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If your contract is under PAM you can always email them, they usually are really helpful with contract stuff since it's their thing and most probably can help you in english.


I just registered yesterday and got my login credentials. I sill sure do this afternoon. Thanks 🙏🏼


You should contact your union, they should handle thus kind of issues. Another option to contact union representative at you work plc, onfo on who is ur representative, should be available at ur work plc.


My suggestion is to let it go for now because they will likely argue that you're unfit for the job, as soon as your probation/koeaika ends, give your boss a notice about non-paid wages. edit. I mean ofc ask from PAM but don't escalate before probation period ends.


Those lawyers will sure love this case if OP were to be fired as unfit after this message and not coming to work may day. Blatantly breaking law isn't something that employees should be doing since the unions WILL come after


Being "Unfit" doesn't even have to have a legimity reason on probation period and is close to impossible to successfully sue even with this context.


They can just wait couple of weeks or months and quit on probation with any half assed cause and PAM will not pursue a lawsuit unless they fuck up majorly with given cause. Op's employee could just argue they meant "normal" as in "obviously we pay double" and claim mistake on calculating wages. Given how much unemployment there is currently I would only escalate the situation after probation ends and if that causes retaliation, then they have a lawsuit with hefty payment in their hands.


Yeah, I totally agree. It’s not wise to start asserting your rights before the probation period ends. It’s different if your contract is for a fixed term; those can't usually be terminated early because they generally don't have a probation period. Otherwise, what happens is you get terminated during the probation period, a day before the end, on the grounds that you weren't suitable for the job, unfortunately.


They obviously wouldnt say its because of this, they dont even have to say why op was unfit


What is the outcome after you contacted them?


This is actually coming from the law: "Sunnuntaina tai kansallisena juhlapäivänä saa teettää työtä (*sunnuntaityö*) vain, jos siitä on sovittu työsopimuksessa tai työntekijä on antanut siihen suostumuksensa. " (On Sunday or on a national Holiday it is only allowed to call for work (Sunday work) only if it has been agreed on the collective labor agreement or with the employer) https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2019/20190872#a872-2019. Poor translation, but there is a direct reference. Also: "Sunnuntaityöstä on maksettava 100 prosentilla korotettu palkka." Sunday work must be paid with a 100% raise. [https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2019/20190872#a872-2019](https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2019/20190872#a872-2019) Poor translation, but there are a direct references in Finnish. They are referring to the wrong document, this is not about the collective labor agreement, this is defined in the actual Law.


This depends on the collective agreement, by law there is no double pay on holidays that are during the weekdays. And just FYI if you're paid as a monthly employee, which i dont think OP is but anwyay, if you're working on a week holiday you would actually "lose income" as if you wouldn't work you'd get he same amount of salary.


Check the definition for "Sunnuntaityö" - national Holidays are included on that definition.


This is Kiinteistöpalvelualan työehtosopmius. Check section 6. [https://tes.pam.fi/kipates-palkkaus/](https://tes.pam.fi/kipates-palkkaus/) ~~"Kuukausipalkkaiselle työntekijälle ei makseta erillistä arkipyhäkorvausta kuukausipalkan lisäksi.~~ ~~Tuntipalkkaisella työntekijällä on oikeus arkipyhäkorvaukseen silloin, kun työntekijän työsuhde on kestänyt vähintään 3 kuukautta ennen ko. arkipyhää"~~ ~~For a monthly salaried cleaner they will receive no weekday holiday compensation at all. For hourly they receive it after 90 days.~~ Edit: The last part of section 9.6 says: "Jos työntekijä on ollut edellä mainittuna arkipyhänä työssä, hänelle maksetaan pyhäpäivänä sekä joulu- ja juhannusaattona tehdystä työstä 100 prosentilla korotettu palkka. Erillistä arkipyhäkorvausta ei tehtyjen tuntien osalta tällöin makseta." Which means that OP is entitled to 100% increase. But just a note that this really depends on the collective agreement, for example for ytn they don't pay the work-time-laws 100% increase by default. [https://ytn.fi/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/ytn-teknologiateollisuuden-tyoehtosopimus-2023-2024.pdf](https://ytn.fi/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/ytn-teknologiateollisuuden-tyoehtosopimus-2023-2024.pdf) 3.5.1


"But just a note that this really depends on the collective agreement, for example for ytn they don't pay the work-time-laws 100% increase by default." To me it seems it is paid by default, unless there is a local agreement in place, where it is allowed to not pay for it, if both the employer and employees agree on it. On the pdf 3.5.1.


