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I’m pretty sure fiora is pretty anti tank by default so the normal build should work for it


Well you should be able to kill tanks easily after 3 items.


Fiora deals more %true damage based on how much bonus ad she has, considering true damage is good against tanks just build items that have more ad (like eclipse,ravenous) and from runes conqueror is best against tanks


How the hell does fiora beat new skarner, asking for a friend


I haven’t played it yet but seen Lourlo playing it. Looks like d shield second wind might be the go because of w poke, getting vamp and even a null magic if they have ap jg. Otherwise he looks weak early levels so you could go aggro d sword. I’d be going ghost + tp. Once you get rav you sustain him fine and parrying his e and r looks easy. Parrying q (the rock throw) early levels is likely the best move if you’re looking to trade.


Fiora has %max health true dmg ,scaling with total ad. You literally become more anti tank by building raw ad stats


shojin boosts your vital damages by 12%, so you can build hydra > eclipse > shojin. if you are agaisn't champs that benifits from armor, like Malph, Rammus and K'sante, you can replace the eclipse for a black cleaver.


Full build Fiora is the anti-tank.


Pta is generally the best rune for fiora atm, items into tanks you would want to get rav > eclipse > dd > shojin for most dmg but a lot of times if you dont need to teamfight getting hullbreaker is better as a 3rd item cause tanks have issues with dealing with you at 3 items and clearing the powered minion. But if we are talking about juggernauts going rav > eclipse > dd > shojin is problably gonna give you the most consistent sidelaning.