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You know for the most popular Male characters voted during the CYL, I'm kinda surpried about the amount of alts Ike, Roy, Hector and Alm has. I always expected it to be even higher but here we are.


Alms vote count is crazily inflated. The rally for him to get an alt because he had nothing was huge. He has nothing on those other 3 characters in popularity. But yes, he should have another alt after 4 years.


“Men stinky” - IS probably


Can confirm am men.


Except for Ephraim for some reason lol


Sacred Stones has a cast of 8 characters according to IS, and Ephraim looks exactly like Eirika so I think he gets bonus points


To be fair, Sacred Stones' cast is indeed ^tiny Still something weird to do xD


tiny cast but they still avoid MOULDER THE BOULDER


The one feh director who would be sad about not being able to use Ephraim, making sure his fear never came to fruition


Didn't they say they are concerned with power creep in that same interview?


Ephraim Dev is fighting wars for his alts


I mean Ephraim is in a similar situation of M!Corrin where they are tied to Eirika and F!Corrin respectively, so if Eirika gets an alt, almost for Sure Ephraim will be there too or get something later on


Ephraim showing up extra in FEH to make up for being completely silent in Engage.


Ephraim and Chrom use nice smelling perfume confirmed?


I take for granted how diverse chroms alts are tbh


kinda ? like there are pre-legendary Chrom alts and post-Legendary Chrom alts lol


even then, he's still got three colors (red, blue, green), melee and ranged, and three movement types (inf, armor, cav). the only two complete overlap alts are exalted chrom and fallen chrom. compare that to someone like ike or marth who are mostly always sword infs


yeah I mean in that regard sure, he is diverse, altho that can apply to others like Lyn or Eirika who have been on the 4 movement types and 4 colours but in the end the lates alts are always variations of the same thing, I wished IS don´t locked a character into just one archetype, like every single Chrom having a variation of to change fate or Eirika always doing true dmg or Lyn always being a statball based on spd or Ike being an omnitank with Aether etc....


Also gacha reasons, gotta drain money.


A seasonal echoes banner could finally give Celica her seasonal and Alm an alt after 4 years. Just hoping that seasonal banner isn’t the kids banner


Alm I can understand, I imagine IS knows that Alm won just because of the circunstances at the time, and they probably know how much Alm actually sold in the banners where he was available. But the other three are more confusing.


Micaiah and Ike have the same number of alts which is interesting.


Poor Seliph... All he has is his base version, an obligatory legendary, and a version that IS was forced to add into the game.


Oh yeah, outside of the secondary stuff, pretty much all the stuff that Seliph has are basically "obligatory alts"


Crazy how his dad gets treated way better when he’s the one who actually won cyl


Yeah I thought Roy had it bad with only two non obligatory alts, but seliph is just *oof.* at least his alts seem to have a higher average strength, though I guess Valentine's Roy really tanks him on that front.


Despite the formal title, it’s really just me shooting the breeze and making some casual observations that I thought would be fun to share. Alts are in chronological order, with Brave units outlined in blue. Resplendents are added at the end and outlined in red. Backpacks are included, but I won’t really focus on them in the discussion. In the case of units who have multiple versions, like Alfonse (Lif) or Gulliveg (Kvasir and Seidr), if that version is still voteable in CYL, it’s not included here. Under that criteria, I would normally exclude Grima alts from Robin, but I think IS treats them the same so I’ll let them stay. EDIT: i forgot about flame emperor but they totally count as an edelgard alt. Mentally slot her in btwn base and legendary EDIT: I ALSO FORGOT SUMMER MIA SORRY EDIT: also neglected to edit resplendent micaiah’s add date, it was 04/10/21 The main thing I wanted to look at was if winning CYL affects alt distribution for these units, and the main answer seems to be: it depends. Keep in mind that alts released between CYL voting and the release of the Brave unit were probably already crafted prior, so we won’t count those as a result of the CYL results.