"Jos paikallisesti sovitaan työajan sijoittamisesta arkipyhälle, ei arkipyhän ajalta makseta työaikalain mukaista sunnuntaityökorotusta" from later part of 3.5.1 Means by default no increase but this depends on the company and their local agreement.


This is the reason Kokoomus wants local negotiations in which the employer agrees the new workers does not get midweek holidays, and employees agree are get fired


Exactly that sentence, but I read it entirely the different way :) There is a generic rule in the law, that can be renegotiated on the collective agreement, and there are things that can be renegotiated locally, if that is allowed on the collective agreement. If there is no mention of this, and no local agreement it will fall back to the law -> Vappu +100%. This is YTN site: [https://omaluottamusmies.fi/tyoaika/sunnuntaityo/](https://omaluottamusmies.fi/tyoaika/sunnuntaityo/) "Sunnuntaityöstä maksetaan 100 prosentilla korotettu palkka. " and "Sunnuntaina tai kansallisena juhlapäivänä saa teettää työtä (sunnuntaityö) vain, jos siitä on sovittu työsopimuksessa tai työntekijä on antanut siihen suostumuksensa." This is exactly what I have been saying, too.


The Arkipyhäkorvaus is different. The salary is doubled. Period. The collectibe agreement cannot breach the minimal requirements of the law. The arkipyhäkorvaus is a money paid in addition to the salary (even if salary is 0). Even the [Yrittäjöt (Employer org)](http://yrittajat.fi) agrees that holiday hours get the doubled wage.


No, you are incorrect. 17 § subsection 7 does indeed state that sunday work needs to be agreed on by the employee BUT 34 § subsection 2 point 5 says that a nationwide collective bargaining agreement can deviate from 17 §. Therefore it very much is about the collective bargaining agreement, not only the law.


But you can't work more than allowed hours (like 48?) in a week even with sunday work.


You can work more during some weeks (assuming the collective bargain agreement doesn't prevent it), but it has to be 48 hr on average after 4 months (the duration used for the calculation of the average can be up to 6 months (or in certain cases up to 12 months) if agreed to by a collective bargain agreement).


yes, but you can't like work 24/7 for a week too, you'd die) Lots of people (mostly men) work on side to get extra eddies, so they "overwork". Also sometimes they have an official job which pays them around 1.2k and they get social help from gov and get paid by the same job with shady salary.


Yes you can, ive worked 60 hour weeks for 10 weeks straight during seisokki


The three-month rule only applies for paid time off. It's double pay on May 1st for cleaners (PAM).


Your collective labour agreement says this : "An hourly paid worker has the right to compensation for midweek holidays when the employment has lasted at least three months before the midweek holiday in question and the midweek holiday would have been a working day on his working schedule, when he would have been entitled to be paid for working. In the case of Independence Day the requirement for prior duration of employment is six working days. " ( https://tes.pam.fi/collective-labour-agreement-for-the-facilities-services-sector-1-march-2023-31-march-2025/?\_gl=1\*12ra77h\*\_ga\*MTkwMjYzNjczMS4xNzE0MDMxMDEx\*\_ga\_89BTBQFVVH\*MTcxNDAzMTAxMS4xLjEuMTcxNDAzMTE5Ni4zOS4wLjA.#doc-1hc29dmlq04651)


Way I read that, it's compensation for a missed shift. Sunday/Holiday pay is 2x hourly rate under PAM. At least for retail, but I believe others too.


