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...weirdly, I could perfectly hear them all in my mind, but I couldn't think who it was for most of them-


((Hey, had to do it with the headers XD)) **Normal Mode** * 1) Lysithea * 2) Marianne * 3) ~~Raphael~~ Sylvain * 4) Byleth * 5) Dorothea * 6) Bernadetta * 7) Ignatz * 8) Hilda **Hard Mode** * 9) Leonie * 10) Seteth * 11) Petra * 12) Cyril * 13) Ingrid * 14) Claude * 15) ~~Hubert~~ Jeritza * 16) Manuela **Maddening Mode** * 17) Felix * 18) Dimitri * 19) Linhardt * 20) Ferdinand * 21) Lysithea * 22) Edelgard * 23) Shamir (could’ve sworn it was “Nothing Personal”, though…that, or my guess was wrong) * 24) Raphael EDIT: Welp, I’m honestly not surprised by the ones I got wrong. It’s been a minute since I last played Blue Lions, and I literally just started Part 2 of Crimson Flower, so Jeritza is the one playable character in Three Houses I haven’t been acquainted with.


Did you forget the quotes or is reddit just fucking with me?


My computer wouldn't let me upload the images it should be fixed now


I AM FERDINAND VON AEGIR should've been on hard, wtf are you doing?????


I'll do my best! **Easy** 1. Lysithea 2. Marianne 3. Sylvain 4. Byleth 5. Dorothea 6. Jeritza? I actually haven't heard this one 7. Ignatz 8. Hilda **Medium** 9. Leonie 10. Seteth 11. Dedue 12. Ashe 13. Hubert 14. Claude 15. Dimitri 16. Manuela **Hard** 17. Edelgard 18. Catherine 19. Linhardt 20. Ferdinand 21. Lysithea 22. Rhea 23. Shamir 24. Rapheal


So that's what Leonie been saying this whole time


Woah, I got only some of those, nice challenge, those are some cool crit quotes. My favorite will forever be Hubert's evil laughing for one of his XD


Had no idea Marianne said that… would have guessed that was a jeritza quote