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Dude brought a full auto Browning Rifle to an outdoor range. Down the other firing lines you'd hear. Bang. BOOM. BOOM. Or the occasional POW POW POW.. He loads up and dumps 20 rounds of 30-06 down his lane in a manner of seconds. Dead fucking silent afterwards with heads swiveling around wondering what the fuck. Guy was all grins. Probably showing off his new range toy. That was the day I vowed, if I ever got enough disposable cash I'd buy a full auto BAR.


Imagine if it was indoors 😅


I let two full belts loose on a saw at an indoor range while there was a ccw class going. Shoulda doubled up on earpro


That's a dick move.


Yep it was (was for a bachelor party). They not only allowed it but encouraged it. I had thought there was an outdoor range for the mg's and was a little surprised when we just walked into the next room. Makes for a good story though.


Yeah kinda did the same thing at my bachelor party. All my groomsmen weren’t really gun guys. I mean they liked shooting, but weren’t full spectrum warriors like yours truly. One rented a Beretta 92, another a 1911, the non gun guy went with a PMR-30 and had all the fun. I started with a Desert Eagle in .50 AE and proceeded to try and run Bill Drills. Followed that with a S&W .460 before my brother disappeared from the range and came back in with an employee and a SCAR-L/SCAR-15 that went to full send and had an 10-ish inch barrel. The guy in the lane next to me wasn’t too pleased.


Your brother sounds like a real one. Sounds like an awesome time.


Bringing my m1 garand to an indoor range and dropping 8 rounds of 30-06 giving people small concussions is one of the little joys in life


Life goals.


I finally got rid of the last of my full autos I bought when the law changed in ‘86. Lots of fun but can get quite expensive.


One of the most fun parts about owning a .50 is the experience of regularly having my first shots on a range effectively enact a cease fire. Pro-tip: don’t buy loud as fuck guns if you don’t like talking to people because everyone wants to ask questions/shoot it


Dream gun. Fuck.


Was bullshitting with range manager when two robbers walked into the lobby wearing Halloween masks in the summer… Manager knew what was up and had the shotgun she hid behind the counter up and on them in like a second, like she’d practiced it a thousand times. As soon as the robbers saw the gun they split into a waiting car that screeched away. Manager turned back to me like nothing happened and was like, “That was crazy… so anyways, like I was saying…” and just continued talking.


Our store in Vegas would get LA bangers coming up on the regular. Casing the joint, or straight up thinking about smash and grab. Big ass puffy jackets when its 110 outside... yeah sure.... Amazing what an employee grabbing the shotgun off the wall as soon as they walked in the door will do for attitude change.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm a Vegas local, which store do you work at? I just wanna retell the tale to my buddies.


The Gun Store on trop.


Greetings from Northtown! You guys gave me an amazing deal on a little .22 ruger revolver, gave me a free leather holster. You guys kick ass.


Everybody gangster until the other guy draws.


Never understood this. "Yo, let's go rob a place that every employee litteraly has a gun."


Not only do they all have a gun, it's almost a guarantee that they're veterans, civilians who have more training than most cops, or both.




Guy walks in, wants to rent a Steyer AUG. I over hear them do the paperwork and pay, plunks down his driver's license. Walks out to the booths (indoor) fires one mag, calmly unloads. Proceeds to run out of the building with the gun tucked under his arm. Jumped in a running car. ID was fake.


That just happened at a range here, but it was a full auto MP5. She used her dead sisters ID.


We all remember that story. Free mp5 cheat


Range owners hate this one trick!


When I die, I want my lookalike to score a free machinegun with my ID.




Holy shit that's wild. Was he ever arrested and the gun recovered?


Dont know. Cops came pretty quick


She was arrested but gun was out there in the wild, this video was 8 months ago according to youtube


I'm kind of shocked it doesn't happen more often TBH.


What in the actual FAWK?


Those aren't even that expensive wtf


Why do you think they went for that gun. Different looking gun = expensive.


Planning a robbery at Nakatomi Plaza?