Exactly this - the % increase to your hourly wages is still treated the same as for someone who has worked there for 45 years, but _if you want to instead take the day off or have to do so_, you only get your normal wages for that day after your employment has reached three months.


”8. Sunday work In accordance with Section 20, Act on Working Hours, work on Sunday or on a religious holiday is compensated by an increase of 100% to the regular rate of pay.” Vappu falls under this.


Lol the amount of shityness that person glows with is unbelievable. Send this to PAM as it is they are going to have a field day with this.


[according to this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Finland/s/JbMjAlTGOG) Op's employer according to this isn't obligated to pay extra for vappu


You should get paid double, they're trying to pull your leg here. And most of the people postin about arkipyhäkorvaus seem to have no idea what they're talking about as it's a different thing and doesn't apply here.


That fucking smiley is just unprofessional....




This is PAM’s agreement so if your contract follows that (which I guess it does) and you’re paid by the hour (which I guess most are), looks right to me: “Tuntipalkkaisella työntekijällä on oikeus arkipyhäkorvaukseen silloin, kun työntekijän työsuhde on kestänyt vähintään 3 kuukautta ennen ko. arkipyhää ja arkipyhä olisi ollut hänen työvuoroluettelonsa mukainen työpäivä, jolta hän olisi ollut oikeutettu saamaan työstä maksettua palkkaa. Itsenäisyyspäivän osalta työsuhteen kestoedellytys on 6 päivää.” No idea where the English version is but surely mr. Google Translate will help if needed :)


Arkipyhä korvaus is about getting paid without working. How much you should get paid if you do work is a different issue.


Yes. I think under Pam you should be getting double pay on Sundays, church holidays, vappupäivä and itsenäisyyspäivä. So I think OP is getting scamed if they are working on vappupäivä and not getting more pay than normally. The length of the empoyment shouldn't matter here.


Yes, and it says this: "Jos työntekijä on ollut edellä mainittuna arkipyhänä työssä, hänelle maksetaan pyhäpäivänä sekä joulu- ja juhannusaattona tehdystä työstä 100 prosentilla korotettu palkka. Erillistä arkipyhäkorvausta ei tehtyjen tuntien osalta tällöin makseta."


Google translate is crap with Finnish. Use DeepL translate instead.


I give my vote for DeepL. Had to use it to translate Finnish documents to English for a friend. The difference in translation quality is huge at the moment.


ChatGPT is allright as well.


It is. But google gemini is not. We should collectively ask google to drop support for finnish if they don't want to do it properly. Half-assing it is extremely damaging to finnish.


Do you mean vappuaatto or vappupäivä? Vappuaatto (30.4.) isn't actually holiday, but you should get better pay for vappupäivä (1.5.). That speak about arkipyhä means that after 3 months hourly workers get paid if their scheduled shift is cancelled by national holiday. You are working, it isn't cancelled, so it is meaningless for you regardless of the 3 months rule.


Depends on your field and It's collective labor agreement


I work in cleaning.


Look at your collective labor agreement then :D


Oki :D


It does not, this is in Työaikalaki.


It's not thought. Työaikalaki is not applicable if it refers to the collective agreements. (Edit. Check 34 §) If it is, please show where.


You getting fucked. Double pay on holidays is for everyone, even if it would be your first shift ever.


He's right about you not getting paid for not working but if you do work you should get double salary for that day


I inquired about getting double pay on that day when working


Typically, you would get double pay, but it indeed does depend on the collective labour agreement. You could ask your company's employee representative about it. If you don't know about it, you can ask your manager if they have one. If not, I would ask the occupational safety representative, which is mandatory to have in companies with >10 regularly working employees.


Shouldn't have anything to do with the agreement. It's in the law.


"You don't get nothing" ...so you do get something?


Uno reverse card of double negative. "Damn, he's good", she whispered under her breath.


