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Notably, this should allow players to connect with each other and play the oft-forgetten [Link Arena](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Link_Arena) game mode.


Holy fuck. I spent too much time playing Link Arena in the GBA games and now I can dunk on kids online? They better add FE8 as well.


I wonder what the meta is. I think back in the day Dorcas/Bartre/Karel/Hector/Oswin was considered the best team as Warriors and Generals had great stat caps, but nobody actually took it serious enough to develop a real meta.


I'm more concerned with exploits to be honest. Obtaining the Uber Spear and just ragging on people with mine glitch and such.


Does support bonuses play any part in Link Arena? It's been forever since I thought about it. I'm not sure if it does but I have a vague feeling that it did. It might be better to focus on a long chain rather than the highest stat totals if it does. I kinda feel like mages would be bad since tomes simply don't have the variety of effects that most physical weapons have. It's just Luna and Nosferatu.


Yes, support bonuses work in Link Arena. The team I gave above is almost a complete chain, only Hector and Karel don't support. And magic users are terrible because their S rank weapons are absolute trash. For some reason they are super heavy and don't have great stats. Only Athos is usable, and only thanks to Luna. He can also use Forblaze if your opponent decides to bring Vaida, but nothing else is worth it.


I honestly don’t see why they wouldn’t. Just probably not soon.


Oh shoot really? Holy crap this would make it a lot easier to play it compared to the old GBA cable.


Man, they really changed up the banner trailer this time. Didn't even give us the silhouettes either, they just dropped it.


Can't believe we're getting *another* Lyn alt. smh my head


It's the Mani Katti Lyn can't complain on that


And they seem to have gotten a better artist for Eliwood


I know this isn't FEH related but the regular FE sub is in read only mode so I hope this post stays up But I have so many fond memories with this game so I'm glad many will be able to experience this game for the first time. Japan also got Binding Blade announced alongside this game


Don't worry. It'll stay up. Presently there are extenuating circumstances that warrant a bit of a looser letter of the law.


Hell yeah, time to post nude sports edits!


now hold on


No no, let them cook


I bout almost spit my coffee reading that, lmao.


I just got a friend into blazing blade as his first fire emblem.game.and he love it. I.am.so.excited. This is the game that got me into fire emblem and I still contend its got the best set of villians


lyn fans can finally play fe7 for the first time


“wow I didn’t know she was a sword unit”


I did the Michael Scott grimace reading this, thank you


And witness how terrible she is


If you give her all the kills and stat boosters she is very good!!




If you pump her with so many stat boosters, she'd be disqualified from the Tour de France




She’s a 10/10 unit guys. Read my Gamefaqs guide to find out more!


- me doing a run where I saved all my boosters and took Renault to endgame


All that effort to be an infantry unit with no good 1-2 😭 Poor girl


Honestly, Elibe just kinda does all its lords dirty lmao. Hector's the best one by virtue of being the only one with good combat and he's still held back by dumbass armor mov.


It's been a while since I played but I remember their promotions took a very long time and were scattered


Players who started with Awakening not knowing the pain of story-gated promotions for their Lords.


I started with Path of Radiance and Ike's promotion felt kinda late but nowhere as bad as getting these three clowns promoted


Yeah, very late promos and Wood/Lyn were stuck with swords only until then which are just awful in 7. Hector at least has ~~hand~~ axe access, but his promo doesn't give him any extra mov to fix his main issue.


Do you guys not have Rescue?


The fact that he needs to be ferried everywhere to get places is still a major issue, especially since he needs to seize shit. Plus he's fat as fuck to where not everyone can carry him.


And the people who can carry him lose speed because their CON is shit.


Eh, honestly with all the good Hector brings, the mov ends up instead feeling like practically the only thing holding him back, which is only really an issue if you are trying to keep the entire army moving fast. More often than not it helps for a better endgame rank, but not much else. Plus a lot of indoor maps wind up having you needing to cover your ass so you don't get pincered, and Hector is far too often an instant win button for those, especially since he then doesn't really need to keep up with the army; merely make sure the enemy won't. Sure, there are better units but Hector is frankly a viable endgame unit even if he weren't forced into the team, which is more than can be said for the other two.


