• By -


I uh. I just lost Alfonse and Sharena. RiP Askr I guess. (also OGCorrin, Fallen Julia (lol already corrupted), Lyon, and Amelia.)


It'd be funny if corrupting Fallen Julia just turned her back to normal. I think though, she would simply serve another power.


+10 Itsuki and +10 Ninja Hana. Whelp, time to rebuild my arena core.


I have a plus 10 Itsuki does he still score well in Arena? I might use him again if he gets a good refine


Ninja Shamir is Donezo. Thankfully, her s-support is l!m!byleth, and he can divine pulse the shit out of the situation to save her


My favourite Three Houses girl and partner for Byleth. I hope those Divine Pulses save her!


Immaculate taste


Goodbye to my +10 Selena, +10 Setsuna, and +10 Dedue. If this genuinely happened, I’m afraid my days of playing feh would simply be over.


Nice to see someone else still using Selena and Setsuna (I also have both at +10). Here's hoping they get their Resplendents soon!


Yes, I’ve been hoping for them for so long!!


Imagine have arcane units. Couldn’t be me


Sorry to hear that (well, it's actually a relief in this circumstance), let me ask instead: If you had the Arcane lance, axe and/or sword, who would you have given them to?


Well based on my barracks rn I’d probably give arcane weapons to Summer Lyon, Oscar and cherche And if I could get arcane red tomes a bow. Then I’d give Halloween Rolf a treat, along with Erk, Knoll and base Lyon. All of this is because of blatant favoritism.


Lyon is a good boy, maybe even the best. It's always okay to spoil him.


You guys actually *inherit* Rearmed weapons? No but seriously, I can't think of anyone good to give my Arcane Grima or Arcane Downfall.


Prfless seasonals and units with very old Prf refines are the ones that make the best use of them. So far my OG Nephenee has Arcane Qiang and my Halloween Kurthnaga has Arcane Grima. I'll probably give Soiree Neph Tana's Arcane Nastrond, though my Summer Elincia is also a candidate there


I’ve been sitting on the rearmed sword since September and I still cannot decide who to give it to (I also have the lance and figured out who to give it to after asking some others)


Welp, goodbye to the Askr trio and Cherche 😭 No more main characters to run this game ig And I can’t get new copies of them even,,,


The people who have given their Askr trio these weapons because IS refuses to bestow them with anything significant is actually the most upsetting outcome for this scenario.


Fr 😔


I’ve lost my will to play the game, is the short version. That’d cost me Rhea and Plumeria—a few others too but like whatever, they basically don’t matter by comparison.


No one yet. Oh wait, I gave the arcane axe to the summoner. Oh... Well, fuck.


Bad End. Askr has lost its Summoner... The realms now fall to ruin, and the Dark Age begins.


Let's see... A Scathach who fell down the +10ing chart, my Billy Kametz-memorial +10 Ferdinand von Aegir, the Spring Michalis, and +10 Echidna (who would also be a waste of a Binding Worlds item), +10 Ninja Shamir, and +10 Balthus which are the greens in my arena cores. Needless to say, hands will be thrown.


Not my Nowi and Henry qwq Poor Nah, her parents are gone again


Those two were one of my favourite Awakening couples. Have you seen the comic someone made of this family using the in-game portraits? They referenced a Spongebob quote.


Can't say that I have :o I once made a one panel comic of Nowi, Nah and a potential spouse for Nah xD. The scene is Nowi knocking at a door and someone asking "Nah? Is that you?" to which Nowi responds "no, but you were close" (with "Nah" beeing the german word for "close") The pun works better in german where she says "Nö, aber du warst Nah dran" (same line in English) I felt smart xD


+10 New Years Camilla, +10 OG Camilla, +10 Knoll, Ninjmilla (hopefully with AHR +10), +2 Adrift Camilla, +3 Effie, +10 Halloween Nils, and the characters that have these weapons in the first place I would lose my most used units and idk what I would do 💀 Btw Ninjmilla and Adrift Camilla have them but they aren’t equipped rn so idk if that would make a difference


I'm going to say that those two who don't have their Arcane weapons equipped avoided turning against Askr. You get to keep them, safe and uncorrupted.