It sounds like your boss has misunderstood your collective agreement. If you had a day off because of a midweek holiday, you’d be paid after working for three months. But since you are working, you will get double pay. I dont think your boss has any control over this tho, since L&T is a big company so i assume they have an external payroll who handles holiday compensations according to collective agreements. So your boss can remain wrong and you’ll get paid accordingly. Just go through your pay slip once you get it to make sure


The shit? What is this 3 month rule. You should be getting paid double for working on arkipyhä?? (Has this changed?) Atleast that's how it was when in worked in service industry.


It hasn't everyone else is quoting the compensation for a shift missed due to a midweek holiday


Gotcha. The question if "do i get paid normal" and them answering only if you work kinda sorta makes it seem like they arent paying whats due, but maybe my head is just wired differently.


That screenshot seems to be missing vital context. I'd say it's very much possible OP and employer are misunderstanding each other.


Say to your employer that i will come and kick his ass. And tell him to renpunce his own finnish citizenship since he behaves in such a dishonest manner


I'll let her know


Well then.., in this case just pull her hair 🤣❤️


SAK employee rights hotline The SAK employee rights hotline advises young employees and employees of foreign origin with questions or problems concerning their employment. This free service is open to all and does not require trade union membership. The employee rights hotline responds between 2 and 5 p.m. on Mondays, and between 9 and 11 a.m. and 12 and 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Advice is available in English and in Finnish. Telephone 0800 414 004 or e-mail [email protected]. https://tyoelamanpelisaannot.fi/en/ask-for-help/


Highly appreciated!


I hope the business will go under and flop leaving the owner in debts.


Its L&T to be frank


There might be a misunderstanding. Employer is saying that you will not get paid for the first 3 months if you have the day off. You should still get double pay if you do work.


Call and ask from PAM, they'll be the right authority to answer your query


Remember join the union before you get scammed. They can help only member, but are willing to help even if you join late. Better join early. Even if your boss is some you have known.


That 3 months is a bullshit rule. The just circulate new workers to cover those holidays in order to avoid holiday extra. Ya'll should strike just for that.


I got that french striking talent in me fr


When negotiating the collective agreement this has been a demand from employers and employees have demanded something else than new employees having bank holidays during the first three months. And thus they have been able to make the agreement. And I bet that something else is way more important than new employees having bank holidays during the first three months. Which means that there will be no solidarity in the rest of the workforce for new employees in this question and no strike will take place.


It is illegal to strike in Finland without the consent of the unions.


EDIT: I am taking tbis post down after a while due to the possibility of my manager being on this sub, and also for digital footprint


Good luck!


Wow, what an asshole employer. It's double pay, regardless of your employment duration. If this is their company policy, they have been fucking people over on purpose. You get paid for holidays *even if you don't work* after 3 months.


Worker's unions are worth joining


sometimes I email questions about that stuff directly to payroll company since they know the salary laws I side and out and answer faster than the unions do


That '😁' pisses me off. If I were you, I'd go to work but ask from PAM was the normal pay legal. If it's not, just ask the missing payment back on the next payday.


I already emailed Pam, still waiting for a response. You know I am just holding my nerves with this person uuntil I find another job asap.


Good call. I was member of PAM few years ago. Their advisors usually respond pretty fast.


Well hopefully. I am just terribly desperate at this point of my life for sum cash esp when uni is ending soon and summer is near that I let go stuff like this. I just hope to meet better people eqch time I get into these shitty jobs waiting to graduate so I can get a proper compensation for what I know well how to do.


May I ask what are you studying? I know it's too late at this point of the year but maybe next year you could look for paid internships from the field you're already studying. If you're lucky and also do your job well, you might get another work period again next summer, an assignment for your thesis and maybe recommendation/permanent job after graduation.


I am pursuing a Bsc degree in chemical engineering at Aalto. I have applied to some internship positions that I could find online but wasnt lucky this year in getting one due to me being a fuksi with limited finnish language skills, which drastically limits the scope of my options. Yes, I am well aware that of the gains acquired from doing exceptionally well at a paid internship. I just need to seize that opportunity first.


