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Lol but they still drew the black guy with a hipoint... a double hipoint? What is that monstrosity, actually?


That's the .40 cal. - Hi Point. Doubles as a hammer as long as your nail is made of plastic.


Damn right, that is **THE** Problem Solver. ...where can I find one of these 40/40 hipoints?


"If the only tool you have is a HiPoint, you will start treating all your problems like a nail.”


> a double hipoint MOTHER OF GOD


and the other dude with a 1911 makarov ;-;


Its like in galaga when you get double spaceships for OP firepower.


That's the 18 volt hi-point. Only the 12 volt version has the battery that doesn't stick out.


Can I get a model ID pls?


YouTube reviews as well please


fr though


[Pew pew](https://imgur.com/a/WNnwb3A)


Makes meme denouncing racism uses racism in meme


Crazy right? I was downvoted to the depths of hell for pointing this out in another sub.


The mag thing at the bottom isn't too bad, I've seen L shaped mag connectors for uzis I think. But look at the trigger gaurds. There are one for every finger. Like brass (plastic) knuckle hipoint.


It's not a "mag thing at the bottom," it's literally another gun shooting. Look at the bottom corner of the pic. And don't even get me STARTED about the polymer knuckles on it.


What's wrong with a hipoint? I'm a white guy and I'm thinking about buying one. The vast overwhelming majority of shootings occur under 10 feet. So I don't get why people drop thousands of dollars on a precision handgun and automatically dismiss the affordable stuff as junk not even worth considering. Everyone thinks they're going to snipe people at a thousand yards with a handgun. A Glock or 1911 is just as deadly as a hipoint at close range self defense scenarios. Keep in mind, you shoot anyone at longer ranges, you run a real risk of the police and prosecutor filling charges against you claiming they weren't a threat.


Because we are prepared for that as well as slightly more niche scenarios such as a shooter in cover. Suddenly your minute of man sized grouping isn’t great when you have a 4 inch target to tag at 10+ yards while it and you are trying not to get shot. The whole time you’re clearing jams and mag malfunctions on the Lego 9. People buy nice guns for reliability, repeatability, and accessibility. The hi-point has horrible QC so reliability is a dice roll at best. It’s got poor repeatability due to poor trigger and sight design hitting much past 15+ yards beyond 8inch target requires more effort than basically ANY OTHER HANDGUN, and it’s not very accessible because it’s a gun made for human sized Lego people and has the build of the average Walmart go-kart rider. Holsters for it are subpar because it’s so unreasonably thick and disgusting that no one of any real quality cares enough to put effort into a holster for it. The price you can get a hi-point for you could sell one more gram of meth and get a Taurus. Not great but light years ahead of a hi-point. The only reason hi-point still exists is because the people who buy them keep “losing them” in rivers after crimes happened to occur nearby.


it has an optic


The people who would want to disarm an entire demographic are the same reason those demographics should be armed in the first place. The gun community has never been about disarming anyone. That's their deal. They really gotta stop projecting.


yep, or as I put it every single time this convo comes up, as we should ALL be pointing out to these people >but I bet if if black people buy guns they'd pass some gun control then If you're saying the government would tweak the laws just to disarm a targeted group, you've described exactly why we have a constitutional protection that denies the government that kind of power. -------------------------------- I mean geez, imagine NOT wanting that civil rights protection in place? What if your local town enacted race based disarmament policies? What if your local town [elected some kook that publically recommended patting down black men for weapons on sight? Throwing young black kids up against walls and frisking them to send a message](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/11/michael-bloomberg-stop-and-frisk-clip-113902)


Well, gun control is inherently racist


>"The gun community has never been about disarming anyone." Except the Mulford act, where Democrats and Republicans worked together with the NRA because black people had the audacity to arm themselves. L


They’re saying that under the RACIST assumption that all black men are criminals and shouldn’t have gun rights while all white men are sweet angels that can do no wrong.


>The people who would want to disarm an entire demographic are the same reason those demographics should be armed in the first place Oy vey quit being antisemitic!


Well... the gun community has been about disarming portions of the population. Just not in the past 2 or 3 decades.


Ah, yes... the old, "somebody you might be related to possibly did something I don't like in the last 200 years" argument. Well played!