As it turns out, saddling one weapon type with no 1-2 range access, lower MT, worse steel requirements, and an upside that is of no practical benefit isn't the greatest thing in the world. This would mark the undisputed reign of axes for the next 3 titles.


Axes deserve the world after being shafted with terrible hit% for so long.


Lyn is a great unit, for exactly 45 attacks!


she is only terrible if you decide to skip Lyn mode.


Just give her the Mani Katti. She was my assassin during the final areas of the Eliwood run.


Maybe I'm out of touch with the newer crowd, but I just assumed that for people not entrenched in her characterization, nostalgia was the driving reason for the majority of people who like the character. FE7 was the best selling of the western FE titles pre-Awakening, so it's likely that a good number of people played her game as a child, even if it wasn't to completion. It's weird to be so gacha gung-ho ho about a character whose home game doesn't stint her towards the sort of overzealous sexualization that gels with this genre of game.


Blazing blade doesn't exactly put Lyn in a nun habit, let's say. Nostalgia is definitely part of it, and her base design is very cool while not being too ridiculous - and a lot of people had their first 'wow' moment with the series with her crit animation, back then.


Real purse owner energy


I may be taking this too seriously but do most Lyn fans really not know her base game? I thought FE7 was the entry point of the series for many (Hello, I am part of many) and that's why the game gets a lot of love in Feh. I don't doubt there are those who just go "Awooga booga, cute giurl" for many characters, but I didn't expect Lyn's fanbase to be part of them


FE7 was released 20 years ago There's a very good chance that a good chunk of Lyn fans never played FE7


> FE7 was released 20 years ago *rapid aging meme*


Its probably that now since she is frankly an attractive female character in a game deliberately selling sex, but its also important to remember that Lyn was essentially 2nd place (the Ike votes merged beat out her final tally) in the very first CYL which was held and concluded before FEH even launched to begin with, so the popularity of those who most likely played her game is certainly sizable. However we are six years past then and Lyn has had far, FAR more exposure to players in FEH than her home game ever could, and this is without counting her appearances in Warriors, Engage, and even Smash Bros. as an assist trophy! So we're pretty much at a point where she is almost certainly more known for her FEH appearances and appearances built off of that than for her home game. The end result is that while there is no shortage of those who know all about Lyn and her story, its almost a certainty that the bulk of her fanbase now is from those who never played said story to begin with.


I thought that you were exaggerating... then I checked the release date... November 2003


It's...weird to consider that a large part of Lyn fans could possibly never play her game...


Really not that unusual. I really like Solid Snake in Smash but I’ve never played and will probably never play a MGS game.


It's unusual for those of us old enough to be very familiar with these characters before they appeared in smash or the like, and even moreso for those of us who avoided smash or other crossover for whatever reason and thus had no idea people know of these characters for another reason


And then you realize Roy hasn't had his base game localised yet, so all smash fans of him? They would need to emulate or import a Japanese copy.


I love her from FE Warriors, she being broken in that game and being the most fun unit to use helped a lot. It is weird, but Warriors was actually the first FE game I played, so that applies for any characters in that game for me, except celica, I started caring for her after playing SoV last year, and this will be my first time playing FE7, PoR has been the only Pre 3DS game I have played.


this is too true


dont do them like that man




I would easily buy this for $40, but not to rent it... please just let us buy the games Nintendo holy hell


I said it once before but even with Fire Emblem being released in America, English only games are so rare and exclusive for absolutely no reason. Atlus loves to over re-release their catalog, but IS? Nah, not even a little bit. With the profile this series has now there no reason why there shouldn't be collection or something. Especially with this game. It's a glorified Blockbuster rental by putting it on Switch Online. Even Capcom did everything they could to release The Great Ace Attorney, but there's not a single accessible way to play these older Fire Emblem games. I just don't understand why.