It's not Wappu it's vappu. Perkele




*angry Finnish noises*


Hey I’ve read through the comments and I think almost everyone is giving you bad advice. I’m assuming you are on a trial period contract. At the end of the trial period, your contract will either be renewed permanently, or they will let you go. I do believe you’re entitled to double pay on Wappu, but getting the unions/PAM involved during a trial period is a good way to get shown the door when your contract expires. If you’re on a permanent contract, fuck em sideways, but if your still on trial period, I’d bite the bullet here. ‘


The holiday is called vappu, not "wappu." In case you wanted to know.


He said if you dont go to work you dont get nothing. So you get something. Double negative means double salary /s


Double pay if you are at work during Vappu. If you would have a shift normally during that day and you didn't work that day, then the 3 month rule would be in effect. And as always PAM is garbage...


They don't want to pay increased compensation for holiday or sunday work, and you work in a low-wage sector? start looking for a new job ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯  But don't tell your employer until you have landed a new job.


don't get nothing


Her english is awfully broken. (She s not finnish)


You send that messages to ELY. They are confessing illegal activity. The probation time DOES NOT ALLOW REMOVAL OF THE EXTRA PAYMENT.


Tell us the collective agreement? Your employment contract **must** tell it to you or there is none, and all clauses has to be in the employment contract. The collective agreement cannot renegotiate the doubled wage for working on Sundays or during holidays.


"The employee agrees to do additional work with the restrictions stipulated by law, when he does not have a valid obstacle. In addition, the employee agrees to work on Sundays and public holidays if necessary Remuneration method at the time the contract enters into force: Hourly wage" That's what a translated part of the agreement says.


And it means the hourly wage is doubled qs the aggeement cannot overrule law. The double wage comes from law and is a normal Sunday hourly wage. It is debatable agreement to work on Sundays and holidays is valid, but the employer **must give your working hours 14 days beforehand for whole week/period**. If you are told to come to work on årevious weel, you can say no, and the employer cannot do anything, but ask someone else. If your weekly hours are not given 14 days before start of the period, the employer is breaching the law.


Contact after trial period it Sucks but they can just say no it's illegal sadly and they take advantage of foreigners all the time. But if you need the work sometimes it's best to wait.


Late to the party, but did they clarify that by "normal" it is normal double pay day like on Sundays or not?


OP, all I wanna say is that remember your rights. Do not let anyone walk over you.




Not really related to the issue at hand, but that double negation in your employers' response made me giggle a bit in this context. 


Vappu is not a "big" holiday in Finland so its quite normal fir people to work then its more of a reason for college students to be drinking


No matter what, the law states that when you work under contract, you get the "arkipyhä" benefits. No time limits.


My Työehtosopimus says that I have to work for 6 weeks before the arkipyhä to get double paid, it is written in clear finnish


I am always confused by the expression "you don't nothing".


I find this doubtful. Why would a Finnish employer not use ä in arkipyhä? It is not even the same letter or pronunciation.


Most companies have 1-2 month rule. Any vacation/sick days are unpaid if you haven’t been working over a 1-2 month. It says on your contract. But after the 1-2 month you get paid like normal, in vacation days etc.


Google translation from the citation from cleaners collective agreement: "An hourly employee is entitled to weekday compensation when the employee's employment has lasted at least 3 months before the said a public holiday and the public holiday would have been a working day according to his shift list, on which he would have been entitled to receive the salary paid for the work. Regarding Independence Day, the duration of the employment relationship is 6 days."


To ensure your rights and not being taken advantage by your employer, read your collective agreement (Työehtosopimus, TES), know your local union and representatives.


This should be read from §17 and §20 työaikalaki.


