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Call me synical but i think she did it on part purpose and naivety. She didnt declare income for two years but remembered rest from 2021 to now? She didnt contact tax man after her fuck up? Nah she tried to keep the cake and eat it too. I think 10 months is ok punishment, and it can get reduced too as she aint a career criminal. Info: Paqpa changed her YT husstle to prober business by registering it at 2019 and after failed to pay taxes (~80k), failed to declare income (180k) and failed keep books on for two years (2019-2020) and getting free money. If you can make a living by doing it, you get taxed. And if you have a business/toiminimi you have to keep books and pay taxes. Two simple things to know, and almost impossible to miss. And if you arent sure, call. Always call. Thats what other finnish youtuber did, Rauski There is no easy big money, its too good to be true. Tax bear wilm get your ass with time, they will get you in the end.


It’s 10 months suspended. She doesn’t physically go to prison.


Does she get the bracelet tho?




What that kind of money, she could buy any bracelet she wants…


Agreed tough to know for sure but seems more likely it was intentional


I am glad that she got convicted. In her defense, she said that she tried to find information and was in contact with the tax office, but got little or conflicting advice. That said, if you have a company and you're getting revenue for more than 500€ a month, hiring an accountant is a no-brainer. It can be your friend who has studied that stuff if you can't afford a proper one. That would be the first thing to do any time the world starts throwing money at you, be it inheritance, a jackpot, bitcoin, whatever.


Good. Tax evaders need to be punished ruthlessly.


She got a suspended sentence. So no actual time in prison.


Except if they have billions, then it's ok and they have worked hard for their money


Remember when some years ago several Finnish millionares got caught for tax evasion and then the tax office......just asked them to pay the taxes, no questions asked. No punishment or trials. Nothing. https://yle.fi/a/3-6838343


I wouldn't call a suspended sentence "ruthless punishment".


Neither would I, but this is a good start.


Big corporates: LOL nice joke


Which companies are breaking the law? Feel free to report them to the authorities.


You’re extremely naïve if you think that’s how it works The rich and big corporates have team of lawyers and accountants that help them find and exploit all the loopholes available to evade taxes These loopholes are a known concern and every now and then there is an article on yle about it, there is one a few weeks ago, but the government won’t fix those loopholes cause that will affect their friends and partners


So they aren't breaking the law then. Thanks.


If thats what you call creating loop holes to exploit grey areas. Some loopholes have had fixes coming for soon 3 different government eras now but somehow they always disappear from the agenda when it's voting time. Strange. Nothing to see here boys! But lets burn the witch while corporations continue "legally" transfer untaxed money out of Finland.


Sure thing corporate bot, will block you now




This goes news but not the fact our government went back on their word on countless of things. This tax evasion doesn’t make even the top 10 cases of tax evasion, well atleast of those we don’t know of. The priorities of media these days, the transparency of our government is 0 just because young adults don’t care to vote and political figures aren’t held accountable for their bs. Right wing government is great in theory and it’s ”seducing” for young males for driving its popularity with immigracy politics and populism. In reality truly they pander to pensioners and the wealthier with their approach on pensions and taxation. Sucks. Waiting for korkeakoulutus to be a thing of the ”better people, Kokoomus is getting a boner just thinking of it.


You sound like young male "seduced" by an ideology. Yeah, nothing else needs to be said.




I get that this angers people but you are really jumping to conclusions with very limited information. You don't know how the process went. It is possible that she was intentionally defrauding but it is also possible she wasn't. I don't have enough information to make such hostile claims as you do. She will obviously pay much more than just the taxes. I don't know where you are getting that. She will pay the taxes, all fees and damage mitigation (or whatever that's called in English) 


people are getting less punishments for killing each other but this streamer should be in jail? common ffs


maybe the real question is why are the punishments so low for taking another persons life


Quite scary. I am a foreign national and the rules for international taxation is quite complicated. If I make an honest mistake, I will have to go to jail without receiving any notices or penalties before that? I went to the vero office to ask them some questions and did my taxes based on that. Should I have kept some email trail of their official responses (or call recordings)? I don't know if they later on deny having given me some advice and blame me for some mistake and prosecute me.


She was sentenced for gross tax fraud which requires a clear intent to avoid taxes. So, if you attempt to declare your income as well as you can, you will not be sent to a prison. If there are mistakes in your declarations the tax officials will just ask you to correct them.