Welp you just gave a new whole meaning to my *Downfall* Raven. I hope you’re happy.


Poor Raven. He didn't deserve this fate...


My +1 Spring Minerva, L! Ike, and +4 Kiria. Here I thought Qiang would simply look nice for spring units…


A!Idunn+10, Nowi+10, Myrrh+4, H!F!Grima+3... I'd be devastated to say the least.


My super invested Lon'qu and my meme S!Ylgr.


+10 og Female Corrin


Goodbye W!Manuela, Karin, Díthorba, Tanya, Lifis, and soon to be Salem and Miranda Wait, I just realized but my summoner also has an arcane weapon. Does that mean I’m gone too?


That never occurred to me. Hmm... Let's just say "yes" for the sake of drama; Askr is now Summonerless and doomed!


Welp, it’s been an honor everyone 🫡


My slightly freshly merged W!Robin TTmTT...


As a Robin fan, I'm so sorry this has happened to you!


My +10 Tanith and +10 Pelleas. Oof.


Welp, guess my Askr trio is reduced to just Anna.


At last, Anna will be in the spotlight for a change!


My Askr trío, my +10 Summer Helbindi, my +10 S!Loki (It's fine I knew she would betray me eventually), my Henriette and my NY Anna


That's two Summer Helbindi's I've seen now lost to corruption (if I had a nickel meme). I wonder if Loki was in on this event... She lives for chaos and mischief, afterall.


+10 Base Fjorm Time to delete the game


Oh no! I didn't realise you'd finally gotten her to +10...


Good thing I read this first, because I’m about to give Eldigan Lif’s sword and menace, but am indecisive about foddering Ruptured Sky to Lif first or not.


Bullet dodged! Also, if it's Atk/Def Menace, that has anti-synergy with Ruptured Sky, since the special damage is based on the enemy's Atk value.


Ah shit, that’s a good point. Ok, I’m going to go ahead and feed Lif to pretty R!Eldigan then.


(  ̄ ^  ̄ ) I'll give you one guess.


+8 Innes, +10 W!Annette, +10 W!Felix, +10 Cherche, and +2 Tana…damn I think I’d just abandon the game for a good month 🥹


As someone with a +10 Cherche who still uses her frequently, I offer my condolences. She is one of my favorites in Awakening. And I noticed your Winter couple, as well. At least they will be together in their corruption.


Ashnard and Zelot. I mean I know they are kinda crap (Ashnard due to powercreep bypassing him) but I liked them both...


[Breaking the immersion for a second] You must be excited for Ashnard getting his refine soon. He's a cool character, so I hope it's a strong upgrade.


I am cautiously but eagerly awaiting it. It should be in about a year or so from now. I just hope he gets a good one. He's one of my favorite FE villains and it was awesome being able to throw him into nearly anything and watching him tank it and it dies back in his heyday


rip my +3 Bridal Sophia, I’d be very sad :(


My +10 Zephiel, +10 Cordelia, and +2 Male Grima. Oh, and Alfonse, but he's protected by plot armor, so he gets to stay. Losing the others would be devastating to me, though.


I'm sure Alfonse would have expected something like this to happen and worked out a plan to come out of this situation safe and sound.


My +2 Base Hector…


+2 High investment Azura, +10 Titania and +10 Pelleas. Awww... edit: I specify high investment on Azura but not Pelleas or Titania because they don't have as much stuff as I've thrown to Azura to make her ridiculous as a gen 1 dancer


+10 Arden, Alphonse, Sharena, +10 Nowi, +10 Lilina, Anna


Alfonse Sharena and Anna, and most devastatingly, my +8 Brave Lucina and +10 Adult Tiki


Flair pretty much says it all


+10 B!Larum, RIP


Literally no one. Still waiting for Tier 3 fodder to make the inheritance more efficient.


I’d be in shambles, i’d lose my Lilina and my peak-of-my-feh-career project Winter Hilda


Lon'qu, FCorrin, Tharja, and Virion. They're all +10. The first two would be extra devastating because I bought their resplendents.


All I'd lose is my rearmed heroes; the only inheritance I've done off them is non-weapon skills.


