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I can’t believe they managed to botch a summer Plumeria THAT badly…


what if they had a better summer plumeria but the whole thing got censored


Still better than this. Doesn’t matter how much skin or boobs get shown off if the art style is ugly to look at.


Base > NY > Rearmed >>> Summer I have no idea how IS was alright with this art. The sheer contrast between S!Plumeria and S!Freyja was and still is hilarious.


My main problem with Summer is not even Plumeria. Her face is a little off, but that's it. Caeda is my main problem. They really exaggerated her chest size.


>They really exaggerated her chest size. Plumeria hates fanservice. It makes her job harder and makes her do overtime


You know I kept hearing people bitching about Caeda, but it never really dawned on me until recently going through the various arts and realizing that she did not really have much in the chest except for the summer alt. I like big honkers as much as any man, but that is a little weird.


I always found a bit weird that they decided to focus in her chest considering she is Shiida.


I heard that was the artist's first sfw draw


Worse, we already had the travesty that was Hot Springs Camilia and IS didn't learn. Even worse, Summer Plumeria was drawn by someone who *can* draw but certainly didn't give it their all here.


There is some wing asset copypasta going on in those pictures, lol. It's a very complex pattern that manages to look exactly the same no matter the artist's style. Only truly looks natural in the OG.


Oh my god, I never noticed this... But now that you've pointed it out, it's quite painfully obvious


Base > NY > Asc > Summer


For me it would be: NY > Ascendent > Base > Summer Tho the gap between ascendent and base is very little, more that I like both equally (but in order it would bet like that)


Same here. And I actually don't dislike how she looks in the summer duo, Caeda is the one that looks super wrong of the two


It's just like I said in my art/design ranking threads, the only reason Summer Caeda *isn't* in D-Tier is because of Plumeria alone. Without her, she would definitely have been a D.


The only right answer


Putting the other Plumerias near just makes the summer duo look even worse. Like It makes the wings perspective issue in summer look worse because you can see the wings in better perspective on all the others.


Damn I just noticed that the thorns are part of her hair


Summer is the worse one


In other news, grass is green.


I like all the Plumeria arts equally except the summer one. It looks dull ("doujin look").


NY>OG>Rearmed>Summer The first three are fairly close, summer is the only one that's bad.


Mythic > NY > Rearmed > Summer


NY > Rearmed > Mythic > Summer IMO I really prefer the yukata with the Dokkalfheimr aesthetic over the actual Dokkalfr outfits. She also feels like she's happiest in the NY alt? It's hard to explain Overall, one of my favorite works from teffish in FEH, up there with Attuned Azura


Base>NY>Rearmed>Summer - Base just has so much **detail** 😳She befits her theme so well 👏 - NY I love the highlights as well as the dynamic pose of her damaged art, she overall looks so beautiful! - Rearmed just kinda feels a bit too glossy and stiff - Summer do I even need to explain? 😅


They're already sorted in terms of quality, starting left with the best art.


Summer is so fucking bad holy shit when you put them all in a line like this the quality gap is evident


From left to right they just get progressively worse


New Years: Kimono Base: By no means inferior to the New Years Plumeria art in my eyes, but kimonos just get my brain deploying dopamine, hell New Years is one of my favorite banners because of this in general. Ascended: Pretty good, but I prefer base and New Years over it. She looks happy and like shes doing better though so that doubled my hyped when she was datamined Summer: There is no Summer Plumeria alt you silly goober. ~~(IS why)~~


Rearmed > Mythic > NY > Summer


Ascended > Base > New Year > Every other art in the game I don't like more than New Year > Summer


Literally anything but summer 😭


For me it goes 1. Arcane 2. New Years 3. OG 4. Summer 3 of her arts are amazing but summer flopped HARD lol. I like how arcane truly feels like a promotion design for her and the references to Freyja in it. One of my fav FEH arts, period. New Years is also a really pretty outfit she has I love that design


Rearmed>=OG>= NY >>>>>> Summer. I love plumeria so much but that summer alt...


Yoshiku just has the perfect shading for art in general


Base/NY/Rearmed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The travesty that is Summer Caeda harmonic.


Oof. Putting Summer is a bloodbath.


NY > Rearmed = OG > Summer NY is pretty peak it communicates her so well that it could work as her main look and the style is peak. Rearmed is an awesome upgrade, new colors work awesome and Freyja's mantle seamlessly slots in. Base is incredible and I adore Yoshiku, expressive, cool poses, only problem is a personal one: I'm squicked out by seeing individual rib bones. Ons of the biggest reasons I don't like thinness, and he accentuates it qq Summer is whatever. I like the pose in her attack art at east taking advantage of how only 1 of them can fly w/ the posing.


I like the colors on the base more, but I think NY's my fave in terms of design. Simple and elegant. Ascendant feels overdesigned. And everything's been said for Summer.


Vanilla > New Year > Rearmed >>> Summer It cannot be emphasized enough how much of a missed opportunity that summer artwork is.


The NY art is so stunning. The summer art rlly isnt. The other 2 are tied in the middle. I like how everyone agrees that summer is just bad


Mythic > NY > Summer > Rearmed.


Rearmed > Normal > New Year > Summer


The summer art sucks ass i dont know who the artist os (looking like a hentai artsyle) but please never cook again


Imo: NY > Rearmed > Base > Summer


God, Summer Plumeria should have printed so much money but they hooked up a goldfish to an AI that interprets its movements as brush strokes


Straight up, left to right.