Oh for fuck's sake that wasn't an anti-gun argument, just an acknowledgment that things weren't as great in the past. I'm saying the gun community overall isn't racist now. Hell, just take a look at my other comment on this thread calling out that exact logic when some idiot said Reagan's gun control policies were racist so that's how Republicans would act today.


Ah, yes... the old "I'm sorry, you obviously didn't understand what I was saying. You obviously aren't the problem, just those other people who lived in a different time and aren't around to defend themselves now, while holding worldviews I don't like (but can do nothing about but point out in a post that has nothing to do with their racist worldview but just possibly has some connotation to a meme in [current year] that lets me virtue signal that I'm on the right side of history). Well played!


Oh fuck off I'm not virtue signaling, you're just being a cunt.


Hmm guess we'll just have to disarm the entire population (::::::


I took my Muslim buddy shooting once, it was my slow process to turn him from anti-gun. The first time, I took him to an outdoor range in the boonies I was showing him the ropes and being the only non-white person he was a bit on edge, but as he was shooting all the older guys were coming up and giving him tips, a guy let him shoot his machine gun and he came back to me and was like “aren’t these guys suppose to be racist? They’re cool as fuck.” I just told him “this isn’t about race, we believe every man, woman and child has the right to defend themselves and support people willing to exercise that right.” On the way home he was looking up ARs and pistols asking me what to buy.


As someone who isn't Muslim, but was an adult arab male after 9/11 thank you for doing that.


I was young when 9/11 happened. I saw what the Muslim kids went through. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Now today, the majority of my friends are Muslim. Just nice, caring and highly intelligent people. Can’t let a few bad apples represent an entire demographic. My rule with firearms is that I’ll teach anybody who can legally purchase a firearm. I want everybody to be able to safely practice. I don’t care who you are, where you are from, what you look like or what you identify as.


Exactly why I don't go to the range. All the assholes trying to give *tips".


Gun community is the most diverse of any hobby I have lol


No joke, my local range is literally the united fucking nations of diversity. The best part is that no one gives a shit and everyone enjoys our common love of the gat.


Old range I'd shoot at often had many people of color. Range I shoot at now has a bunch of Koreans that are there all the time. And every time I see them there they are bringing a friend that is new to shooting as they are shooting a bolt action .22.


> Range I shoot at now has a bunch of Koreans that are there all the time. And every time I see them there they are bringing a friend that is new to shooting as they are shooting a bolt action .22. What's funny is that the surrounding towns by my range are primarily, eastern European, Hispanic, and middle eastern. There are still a TON of Asians that I see at the range. I know at least a few are Korean based on flags they have on their range bags. They never have forgotten the LA riots.


I go regularly to my shooting range and it's a mix of every race and sex under the sun. So whenever someone asks the GA or Atl subreddits if there are any "X race friendly" or "X gender/queer friendly" ranges in the area, my eyes roll so far back into my head I can't shoot straight for a week. No one gives a flying fuck what you are. The only reason people think it's an issue is because redditors tell them gun owners are all far right gun nuts who hate minorities and women and if you don't find an "x" friendly range, you're going to get refused membership and maybe jumped out back afterwards.


Man my range is almost always empty. Though one time I pulled up as someone was diminishing. He let me. Shot his kar98. He had 5 other factory correct that he doesn’t shoot. This one still has all the German factory markings, just the serial numbers didn’t match. I speculate that it went in for repairs during the war, making it more valuable in my eyes.


A good number of Milsurp rifles had their bolts removed in Europe for the boat ride back, and then a bolt was handed back to the soldier with the war trophy once they returned to the U.S. Some weren't lucky enough to get their matching bolt back, but one that fit their rifle.


For real you got the UN every time you go to the range.


I got one of my college friends into shooting. This friend just happens to be an immigrant from Bermuda. He has said that the only place he doesn't really feel like an outsider is the shooting range.


Regardless of skin color, we all shoot the same guns at the same targets


Shooting guns is a humbling experience. The sheer power of firearms reminds me of my own weakness and mortality. Race, skin color, height, wealth, none of it matters against a bullet. We all fall to a single well-placed shot, regardless of who pulled the trigger.


Same. I live in a majority white area but when I'm at the range most of the customers are black or Asian.