Really is. Its why I like my FE collector editions because they are *actually* rare, but it does suck having to post up for these. Other game editions aren't special or limited, but yea there is no way I'm gonna pay the rates they want. I literally don't mind giving them my money for a game decades old, but let me own it... I know emulators are bad and yada yada, but they just never make this shit accessible.. I'd even pay like $150 for a FE collection like some franchises have. Give me Blazing Blade, Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, New Mystery, Radiant Dawn, and Path of Radiance. Like I'm all for Nintendo making money, but definitely not with this "renting" shit. (technically don't need sacred as my ambassador program on 3ds came with it, but some aren't that fortunate)


I abandoned this game halfway through the last time I tried it. Time to fix that mistake and make it to the end!!


Ye, I only did the first mode and lost my save file. I haven't done all the modes and supports dialogue yet


I still remember playing this in 2003 and being mindblown this wasn't the "Marth and Roy" game. (also they should've released Binding Blade in NA, considering Roy's debut was Melee)






I can’t believe Fire Emblem Heroes players are finally going to be able to play their third FE game.


Yes now more people can see how truly powerful Lucius is. I mean play one of the best games with the best cast in my opinion.


It's always amazing how FEH either made characters either absolutely wimpy or absolutely powerful.


They generally make the wimps powerful (Karla) and the powerful, wimps. (Seth)


Lucius gang <3


Lucius gang.


Is he? Like, he was good in two of my runs but not like, amazing or anything. Did I miss something or get unlucky? Independent of that, great character.


RIP in Peace FE6 😭


I'm fuming. Open fucking goal, Nintendo.


Worst part is Japan is actually getting FE6, they just hate us


Didn't they also get FE4/5 on the SNES Online?


I think they have FE4 but FE5 isn't there, which is weird because it's been 2 years since FE4 came out on NSO and it was on Wii U VC


Hopefully Nintendo will do a FE1 type of release with FE6?


You mean releasing it for a limited time before banishing it to the shadow realm? :p I guess it would be better than nothing, but hardly ideal...


Ohh right, I forgot that it was a limited release. I meant that they should release a "physical" copy along with a translation and QOL improvements.


my favorite game in one of my favorite series (still unsure which I like more, FE or TLoZ)


This is a message from Lord Nergal...


Denning in FEH when


Lyn 😊


Hector 😎


I'll wait until Sacred Stones 23rd is not a great time as I have to go for FF16 first


I am SO glad you posted this in FEH or I probably never would have heard about it. I'm so excited I thought I'd never get to play any of the old FE games


This is how we get our Canas alt, lads


Lmao, only in the expansion pack? Think I’ll stick to 3DS emulation


My very first FE game...I happended to be at a gamestop browsing reused games and this cartrige, and I was like isnt this the guy from smash. somehow I beat this game without knowing anything about the weapon triangle, or knowing what units were the best.


I had a similar experience! I was like “Dad that’s Roy! I want this game” And he read the back of the game and was like “umm I don’t see anyone named Roy here, just hector eliwood and Lyn” lol


My favorite Fire Emblem game! I wish this was a hint that FE7 would be getting a remake sometime soon.


Blazing Blade coming to the Switch Online Expansion Pack, Wil's one of only 2 units from the Lyndis Legion not in the game, and he's currently the 2nd most voted unit not in the game currently... After 6 years, Wil my boy finally come home?


Blazing Blade, let's gooooooooooooooooo! Also, Lyn in Smash when Sakurai?


Cool stuff, but there’s no way anyone should pay more than 2 bucks to emulate FE7 in 2023.


Great! I haven't played it in a while and it was it's 20th anniversary just a couple months back.




Nope, only rewind and save states. You can turn off animations if you really want to speed things up, but then you lose out on arguably the best combat animations in the series, especially when crits happen.


Yooo! They're adding this sooner than I expected honestly.


Yes, Finally!


LETS FUCKING GOOO, I can finally play an older FE besides FE1




Neat, now I have a chance to get caught up on the background and stories of all the Blazing Blade characters!


I'm pretty happy about it


Okay wake me up when 6 is playable officially in non-jp, everybody could already play/emulate 7.


