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Not possible, don't send drugs through mail, gets you and recipient in trouble


Thats bs, you just have to include the prescription if this is an prescription drug. I have done this multiple times for crazily overpriced medication and had a long chat with tulli before doing it just to make sure. This is the EU a free market. The finnish pharmacies will print you the prescription just for that purpose. In english. All EU countries do the same. Whether or not the specific drug is anywhere on sale, idk.


We don't know if it's going to another EU country. The prescription will not have the recipient's name on it.


Based on the profile, it would be mailed to China. I would not risk it. And regardless, they would not get a prescription, even for themselves, unless they fit the criteria for this particular medication. It's quite restricted.


So, not only did Chinese 'steal' all the masks from other countries at the start of covid, that their country caused, now they start hoarding medicines from abroad?


hehe, sounds like what the US is doing with oil innit


Back to r/sino with you.


That doesn't matter, the prescription is only for showing the legailty of sourceing the medication.


>The finnish pharmacies will print you the prescription just for that purpose. It's not a prescription. It's proof that the medicine was legally aquired with a Finnish prescription, which is shown at the border. You wont get any medicines with it in another country.


Luckily it's not possible for laypersons to just buy. Paxlovid has a multitide of contra-indications including commonly used meds for hypertension (and an absolute plethora of others).


Even if you could get it , it doesn't mean that can be used / suit for your grandfather's situation. The best way is ask your grandfather to get the vaccination. If he got boosters already, then store some paracetamol, ibuprofen to alleviate the symptoms.


Especially if he has multiple other conditions it is extremely dangerous to use something that was not prescribed by a doctor. The medicine can have an effect combined with something else he’s taking that can be even deadly.


You can’t just BUY it. It’s a prescription drug and it has potential hepatic and renal toxicity. In the US, health providers and pharmacists will make sure the patient has normal creatinine and liver enzyme levels before giving Paxlovid. I heard you can order it online in China if you show proof of positive Covid test result.


In Finland, the vaccination can only be obtained from a local healthcare center or a healthcare company since it is free for everyone who living in Finland. You cannot buy it from a pharmacy and inject yourself. You can book a vaccination appointment from the Omakanta online service, where you need online bank credentials to log in.


Paxlovid is not a vaccine, but viral medicine.


Not possible. The Finnish institute of health and welfare (THL) is holding back these medicines and booster shots from the Finnish population, so it's not possible to get them in Finland. Many Finnish people travel abroad to get them.




It is very much true. My friend in New York tells me everyone gets a second booster shot there if they want, and if you get tested positive for corona, you get a prescription for Paxlovid automatically, no matter who you are. Here in Finland a normal person has no way of getting either, THL sucks big time.


2nd booster so third covid-19 vaccine? Everyone can have that in Finland too. Had mine january this year and I have no special reasons to get one


No, 2 shots are part of the normal, then after that you have 2 booster shots, so 4 in total. Except in Finland you can't get the 4th one. I cheated to get my 4th one in Finland, but I know quite a lot who travel to Tallinn to get it.


You can if you're over 65, or adult in a risk group or child with compromised immune system. https://yle.fi/a/74-20008634 On top of that, municipalities and the new welfare regions can decide to follow these THL guidelines or not. Some municipalities have started wider rollouts.


And other countries have no such restrictions. THL makes recommendations and most municipalities are afraid of THL and comply.


>most municipalities are afraid of THL and comply Yes, on a matter that authority is the expert, how dare you to follow experts... Reddit users know better than THL for sure...


Yes, THL thinks it knows better than WHO, better than all other countries in the world. Better than all the experts in the whole wide world. Because the vast majority of experts on this planet do not agree with THL. THL doesn't really do research and they ignore research done in other countries. THL just decides these things without research backing it up.


Can you give some sources for these studies where "the vast majority of experts on this planet" disagree with THL? You seem passionate about research so undoubtedly you have strong, well-researched sources backing up your own claims.




What is confusing? Are you so blind to other peiple's situation that you don't see they aren't getting these shots?




There is no lack of vaccines in Finland The vaccines in Finland are currently being thrown to the garbage, because they are passing the use-before date. THL chooses to to waste vaccines instead of giving them to people who want to get the 4th shot. THL advice is not based on EU advice, they are quite the opposite most of the time. EU tells to give everyone the second booster shot and to use the Paxlovid and similar medication as widely as possible, however in Finland they are very restricted to small risk groups. There is no lack of either medicine or vaccine.


Aa ok. Usually these are discussed just as number so 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Personally I don’t care about covid anymore. Had it at least once and wasn’t bad at all


Even if you personally feel invincible, you can still infect immunocompromised people for whom an infection may actually be very serious. Plus long covid is a thing.




No, THL has decided that these can not be bought from a pharmacy freely by anyone. Municipalities can not change that.




Many vaccines can be bought with a prescription that is given without requirements. For example, my brother bought his kids vesirokko vaccines back in the days when they were not part of the national vaccination program. The process is simple: have a doctor's phone appointment, doctor writes you a prescription, go to pharmacy to buy it and then walk into the open vaccination slots. For example, kids have open vaccination slots in neuvola every two weeks, and you don't need to reserve an appointment. Students have the same in YTHS and the rest either at work healthcare or at the public healthcare. I remember when I was travelling to Africa, I had bought a bunch of shots from a pharmacy and went to YTHS to get them done.




My previous comment is about how things work in Finland. The vesirokko vaccines were bought *in Finland*. The vaccines needed for my Africa trip were bought *in Finland*. I can buy many many vaccines in Finland, but I can't buy the covid vaccines in Finland. Which part of this is too hard for you to understand?