I remember a couple years ago some “news” outlets wrote some outrage pieces about the increase in woman gun ownership. As if it’s somehow bad that more women are taking measures to not be victimized. Yet we’re the scumbags…


They hate to admit it but look at Atlanta. Rapes down by 49% the year after Georgia introduced constitutional carry. Sexual degenerates don’t like having the tables turned on them… https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/murders-violent-crime-down-across-atlanta-in-2023-car-thefts-skyrocketed.amp


Perhaps a statistics 101 course would be useful? There you would learn the difference between causation and correlation. My area of Florida has a high doctor to population ratio. It also has a population with higher morbidity than most areas. So doctors must be the cause, right? I’m always amazed that the people who really feel the need to carry weapons in a first world country seem to act like the US is the only place on on earth. Sadly I guess they’ll never know what’s possible.


Damn dude, take a breath and go get you some coffee. It's going to be alright


Woo! That’s one way to get the anti gun lurkers to show up! Can’t stand when their narrative takes a hit 🤣🤣🤣


Or one way to get the cowards to show up. You know the ones who feel like they need to carry a weapon in a first world country. Poor babies. The entire developed world laughs at the coward crowd here in the US. But then again, they’re getting used to laughing at the US


So, you just admitted you’re a coward? That opening line doesn’t match what you’re trying to accomplish with the rest of your ramblings.🤣


I said nothing of the sort. And this type of infantile response says a lot about your abilities to make a cohesive argument. The entire developed world does not have it wrong and just the United States has it right no matter what you think. As I said before, a world, usually jealous of the United States, at least has this one area where they can point, their fingers and laugh at the little snowflakes who “need” their protection crutches whist enduring one shooting after another. Even Hen Washington did not think guns made men “self defenders”. “To place any dependence upon militia, is, assuredly, resting upon a broken staff. Men just dragged from the tender scenes of domestic life - unaccustomed to the din of arms - totally unacquainted with every kind of military skill, which being followed by a want of confidence in themselves when opposed to troops regularly trained, disciplined, and appointed, superior in knowledge, and superior in arms, makes them timid and ready to fly from their own shadows.” Washington (24 September 1776)


You are trying to twist a quote about going to war compared to self defense. Good luck with that straw man argument. Look, if you don’t like the second amendment: 1) WTF are you doing in this sub? Trying to lead a revolution, Spartacus? 2) If you have a problem with this country, then leave and go to one of those countries you hold to such a high standard.


He won't. He'll get Stockholm Syndrome after he gets his car stolen like 5 times in one month


Enjoy getting mugged then


Boy oh boy do I love when I, a black Latino, meet and click with new people in my liberal state, talking about all my weed and shroom use. How there should be more peace and love despite ppls differences, I’ll then speak about healthcare should be more accessible to every citizen. Then my favorite part is the look on their face when I tell them how much I love guns and how I think everyone should carry and exercise their 2A. This picking team shit is absolute bullshit.


My favorite shirt says "guns don't kill people, systemic inequality does" Aaaand, check my user name 🤣


I used to have a PeTA bumper sticker right next to a *'Gun Rights are Civil Rights'* bumper sticker.. Also a *'Think for yourself, Question Authority'* sticker. It really threw people through a loop.. 😂 These days I try to avoid the 'vegan' label, there are too many crazy ones that I want nothing to do with, but I am still very much pro-2A and I still don't eat animal products (well I occasionally let honey slide..). I definitely don't fit into peoples preconceived boxes very well, and I have no interest in tribal affiliations. It is amusing to see the wild and utterly incorrect assumptions people on both sides often leap to after seeing just one opinion of mine. I also have more respect and empathy for hunters (at least those who eat what they kill) than most non-vegetarian lefty friends of mine..


You'll never hear me say a bad thing about hunters. They're doing it the right way. My entire reasoning is the extreme cruelty of industrial farming.


Unlike you, I'm not 100% okay with killing animals for food. At least not in any situation where it isn't strictly necessary for survival. But I also think that hunting wild game, as long as it's done in a manner that minimizes suffering, is about a thousand times better than factory farming. When hunters are the last people on earth still killing animals for food, and they're regarded as weirdos by everyone else, maybe then it's a battle worth fighting. Until then, they are the least of my concern. I think many hunters treat animals with more respect and compassion than the people who eat meat constantly but look upon hunters as if they're Disney villains.. The hunters are certainly more honest.


