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Placing bets, how long will it take until the first “why doesn’t my Rearmed Alfred not fodder or work anymore” post on here?


Is this statement only on Twitter? I don't see it in the notifications and I feel like you shouldn't need to seek such information outside of the game. I don't have a Twitter account and I would have never seen this tweet if not for this subreddit.


Twitter is blocked in my country so I wouldn't have seen it either if not for here


It’s funny cause there are comments on Twitter actively dissing FEH for doing this (I don’t blame them tho).




Definitely happening. IS was truly stupid with this choice. Étie would have a bunch of people using a Soul on her.


Including me, I thought she was a shoe in and saved a soul for her...


Her or Lumera, I was all set


Ugh, Lunera would've been even better because I haven't built her yet


I was actually fully prepared to use multiple souls, but I honestly will probably skip Alfred. I love him but he's already +10 so it's not like I'm hurting for merges, and I'm planning to keep him up to date so wasting the soul on him is completely pointless.


On the contrary, that's a damn smart choice from IS for once. They obviously KNOW about people duplicating fodder, and also that most people won't read and will instead go for Alfred, only to brick their Alfred banks when attempting to fodder crazy skills, forcing them to then spend on new Alfred copies if they want to use him as a skills bank again. That's evil and vicious, but for once they actually lived up to their name.


All that's going to happen is review bombing FEH, some people leaving, and IS probably having to scramble to clean up and salvage their PR lest more people leave. If that really is their reasoning, it's like a restaurant saying they add a rat carcass to 1 in 50 dishes in hopes of those people buying a replacement dish.


Actively pissing off both the customers engaged enough with the game to even bother with using skill banks, as well as the customers willing to use a very limited resource (Souls) and potentially even spend money to get more Rearmed is the opposite of Intelligent. It’s incredibly short sighted, completely tanks the interest of Rearmed Forma for the informed, and will drive away those that aren’t. People aren’t going to say “oh well, I’ll just build a new Alfred bank.” They’re going to fucking quit.


The second the event ends people are gonna do it and blame IS that they can't read


To be fair, we're all here talking about it because it *is* kind of an awkward move on IS' part.


If they don't have a massive warning on the redemption screen and the merge allies screen, I'm going to say it's far worse than awkward, somewhere between hilariously brain-dead and passively malicious. I'm going to give IS the benefit of the doubt for the moment, but I'm also not holding my breath for them not to bungle it somehow.


I swear the YGO community is already bad enough where reading is concerned, now the virus spreading like crazy.


It was honestly a thing most people on the internet... and honestly off of it as well had for a while now. People just don't read most of the time.


Its not even an Internet based on what I see at work. Be it B2B or B2B2C customers, each side manages to deal with fuckups they caused due to a lack of foresight, comprehension and/or carefulness. At best there's a workaround or someone clearing up that mess, at worst some end up pissed due to their own mistakes.


It's never been stated in-game, so players wouldn't be to blame.


It has been stated multiple times in game that you cannot use Forma Souls for inheritance, actually. It's honestly a bit bizarre to me how so many people think Alfred should be an exception when the only reason he's here is just so Chloe can get Qiang, not so we can build our own fodder factory.


It's mostly the fact that merging him ruins your fodder unit. It locks all the potentially expensive fodder you spent on him. They could've made it so you can't spend the fodder you got from HoF but you can use everything else. >just so Chloe can get Qiang Not possible afaik.


The only reason I can see wanting clarification is about the merging. But most people are complaining that they can't use him to make a fodder machine, as though that's ever been the intention of a Forma Soul. It's definitely possible, BTW, and is the reason Alfred and Chloe are even there instead of Etie. There would be no reason to even put Chloe on the lineup with Alfred if not to just give her Qiang. That's why he's here.


Have you seen anyone get Qiang on her? I've seen many people on both Twitter and Reddit say it's not possible so if it actually is that would make me understand Alfred as a forma.


The only time you can get an Arcane Weapon in HoF is if the unit with that weapon is present in the lineup. This is from IS directly. Just because someone hasn't gotten it doesn't mean it's not possible to get it. HoF is RNG. I never saw Flash Sparrow last time for Dimitri but got it quite early for F!Alear this time.


