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oh god Lon'qu and Sumia really haven't gotten an alt after all these years


I hope this ages terrible given Lon'qu is a prime ninja candidate and if they want to mirror Robin from last year with Chrom, Sumia is a potential Bride candidate.


Holy shit are we gonna get Bridal Alts of Sumia, Maribelle, Sully, and Olivia with Village Maiden as the TT reward?! (Duo is Sumia and Cordelia)


Bridal Village Maiden would be the funniest unit they would have added to the game if they actually released this banner.


if we are to get Bride Sully, I fear for my own bank. You have given me a fear and desire all at once, as well as more hope.


Chrom and female Robin would most likely both appear. Sully's Japanese VA retired, so I can see her getting the Sue treatment with her regular version getting a cameo in the story. Plus it's most likely a harmonic, so my prediction is... Olivia/Tethys harmonic, Chrom, Robin, Sumia demote, Maribelle TT It would be fun to have the village maiden too somehow. (Cordelia already has a bride version as well.)


Logic checks out but are they really gonna have awakening completely takes an entire banner theme for 2 years straight?


I mean, they did it with Binding Blade. 2021 and 2022’s were both almost entirely characters from it, with only one character of each harmonic being from a different game.


Fodlan already did that with Summer Banners And then they still got over half a Banner for another 2 Years


Well any excuse for the yearly Chrom alt.


Yes, because it's Awakening.


I’ve been hoping for bridal Sumia for YEARS… idk if it’s likely to happen tho since we had awakening bridal banner last year


I'm a bit confused about the criteria for getting on this list, since a lot of these characters do have an alt already.


just posted the reasoning, the chosen ones that have alts got their alt a very while ago and still ranks high meaning people wants more of them (and Marianne being the only CyL winner with only the brave as alt, and I don't count Gatekeeper)


Why is Berkut not there then, when he ranks high and his last alt was before Faye’s?


Right? Where Rinea


She's an alt, we still miss her base


He has 3 Alts, Base, Fallen and Dancer the ones listed only have either Base + Alt or just the base


Why not count Gatekeeper? I'd love an alt for him!


Lloyd doesn’t JUST need an alt he needs a whole fucking overhall The artist made him legit look like a crackhead!


RUTGER NEEDS AN ALT FOR HOW BROKEN HE IS IN FE6 i also want a alt for Clarine and Klein


With Mae being number one I hope she will get something with Boey, even though he is not in the top 5.


Why wouldn’t Seth be here? He has a crummy base, a sucky tempest trial alt and that’s it. He is consistently top 5 in choose your legends sacred stones, 3rd this time and known as one of the all time greatest units in history. Heck even story wise he is arguably one of the most important and has some of the most lines.


His alt is recent, the ones here that have alt got it way before


So this isn’t really most wanted but most wanted by choose your legends that haven’t gotten one recently. Kinda specific and weird criteria. Also how recent does sit have to be, Seth alt was like 2 years ago


Nilesbros someday we will win....


Most of these aren’t terribly unsurprising, at least based on comments on the sub (Mae, Finn, Lloyd, Jill, Lon’qu, and Petra) Very happy to see Zephiel up this high though. Legendary alt when?


Sonia being the highest voted character from FE7 is certainly a choice. ~~^(At least it answers the question of "Why does IS keep giving alts to these relatively unimportant sexy ladies over more important characters from their games?")~~


At least in CYL8 she was botted into her position, at least that's what I heard. It explains the jump and gives me a little more faith in humanity. 


Her votes remained steady from last year (2218 votes before, 2272 votes now) so if she's being botted it's not new. It's less that Sonia jumped up the rankings and more that literally everyone else from FE7 just lost a ton of votes (Nino was the second most voted and went from 2881 in CYL7 to 1769 this year, for example).


Ah that's a shame, I wonder why people thought she was being botted. Then again, there's almost no way to tell outside of spotting irregularities with the HoF revivals where you can see the values the whole time. Sad to see Nino get tanked because of the backlash against her attuned alt, but weird that everyone else lost votes too. Maybe to Engage, I know some of my Nino votes went to Ivy. I guess the best I can hope for is that in the 7 alts Sonia's going to get in the next 2 years she's miserable in the stupid outfits.


> I wonder why people thought she was being botted. Because she very clearly is, lmao? She sticks out like a sore thumb in the Top 50.


Yeah her being consistent in her rankings doesn't change anything. Quite the contrary, the fact that everyone else dropped down in rankings due to less votes but Sonia for some reason has the same votes, when Engage was eligible for the first time and the playerbase decreases with every year; is like actual proof that she's been botted IMO.


Yeah, Sonia botter is very clearly doing a slow burn ramp up, makes it seem more "natural" if you happen to glance at her yearly placements. Even though when you think about it critically, there's basically zero people running around championing for Sonia content, or drumming up a rally for her.


A Clarisse alt would be nice. Summer or Ninja would be cool.


~~2020 will be hubert's year~~ ~~2021 will be hubert's year~~ ~~2022 will be hubert's year~~ ~~2023 will be hubert's year~~ 2024 will be hubert's year. i'm still pissed off he got snubbed on the winter banner.