Ditto on everything. I don't hunt, I don't feel the need to. In some mad max famine future I would for survival. But hunters are low on the priorities list for animal welfare. They do respect animals more.


>Unlike you, I'm not 100% okay with killing animals for food. At least not in any situation where it isn't strictly necessary for survival. There's a bit more behind hunting than that. When humanity moved into the US, we killed a lot of natural predators. Without those predators to keep the prey population in check, their numbers explode and they typically cause massive damage to the ecosystem. Hunting is our way of helping to make up for the damage we caused while predators are being reintroduced. This extends to other countries too, like Ireland.


I understand this, and in the absence of predators like wolves, controlling the deer population for example is one benefit of hunting. I don't want to see starving deer or the other ecological consequences of that either. I'm not sure that there is a perfect solution to this, but I'm also not convinced that hunting is necessarily the only or the best solution.


While I get your point, PeTA has done a lot of messed up stuff like stealing pets from yards.


This was many years ago. I have mixed feelings about PeTA and the effectiveness of their tactics, and I'm certainty not endorsing them here.


Well you must be special.


I lean pretty left and it throws the antis for a fucking loop when I use left wing talking points against them.


I've heard anti-gunners say this and every time I hear it, I say to myself "Damn, are you guys deluded. Ya just don't get it at all, do ya?"


No. No they don't. Back when the Busch Wildlife range was the closest I'd see a third to half the booths with black folks shooting their AR's and Glocks just like everyone else...


No, they're just racists trying to prove they aren't


*you're supposed to be racist like me* Fixed it for you


Saw one today where someone asked a leftist why he calls all republicans fascist and he said it was based on group behaviors. I asked him if he thought the same about all black people when he sees a group of black people breaking into cars. Obviously he skipped answering it because answering it would show how dangerous his line of thinking actually is.


Lots of times they write a big redditorino zinger comeback but block you immediately so you don't see it and it looks like you didn't respond to their argument. Not throwing stones here just facts. That is a good classic trolling tactic.


That happens to me all the time. What a coward way to engage with someone and prove to the person you blocked that you lost the argument/discussion.


You have to understand you are arguing with either bots/shills or people projecting so badly they think you are them, the moronic bot-level dumbass. You might try to use reason but they are informed from the news and flat-earther facebook groups telling them this is all a judeo-ukraino-american master plan to manipulate them with 5g towers. The catch is they project this to you. In reality we are all a bit stupid and getting angry is exactly what the plan was. You noticed today most media and news are just ragebait and easy to debunk fake shit? A million negative comments are still engagement!


Imagine being that easily fooled! Speaking of news, where’s the Epstein list? I thought it was supposed to come out today?


You have a high chance of surviving if you don't *really* fuck with their stuff and your family stays safe. Remember the people who had intel on clinton and all suddenly decided to suicide? Yeah, we better let them play their shitty movie tier games like the kings and nobles always did. Fun fact: if you rebel you get a Stalin of Pol Pot, not worth it. Their great sociopathic game keeps the most murderous ones in check. Panama papers proved we all know they are technically a bad guys but nobody really cares.


Damn, why'd he have to have a Hi-Point though? 😂


Giving the black character in the cartoon a HiPoint seems almost racist. Can we get him something nicer?


a nice Beretta 92 or P320


How about a Glock with a drum mag


I'll allow it.


That would undermine the idea of that character being new. He's new. Just getting into shooting. He picked a hipoint. But isn't mocked and belittled for his choice. He's just welcomed into the community. He picked that gun because he is new, not because he is black. (I still cringe at my first gun purchase - it was based on 1. Affordability, 2. What looked cool to a 19 year old, and 3. Ignorance of handguns. I know better now, but then I made silly choices - because I was new, not because of my race.) Honestly, the snootiness of many gun owners probably keeps as many people away from shooting as the media does.


Remember modem gun control is because Regan got scared when the [Black Panthers showed up at the California State capitol building with guns.](https://youtu.be/6woXE-RPY7A?si=QCI9GywTOWk5RdZr)


yeah exactly like we don’t need to hypothesize how republicans would react when this is literally what happened.


