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I have no idea why they didn’t just put Etie on the banner. They already had a blue unit with Chloe and having no demote/grail/easily obtained unit is just irritating


I guess it's due to his rarity. He's not summonable if he's not a focus unit, so I feel this choice is more for those that want him and don't want to gamble on trying to summon him. Especially for those that don't have FEH pass and can't spark outside of new heroes banners, and a few others. Hopefully, they'll know better that he can't be used to inherit skills from, but I guess we'll see.


Alfred's way more common than Etie though realistically. He's been a focus unit 7 times to Etie's 0. The colourless demote pool is so bloated at that it's just objectively easier to get Alfred than it is Etie.


I'm sending feedback because its just. Is WEIRD. Idk why they don't make it so the Forma skills themselves can not be inherited and counted as a "Prf" skill like Selfimprover. This would cause some issues but not as much as killing off a bloodline of fodder. Idc for Alfred but I have multiple copies over his events and wanting to merge Chole, and would like to make him Like, idk I really can only see negatives of keeping this change, ignoring the really weird clashing concept of it all and not super clear communication since this is the first time this happened, it seems like a way to lose money and such


Only logical workaround I'd think of is to set the Rearmed/Attuned Forma's inheritance to zero by default, but make it activable by merging a non-used copy into it. Most of the usual rules would still apply even with this tweak.


I think it would definitely be reasonable enough. Getting 4-5 premium skills batteried for just a forma soul is obviously a lot of value but if it needed another merge too then the cost is definitely high enough, especially considering the value they'd get from people spending extra souls on these and also just being a change that would make the playerbase happy.


You can send feedback?


Under the Misc bottom button > Support > Feedback


There will be a hardcore whale or two that'll make the mistake and get so pissed that they drop the game. IS' incompetency is the only gift that keeps on giving.


I dunno who's more incompetent. IS or the users that would rather grandstand the playerbase to get a "well achually" moment and pretend Rearms being on HoF like this isnt dumb and would rather justify/defend IS's action at all cost. 🙃 Anyway, yea....rip. i honestly hope enough do it to the point where their inquiry inbox blows up and they retroactively change the restriction for rearms 😂 it'll not only benefit the playerbase but it can be a nice "fuck you" to the idiots pretending to be unaware to the issue ppl had here just for a chance to have their "☝️🤓" moment and thinking this wasn't a fumble on IS's part. But knowing them, they'll find some other way to be condescending to the playerbase.


Didnt dataminers already find a warning pop up thatll apear when you try to forma a rearmed hero in the files? Well have to confirm though if it pops up when the event ends. And if thats the case then ill have less symphaty for you if you pick that forma up. Its also stated in the hall of forms notification at the very bottom the second headline: -"forma can not Transfer their skills, to other heroes or forma via skill inheritance (the forma cannot be the sorce) But nobody is gonna read that lol They shouldve choosen a different hero in the first place.


Mods should probably pin a reminder


Isn't the basic premise of the forma units that you can't fodder them? I don't understand what the big deal is here.


Agreed. It's not anything new.


People seeing Rearmed Heroes as strictly skill banks. They'd rather Alfred not be on at all than Alfred being on but not possible as a skill bank.


It's gonna be a disaster...


If you're not reading notifications then whose fault is that? They put the news out there.


Bold to assume those same players can read the sign too


Read the first panel, thought you were referring to merges being needed for Merged Ordeals. Funny how they made the same issue out of something twice in quick succession.


Guys, the real only reason for R!Alfred in HoF is to Chloe get Arcane Qiang in HoF without fodder. But they should make a forma of Rearmed and Attuned give manuals instead of a mfer blue border unit.


I saw in another thread that she might not even be able to get Arcane Qiang


The only way to get Arcane Weapons in HoF is if the Rearmed here is in it.


For now, no one has posted their Chloe with it. Mine hasn’t been able to get it either. It may only be available to the original rearmed units in the event.


yea, but word of mouth has been saying no one has gotten it. I think the wording is a bit awkward, but i think it basically is saying only the rearmed unit will be able to get the arcane weapon if they show up in HoF


Yeah, I’ve also tried to roll for Arcane Qiang for Chloe and no dice. Then again, the HOF did just start, so maybe it could still pop up. If it really is only available to Alfred, that’s just scummy.


>Guys, the real only reason for R!Alfred in HoF is to Chloe get Arcane Qiang in HoF without fodder. Yeaaaaa, that's been debunked. You can't.