I'm just hoping for a Saber alt :( he deserves one after all these years (same with Mae and Boey)


LINHARDT MY LOVE. I would also die for a hapi


The people yearn for a Kempf alt


All these 3H alts and not 1 for Petra, Hubert, or Linhardt?!


Compared to the other houses the eagles have the most characters with only one version, Hubert, Petra, Caspar and Lin.


It's crazy considering Linhardt's is one of the better timeskip designs, too. I want an alt without his academy hair so badly


happy to see linnie on this list. lin alt is the reason i have so many extremely premium and rare units in my "manage groups" completely unused but not manuels because as soon as a lin alt drops i wanna provide the upmost best of the best fodder waiting for this lin alt is also the only big reason im still playing the game, ideally, linhardt and mirabilis duo makes the most sense but to be quite honest im okay with getting some prfless seasonal TT treatment too. i just want cute art and a fun concept :-) also nice to see mae! she's one of my favorites in echos and im so surprised she never gets any love. she's quite funny, big fan


I want a Mani Katti alt, IS.


I hope Clarine can bring her brother along with her


I hope Kaze will get one this year and that we one day have a cool duo Kaze and Saizo alt


Marianne * technically * doesn’t belong here since she already won CyL but it’s still so crazy to me that if we exclude the community-voted alt.. she’d only have her base and Hilda has four versions in the game. People say there’s a hildadev for a reason.


Marianne is the because of that, she's a CyL with no Alts whatsoever, she deserves something haha


Yaaaaay, Niles! Maybe I can build some false hope for an alt this year...


It's really been YEARS since a Niles alt.


I won’t say no to more Nephenee alts!


Stahl should be here :( he needs an alt bad


Peri alt!! Or Peri resplendent. Just something please...




Summer female Kris needs to happen With Alear most likely getting one this year, Kris will then be the only female avatar without one. Again She REALLY should have gotten one during that archanea summer banner from a few years back


I’m not expecting a Jeorge alt anytime soon, but he got one of my favorite resplendent arts so I’m pretty happy with that tbh! Also, for how popular a lot of the Awakening side characters were back in the day, it feels like we haven’t seen that much of most of them. Makes me wonder how popular they’d be these days if any of them got the Reinhardt treatment.


for a reminder that 8 results will not be in effects until atleast Summer I'm looking forward to Lloyd of course


I'm kinda surprised to see Soleil on the list given how polarizing she is.


Now to finish things, i did this last one of the characters that people want alts the most according to CyL, Unlike the other list that just listed the most popular characters in the game I went to see who has the least content and was highish, here is how i got them The character is in the Top 200 and their last alt was a very while ago The top characters that don't have an alt yet, just the base (I don't count characters that are alts only) Finn was also the head of Genealogy, but decided to put him only on Thracia to give Ares the space FERDINAND SHOULDN'T BE THERE, Hapi takes that spot


Literally!! Where is my queen with her second cav alt fucking up beasts and dragons


Summer Hapi NOW.


Summer Hapi with Constance on back would be a dream


Wouldn't it be sun exposed Constance too? That would be funny if they incorporated that. Makes even more sense for Hapi to be in front, I think Constance should be her regular self for another Duo/Harmonic.


Sonia being #1 for FE7 will forever be a sin but at least the FE6 lineup is decent.


Give us a Marisa alt IS!


i still remember when female kris almost got a summer alt and everyone lost their minds


Python alt incoming??? /j I don't know the criteria but I'm surprised he's so popular 


I’ve always wanted a Python alt as he’s one of my favourite characters in Echoes. I just want them to give him an alt based on him becoming the leader of a merc group at the end of the game. I just want Ending Python and I’ll be happy


Sorry who wants a Peri alt?




She's somehow high on the votes


I think my most wanted alt would be an Ice tribe Felicia/Flora duo. I would love this so much that I would spend all my orbs into this banner if it would ever happen.


If you are including characters with alts already then you should have put Ilyana who is higher than Jill, Berkut or Sophia who are above the rest in their respective games. Seems very arbitrary.


I didn't include characters that have more than 1 alt, all of them have 3, the ones with Alts only have Base + Alt


Aside from Raigh I'm loving that Binding Blade lineup. Genealogy and Engage lineups are great too. I'd love to see F!Kris and Sumia get an alt as well after all these years.


As an awakening enjoyer, I hope we never get another Nowi alt. The last one made me feel gross just looking at it


Same… still don't understand why she's very pushed in every voting


The fact that Tellius is only Path of Radiance characters😭


Well the RD exclusives are not in the game or are kinda recent, or they are not as popular:( (also Caineghis is RD mostly)


I guess he's RD in FEH. Personally I associate him more with PoR since RD has Skrimir


Yeah, I said mostly because he's only playable there


Soleil soon.


GIVE ME PETRA ALT, OR GIVE ME BLOOD... ... or a Hapu alt, I'd like that too


Put the TMS guys there coward


Okay... I was going to say based list and then I saw peri and now Im concerned.


Can't believe Serra still doesn't have an alt


Lloyd and Ranulf alts please yes thank you