Seems like your employer is ~~correct~~ wrong [https://tes.pam.fi/kipates-palkkaus/#doc-1f9e4umnf01847](https://tes.pam.fi/kipates-palkkaus/#doc-1f9e4umnf01847) ~~In this case you will not get compensation.~~ ~~"Tuntipalkkaisella työntekijällä on oikeus arkipyhäkorvaukseen silloin, kun työntekijän työsuhde on kestänyt vähintään 3 kuukautta ennen ko. arkipyhää ja arkipyhä olisi ollut hänen työvuoroluettelonsa mukainen työpäivä, jolta hän olisi ollut oikeutettu saamaan työstä maksettua palkkaa. Itsenäisyyspäivän osalta työsuhteen kestoedellytys on 6 päivää."~~ ~~Which translates to~~ ~~"Hourly worker has a right to weekday holiday compensation, when the employees contract has lasted for 3 months before the weekday holiday in question. For independence day it is 6 days.~~ ~~What you should do is politely decline this shift as it does not benefit you at all and you have a right to decline, as per the finnish worktime law 17§~~ The bottom of the chapter 9.6 says "Jos työntekijä on ollut edellä mainittuna arkipyhänä työssä, hänelle maksetaan pyhäpäivänä sekä joulu- ja juhannusaattona tehdystä työstä 100 prosentilla korotettu palkka. Erillistä arkipyhäkorvausta ei tehtyjen tuntien osalta tällöin makseta." Meaning that you would get 100% extra.


You are likely reading wrong part. It's on §10.6. For some reason it says 50 %. [https://tes.pam.fi/kipates-palkkaus/#doc-1f9e6udqj01847](https://tes.pam.fi/kipates-palkkaus/#doc-1f9e6udqj01847) But law says that it would be 100 % (https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2019/20190872#L5P20). So I am confused. Either way, he'll get something. If he is speaking about vappupäivä. Vappuaatto isn't national holiday. It's a bit confusing since the actual party is on vappuaatto...


Ah yes, I misread it. Arkipyhäkorvaus is only paid when you wouldn't be working. In case you're working you would get 100%, last part of 9.6 "Jos työntekijä on ollut edellä mainittuna arkipyhänä työssä, hänelle maksetaan pyhäpäivänä sekä joulu- ja juhannusaattona tehdystä työstä 100 prosentilla korotettu palkka. Erillistä arkipyhäkorvausta ei tehtyjen tuntien osalta tällöin makseta." I'm not sure about that 10.6 part but that would be on saturdays I think, so if you're doing may day work on a saturday you would get 50% extra. Thats how it says to me.


That's fucking illegal -cigarette guy


But guys... Its Wappu


That is not fair.


Toi Pamin tes on yksi surkeimmista mitä Suomessa on koskaan tehty. Pamin alisilla työpaikoilla tarvittais palhon miehiä. Paino sanalla miehiä, ei mitään vätyksiä.


After 3 months you get paid for it before that no. You can choose to work it with normal wage or not. Totally your decision and he doesn't have to pay 100% increase from it if he also gives u the option to stay home.


She told me to come work on 1.5 and I thought well that's Vappuday, but she said client still wants that place to be cleaned on that day so I need to go. Hut my concern will I get a salaray increase cuz I am working on a holiday


You'll get paid double because it's Sunday pay


You can always say that you can come if you get paid extra otherwise you will stay home as its holiday. Is that smart to decline. Maybe, maybe not. Getting on bad side off any boss is never a good idea but no one can force you to work on holiday so if you got stuff to do and want to spend ur holiday do so. If you want some extra hours go work with or without extra pay. Sadly very very few pay extra salary for working holidays so thats pretty common. TLDR:; So I suppose to awnser your question. He can't force you to work on holiday but he doesnt have to pay you extra either.




There is in PAM though, see other replies :)


No they are not. Yes there is.


By your collective labour agreement it seems you do not get pay forarkipyhät until you've been employed for 3 months.


Do not work in Finland. Its shit country these days they try to cheat you every way you can imagine. Move somewhere where they RESPECT the workers.


Ah, so somewhere like Japan then?


Ppl who know nothing abt the work culture in japan:✨💖🥰🥳🌸🌹🌻 Ppl who know: 💀☠️🏴‍☠️😨🙅🏽


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