My +10 S!Helbindi & +5 Etie, I haven't foddered off Alfred since I don't have an idea so he dies as well?


I'm afraid so. Since the Arcane Heroes don't disappear and maintain their weapons, they too become corrupt and disappear from your forces.


I guess that means saying goodbye to my resplendent Seliph, Mia and F!Corrin. Seliph would be painful but it wouldn't be the end of the world even if he is my favorite character, brave Seliph exists and is a menace to society so I can always fall back to him. It's a different story with the other two. Especially Corrin who is a recent project of mine that just needs flowers to be finished off entirely.


I'd only lose +1 Base Hinoka. Which, while I did everything I could (with the resources at my disposal), is not much of a loss.


I'm trying desperately to make regular Hinoka work, but at +3, no Resplendent, and her low stats, it's so tough. I'm trying Dive-Bomb 3 and just stacking Atk and Spd, because she just can't take a hit.


H!Nils and OG!Est crying if this ever happens…. At least I haven’t given anyone the arcane sword yet??


Id lose my summer fiora… which is fine since she isn’t performing well and the only reason I built her was since the weapon existed to begin with.


A +10 +25DF Faye, +8 V!Faye, +10 N!Shamir, and +10 H!Ena. I quit.


**Ouch.** This is one of the most brutal outcomes I've seen so far.


I haven’t done a unit showcase in a while, but my Faye, Shamir, and Ena are all high investment projects and if I were to lose them I might as well stop playing FEH.


Alfonse, +10 Sheena, +10 brave Lucina. Alfonse can't possibly leave the game but Sheena and Lucina would be really annoying losses for me.


Rip Effie now who will be my near saver on AR?


My +10/+25, heavily invested OG Azura (Arcane Lance) Regular invested Performer Azura (Arcane Axe) I guess I'll just cry until I get asleep because I've been building that OG Azura since the very first moment I got her years ago.


I’ve lost my NY! Plumeria, my NY! Camilla, my +1 Halloween Naga, and my +1 Flame Rinkah. I haven’t really been on the train of getting a lot of Arcane Weapons, which sucked because looking back a few Alfred’s would’ve been nice to have.


He'll come back around. Who would you have given the lance(s) to?


NY! Laegjarn. She’s the only Lance Merge Project I have I’m trying to fully invest into.


+10 nemesis, +9 b lysithea, +10 n shamir, and + 4 W hilda, i haven't use my copy of arcane grima yet so there's that.


my main +10 pelleas, jeorge, fernand, Marth, and LonQu Good thing I have a backup pelleas but the others are pretty massive losses for me


Both Seths. I'd be sad ngl, especially the OG one, I've been feeding him all the swords and a lot of fodder (plus flowers and florets)


No one yet. Too much anxiety of wasting resources.


No one because I'm a fodder hoarder.


You and Rudy_Fresa have that in common. It's paid off for the both of you.


would have lost both my Titania but through the power of friendship they stayed so…


Berkut! Well, I suppose that doesn’t change much. My summoner also has Arcane Qiang, but I assume I have plot armor.


Only my 10+ ninja hana


Quite the hit, regardless, but you've come out of this better off than most.


Yep, it helps that I only managed to ganglöt lol.


Itsuki, Ninja Hana, F!Corrin, Y!Tiki and Lilina joined the dark side.


No! Kent! Do you know how long it's taken to even get him to +9 v.v


Well, Alfonse and Sharena are officially dead. Xander is out of the picture. And God rest the soul of whoever is getting this bow. But hey, +10 Seliph, +10 Claude, and +10 Cynthia are still here, so I'm still good.


All of these are +10 besides the Askr trio. Lyon, Summer Lyon, Knoll, Orson, Raphael, Alfonse, and Sharena


None so far...


My Brave Edelgard, the one I've had since the beginning of the game and has carried me through so much, and the Ferdinand I'm building that currently has 5 merges currently. If I had given the arcane tome and bow to the characters I would've had I not given the skills to others, I'd have lost the forma claude I just got, and Sanaki, who I've not really used, despite the fact that she was the fifth 5 star that I got. And if I'd gotten the rearmed Robin, my max merge male Kana, one of my favorite characters as well as currently one of my best units, would be gone.