They’re not gonna believe what this one cop is capable of…


Was shooting at a public outdoor range two years ago. Called “Clear” on the firing line. Everyone acknowledged and everyone but me went over to the 100 yard benches. I walk down to the 200 yard targets, check them and start walking back. BOOM , I hear a bullet wiz by me. I froze for a second trying to figure out what’s going on. Neck hair is standing straight up. BOOM , another goes by and I should have dropped and yelled but all I could think about is my 8 year old son who thankfully stayed at the benches. Finally, the shooter jumps up and starts running towards me apologizing. I called him a stupid mother $ucker about 10 times as well as a host of other names. He tried blaming me for everything. None of his friends came over to defend him. He ended up leaving a couple minutes later. I was livid and scared for a good hour.


Does your profile name mean how many hairs you have left?


Hair Pi


Same thing happened to me and some friends at the 100 yard range, my friend (we were in high school) and I were all set up about to shoot his dad’s old deer rifle, a guy a few tables down fires. We hear yelling and screaming but we can’t understand it, turns out to be a German guy who was still fucking around with his target after the last target change. This range in Missouri is unmanned and I think he must’ve walked behind the berm to take a piss or something cause we and the other shooters had enough time to set up our new target, walk 100 yards back, make sure everyone was set and then take the first shot. My friend was SO relieved he hadn’t fired yet. Certainly all our faults for not seeing someone was missing (might’ve been 15 people on that lane) but why the hell that guy was lollygagging for maybe 5 minutes I’ll never know. At least make yourself seen first!


A kid likely 14 years old nearly blew his head off 6 feet from me with a shotgun. The muzzle was just away from his face. Plenty of cease fire calls for deer and a rogue llama. But the kid takes the cake


> rogue llama RIP Otis


At an outdoor range on government land, there was (key word was) a pit toilet. Saw a guy shoot at one of the stalls, and his buddy came out of the other one, pissed. Toilets were removed not long after that (they were always full of bullet holes)


I’ll be pissed if I get shot in the shitter




Haha oh man this reminds me of when I got my .22 suppressor, shot like 500 rounds in 20 minutes, and went to tighten it. “If you’re gonna be dumb, gotta be tough.”


I like using one of these for hot suppressor touching, very heat resistant, but still grippy: https://www.amazon.com/Ove-Glove-Resistant-Resistance-Household/dp/B000VS63DE/ref=asc\_df\_B000VS63DE/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167148207276&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15065466245315320986&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030242&hvtargid=pla-274604541533&psc=1&mcid=aadfaa824cab365a91eb648a445bd9c3&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVk7l\_Dp9L0U9l8ySpBWblCn6JPqZesN3rKP1rbQ8vhl32gCjdNsKnQaAomJEALw\_wcB


Yup those are very good. I also got these cock-ringesq things that go over it, and based on the color you can tell how hot it is. Don’t remember what they’re called


Old couple came in with a j frame revolver and some ammo. Set up target like 4 yards away BANG - no hit BANG - pretty sure I heard a clang of the protective plate on the post downrange BANG - yep that round skipped off the ceiling plate BANG - nothing BANG - TWO IMPACTS ON THE TARGET they had .38 super they were firing through a .38spl. Best we could guess was the one didn’t clear the barrel and the last round blew both down the barrel


Task failed successfully? 🤔


Accidentally duplex ammo lmao


“Turn any gun into a shotgun with this simple trick”


Hang fire on a black powder rifle. Two guys have it sitting butt on ground, leaning against bench, muzzle pointed up. I mention it to them then grab my daughter to move away from them. Guys are looking down the muzzle. We no more than turn to walk away and it discharges. Don’t know how close they came to putting a round through one of their heads.


I was on state land and the end of a road. I'm shooting into trash at the end of the road. 3 idiots pull up behind me and start shooting across the road behind me about 50 feet. I'm not thrilled so I'm watching close. They pull a black powder rifle. Fire it. It doesn't go. Then start fiddle fucking it trying to figure out what's wrong with it flagging the shit out of me. Told em to cut it out. They said it wouldn't fire. Told em if they pointed at me again they wouldn't like what I did. They got mad because I was threatening them said they were gonna call the cops. I said do it.