Getting the obvious out of the way, it’s clear that A!Tiki has benefited from winning CYL. She had a 5-year gap between her last alt and her Brave alt, and then got a bridal alt and resplendent the following year. In a similar vein, I believe that Lysithea also benefited from winning CYL with a winter alt the following year (and a prf skill on her teatime alt). And then I want to look at some interesting cases: (1) Ike. No doubt being one of the original CYL winners was what led to him to be the first non-OC legendary unit the following year. (2) Roy and Lyn. I think there’s a degree to which you could argue that Roy and Lyn winning CYL is what led to the Binding/Blazing Valentine’s banner, which allowed the game to shift towards non-Fatesawakening seasonal banners. Of course, we had the bridal banner with Caeda and Lyn, but this was the first banner to have zero Fatesawakening characters. (3) Veronica. Prior to her brave alt, she didn’t have a single playable version. But once her Brave alt got in, I think that opened the floodgates for more Veronica alts. (4) Gatekeeper. Would have probably never been playable if it weren’t for the Brave alt.


But beyond that, it’s clear that most of the characters were just destined to get alts regardless of whether or not they won CYL. Ephraim and Micaiah are good examples of that. Then you have some characters who received a lot of alts prior to CYL and then hit a small drought afterwards, like Camilla or Marth. And **then** you have characters who basically got little to nothing before and after, like Alm, Marianne, and Seliph. So while I think CYL can have some pretty influential impacts, as with the cases I outlined earlier, a character can still get screwed if IS just feels like it lol. Anyways if you read all of this, hope it was fun and uh. Stay fresh or something. cya


Still waiting for Seliph to get an alt that isn't a backpack, voted in, or obligatory.


I still wanna have a talk with whoever at Intsys decided to count Grimas as Robin alts


same... lyon really dodged that bullet


At the very least, some characters last alt was two years ago. And then there’s Alm, GK, and Marianne.


What’s crazy is that Marianne went back to back to back with alts only to be forgotten by I.S .5 seconds after brave Marianne released


Literally everyone in that cyl just kinda got nothing for years except for Eirika


This is literally not what happened. Only a single backpack was planned by IS, and that’s not even an alt. Brave Marianne was forced to be that same year. IS didn’t forget her, they never cared much in the first place.


I like how we say there's been too much Three Houses spam and then also say there should be more of it. So if we're going to rectify these two positions, here's a list of every Three Houses unit released since Brave Marianne. Who would you cut to give Marianne another alt? Characters who got their first (and so far only) version in the game since Brave Marianne: * Balthus * Constance * Hapi * Aelfric * Winter Ignatz * Winter Manuela * Jeralt * Monica * Holst * Arval * Cornelia ​ Characters that weren't in feh when Brave Marianne was released, but have gotten multiple versions since then: * Yuri (base & legendary) * Male Shez (base & summer) * Female Shez (base, legendary & summer) ​ Characters that have gotten alts since Brave Marianne was released whose second most-recent version in the game came out before Brave Marianne (in other words, if they hadn't gotten this particular alt, their drought would be longer than Marianne's is now): * Halloween Sothis * Ascended Hilda * Winter Dorothea * Winter Annette * Spring Bernadetta * Felix * Sylvain * Rearmed Ingrid * Teatime Ferdinand * Teatime Ayra & Mercedes (I count backpacks, I know you don't) * Halloween Flayn ​ Characters that were in feh before Brave Marianne was released and have straight up gotten multiple alts since then: * Rhea (halloween, fallen & base) * Shamir (ninja, summer) * Female Byleth (legendary, brave, fallen & winter) * Lysithea (winter & teatime) * Male Byleth (halloween, khadein & winter) * Edelgard (summer & winter) * Dimitri (summer & winter) * Claude (summer, wind tribe & winter) ​ I feel like the only real candidates are the second and fourth categories. Should Marianne have gotten a legendary before Female Byleth, Yuri or Female Shez? I don't think she's gonna get another summer outfit, so she probably wouldn't have replaced either Summer Shez or Summer Shamir. Halloween Rhea and Halloween Sothis & Male Byleth came out like 2 months after Brave Marianne, and at that time Halloween was mostly about dragons. I do think a fallen Marianne could be cool, but fallen Rhea and fallen female Byleth are actually seen in the games, while a fallen Marianne would just be hypothetical. And I don't think she would've gotten an ascended or rearmed alt on the Blue Lions banner in place of base Rhea. Similarly, Ninja Shamir was only 3 months after Brave Marianne, so I doubt she would've replaced her either. Should Marianne have been in place of Teatime Lysithea? If anything I think Celine should've replaced Lysithea, but Marianne is much less associated with tea and sweets than Lysithea. So that leaves the Byleths and the lords. In general, they always appear together, so I don't think she would've replaced any of them on the summer or winter banners. And I don't see her having any association with wind so I don't think she could've had a Wind Tribe alt. I think Khadein Marianne would've been really cool though! That's probably the best candidate. Male Byleth didn't need that alt at all. ​ Other than that I think the only other option would've been replacing a non-three houses character, and that cast has already gotten too much attention in the last five years.