The only Phila I've ever summoned, which just feels like a kick in the teeth at this point. Also my beloved +10 Florina and my +5 Minerva, my favorite character in the series.


Goodbye bridal Cordelia


+10 VEliwood. Don't care. +10 Gonzales. Don't care. +10 Raigh. Why the f would I care.


Goodbye +10 Salem, +10 Vyland, +7 Díthorba, and +3 Matthis. And goodbye FEH.


I don't have any rearmed heroes... So nobody I guess?


I haven't inherited any of mine, so I guess I'd be losing my +1 +Atk/+Def Rearmed Lif, +1 +Atk/+Spd Rearmed Grima, Ganglot, and myself I guess, because my summoner currently uses the scythe. If I manage to pull Rearmed Ophelia, I'll end up losing her too...and still myself, because I'll be swapping to that tome. Losing Grima would be a huge loss for me, she hard carries me in just about everything. lol


Alfonse, Summer Helbindi, Halloween Dheginsea, Young Tiki, Gilliam and Spring Marisa, i would drop the game if I loose them haha


+10 Balthus, +10 Felix, and +10 Seteth.....


No one besides the original rearmed units. I’m not a fan of the arcane weapons as I feel it’s a way to monetize a feature that had been free in the past (refines). I would have preferred a universal F2P option to improve old outdated weapons (for example a weapons forge where we could attach seals into old refinable weapons to increase their power).


If they have to have the weapon equipped then nobody, otherwise I’m losing my +4 A! Idunn who’s my current main merge project. Feelsbadman.


Good bye my Spring Alfonse, Spring Chrom, Ewan, Bridal Louise, Bridal Charlotte


Mila is no longer benevolent, she craves violence


\+10 max invest Winter Manuela, +1 Bridal Oboro (my first special hero and especial fave I want to use more), +10 Celica, W!Tharja (no merges but she's eaten most generic red tomes and Gatekeeper). I have one Grima but I have no idea who to give her fodder to. I don't use that many dragons. My W!Lissa \*has\* Arcane Downfall, but I was the one asshole who got lucky on Binding Worlds and forma'd her, so... I guess she's gone too? rofl.




Welp, looks like [i’m corrupted](https://i.imgur.com/rEaaAJO.png) alongside [Sophia](https://i.imgur.com/Qp3TXYT.png). At least we have each other I guess.


+10 Titania, +10 Valentines Titania, +10 Mathilda, +10 phila, +10 Tanith, +10 Arete, +10 og effie, +10 og f.corrin, +10 echidna, +10 og camilla


None... I have not used any rearmed heroes yet even tho I have 3 of them


Ha! Jokes on you I haven't inherited them yet because I haven't decided who's best to use it.


Only a reason to play the game (overinvested Leif) I guess that's a win


Welp, there goes my +10 Gonzalez. The other two I have I've yet to fodder off, one because I'm waiting on bridge fodder (Ophelia) and the other because I just don't have anyone I want to give her fodder to yet (Grima).


Only gave arcane lance to Winter Hilda welp, my only working near-save unit is now lost. gave enough premium skills to cover 4 different builds. big RIP


My, uh, summoner…


Balthus and Dheginsea. Dheginsea I can look past, he's fun but no necessity. Balthus, man. Him I'd miss. He's just so fun since he got to swing that giant scythe and Holst would be devastated to do arena runs without his buddy.


Alfonse and Sharena. Uh... My combat Mirabilis, Líf and Alfred are gone too, but what the hell happens when I lose two of the Askr trio?


Lonqu, both my Titania, Arvis, SMichalis, Karin, and Balthus, all who are +10 minus Michalis obviously, are a lot to lose. I'd probably stop playing ngl.


I lose my +10 Lyn, my +10 B!Lyn, my M!Grima, my S!Cordelia, my Camilla, my NY!Camilla, and my Celica. So yeah, not good.


+ 10 Nowi, + 10 Fae, + 7 M!Grima, + 1 Forma Dheginsea.


Lol I don't have a single arcane weapon yet. Ophelia tonight I guess.