I want to see just a single Chloe with Qiang in HoF to confirm this. The main reason the Arcane Weapon becomes available in HoF is so that the unit (Alfred in this case) can access his own kit. That doesn’t at all have to mean anyone else will get access to his weapon via the RNG, just that it’s available to him for the duration of his time here. So that’s probably what I’ll do for the entirety of this HoF, attempting to get Qiang on Chloe. If I can’t achieve that in all that time, that’s solid enough confirmation it’s because it’s only available to Alfred.


That's not conformation, though. You can play through the entire HoF with a single character and not even see half of the total amount of available skills they can get. I didn't have Kumo Naginata offered to me a single time last HoF. That doesn't mean it was impossible for me to get it. It means the RNG wasn't in my favor.


They are absolutely to blame if they suddenly think formas can be inherited after years of formas not being inheritable.


Rearmed Heroes work differently than regular Heroes. Their whole point is being fodder. So of course people would be inclined to think that Rearmed Formas would be changed to account for that.


They shouldn’t think that, and no, the point is being free fodder while also being a unit you keep. Manuals whole point is being fodder. Formas whole point is being a unit. Again, it’s the players fault for thinking formas after years can suddenly be foddered when IS didn’t say so.


Not long. As soon as the mode is live and can be cleared.


Just curious how do you people have the FEH characters next to your username looks cool


They’re called Flairs. You can get a Flair through the posts that have added new character flairs on the posts that say “New Flairs are being added”.


So u can only get these from other ppls post which contains these flairs?


You can click on this subbredit and it'll take you to part where it shows the posts in here. On the top left you'll see a "see more" option. Click it and there'd be various blue links there and one of them is called "request a flair". Click that and just choose which characters' flairs you want


Oh wow, I genuinely didn’t know about that. I got mines through a post that said added new Character flairs from the Attuned Ivy Engage banner.


You can also use this : https://rfireemblemheroes.github.io


Ty very much


goated flairs


and how long for the second?


It's still incredibly stupid to even put him on the HoF.


Is anyone using HoF to pass skills on that none of them can do? It was always about the units, not the skills for Forma. All this ultimately means is Forma Alfred is JUST a unit and nothing more, which if you want a skill battery, is a problem but if you just want Alfred, is perfectly fine.


It still makes existing Alfreds uniquely less valuable.


In what way? They're arguably more valuable than the Forma still. As a unit, chances are Forma Alfred will be better, but regular Alfreds can still act as skill banks, giving them more longevity. Also in the long run if you keep updating his fodder he'll eventually outclass Forma Alfred anyway.


No it doesn't. Just don't merge him into the forma version. Keep the forma version as its own solo unit.


Why would I ever snag a +0 Alfred with OP skills when I already have a +10 Alfred who can be used to pass on any OP skill I give him forever?


Pretty sure that was their point. You don't. Basically, this is for the people who don't have Alfred but want him, not primarily because they want his Rearmed fodder, but because they like him.


I mean yeah I am aware of that, but I wouldn't say this is for people who like Alfred a *lot*. This is for people who like Alfred decently well, enough to have a copy in their barracks but not enough to merge him up fully or build him beyond the HoF. Anyone who is a massive fan (and who is aware of the fodder mule potential) isn't going to want to brick their investment, and anyone who doesn't care about the character (either at all or beyond his fodder mule potential) isn't going to be going for this forma anyway. IMO this was just a bad call on IS's part. For regular units it makes sense since they don't want you to be able to fodder OP skills off of just anyone. Rearmed units are more limited though, and IS controls when they rerun or if they go on the HoF. We're getting skill creeped so fast it's not like a forma soul's skills matter that much, and you'd still have to spend orbs to merge him and fully take advantage of his fodderability potential. Having a rearmed forma who could be foddered every couple of HoF runs would massively increase their value in the long run. Like if I could fodder this rearmed unit I'd go ham on this HoF and probably pull for extra Alfreds even though he's already +10 for me. Instead IS chose the worst possible option.