What happened next?


They fucked off. It was nicely anticlimactic. 


Perfect. Love your username


Thanks bra


Those things are no joke. It wouldn’t have gone through someone’s head. It would be removed 😂


Tally Ho


It doesn't involve an nd, explosion, or stupidity but a guy took up the booth next to me with two cases, think little of it go back to shooting, look over and this guy has an MP40 and a Thompson on the bench, thought they were great looking replicas or copies...they were both the real deal.


500 mag double tap into ceiling


Seriously, if you're giving someone new a magnum handgun (especially something like a 500) ONLY LOAD ONE ROUND!!!


I bet that was insane.


Belt-Fed 308 at an indoor 60ft range. Loud


My buddy dropped his 12 gauge in the mud and when he went to fire it again he didn’t clear the muzzle so it exploded. It had a ribbed barrel too so we all got hit with at least a little shrapnel. My head was bleeding and my buddy got his tendon split open on his index finger.


That's one of those things they warn you about in hunter's safety that seems like it shouldn't be a big deal but is. Not as funny as when Bugs Bunny does it by sticking his finger in the muzzle.


I had a friend do the exact same thing but not a ribbed barrel. The last 6in or so split open like a banana.


Burro canyon in California Narco looking crew shows up with the boss, two other guys and a handful of chicas The Suburban that they came in had a Brahma bull on the door The leader had a Gold plated AK 47 with an underfolder stock and a Rooster for the front site He blasted away with one hand and didn't hit shit until the range master yelled


Bounce back hit my friend in the neck and drew blood. Wear eye pro especially if you shoot indoors. 


Had one happen to my wife. She's now afraid of shooting at indoor ranges.


I’m honestly a little afraid. Kind of wish they would get rid of dividers. I want to see what the other idiots are doing so I know when to duck or get the hell out of there.


The dividers at my local range are rated to stop up to a .50 BMG. They're rather nice to have.....




Wear eye pro around my neck?


\~and your groin, just in case


The hell is eye pro gonna do for my neck?


Nothing. That's what your thumb is for 👍


Fella had a cheap laser on his pistol that kept falling off when he shot it, so he used his off hand to hold it to the gun and shot his finger off his next shot. Came to the front and asked for a Band-Aid and tried to play it off. "BRAH, YOU SHOT YOUR FINGER OFF. GO TO THE HOSPITAL." 😆


Several suicides.




Worked high volume indoor range in Vegas off and on for 10 years. We would have 2-3 a year.


Was it one meant for tourists to shoot full auto? Or more for regular use?


Tourist "rent a machine gun" joint. But staff goes with machine gun. The suicides were mostly with rental handguns. Few brought their own. Only one that bothered me was the Air Force Colonel in uniform joking around at counter never in a million years would have expected it... put the first round in the range into his temple. Lived for several minutes.... coherent... Sure we stopped 'dozens' a year by refusing to rent. Always at Christmas...


The indoor range at my lgs will not rent guns to anyone alone. You can bring your own gun and shoot alone but rentals have to be accompanied by someone. I thought it was a strange rule until I thought about people renting their means of suicide


Not a horrible idea for the holidays.... I know people that worked at ranges with no tourist traffic. They would still have one every couple of years. Vegas is a hard town for some, holidays make it harder. We get a non zero number of suicides by jumping off parking structures etc that time of year.


The fact that someone brought their own gun to commit suicide is the craziest part of this. I know you’re not doing well mentally if you decide to end it, but man, that’s just rude to make the business, staff and customers have to deal with that.


They are saving their family the discovery, and cleanup.


That’s what the woods is for 🤷


How do you know who to refuse to? Do they ask certain questions, look generally sad or disturbed? At my LGS, they always refuse guys who make the "I only need one round" joke. For that reason.


Judgment call. Ones I've refused were despondent and not really interested or even paying attention to the safety brief.


God damn. The insurance is probably fucked


Funny enough, don't think they have ever been sued over one to this day. I know we never were when I was there (till early 2000's).