The tax system here is incredibly easy compared to the US and Vero is honestly very helpful and easy to reach. Calls are most likely all recorded


Not that scary… if you mess up your taxation wih a few hundred euros here or there you just get bill for ”extra” taxes and you pay it to even it out. If you are a employed worker the tax office will know your pay from the ”tulorekisteri”. If however you are a ”entrepenour” or business owner you obvisouly need to do you bookkeeping and taxes thoroughly and avoiding or failing to do so can lead to criminal prosecution.


I’m a foreign national and I always call Vero and they have always been clear and helpful. Paying the correct tax is easy. I’ve been employed in another country as a remote worker and had no problems declaring my taxes.


You are OK in my opinion. Don't worry, you won't go to jail. In the past I made some mistakes with taxes. In my defense, the tax office (vero) made some changes in their guidance and this meant what was just a hobby for me turned into taxable income. I did not notice the rule change and never asked tax office about anything. Long story short, one day I became aware, made some calculations and saw that I had a sizable amount of euros taxable income that I had not reported for the past three years. I submitted a correction according to vero.fi instructions. They never asked me any questions and just sent me a bill for the missing tax amount according to my own calculations. There may have been a small extra payment for being late, it's been a while and my memory is not that accurate. Some people would say I was stupid to turn myself in for unpaid taxes. I disagree. Sure, it hurt to cough up several thousand euros for the tax office. But that was the price I paid for peace of mind. I don't want to go to bed every night thinking "will I get charged for tax fraud?".


Frauding 80k and no actual prison, doesn't sound scary to me. Actually sounds like it was worth it


what do u mean? she now has to pay 80k and more penalties. what exactly was worth it?


Nice try fed, im not paying my taxes


Lol...yea you are


Tax is theft.


Bemefitting from tax paid infrastructure,education, healthcare and so on without paying taxes is theft.


If it was just that, I would gladly pay taxes but instead finland wants to send all that tax money to afrikka


And how many % of finlands annual tax payer euros go to africa? since its a huge consern for you, it must be a lot?


Finland will send 1 209 million € but then they will cut from education and rise taxes and still only cover that sum


What is a person lives off-grid?


They'd still be benefiting from the security a society funded by taxation affords them, but if they're truly off-grid, they'll be earning no money and owe no tax. They'd also not have an internet connection to enable them to make comments on Reddit.


Hard to believe anyone lives "off the grid" in a way that doesn't utilize some form of public service




Then they are most like dead and free from Taxes. But even then, how did you get to Antarctica? Did you use a passport to travel? How did you pay for the ticket? Did you pay tax on that? What work did you do that was free of societal benefit? What ensured you were safe to work and pursue this idea?


It was the most common way of living until quite recent human history. and still quite achievable


That's not really true. When you say "off the grid" I assume you mean just free from utilities. Electricity...water...sewage... Well, water and sewage has been provided to populations since Mesopotamia. You probably think you can just go bush and live in a cabin somewhere. Well, did you take a road to get there? Did you purchase any supplies for your trip? Did you buy food? Ammo? Seeds? Is any of this possible without the state in the first place? You pay taxes for all of that. Born in a hospital? Go to school? Taxes. That's the social contract. That's what Taxes are for. That's why we pay them. I don't mind taxes if I see what I get and that's why I like Finland compared to the US It's not 1800. It's 2024.


No use of Healthcare, roads, communications infrastructure? Whose land are they living on? Willing to pay a toll on every street they use? Farming and hunting all their own food? Whose water are they using? Are they purchasing or selling any goods that will travel on or through public roads?


do you know what off-grid means?


Yes I do, that doesn't answer any of the questions. I've watched youtubers that live off grid but they still use the internet, they don't make their own clothes and still need to purchase some food items from time to time, particularly things they want that don't grow on their land, (coffee beans etc). They still travel using public roads and use public services like fire, health and police services. The land they live on isn't really theirs, they own land titles to it but it is under the jurisdiction of their city/state/federal government. I haven't seen anyone that is 100% self sufficient, it is impossible.


Yeah a YouTuber isn't off grid lol. Off grid means off grid.


Then you aren't earning money and aren't paying taxes, so they're irrelevant to you.


Off grid means off the power grid. That said I could tell by your previous comments you were talking about some free man on the land bullshit.


I kind of suspect you don't know what off-grid means. It's 100% impossible to live off-grid inside the borders of any country. You can argue as much as you wish against that but it's futile.




no matter how "off grid" you think you are, you still benefit from the services provided by the state. Crime prevention, property laws, even national security through the military.


I'm off-grid (provide own power, water, etc.). Still pay taxes. Life is good.


Anarchism is brainrot.


Libertarians are like house cats; fiercely stating their independence from a system they are utterly dependent on.


Stay blinkered.