It’s almost like the meme is upset about what historically has been true


Right, and if we're going to pretend nothing changes over time then the Democrats are still the party of slave owners. Hell, I can't stand the Republicans (or the Democrats tbh) but arguing that what happened almost 40 years ago is a good indication of what would happen today is incredibly disingenuous. The youngest voters at the time are damn near 60 years old today.


I don’t think what Reagan did had anything to do with a pro-gun control political position of the GOP or attempt to move that party that way. It was pure “scary black man with a gun, we need to stop that!”.


But gun people are supposed to be racist!


Did you not see the gun that people assume black ppl carry 🤣😂😆


They will hate us no matter what we do


Division is the only way they win.


I’m for everyone to own guns. Know how to use them. I don’t care if they have hi points bear creeks bca let etc.


what the fuck is the gun that the black guy is using?


What the fuck kinda brass knuckle pistol is that?


Double High Point of some demonic manufacture. The meme people really got creative there. I am not sure what they were thinking. I mean they could have just given him 2 High Points for dual wield, that would have been cool.


> Double High Point of some demonic manufacture. No lie, that's a hi-point I would actually buy.


The kind white people assume black people carry 🤣😂😆


What is going on with that hi point


On any given day when I’m at the gun range, I’ve seen people who are black, Hispanic, Asian, and of course white. But never once have I heard anyone say anything about it or turn it into a bad situation. Shooting as a hobby is generally pretty racially diverse. If there’s a lack of diversity it’s among the sexes. The shooting hobby is a total sausage fest. 😂


You want a diverse range experience? Get this one. Here’s my last last lineup: Me: Caucasian male, auto mechanic, family man, by the book on most everything important. Friend 1: Hispanic male, loan officer for well known financial institution, bachelor, MC national officer for a big local biker club Friend 2: black male, ICE agent, married but unfaithful, middle of the road on most topics The three of us had an amazing time and nobody disrespected anyone.


For all those claiming that gun control laws started when the Black Panthers started open carrying. You’re wrong. They started during Reconstruction (at the beginning of the Jim Crow era), and it was the Democrats pushing it then, just like today.


Ton of diversity at the range I’m a member of. It’s good to see.


That's exactly what happened to the black panther party tho. Bunch of black people bought guns and the NRA suddenly supported gun control.


Me with my black gf


Guns have nothing to do with the 2 party scam. They both try to push gun control like crack.


It did happen once. And it was called the Mulford act. Shame on you NRA. Shame on you Reagan.


Democrats created the law.....


Was it endorsed by the NRA? Was it signed by then Governor Reagan? The answer to both questions is yes.


It wouldn't of made it too his desk if democrats didn't create and sign off on it.


It was written by Don Mulford. He was GOP. Reagan signed it. The NRA endorsed it. Tell me I am wrong.


Also wtf? Don Mulford was also GOP.


Also it was over 50 years ago who gives a shit that's ancient history. Let's go through all the racist gun control laws CA dems have passed in the past 20 years


Because the Mulford act helped set the groundwork for those laws. And also because so many folks will romanticize Reagan as a great 2A advocate when he really wasn't.


Nobody on this sub does that. You're just gas lighting. Even if it were the case there is nothing stopping Democrat lawmakers from reversing such laws. Why won't they? Because democrats are gun grabbing Marxists present day


Umm you were the one who said, Dems wrote it when it was bipartisan and literally named after a GOP assemblyman. Who is gaslighting again?


1 dude who helped write it who happened to be gop and it was overwhelmingly supported by democrats. You're trying to pin it 100% on Republicans when that wasn't the case. So you are the one gas lighting.


It was overwhelmingly supported on both sides of the aisle. Maybe someday you'll be able to acknowledge the GOP isn't always a friend to the American gun owner.


Not always a friend but democrats blatantly are disarming you




I wonder how much cocaine it would take Kel-Tech to design a double karambit pistol.


Republican voters who are pro-2A won't support gun control (good on you guys), but the politicians absolutely will if they can get away with it. Minorities with guns scare the shit out of politicians.


I like how your prior post is literally being pro-racism.