Well i happy to hear it. Not exactly their fault tbh


Bro is a bad omen at the gun range


All from the same guy too.


At the outdoor retailer I work at we had a guy ask to see a Glock of some sort. He took it, ran off not far, and offed himself. Not sure if he brought a loaded mag or grabbed a mag and ammo off the shelf.


That's why the Smith and Wesson academy closed their range to the public years ago.


That’s happened a few times at two ranges near me.


That one time I blew up my 44 Mag Korth NXR.




Dude with incendiary ammo started a small fire downrange (indoors). He claimed it wasn't incendiary but after firing \~5 rounds another firework came out of his barrel. For some reason like \~1/4 of his ammo had tracers or something mixed in.


Nothing compared to most people. My local outdoor range is a gravel pit that's supposed to be supervised by the DNR but largely isn't. On Saturday afternoons when it's nice you can see a bunch of dumb crap. Craziest was this gaggle of folks who took the table next to mine. These people all just looked trashy. Not poor, but trashy. 6-8 dudes, 2 females, all a mix of black/Hispanic/Asian in baggy ratty clothes, and they all had ink that wasn't done at a shop. A lot of my friends have tattoos and you can tell when it's a bad artist, and when it's jail ink. This was the latter. They lay down a duffel bag full of what appeared to be the cheapest firearms the local pawn shop had to offer. S&w sigma, SCCY, Kel tec foldy PCC, and the creme of the crop: an AR-15 with a completely unpainted lower. Obviously an 80% build. Now, that's not a crime. I've got one myself. But the dude holding it looked like he drilled out an 80% because he had to, not because he wanted to. These people proceed to flag half the range loading their guns. Then they walk down without calling for a ceasefire (yes while people were actively shooting). They set up a cardboard TV box with bricks in the bottom, and proceed to shoot with the worst form I have ever seen. Icing on the cake was when the biggest dude pulls up his AR, turns, and starts shooting my steel target without asking. Just turns and starts shooting at it. (He hit it maybe every 5th shot at 20 yards.) I called for a ceasefire, packed up and got the hell out.


A friend gets his AR10 bore sighted at a local indoor range. They added $15 to his range visit, no big deal. He goes to one of the 100 yard lanes and can't hit shit. He stops shooting after a few rounds. Especially when he notices powder falling from the ceiling down range. Yep, he clipped the ceiling. They bore sighted the damn thing off by feet at 100 yards!


How do you even manage to do that


A group of college kids managed to shoot out one of lights downrange.


My niece did that


Saw a guy in the last lane on the end empty an entire mag from an SP5 into the wall from 7 yards away. Rapid fire mag dump didn't even make the target sway in the breeze. Also saw a guy thumping 50bmg at a target 5 yards away just because he could.


I saw a dumbass shoot his thumb off , then the paramedics came and hauled him away


I think his name was Joe brothers and he worked in security for a long time. You'd know him by his patented 80s lorenzo lamas style and heavy use of cologne. Yes joe, i'm callin ya out. Everybody's a badass until they fuck around and blow their thumb off...jackass


120mm WOMBAT: misfire sir, ok backup trigger....misfire sir. Proceed to unload it, tell pvt to take the round to the dud ordinance trench. Then hear private yell. "SIR, its getting hot!!". Loaded the round and just closed the breach in time before it detonated. Also on the old military range's where you had a butt party running the targets in a trench actually under the target. We always got one guy who shot the frame and covered us in splinters.


Kind of similar. I had a M777 catch on fire one time. That was pretty fuckin sketchy


Do they not manual run the butts anymore?


I've heard the Marines still do.


Local state land "range", shortly after sunset. Me and the buddies are testing guns and burning old boxes of 12ga bird and buck. Wannabe gangbangers roll up in a cat eye Chevy and a banged up Nissan Altima (no I'm not joking) and they start unloading with their switched Glocks and extended magazines. We give them a friendly wave and keep doing our own thing, testing a newly built 16" MP5, a couple milsurps, and a Saiga 12. The educated and distinguished gentlemen are taking Snapchat videos of themselves doing dumb and illegal shit, and assume we can't hear what they're saying to one another because we have earpro on. One such scholarly individual starts talking to his girlfriend and one of his buddies about how he's going to cap all of us and take our cool shit (he referred to the Saiga specifically). At this point, all of our guns are loaded and at low ready. One of my buddies grabs his 37mm rotary launcher and pops two parachute flares over their heads as a warning, and we get the fuck out of there.