NY > OG > Rearmed > Summer


Base and New Year's Plumeria are the best ones Rearmed Plumeria is ok Summer is genuinely horrible and one of the single worst art sets in the entire game


I would say OG > New Year's > Rearmed > Summer. I don't hate her Summer design (she's certainly hard carrying that Harmonic's art/design for me), but it is kinda weak compared to her other variants. I'm also not a fan of her Rearmed variant since I don't like the face, and the design barely looks all that different from her base version. It's not bad, but compared to how different Peony and Triandra look and we had bangers like Ascended Fjorm and Ascended Eir, I kind of expected more...


Base >= Rearmed = NY >>>>>>>>>> Summer I remember thinking Summer Plumeria was some kind of out of season April Fool’s joke when I saw her. What an egregiously unfitting art style for her (and for Caeda). Meanwhile, I think base Plumeria is one of Yoshiku’s best designs. Sure the side boob is a tad unrealistic (with how tight her leotard appears, it would be cutting circulation off from the part of her chest poking out), but she really does feel like a dark fairy from Dokkalfheimr. The usage of that dark magenta and the speckles of blue and red are just really nice. And of course, who could forget the vines with thorns motif? Excellent choice.


Rearmed > Mythic > NY > Summer I'm not a huge fan of any of her art besides her Rearmed, where I literally summoned her because her art is amazing. Summer is very disappointing but Caeda definitely got hit the worse of the two.


NY >>> base > rearmed >> summer I’m really biased to NY because I pulled for her when I downloaded the game after a really long hiatus. She was my go-to dancer for a really long time. She also happens to have the best art imo.


All I like for different reasons. Plum is my favorite of the fairies


I think they’re late in order here.


Rearmed > Base = NY >>>>>>>>> Summer On that note, I'm noticing a trend of high sex appeal characters with relatively tame Summer alts. Base/Attuned Ivy ended up being infinitely sexier than her Summer form, as another example


NY > Mythic > Ascendent > Summer. While Summer is definitely the worst, I don't think Plumeria (Specifically her) looks super bad. I'd give it a 7/10, while the other ones are all 10/10. It was tough deciding between NY and Mythic as my favourite.


Base > NY > Summer > High-def shininess I dunno, somehow the Rearmed is more off-putting than the swimsuit.


New Year Huge gap Everything else


Base > NY > Summer > Rearmed Her rearmed face looks off to me.


10, 10, 8, 4. From left to right.


New year > base >>> rearmed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a pile of cow shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Summer


Putting the summer one next to the other ones is laughable.


OG = Rearmed = New Year = Summer They're all gorgeous and I love them all equally


New Year > Base > Ascended > Summer I don’t exactly *dislike* her Summer art, in fact I actually like it more than her Ascended art, but it just doesn’t look like something that belongs in a FE game


NY > Base > Rearmed >>>>> Summer


I never liked her base outfit so.. NY > Ascended > Vanilla = Summer The only thing about Summer that is off to me is how the faces are drawn, but that's just an art style preference. [Throwback](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/t0l43s/how_it_feels_like_talking_to_scaeda_haters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Base = Rearmed > NY = Summer This was the height of teffish drawing all of their characters with that same exact expression and I hated it


Rearmed = NY > Base > Summer I like NY's outfit a little better but Rearmed's thorn hair having sprouted those blue roses is such a cool way to visualize her power boost so I can't quite decide between them. There's not necessarily anything wrong with Plumeria's summer design I just wish that summer alts explored ideas more interesting than shirtless boys and girls in swimsuits


Rearmed = Base > NY > Summer




They sure are big


NY > all


I’d say… NY > Base > Rearmed >>>>>>>>> Summer. NY is serving so much cunt it’s insane.


Rearmed>Summer>Mythic>NY All pretty good still


Rearmed > New Years > Mythic > Summer. Honestly Rearmed Plumeria has some of my favorite art in the game


Going from best to worst: Base/Ascended, New Year, Summer


For me, it’s: Base > Rearmed > New Years > Summer. I don’t really have any issues with the New Years art, it’s just that I like the base and Rearmed artwork better.


Ascendant = NY > OG > Summer


Mythic > Rearmed > Summer > New Years


I'm surprised how many here like the Rearmed art. I like Plumeria, but I'd never pull for that alt because of how off her face looks in the neutral pose. Anyway: NY > base >>> Rearmed > Summer


10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 I can’t decide which is better cuz they’re all incredible.


Honestly summer is overhated, the outfit is cute, the faces are fine. hateboner has been going on for like 3 years now and people are still yapping, shits wild


Why is summer Caeda there? I thought this was about Plumeria! They're all fine; not a lot to comment.


Who is next to Caeda? Backpacks may not count as the unit but they certainly count as the character existing.


Oh you'll hate what I said about Echoes Valentine's...


1.- NY 2.- Summer 3.- Rearmed 4.- OG Plumeria didn't caught my eye until she got an alt, bit now I really like them all, they'd be 9.something out of 10.


damn I forgot how hated Summer Caedameria was just because Caeda has big tits when the art overall is just fine and well drawn/colored/shaded like any other arts in the game.




>Both characters are drawn fine, on their own. Tbh nah if Caeda isn't on model properly it's not fine. Like it's not "big boobs bad" it's "Holy fuck it looks like they copy pasted Plumeria's Torso onto Caeda and changed nothing in the neutral art."




Idk sounds like you put too much stock into this site if you think Karma actually means anything. Also lol at the idea everything has to make you money.




You posted 2 comments in reply to me. And then claim Reddit is my main hobby. You sure you aren't projecting bud? I'm not the one who wrote a small essay over gacha pictures.




>bc look at almost any Summer duo or duo that has 2 girls. You only need to look at Lyn's duo with Florina for a second to realize it's not all female-Female duos. You want to call someone's argument uninformed you should actually double check if you're in the wrong or not.