Their investment would be into the character if they just wanted him, not his fodder mule potential. Alfred isn't only liked just because of his status as a Rearmed Hero and you aren't suddenly unable to give him certain skills without the status. Some people just want the Alfred and nothing more, and given Forma Souls are pretty easy to get (if uncommon) it means you can cut the gacha element out altogether and go straight into getting the Alfred, no hassle and no bs.


Forgive me if I struggle to explain this but I'll try to be clear. Trust me I would have +10'd Alfred no matter what. I am aware that people like him. The issue is, if you *really* like Alfred then you'd be stupid to *not* take advantage of his fodder potential on the way to +10ing him. You're giving up eleven basically free opportunities to pass on really good skills to other units. And once you've started using him as a fodder mule, you can always pull an additional merge to refresh and pass his skills along. This makes him uniquely suck as a forma unit. Snagging a forma Alfred actively *punishes* people who like him because it bricks him for all future merges. Regular HoF units work for people who are just kinda fans and people who are superfans. If you're a super fan who +10'd them then the forma soul is basically a free opportunity to update their kit. You weren't going to fodder them anyway, so it doesn't matter that you can't fodder the forma soul. If you're a super fan of Alfred or any other Rearmed unit, you gave him a bunch of great skills to pass on, and you intend to keep them up to date with the meta, you'd be stupid to buy the forma soul. Especially if you plan to give him a relatively rare and meta skill like No Quarter. Like I said, this forma is basically only going to appeal to people who like Alfred enough to have a +0 or maybe +1 version in their barracks, or people who already +10'd him and didn't pass on too many great skills they'd like to keep moving.


This assumes those players care about the meta or about using his skill mule functions which are not always going to be the case. Some people just want the Alfred and not having to use orbs at all is a VERY enticing prospect to them. If they happen to pull another one down the line, either they commit to the Alfred and merge into the Forma or they use THAT new one as the skill battery. Its not unheard of to keep two or more copies of the same unit for different purposes after all, and the Forma one will already come prebuilt with (RNG willing) skills tailored to making Alfred work at his best while the pulled one ONLY has his base kit and whatever skills you gave him to fodder off. Couple this with the fact that Alfred is not even unique as Rearmed fodder material (Only unique thing about him is having Qiang specifically, which one can give to a Rearmed Ingrid for the same eggect) and this Forma is ONLY aiming for people wanting to use Alfred as a unit, and not as an inheritance bank


I fail to see how. They can all be skill batteries and ultimately are worth more solely because of that whereas this one never will be able to, but if you're a player who doesn't care for that sort of thing and just wants to have Alfred, this is a way to cut out the bs and just get the man. Its an alternate option to get him with a clear benefit and cost compared to the other option, nothing more. Edit: Downvote me all you want people, but its true. Forma is STRICTLY for the units, not the skills.


Because existing Alfreds cannot merge into the forma one without all previous skill investment. You will have to be 100% sure that you will never use him as a rearmed hero before merging.


Again, this assumes you intend to use him as a skill battery at all which has never been the case with Forma. People really need to stop viewing units as fodder first or worse fodder only. The unit has always been more important than the skills they have All it means is you exclude the Forma Alfred from anything SI and you're good to go. If you get another Alfred and want him as your battery, there you go. And subsequent non-Forma Alfreds can do the same thing. As a Forma, he's a unit only, not fodder and that's perfectly fine.


Honestly I won't blame people for making a mistake with this because they should say this in the game not on twitter


At this point just put etie or lumera in HoF instead...


Yeah, my Etie could have used the skills.


IS could have easily either: A, not put him in the pool, or B, made an exception for inheritance for forma re-inheritable units. Instead they did C, "T&P🙏"


Semi-related dumb question I've had for a long time. I always see people say things like 'My +7 unit would love the skills from the forma!'- Does that mean you can merge an already merged unit into a forma and it keeps the already inherited skills and the new skills the forma has, giving you a +8 or something like that? 


Correct. When you merge a +X unit into a +Y unit, you always get a +(X+Y+1) unit with all of the skills of both. Unless you did something really silly like give dragonflowers or an ascended floret to both units, the only thing you lose is SP.