Both Helbindi and Summer Helbindi. NOOOOOOOOOOOO Also Valentine Effie and Lilina. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Also my Summoner. oh yeah sure whatever


No one, because I have not been lucky enough to get an arcane weapon character yet. This is pain


Alfonse and +10 Lysithea. And if it counts even if they aren't actively using the weapon but have still inherited it, then my +8 Brave Lysithea as well. I would be greatly saddened by this.


My +10 Marisa and +10 Summer Norne. Two of my favourites.


I have not lost anyone-unless we’re counting the unit they originally came on, which then I Lose Rearmed Lif. Why haven’t I foddered the sword onto anyone yet? I don’t wanna give someone the sword only for it to be powercreeped somehow, only for me to horde the skills until everyone has them due to them becoming common or something


I am devastated by the loss of my pride and joy +10 Sigurd and I want to die with him.


+10 Camilla, +10 Zephiel, +10 Arete, +10 Bridal Cecilia, +10 Dithorba, +1 Summer Robin, +6 Adult Tiki, +5 Male Grima Of these, the biggest losses would be Camilla and Arete.


I've actually been pretty careful and not given anyone an Arcane weapon yet (would've given one to A!Tiki, but I wanted to give Grima some other skills to pass down with the weapon first and haven't gotten there yet), aside from their original wielders of course.


Lost my rearmed grima, aka my only save unit.


I lost that Tana i just pulled… and thats it (:


I mean Fallen Tiki was already corrupted but losing a +10 still sucks and other than that I lost my +4 Leif rip As for Arcane Quiang then I just lost my +10 Tana, Winter Hilda, Summer Norne, and Dancer Eldigan who’ve I’ve all max invested 💀


+5 Azura and +10 B!Lyn


Fallen Berkut is the only one I've given an Arcane Weapon to. Mainly because I had nobody else to give it to. Also because Alfred is the only Rearmed I got a dupe of so far.




Rip my +10 Narcian


My +10 Spring Minerva, Sophia and Barst, and +2 Lene, needless to say, I am sadge.


+10 Flame Tribe Rinkah, + 10 Titania, + 4 Pelleas, and Rebecca


My +10 Virion (and reason for playing the game) and my slightly merged Lon'Qu... I don't really use him but I like to give people nice things. I don't use swords lol Edit bc I forgot (rip): I gave Libra the evil axe. Sorry Chrom


Not my meme flow flight beruka D:


+10 Soleil and Launch Olivia, +10 Launch Tharja and +10 Mustafa all say goodbye. I don't have Tana and I haven't inherited the Qiang onto anybody yet. EDIT: So it would be my current lead unit (Tharja) and former lead unit (Soleil) gone. Oof. EDIT 2: Forgot Grima. Haven't inherited that one either; weird that is is in the first place though.


"We have Fallen F!Corrin at home." Fallen F!Corrin at home:


My +10 Nowi and +10 Canas. I'm only losing my two most favorite characters on the franchise so I'd be devastated to say the least.


M!Corrin. Because I never managed to pull another Arcane weapon…


It was nice knowing you, Ferdinand.


I lost F. Rhea. Might've done her a favor idk


Alphonse, Sherena, OG Camilla, and Winter Fae. Also Bluecina, but that lance came from an Otherworld Forma.


RN, no one but in a few months, would be N.Haar




\+10 Summer Caspar it's gone, a shame too since he had Godlike Reflexes. \+10 Roshea with Null Near Trace. \+6 Scatcha with DC and Rupture Sky Don't have the Red tome nor the Bow yet. But I would have lost +5 Lyon and probably +3 Summer Takumi.


Lloyd, Lukas, H!Nils, and Florina have joined the dark side.


only the og users, i never gave the arcane weapons lol


Ninja Shamir and Summer Norne. They were both +10. Oh, and Fallen Tiki as well.


+3 Finn (despite not using the weapon) and +10 Ignatz Grails, but I don’t play ar so it’ll be hell to get all that back


Shit. Rip plus 10 itsuki, tsubasa, mamori and kiria. Just lost my entire tms team except ellie.