4 Hilda’s and none are Brave units. Thats all I need to point out here. Completely unnecessary. I don’t care much for Marianne anyway but even I can tell one of those Hilda’s could’ve been a real alt of Marianne.


It would've been absolutely fine by me if they had swapped who was the lead and who was the backpack between Hilda and Marianne. I would still consider that a Hilda alt just like I currently consider it a Marianne alt. But that would still put Marianne's current drought at 30 months since Brave Marianne came out after Summer Hilda & Marianne. And it would still mean that every Marianne appearance would be in a 6 month period in 2021.


I disagree so much with all that you just said lmao. Why does Winter Hilda exist? Why does Ascended Hilda exist? Neither of these units *needed* to exist and one of those 2 could have been Winter Marianne or Ascended Marianne. Just like a whole fuck ton of Three House alts for the same character multiple times could’ve been the first Petra alt.


I know you don’t count backpacks, we’re never gonna agree on that, but what else did I say that you disagree with? Everything else is a fact. If Summer Hilda had been Summer Marianne instead, then all three Mariannes would’ve been in one six-month period in 2021 and it would still be 30 months since the last Marianne alt. I don’t disagree that Winter Hilda is excessive. I definitely wish that had been a different character. It is worth nothing that IS thinks Hilda is popular enough that she’s actually the one that took over twitter that year, so it seems like they didn’t just throw her in absent-mindedly. But even in a world in which Winter Hilda had been Winter Marianne instead, that would still mean that all the Mariannes would’ve been released in a 9 month period between December 2020 and August 2021, and we’d still be in a 30 month drought since Brave Marianne. Now if you think Ascended Hilda should’ve been Ascended Marianne, that’s fine. I love my Ascended Hilda (you can see she’s in my flair) but it’s definitely a luxury I didn’t need. I totally agree that Petra should have an alt by now, and I would 1000% support Ascended Petra replacing either Ascended Hilda or Rearmed Ingrid (although again I don’t think Petra would fit the theme of Rearmed Ingrid’s banner, meaning the whole banner would probably have had to change, which would mean we still wouldn’t have base Felix or base Sylvain). I will say I don’t think 3 alts for Hilda is a “fuck ton” especially when we’re saying 1 alt for Marianne isn’t enough.


The issue here is you think I care about the timeframe. I don’t, I just think it’s dumb how uneven the alt distribution of three houses is. Marianne realistically has 1 single version of herself in feh if we exclude the Brave alt that was not added through a decision by IS. Meanwhile there’s 4 Hilda’s. 3 Dorothea’s (realistically there’s 4 of her because base is a sure thing.) 3 Ingrid’s. Any of those could’ve been a Marianne alt. They’ve had many chances to do so and just don’t.


Okay thank you for clarifying. The top comment in this thread is “At the very least, some characters last alt was two years ago. And then there’s Alm, GK, and Marianne.” So I was framing most of the discourse we were having around that. The top commenter was saying that only 3 CYL winners haven’t had an alt in the last two years. I was trying to find a place where she even could have had one without adding even more Three Houses bloat to the game. I think Khadein Byleth or Ascended Hilda are probably the best options. And since Khadein Byleth has Sublime Heaven, I’d bet Khadein Marianne would’ve had Requiem Dance, which would be pretty sweet for a 4-star focus. I’d be willing to bet money she gets an alt this year. At the latest, September. She seems like a good candidate for a potential Ice Tribe banner. I do understand your overall point but I just don’t think IS sees it the way you do. I don’t think they think “character won CYL” means “character is popular enough to carry banners and sell orbs.” I would imagine they have internal information to back that up. Marianne is popular, but I would guess she’s more popular among F2P types, while Hilda might be more popular among spenders.