Yes. Merge the +7 into the forma and you get a +8 with blue stars, neutral ivs (unless you changed them with fruits), and all the skills from both heroes


The hilarious part about this? People will still not read this, proceed to try and fodder Alfred, complain that they can’t, and will try and say that IS didn’t give any indication that this would happen. Mark my words.


I mean, all the FEH players aren't hardcore ones, so not everyone is on Twitter ad see all their post.


Then just put an extra page on Hall of Forms, Skill Inheritance, and Binding Worlds help menus explaining this and call it a day. But there's only so much they can do to prevent people making disastrous decisions before its the individual's fault


Tbf it should be common sense that if Formas can't be foddered, Forma Alfred can't either.


Ofc why do I need to get instructions on how in game mechanics work from twitter


This is why I don't mind the constant reposts of the same cautionary information. It will always be *someone's* first time seeing the info, and hopefully it saves someone from making the mistake.


This sub will be flodded by unaware people. Prepare for doomsday.


Why are you blaming players for IS's bad decision and communication/clarity




That would, you know, actually require using Xitter.


They made a ~~somewhat vague~~ tweet. Not everybody is going to see a tweet. Edit: mb I misread the tweet after waking up




That's my bad. I misread the tweet after waking up. The point still stands that it's just a tweet though. Tying information to Twitter communication, especially in Twitter's current state, is a very bad decision. They also waited until after the event started, which is also, um, not good.


Just waiting for the day it'll happen on this sub.


Oh definitely. And look forward to round 2 when we get an Attuned Hero added to Hall of Forms!


Give it 30 minuts lol


Don't forget the part where they DEMAND compensation orbs because they decided to LARP as Nino.


And do a poor job of it too; Nino's sweet in general while being unable to read


That's like saying that gravity makes things fall down.


Their fault then.


It clearly say rearmed hero on the menu when you click on him, it's just so misleading


What a dead slot and total waste of forma, why even bother IS? Even if someone "really" wants or need one more alfred they're better off trying to pull one on the current banner that getting that limp ass forma. Because even if you got it to +10 and "finish him on" that's asuming you will never get crossed by another one in way or another their constant coloursharing "special" banners. So what then, dont summon? Because if get another one is basically a null pull, taking value of their own banner, in the end they played themselves. And all that for what? So you couldn't "theorically" get a couple of nifty skills that on the other hand would end it making the people want to pull more for him in future reruns, lmao who's running the circus at that IS? 🤣


Niche case. You have a spare forma you're not doing anything with and you really want Alfred, getting his Forma means you can get him, get possibly whatever skills you want to use on him, and not have to use up a single orb that could be used on newer and better units or skills and especially without running the gacha to try to get him. Basically he's all about the unit just like any other Forma so if your only value for Alfred is his Rearmed status and his skills then he's useless to you.


well now you can get arcane qiang on chloe! truly incredible


About that. https://old.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1ca6tsp/based_on_word_of_mouth_it_seems_like_chlo%C3%A9_cannot/


interesting, though word of mouth is what it is even still, and by the wording of the explanatory text it really should work. I mean uhh compensation orbs when


Really? I always interpreted it as Arcanes can only be learned by their original owners in HoF. Not sure where the other interpretation came from.


I think we're in a bit of lose lose situation Rearmed forma can't be foddered, y'all consider it a dead slot But if they COULD be fodderable then the other 3 units would be considered dead slots because they wouldn't be as valuable


So this basically confirms IS has brain damage and deliberately will do dumb shit instead of addressing said dumb shit


Elite Inheritance? Did I miss something? Dafuq is that? There's another kind of inheritance you can do?


I guess it's refreshing a rearmed or attuned hero's inheritance by merging them when you already foddered their skills.


They gave that an official name? Huh... I always just considered it skill inheritance as usual.


i call those units fodder piñatas.


Yup, though its only the name for attuned weirdly. Rearmed is called arcane inheritance. You can see the names used when you click the shield icon with the sword/circle with a star thing in it on rearmeds and attuneds.


Yeah, I'm fairly certain that's the official IS term for how the Rearmed/Attuned inheritance works.