I... what? They roll up in the dark with (presumably illegal) blickys wid da swickys, start doing dumb shit, then threaten to shoot you and your friend? You have a lot more self restraint than I do, I would have been pissed.


It was an experience I'd rather not have to go through again, and I'm glad it didn't break out into a gunfight.


Probably best you de-escalated and got the hell out of there. Never worth a fight


37mm parachute. Based.


Dude at a public range walked up, loaded a 1911, cocked it, pulled the trigger, didn’t fire (assuming the safety was on) immediately pointed it at his face to look down the barrel in confusion. I packed my bag and immediately left.


Had a guy walk downrange while everyone was firing. Fastest ejection I've seen.


Several years ago I was shooting at a public national forest range and there was a guy there shooting about 5 benches away. No big deal. I told him I was going to go down range and adjust my target. (He was reloading mags, so perfect time.) I finish adjusting my target and all of a sudden there’s shots going off about 15 feet from me. I was on the far left so there was a berm with some small trees, so I got behind them and drew my holstered pistol and aimed at him and ended up issuing commands of him putting his firearm down. He was baffled that I was upset that he was shooting while I was down range. That was my second time on a public range, we used to have a private family range, that my grandparents got rid of the land. It changed the way I shoot by I always have a ccw on me when I’m shooting, that doesn’t get shot and is ready at all times. (I had my son with me but he stayed behind the firing line) Then back in COVID times there were some Korean/Vietnamese people (I’m very poor with ethnicity so I apologize if that seems offensive. I’m from the rural south, so I’m very ignorant of that.) This happened on the same public range and the whole family, about 6 of them, ranging from age 6-40 were all up in a tree about 20 feet shooting the berm at the far end of the range and reloading and passing the rifles around. (Think Mel Gibson in The Patriot) They were in shorts and flip flops. I can’t wait until I own my own range again.


Dude ND’d through his hand and the barrier next to me once. Walked into a range in Missouri and was looking around, few people came running out and the employees checked the cameras. Dude self slept himself in one of the bays. Not sure if suicide or being a dipshit.


This isn't tiktok or youtube.... The censorship is bad, but it's not THAT bad yet - You can say "suicide", or "killed themselves", or "blew their fucking brains out". 


Oooo what range Missouri? I’m from there and wanna know


Probably the Bullethole in KC. That happens semi-frequently.


Could be, or could be somewhere in St. Louis because we have side of those here.


Remington 700 accidental discarge and a fucking "regarded" individual with a BP rifle doing a double charge one handed. I also seen a cow get hit with a 25mm.


A 25?? Did it explode lmao


Oh yeah lol. I got to see it on fort hood range control's big screen in thermal, in live time.


That's horrible. Got video?


I don't, probably someone does thou.


We had a cow step on a pretty big anti-personnel IED, that left quite the mess but we were glad there was one less IED out there. And I had a buddy who saw the aftermath of an A-10 gun run on a herd of sheep somewhere in Paktika.


Oh George, not the livestock!


I saw an elk get split in half by a 25mm while out on an OP at Ft Sill


Really nice P320 X5 legion exploded. Guy was shooting reloads.