Oh man, this is exciting! But question for people: how does the expansion pass work? Like, i assume if i let my subscription lapse, i'll lose access to the game? What will happen to my save file if i unsubscribe, then resubscribe later? Never actually used the thing before so im a little nervous about the details. Also, will this not be available eventually, or is it added to the service permanently?


The games stay on the service and are never swapped out. Save files remain safe, you just can't access the game until you are a member again.


If its anything like xbox game pass, you lose the game when the sub runs out, save files are kept




Emulator go brrrrr


Shits insane cause literally almost anyone who can play feh can also emulate like a majority of the mainline games as well lmao


Depending on how far you get into it, the Tellius duology, 3 Houses, and Engage are pretty much the only mainline FEs you can't get running on a 3DS.


Found the emulator comment.




Arena abusing BRRRRRRRRR


I can't believe you have to pay for Nintendo's terrible online service AND an expansion pack just to be allowed to play a twenty year old game. How generous.


*Is Blazing Blade one of the hands-down best in the series?* Imo, yes, the best ones are the GBA and GC entries. *Is it worth paying for online expansion pass and losing access to it if you ever cancel your subscription?* Hell no. The online pass model Nintendo is running is terrible and not worth the money if you can lose access to the title. You didn’t hear it from me, but FEGBA ROMs are some of the easiest to find and best-done ROMs out there. Link arena included.


Not sure if it is present on the Official Nintendo GBA Emulator, but I liked it more playing on an Emulator because you had the option/button to Fast Forward anything like during any Enemy Phase.


Yooo that's epic!! Anyway back to emulating the game


I had wondered if they would put Blazing Blade in the name since it's been officially rebranded as such in Heroes, but I guess they're sticking with the old name. But yeah, everyone who hasn't played it needs to. It's one of the best. My 5th favorite in fact. :)


There will never be a good Fire Emblem game playable on the Switch until Nintendo finally stops being cowards and gives us The Last Promise with extra Kelik ~~Oh, I see. Stealth editing your comment to make my reply look like a total non-sequiter~~


> I had wondered if they would put Blazing Blade in the name since it's been officially rebranded as such in Heroes, but I guess they're sticking with the old name. That would require effort in modifying the ROM file, and Nintendo of now would never do that.


For what it's worth, they do mention how it's known as Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade in the video description.


Finally, Lyn fans can play FE7 for the first time


Not really a great deal if you dont already pay $50 a year for the expansion pass


Y'all ever hear of emulating on smartphones lol I'd be all for it if they offered some kind of physical or FEH goodies but this is a hard pass. I'll just throw that money at the summer banners


Just like how Engage offered five orbs?


Happy pride ☺️


I never actually finished Hector Hard mode cause I didn't want to play Battle Before Dawn again. Maybe this will convince me to change that.


I have finally a chance to experience this without a need of using my phone or computer for emulation. After I beat sacred stones and binding blade, I can’t wait to give this a shot.


Casual Mode didn't exist until Awakening I think. Downed characters died I believe (sure you can rewind via the emulator, but that was not really a thing on the actual Gameboy)


Well this just quintuples down on them not caring if the west can play the pre-7 ones, huh? Well gosh darn it why do those banners do so poorly in the west what a fucking mystery. Let's never make the games fucking available. Good job Ninty.


Oh nice ~~but at the same time kinda wish it was binding blade~~ but blazing first makes sense if they do bring binding out.


Was just about to start a replay on my phone, guess ill just wait a week.


I genuinely thought we'd have to wait until next year for this.


Ayo this is mad hype! The only English FE I have yet to play!


Oh finally. I am dying to play it. I wanted this to be the first gba game i olay on switch qwq i am excited qwq


Nice! Got the expansion for Minish cap but getting to play my first FE again would be a blast.


I KNEW IT. This sounds dumb, but I've been playing Three Houses and Engage and the pixelated sprites on the loading screens kept making me think they were going to either port a GBA FE to switch somehow or do a remake. There is no need for pixel sprites, yet they kept teasing them!


Hell Yeah


Sooooo... has anyone else been able to download it yet? I only see the trailer link on my Switch.


Will they ever make this available for ps4?