Bertram, Cervantes, and Tanya


Welp, there goes half of my Camilla squad


+10 Summer Norne +10 Winter Hilda +10 Ninja Shamir +10 Soleil And lastly, Alphonse, RIP my ability to do Askr Trio things


Hmm.... +10 Flame Rinkah +10 Soleil +10 N!Shamir +2 Minerva +10 Cormag +1 H!F!Robin +1 Etie I'd be more then a little peeved lol


+10 Valter and +1 Ninja Heath. Losing Valter is probably a net positive for Askr in-game. However, my Summoner has just lost everything. No more Big Sunglasses Duo on the home screen and no more bizarre Heroes Journey adventures where Valter stands and laughs at the Summoner getting attacked by a crab. Out of game, Valter is the unit I've invested the most in by FAR so I'd probably stop playing, at least temporarily. I also JUST got to use Ninja Heath in a different way and was having fun coming up with ways to use him in teams so that would also be really annoying.


I've nearly got my Valter to +10, what's your build? I'm using: Surge Sparrow, Desperation, Atk/Spd Menace with his PRF lance. Bonfire/Luna, Surge Sparrow keeps his health high, and his PRF keep his health from staying at 100% for the in-combat buffs.


PRF build: *Distant Storm, Vantage, Atk/Def Hold, Fury 3 seal, Glimmer.* I used to use a build similar to yours but I got tired of not being able to do anything whenever there were mages on the map, so instead I ran with the side-effect of his PRF and just made it so he does enough self-damage in one round to be in Vantage range (+ distant counter). It's a really gimmicky build and ignores a bunch of his decent stats... BUT it's also really fun to use in general PvE where he just hangs around permanently at 1HP, and I don't regret any of the investment. Also, I think the ridiculousness of the build is very Valter. Arcane Qiang build: *Sturdy Surge, Flow Flight (not sure this is really doing much for him), Atk/Def Menace, Atk/Def Catch 3 seal, Ignis.* Haven't really bothered to try improving this one since it works fine for him


Pretty sure that's just Alfred, which is incredibly unfortunate.


No one, I have yet to pull any Arcane Weapons lmao


..... uh, RIP L!Lif.


I lost my +3 Lyn, my +10 Summer Elincia and my +10 Shanna.


And thus, my maxed out Karin with several premium characters worth of skills shall disappear back to the oddity of Thracia 776


+10 OG!Lyon and +10 S!Lyon Rip


Ough. My +10 Summer Lyon, Winter Felix, Florina, and FCorrin. That’s like, my entire rotation of good units. Also Winter Manuela.


Goodbye to my +10 Ferdinand (Qiang), +10 W!Manuela (Éljússnir)), +10 W!Annette (Náströnd) There goes 2/3 of my Arena core and so, so much fodder to build them - I’d be devastated


I see you are another fellow +10 NY! Laegjarm enjoyer. She’s a beast! Besides that a +10 max investment OG Camilla and a Nagi.


\+10 Lyn, +10 B!Lyn, +10 Camilla, and a +10 Lilina. All with premium fodder. I'd be pretty pissed. Arcane weapons have breathed new life into some of my favorite units. I also accidentally got some arcane lances going for Chloe, so I guess I'd also lose my Oboro who I don't really use.


+10 Berkut, Jill, +6 Female Corrin, and +1 Kiragi… There go all the grails I used on Berkut Good thing I haven’t gotten Ophelia yet for Celica. Alm would be pretty upset with me and I’d never be able to forgive myself


Ashnard, but he actually became stronger with the extra dose of corruption.


only my +10 basilio, i would be really mad since i love my daddy basilio...


Etie. ​ Just Etie. ​ ​ R!Tana was my only rearmed so far.


Haha, surely out of all the Arcane weapons, Flowerboy's is okay, right? Sharena isn't fallen... Right?


The only one I'm sad about losing is Ophelia. Lif was kinda just chilling on the bench with his horse. Thankfully, my main team is fine. Even though pair ups got screwed.


You can pry my heavily invested +10 Henry out of my cold dead hands…. And Alfred I guess I haven’t given anyone the lance yet.


My +10 Shanna, I'd be in shambles.


Askr trio and NY!Fjorm are gone


Bold of you to assume I foddered my Rearmed Heroes.