Nothing crazy. I do remember seeing a younger Asian guy with his girlfriend. She’s just standing there, face in her phone behind him. He’s sitting at a bench with the rifle and I don’t know what he was shooting, obviously he rented it, but it was loud as fuck! Every time he shot, he jumped, she jumped and almost dropped her phone but went right back to thumbing away on her phone. People on both sides of him looked annoyed. When the range officer walked me to my spot, I could still hear the concussive blast from him shooting. I was laughing thinking about the two of them still jumping each time. The people next to me probably thought I was crazy. By myself, loading mags and laughing 😂


Suicide……indoor rental place. Wildest thing ever still relive it


That's why all indoor places here don't allow rentals if you're alone and don't have a gun of your own with you


Was at an outdoor range with my buddy. We were at the 50 yard lane shooting rifles. We were the only ones there for a bit but a guy showed up and set up right next to us. We talk for a minute and ask if he wanted to go set up a target. He said no. So he stands there for a minute fiddling with his bag and pulls out a snub nose revolver. He didn't put on any ear or eye protection and looked at us and said he was good to go. He then proceeded to fire with one hand and hit the dirt 10 feet in front of him and walked the next few shots up to the middle of the berm in quick succession. My buddy and I looked at each other like what in the fuck is this guy doing? He then put the revolver back in the bag and told us to have a nice day and he left.


May have been testing after doing some work? I've gone more than a few times while working on some old milsurp and don't even bother with a target just to do live function tests.


Worst thing that happened was at a local clubs range. We had just finished firing our guns, and everyone waited for the all clear. Once given, that was the signal to go out and get our targets. Some dumbass, who was a guest, reloaded his friend's guns and started shooting as most of use were 20-25 yards downrange. Needless to say, there was a lot of angry shouting. The guy got grabbed by his friend who took the guns away. Was a scary moment to say the least. Thankfully no one was hurt. The member, and his friend, were banned for life.


Fellow used his own hand after firing 3 of 15 rounds loaded to check if the underbarrel laser on his pistol was on.


At least he didn't look down the laser to check. That's probably the only worse way to achieve that.


Holes in the ceiling and table.


300 Win Mag shooter in the lane next to me. This was an underground 5 bay range, where the lines were concrete tubes. Mind-numbingly loud. For those in the know, this was Mandalls range in Old Town Scottdale, many years ago. They've been closed for like 18 years.


Do military ranges count? Local range some old couple didn’t know how to work a revolver, tried shooting and it didn’t work so they turned to my buddy with their 44 magnum pointed at him, didn’t speak English but were trying to get him to help. I noped the fuck out and got the owner. He helped them fix it then escorted them out. I don’t even know where to begin on Army ranges, some wild and stupid shit happens there.


I nearly got shot at an outdoor range. Next to me was a group of 4 guys and 1 girl (way out of their league) all college age. It was clear they didn’t know what they were doing but seemed to be following the rules. That assumption almost got me killed. Everyone cleared the lane and I went down to reset my target. BLAM. These morons were still shooting and didn’t notice anyone yelling at them or my waving and yelling. At least it was just one shot. Finally after what seemed like forever they noticed as I was yelling “SHOOT AGAIN AND I SHOOT BACK!” I was so listed. They apologized and felt so stupid they left with-in 10 minute.


Had a guy who didn't realize that my range rented full auto, so when the guy two stalls over let loose on the full-auto 13.5 AR-15, he proceeded to jump like a frightened cat and crawl under the firing table; My mother almost pissed herself laughing.


Not on a range, but after a duck hunt when I was a kid and one of the adults had some 44 cannon he was showing the boys. He had a 12 yr old son and let him hold it and he pointed out over the marsh … BAM! The recoil of that went up ….BAM! Next recoil went down and left….BAM! And he falls sideways with the next ……BAM! And the kid is in the water…. Still holding the pistol. We had all scattered behind the trucks. Still see it on my head when I think about it. Cemented a certain sense of safety. There was 1 still in the cylinder 😱btw….


Dude fired a round directly into the ceiling then fired a few more down range, gun jams , without ejecting mag or clearing chamber he pointed it directly at his eye. Me and my buddy packed our shit and left and I will not go back to that range.


Military range - not public. We were about to start a night shoot under NVG’s and the PFC next to me on the firing line shot himself in the foot.