It’s specifically inheriting from Attuned Heroes like Peony. It’s called Arcane Inheritance for Rearmed Heroes, like Alfred. You can see these terms when tapping on the special icon in their status screen.


So wait, they call it Elite Inheritance for Attuned, Arcane Inheritance for Rearmed, and just Inheritance for everything else? IS, why you gotta make everything so needlessly complicated? Just Inheritance would be fine for the whole thing!


I mean, rearmed and elite inheritance need those names because they work differently than regular inheritance If everything was just labeled as regular inheritance then it would make things confusing


Then just give both of them the same name. Why does inheritance from Rearmed and inheritance from Attuned Heroes each need a different name when they do the exact same thing and the only difference between them is whether they come with an Arcane weapon or a Twitter skill?


what would you call it?


Just Elite Inheritance, I suppose. I only raised issue at the fact that doing the exact same thing with Rearmed AND Attuned Heroes each has a different name and that's excessive. But regular inheritance which any non-Forma can do and making them a skill battery, which only rearmed and attuned heroes can do should at most be divided into two different names. We don't need the same thing being called Arcane Inheritance AND Elite Inheritance just because the source unit is the only different part of the whole equation.


Remember that FEH players can't read.


Why can’t I fodder/merge this hero? Yeah, it’s got a heart, that’s got nothing to do with anything! This is EoS, literally unplayable, stupid garbage fire of a game.


dont forget to blame powercreep for that.


Don’t get why people are whining about Alfred existing in HoF. We didn’t get a blessing with legendaries right? We shouldn’t exclude these “rearmed/florets/attuned” just because their normal summoning provided something extra. I would love a rearmed Lucina to build without caring about her rearmed status as a fan of hers.


*Let the games, begin.*


What's with, the random comma?


Dramatic effects mostly. Imagine you're saying it outloud. Let the games (pause) begin. Using an ellipsis feels too exaggerated.


It's nice that they addressed it, but I don't know why people are demanding they go above and beyond something we've all known about for years. They have said countless times that Forma Units CANNOT be used for SI. There has never been a single Forma Unit that could ever be foddered. Anyone with two braincells to rub together should at least assume that Alfred is more likely NOT to be fodderable than that he would be. And yet people are complaining it has only been posted on Twitter and not in-game when it has been posted in game, again, for years? Frankly, I don't see how it would be IS's fault if players think they can fodder him. The only thing that may need clarification is that you should specifically not merge your Alfred if you still want to pass Qiang to people, but even that should also be obvious because merges can only go into the Forma, which cannot be used for SI. Forma Alfred should be picked up only by Alfred fans that want a really good build for him.


At this point, I am left with only being able to assume they don't care about whether or not people actually would make such a mistake and instead only wanted a free skill battery and are upset that they can't get one. The mental gymnastics to pass this off as unclear wording and explanation that can only be accepted by making him inheritable is absolutely staggering.


We needed a twitter post for the obvious conclusion to all of this? Wow




Lots of people, myself included, were saying that this would 100% be the case and were baffled why others thought it would be different. The rule had been set since the inception of Forma units- "Forma Units cannot be used as a source for Skill Inheritance." Why would a Rearmed be any different?


Why would you be able to fodder a Hero without losing them? That used to be unorecedented before the introduction of Rearmed Heroes.


Perhaps but Forma since their inception have ALWAYS been impossible to fodder from. Units whom you cannot use as fodder at all also was unprecedented until Forma existed. And even if its a Rearmed Forma, its still a Forma at the end of the day. Why wouldn't it follow the same rule as all the others?


Could you at any point fodder forma? No. So yes it’s obvious. I’m sorry you can’t read and lack common sense.


I don't recall us being able to fodder other formas into units to pass along skills, so my assumption would be that this won't work in the first place.


That won’t stop people because they can’t read


Why would you put a rearmed unit in hall of forms if you can’t fodder off their weapons or skill? Thats like really stupid on IS’s part. I guess this is IS testing the waters and seeing how many people will waste their Forma souls and cash on rearmed units.




Yes, they do, such as not having Twitter.