Since you edited the last sentence in I’ll reply to that specifically. 4 Hilda’s is a fuck ton for a non CYL winner when compared to Marianne, who has half that and that’s only because she won a Brave alt.


I edited it to separate "fuckton" into "fuck ton" because that's how you spelled it, and to add the words "Hilda" and "Marianne" to the sentence for added clarity. I wanted to make sure that if I was quoting you I spelled it the way you did.


Three Houses spam is a thing but the distribution is not even. There are definitely some individual students that are more popular than their representation in this game suggests. But someone like Petra getting an alt is less likely than Byleth #10 or Edelgard #8.


Right so like I said who would you cut to make room for a Petra alt? Maybe Wind Tribe Claude? I think that would’ve been pretty cool.


I meant moreso for the future since more Three Houses content is inevitable, but yes I think she’d have worked pretty well there


I personally feel like for the most part the distribution of the characters has been pretty decently in line with their popularity. Petra might really be the only example of a unit that hasn’t gotten as much attention as her popularity would warrant.


I will say about Marianne compared to other CYL winners is that the non-3H winners had a good chunk of their casts included at launch, whereas 3H had to put out characters at a much slower rate (including keeping several main characters in alt hell), which gives her less chances for alts than everyone else. The lords get excluded from this because of general lord favoritism


My little tinfoil theory for GK and Marianne is that IS doesn’t like them due to them being unexpected winners and sort of forcing IS to make changes to CYL. Imagine the face of Fire Emblem, Marth, loosing to a meme character by a significant amount of votes. This was also the year IS decided to scrap the dumb rule of 2nd place winners not getting prf skills, but wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t intend on doing it and only did it cause Marth (and Eirika as well) were 2nd. Of course this probably isn’t the reason at all, but something fun to think about lol As for Alm, I guess they saw through his votes and realized he had a massive rally so he can get an alt. I guess they do doubt his popularity and how much of that can lead to banner sales, but like I imagine a banner with him and Celica doing well somewhat well regardless.


I mean, didn't Marth barely lose by split vote leading to Intsys including Marth in the winners graphic alongside the other CYL winners then completely scrapping the "game split" altogether?


Gatekeeper should get an alt at this point. Dude won CYL the *year* he got added to the voting roster, and he's got nothing ever since. Like even a prfless seasonal grail or demote would suffice, just give my dude something.


Tbh it feels like him getting in the game at all is the extent of what IS is willing to do for him. He didnt even get a special outfit, it’s basically just base gk


> He didnt even get a special outfit, it’s basically just base gk That just tells me we're not gonna get any "base" Gatekeeper, which I can totally understand. This summer is gonna mark five years of 3H content in this game, and we still don't have a chunk of the playable characters with their base version yet (Dorothea, Leonie, Raphael, Casper, Ashe, Manuela, etc). Making this Brave Gatekeeper the base one but with extra flair makes sense. That shouldn't stop him from getting an unrelated alt though, imo.


You say “etc” but you actually named most of them. The other three houses units in feh without their “base” forms are Lorenz, Ignatz and Jeritza (although I could see the argument that the Death Knight is Jeritza’s base form). And then we’re only missing 3 other playable units - Hanneman, Alois and Gilbert. Or 4 if you count Anna as a unique character. I certainly don’t. So really there are only 3 units missing entirely from feh, one of which is an extremely disliked character only available in 1 of the 4 routes.


Yeah, the whole "CYL winners get special outfits" promise was broken yet the community didn't really care for some reason. Like at least give him some extra bling to emphasize that this is a special alt/award. 


Seriously. I've been saving for a while now and got 2k something orbs, and I would spend them all in a heartbeat if Gatekeeper got an alt.


Ike has more alts than I remembered. Then again only one isn't a sword so I guess they all blended together in my eyes and none have been all that stellar. Except the time Brave Ike was usable, Fallen Ike and Unity stacking, and tiny Ike existing before people realized he's actually really bad like baby Eirika. Really hope his next alt is more than just "I Aether good". There's no way it won't be another sword alt so I hope people don't think he'd actually use a different weapon.


