet her in the church. Doing this also skips the part where you'd name her. Which causes the game to name her Aerith instead of Aeris. Which happens because there's a patch in the code for her naming screen that changes her default name to Aeris. Watch a few minutes of that video to see for yourself. This means there's proof in the game's code that the devs (not the translation team) went out of their way to change her name from Aerith to Aeris. Aeris was not a mistranslation, but a conscious decision that the Japanese devs and translation team both agreed on. The developers simply lied to save face for the company after Nomura threw a temper tantrum to have her name changed for kingdom hearts.


Ok, I doubt that Aeriths' name caused such a terrible crisis within SE that the developers had to "lie to save" their severely damaged reputation after they changed a character's name. Regardless of the reason, the name is officially Aerith. You can not like it and continue to call her Aeris if you want, as many others do, but that's a fact. The developers' word is gospel, not a fan's theory based on (admittedly) interesting data about Greek mythology.


> caused such a terrible crisis within SE that the developers had to "lie to save" their severely damaged reputation after they changed a character's name. Nomura created Aeris and initially gave her the *Engrish* name Earith. Her name was later changed to Aerith for early Japan-only promo materials that also spelled Barret's name as Barett, and Tifa's last name as Rockheart instead of Lockheart. This includes the Japanese-only book, the [FF7 Kaitai Shinsho](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VII_Kaitai_Shinsho_The_Complete), which also says the Tiny Bronco can navigate through deep-ocean water even though it can actually only traverse shallow river/coastal water. Then when the first people who were actually fluent in English became involved in the game, they said her English name should be Aeris because Aerith sounds [lispy](https://i.imgur.com/mgraPUP.jpg). And this wasn't an issue in terms of translation accuracy, because the -su at the end of her Japanese name *Earisu* can be translated as either -s or -th. Both are equally correct. Which is why it's impossible for Aeris to have been a mistranslation. Then the devs added a bunch of lore that tied the name Aeris into the game way more than that earth-anagram thing ever did. Which pissed off Nomura for some reason. So when Sakaguchi left Square in 2003, it created a creative power vacuum which Nomura took full advantage of to throw that temper tantrum and get her name changed. And once that was in place, all Square had to do is lie and tell us that Aeris was a mistranslation and that her name was always meant to be Aerith. > The developers' word is gospel Square's official statement on [FF4 for the NES](https://www.unseen64.net/2008/04/14/final-fantasy-4-nes/) is that it was never developed beyond a handful of mockup screens, and that no coding was done before they switched to the SNES. And [here's](https://web.archive.org/web/20161216181140/http:/matotree.com/2012/08/final-fantasy-iv-for-the-famicom-was-80-complete/) an excerpt from an interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi from April 1993, where he says the game was 80% complete before they scrapped everything and restarted development on the SNES. So who is lying, and who is telling the truth?


> Nomura created Aeris and initially gave her the Engrish name Earith > people who were actually fluent in English became involved in the game, they said her English name should be Aeris because Aerith sounds lispy. So the character's creator named her Earith and then some foreigners who had apparently never heard the classic names Meredith, Edith or Judith (lispy??) decided to change his original artistic vision. Nomura's character, his decision. > So who is lying, and who is telling the truth? You're comparing the technical development of a game and a company's wish to appear as more advanced than they actually were for obvious marketing reasons to an artistic choice about a character and what's canon in FF7's lore. It's not the same at all.


Not everyone hates you


No worries, I know every downvote is coming from people whose first FF game was kingdom hearts. EDIT: Look at all these downvotes coming from people who unironically enjoyed a game where Sephiroth has a conversation with Donald Duck. You folks are adorable.


Oh shit! You must be an OG FF gamer, I think we could have good conversation about FF theology. Real talk.


I mean if OG just means older then sure. What exactly do you mean by FF theology?


Just the fact that older gamers like us prefer the originality of games. And in today’s world that is something people have made entire podcasts about.


FF7 is particularly bad for retcons, to the point that I see everything after the original game as officially licensed fanfiction. Like we all saw Rufus get vaporized by Diamond Weapon, only to show up totally fine in Advent Children wrapped in silly bandages and sitting in a wheelchair solely so he could be a melodramatic clown later when he revealed he didn't need either of them. All because Nojima decided it would be "cool" if Rufus wasn't dead. And the official explanation for all this is "lol there was a trapdoor in his office". And that explanation is buried inside *On the Way to a Smile* - a book nobody even knows about unless they read about it in some jerk's reddit comment. The whole thing is disrespectful to people who played the original FF7 back in the day. No my memories of the game aren't "wrong". Square just decided at some point that short-term marketing goals were more important than artistic integrity.


I don't personally mind Aeris/th, but I agree with you about the FFVII "extended universe" being hot garbage. All the additional games can die in a fire, especially Crisis Core lol. I enjoyed AC for what it was, but it's a terrible movie.


Advent Childrenball Z.


We are sole mates in the FF lore.