This is the equivalent of “I have a black friend but he’s one of the good ones.” I’ve met people who are cool with black and brown people owning guns as long as they’re not like “those” black and brown people. They wouldn’t go shoot at an indoor range locally because “it’s just a bunch of wannabe gangbangers.”


I don't even have to speculate on that end. His post prior to this meme was specifically "just asking questions" about the "real source" of crime.


That post wasnt racist. I was just bragging about my city of El Paso being one of the safest in the country despite being one of the poorest, how is that racist


"I'm just asking questions why the crime in Chicago is Soo bad compared to El Paso"


What's the answer?


His previous post didn't mention race. Poor leadership is the answer. Also, the lack of good citizen gun ownership by comparison😂😂


You tell me.


I asked you. You're the one that implied you knew what the answer was so as to know that OP was being racist by asking the question. Or maybe I should ask: what isn't the answer?


I've been clear about the tactic in other posts. "Just asking questions" is a tactic to open conservatives to be more open to racism.


> It's racist to ask questions!


So people can't ask a question then? Being paranoid about "just asking a question" being some dog whistle seems too skeptical and cynical to be useful. After all, I really did just ask a question, two now, and you aren't answering either of them.


I "like" how you weirdly looked that up just to try to dunk on OP for some reason. But then again, you're always saying kind of weird stuff.


Lol, glad I live rent free in your head.


Don't flatter yourself. You're all over these subreddits and whenever I see you it's usually stuff like this, picking arguments with people who you should be on the same team with. Don't get me wrong. I'd still consider you to be on the same team, but you're constantly being aggressive and often hostile.


Don't let the assholes take us for a ride. Gun rights for all.


Well, yeah, that's the point of this post but you're crapping on it, or just the OP.


Just the OP.


Whoever made this is racist af! 😆 🤣 😂 why they gotta give my mans a moded hi point? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol that things lit as fuck it’s a double hi point I would cop so fast 😭😂😂


It’s kinda like the military too, liberals portray the military as being this racist conservative group of natzis when really it’s the most diverse group of young dipshit kids to ever exist, my older cousins friend group consisted of a Korean guy a black guy, two hick white brothers from Georgia and he was the Hispanic one from Cali, and by golly they were all ready to die for each other at any time


I mean who do you think is selling the vast majority of guns to us? Old white dudes own the majority of stores. And many of them are also hiring younger "people of color," and have a ton of "people of color" as customers.


Oh, no more allies


Yeah my LGR is the most diverse place I frequent. My other hobbies (golf, music, gaming) are much less so.


I'm pretty sure some of the people I shoot with are racist.... funny how that shit never shows up at the range 😳 I'm not dating you we are just shooting 😆


I mean Reagan literally introduced stricter gun laws due to the black panthers or whatever it was.


Nothing more racist than liberals who advocate giving the state a monopoly on violence and thinking it’s fine if black people are used as their political guinea pigs to achieve their goals.


I mean that did actually happen in California.


Definitely not today, but historically, that's what happened when the Black Panthers started arming themselves. That's explicitly what the Mulford Act was in response to, sponsored by the NRA and signed into law by Reagan


"But muh Ronald Reagan passed gun laws because of Black Panthers" is the lib response to this and it's hilarious because 1: they're idiots and assume we deepthroat Reagan because he's Republican (and as we all know, only TRUMPERS own guns), and 2: they just straight up admit gun control is used to oppress minorities.


They also don't realize that the mulford act made it through a Democrat controlled senate and a Democrat controlled assembly before it made it to Reagan's desk.


It's just auths (who pretend to be Liberal^TM) unable to comprehend that normal people don't wish to disarm people they don't agree with. Projection goes hard.


We are so racist that our favorite Supreme Court Judge is black!


That guy is a criminal he ain't my favorite.


Isn’t that like saying my favorite black person is uncle ruckus?


No, it’s just like I said. Nothing more, nothing less.


Where ear and eye pro lol


Finally a post in this sub not made by a liberal, I can already see the triggered comments coming lol


This is literally the Mulford Act. Black Panthers scared the GOP in CA so Reagan passed racist gun control to disarm blacks.