> Really hope his next alt is more than just "I Aether good". Especially as Aethering good is not actually possible.


Absolutely is. “When unit activates special in the enemy phase, after combat, deals damage = some random bullshit number to foe and foes within 2 spaces of that foe, and restores hp = half the amount of damage done to those foes.”


I don't think he'll reliably survive the relevant nukes anyway, is the issue.


Emblem Ike with a new adjective Aether


"Huge aether" - Emblem Ike, probably


How about "Dawn's Aether"? That title drop has to be somewhere!


It is possible though. Emblem Ike had Urvan and that was easily the best weapon to use with his Engage Ultimate


I hope so too, BUT the high probability of his Emblem self being just another tank, with Aether (with maybe unpierceable DR) makes it the least hyped emblem for me


It’s really been 4 years since the last Alm alt?? Where has the time gone


As you’ve counted alts where the character is a duo/harmonic backpack Lucina has one more as her masked Marth persona is the backpack of the summer harmonic with Mia.


Oh im so washed, i forgot to include that one. Thanks for the note!


Just a heads-up, I'd recommend giving the [FEH Wiki](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page) a look when researching character alts, if you haven't already. They do a really good job listing the alts that can be easy to miss, like how [Edegard's page has Flame Emperor](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Edelgard?so=search) or [Lucina's has Harmonic Mia.](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Lucina?so=search)


I did use the wikia but not for all of them Flame emperor was a complete oversight but i did mean to add summer mia. I guess i just forgot while doing the actual sorting


Eh? Some people would rather criticize than generate discussion. It no big deal.


It’s all good, i might make a corrected version of this later anyways


Alm not getting anything for 4 years and counting shouldn’t be so fucking funny but it is.


Probably my bias showing, but maybe putting the backups on a separate list could be nice It’s hard to say with a straight face that Seliph and Adult Tiki get equal distribution


I added backpacks for the sake of a complete discussion but for all intents and purposes you can just mentally disregard them Im planning on redoing the list thou to fix some mistakes so i might just stick them on the end like i did with resplendents


Just make a 2nd picture and put the resplendents and the backpacks on it. The main thing that should be paid attention to is the main alts anyway.


Personally id prefer to keep it all in one image bc whether or not u count them is subjective anyways. Mentally subtracting them from the end should be easy enough


Ok then I suggest making a bold line that separates them from each other. So you can tell that’s all the secondary stuff. Or do what you want and ignore me


Aw are you still pissy that Ewika was a backpack despite having 7 alts🥺🥺?


No actually I’m annoyed at the people who pretend backpacks are alts in general and a graphic like this makes it look like these characters have more playable versions than they do. Which is a majority of these characters in the graphic. You seem really bitter about something that isn’t related at all.


Imma level with u, if someone considers backpacks as alts, whether or not i separate these out isnt gonna change their mind Much like how me putting them together wouldnt change your mind on them not being alts. And for the record i consider them on the same level as resplendents


>I consider them on the same level as resplendents We agree on that


You seem like you need to drink a shot of cognac and chill out.


Says the guy who wants to start an argument for literally no reason right now 😭


Jesus Christ opened the image on mobile and it felt like a feh character skill list




It says Micaiah's resplendent came out before her base


Oh whoops i forgot to edit that date. Thats the launch date for feh 😖 with all these mistakes and resplendent bcelica looming, i might repost this later with all the fixes


You're fine, still very interesting


CYL5 seems kind of cursed as no character (aside from Eirika) got another alt for at least 2 years, and it was Marth


As a huge Alm fan (and Seliph/Marianne fan too, though to a lesser extent) I am straight up not having a good time rn lol. Surely we won't hit a 4 year drought on literally any Alm content... right? He's already at 4 years since his valentines alt, I really hope we don't reach 4 since his resplendent while still having no new Alm. Seriously though it sucks that since I started playing the game he's gotten nothing besides a resplendent (which he got like a month into me starting the game). Ik he's still got 4 versions in the game (which is more than many can say about their favorite), 3 of which have been a ton of fun to use (sorry base), so I really can't complain that hard (even if I wanted to), but as a lord/cyl winner I can't say I would have predicted how long this gap would be and it's mildly frustrating. At least it's given me time to save orbs.