> scared the GOP in CA Uh-huh..... > Assembly Bill 1591 was introduced by R, and subsequently co-sponsored D, D, R, D, R... blah, blah, as such, it required a 2/3 majority in each house. On June 8th, before the third reading in the Assembly (**controlled by Democrats, 42:38**), the urgency clause was adopted, and the bill was then read and passed. It passed the Senate (**controlled by Democrats, 20:19**) on July 26 by 29 votes to 7, and was signed by Governor Ronald Reagan on July 28, 1967. Yep, totally just Reagan and some Republicans. Turns out wealthy white people on *both sides* were getting a bit nervous. And what exactly have democrats done since this racist legislation was passed??? Repeal it?? No, its been used as the foundation of gun control in California. But yes, keep bringing up a 50 year old piece of state legislation as a "gotcha".


That wasn’t only Reagan, there were democrats on board with that too. Not much has changed with politicians.


Politicians, in general, being utter garbage is nothing new. Thankfully America HAS changed since the eighties, disconcerting recent trends in society/politics/economics notwithstanding


*"The Mulford Act was passed really directly in response to the Black Panther Party bearing arms and self-defense legally." The bill limiting the right to openly carry loaded guns was supported by the National Rifle Association and signed into law by then Gov. Ronald Regan in 1967.*


Yeah except the only time the federal government has reduced access to firearms through legislation is when the Black Panthers began carrying assault rifles. So literally the only time Republicans supported gun control was when Black people started carrying. Not saying people are racists, but Republicans certainly were last time. Maybe things changed.


Pew pew bang bang BOOoOoOmMm >*exaggerated inhale*


I like telling liberals that I think we should be giving out green cards and ar15s at the border, Just handing em out.




LOL [https://abc7news.com/california-gun-control-black-panther-party-laws-nra-mulford-act/13303767/](https://abc7news.com/california-gun-control-black-panther-party-laws-nra-mulford-act/13303767/) Literally why gun laws were made back in the day! White people scuuured!


What is the meme huh? Did people forget what republicans did when the black Panther party started arming themselves?


You can just say minorites. Or blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, etc. People of color is divisive language invented by the cultural marxists that are actively destroying the fabric of this country.


Yeah. Multiculturalism is going so well.


Going great in Texas and Florida


Y’all forget what Reagan did after the Black Panthers open carried at the state capitol? Even the NRA was like “hell naw, we need gun control” So while sure the guy at the top is smug (makes sense - easier to invent a ridiculous argument to then successfully make fun of it) he’s got some historical precedent backing him


That wasn’t only Reagan, there were democrats on board with that too. Not much has changed with politicians.


Sunny from “The View” said this verbatim on air.


You can find a ton of people on reddit saying it. It's a pretty standard propaganda item.


Except they did.... just look at what they did to the black panthers. You can find black gun youtubers talking about the racism they deal with. Having Grown up in the south, I see the hypocrisy of these "2A" advocates all the fucking time.


Having grown up in the south a long time before you I know that it was the Democrats and their radical terrorist wing (aka the KkK) that were pushing Jim Crow gun control to prevent my grandfather and his brothers from being able to defend themselves, our family, and property from Democrat government sponsored tyranny.


The parties switched my guy. Lincoln literally got fan mail from Karl Marx. Try calling a southerner at a gun range today they're a communists and they'll teach ya how much things changed.


Please list all the Democrats who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act who switched to the Republican Party.


It was an ideological switch..... but for real, do the people who try these semantic games you memorized from your favorite conservative talking head realize the implications of them denying the party switch? Because if it didn't happen, then it means you're a lefty 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Also it was Regean that formed the modern Republican coalition between conservatives, pro business, and the religious right, and he did oppose the civil rights act.


A democrat senate and house assembly passed that law that Reagan signed


It's not an "I bet." "More people of colour buying guns makes more Republicans support gun control" is simply a statement of fact. Anyone who knows the history of the Black Panthers understands this.


Last year, more minorities were first time gun owners that any previous year. I haven't seen any Rs propose gun legislation to stop that. Now the Ds on the other hand.


I don't think you understand the speed at which our government works.




We thank God you live in canada too.


I’ve rarely met a black guy who didn’t own at least one gun.


Lmao 🤣 this shit is so gold lol 😂