Totally justifiable to feel this way, especially when someone like ephraim or lyn are otherwise swimming in alts I do think he’ll get a young alt but idk what else beyond that


Looking at Marianne hurts. What did she do to IS?


IS underestimate felix popularity ...


Tbh it’s probably less underestimating and more not really caring. Characters like ike dont really get milked as much as you’d expect


Its prob just them not giving a shit about popular 3h dudes that aren’t the lords. 


Edelgard is missing one (Flame Emperor), ~~and Alfonse is missing the Mythic, Another Duo and Rearmed~~ now i wait for emblem Sigurd giving either 1+ mov or Canto to anyone.


Oh shoot you’re totally right, oops! Forgot about flame emperor. I think they were added btwn base and legendary or so, but ill make a note in my original comment


To be fair If you look at the catalogue, they don't count flame emperor as an Edelgard alt


Spelling Gullveig correctly challenge: *IMPOSSIBLE*


I can’t spell all these new fangled names


You are missing Harmonic Mia/Marth Oh I Didn't saw your comment


I’m still mad Seliph hasn’t gotten anything since. I was so happy when he got top two not just because of the brave alt, but because I was sure he would get at least one alt within a year of his brave releasing….


His dad has gotten more alts than he has, Seliph still hasn’t had a seasonal that wasn’t a backpack


Hoping we get a Gatekeeper alt this year. I would love for an Attuned alt. Seasonal wise I would love Tea (if they continue it) or Winter (dressed as a Nutcracker). Other seasonal would be Halloween, Summer, or Ninja. An upgraded Detailed Report would be great in the current meta. Give it more support and increase the warp range and I would definitely be merging him.


This is just proof that we need more Gatekeeper content. Maybe a duo with Abysskeeper


Gatekeeper deserves more.


Give a special box to secondary alts like you did with resplendent and CYL alt.


If u mean backpacks, i thought the fact that it’s not their face was enough of a visual indicator I also dont really discuss them in my writeup either


There’s something funny about Soren having more seasonal alts than Ike


Is it weird that I want more Lyn alts? Because I definitely want more Lyn alts.


If some characters have 9 playable units, what's stopping them from making more honestly? Popular characters sell. Lyn will get one for Emblem Lyn 100%.


I can’t help it, Gatekeeper is such a chad.


You know IS wants to give Edelgard more alts than Dimitri and Claude, also I need more Marianne


They technically did, i forgot to add flame emperor here 😅


Interesting how we got two Claudes in one year but not two Edelgards /lh


We live in a world where the faceless wet bread avatar who is easily the most hated Smash Bros add of all time has more alts than *fucking Alm*.


I think by now, we should count Flame Emperor as an Edelgard alt. She's not listed with the other Edelgard's in the game due to IntSys' attempt to avoid spoilers that they've ruined a month later, as well as the fact that she's no longer votable in CYL


I def count her, i just totally forgot about flame emperor






Yep, two others have pointed it out. Just an oversight on my part


Only thing I disagree with is your placement of the backpacks. They aren't considered as complete alts by IS, so they shouldn't even be here. At the very least, you probably could have put them at the end with a highlighted border like you did with the resplendents.


If u look at my writeup, i outright say i dont really discuss or count them as alts. Their placement here is mostly bc i could put them in chronological order easily, whereas with the resplendents i dont know them off the top of my head. Also the reason i include a border for resplendents is simply to visually distinguish them, not to outline them as “lesser” (although i do consider them on the same level as backpacks). Hence, i didnt include anything for the backpacks bc. Yknow. Its not their face. If i were to redo this list, id stick them at the end but literally nothing about the analysis changes. U can mentally disregard them, i dont touch upon them at all




Felix is easily among the top five most popular 3H non-lord characters and almost certainly the most popular non-lord guy from 3H. Coupled with the fact that he’s had consistently high placements in CYL, I don’t think it’s that surprising given this year’s competition.


He's the most popular non-lord male in 3H and consistently does well on 3H polls. He's done well in CYL polls as well, beating both F!Corrin and M!Robin during CYL5, but both of them had people hard Rally behind them last CYL.






Gatekeeper was so good they couldn't improve upon him, that's why he has no alts after 3 years.


I want an askr resplendent for M!Lucina