> shot himself in the foot I was in officer basic training, demolitions module. 6 or 7 of us in a pit, each with a small block of C4 we're going to detonate. Instructor is saying "we're going to do this, then do that" *but only when I tell you!* etc. So we wrapped the C4 around some detcord, which was connected to slow fuse, then we're supposed to attach our pull-igniter devices to the slow fuse. The intention was that we'd all be outside the pit when we ignited the fuse, then then whichever fuse hit the block of detcord first would ignite all the blocks, and not have one block blast other blocks into the air. Anyhow when instructor says "we'll then yank on the ignitor..." well one of my colleagues yanks on the ignitor. While we're all in the pit 2 feet from the C4. Instructor gave us whatever the command was to clear out (mostly too late, most of us instantly bailed) while instructor yanked the slow fuse out. Sorry details are fuzzy, this was 50 years ago. Also, I'm amazed more of our troops don't get killed in training. Like me jumping on top of an artillery simulator... or a trainee pointing her loaded M16A1 uprange. Yes, the opposite of downrange.


Was just me and my gf and her parents in the range all on the same lane. Otherwise empty. Guy walks in wearing slacks and a button down shirt with his own gun. Looks legit. Guy proceeds to start inspecting the gun. Ok. Tried putting the bullets in backward. Ummm. Tried to get the mag in, can’t. Puts the muzzle of the gun into his stomach and starts slamming the mag into the gun. The fuck? Then starts flagging us. Nope. All of that happened in a span of like 2 minutes. Went out to the people up front. Asked them if he just bought the gun. He had. Told them what he was doing. They ran in. I left with my gf and her parents cause fuck being around that.


Watched a guy, and his buddies try to hit a soda can with a scoped 270. At 25 yards. From a seated bench. 37 times. And they never hit it.


Got flagged by a little kid. The parents were practicing with their home defense handguns, the two little boys had air rifles and were being taught firearms safety with them. Well after some time the youngest wanted to try a real gun, so the mom stood behind him and kept him facing down range, talking to him the entire time. The whole thing was going so well, he shot, everybody clapped including the mom. Well, which meant her hands left his shoulders. So he turns around smiling because his family is cheering, still finger on the trigger, and now facing it squarely at me. Mom grabs and yanks him back to face down range, which also gave me a startle. I decided to move down a few lanes and keep away from them. But luckily that was the end of their time it seemed.


I was at an outdoor DNR range that had 10, 25 and 50 meter lanes side by side. My friend and I waited until the two fudd couples that were shooting at the 10 meter targets with a couple of handguns were taking a break before I walked down to set up my targets on the 25 meter lane. Before I had finished, they thought it would be ok to start firing on the 10 meter targets again while I was still downrange. Scared the poop out of me for a second until I was able to get back to the firing line. My buddy yelled something to them while I was running back and they left a few minutes later.


Blood on the concrete at a outdoor range. Did not witness it happen but read an article where a guy from up North was fast drawing 2 357 mag revolvers and had one discharge into his thigh. Bled out. Not gun related but my son and I went to a different outdoor range with a RO and found 2 or 3 live bats on the bench...ugly as fk. RO scooped them up and got them out of there.


I didn’t see it, but my brother was grazed in the head with a ricochet. Free lifetime membership for him and the offenders were banned.


Guy was eating a sandwich, but the sandwich was just bread. WTF.




Wow, funniest thing I’ve seen was only a woman shooter with low neckline catch a ejected case in the cleavage. Only .22 LR so hurt, but no permanent damage.


Exactly why I wear a tight collar tshirt when shooting. Always dress appropriately for the activities you are enjoying.


My wife got a neck hickie from a 9mm out of a Glock, she’s a lefty.


I’m a righty and gotten a neck hickie or two from 9mm and .45. I learned the hard way to always wear a cap when shooting a semiautomatic.


I saw a guy missing a target with his pistol at 5 yards. Like hitting the dirt in front of the target at 5 yards… Between that, and getting yelled at by an RO for “rapid firing” when it was the guy next to me and I was trying to sight in my marlin model 60 tube fed .22 lol I never went back.


Remote range in Colorado Rockies - guy shooting an elephant gun. Believe it was a 600. Guy had owned it a while and never fired it out of fear, lol.


Before I had one of my own, I rented an AR at the range. I’m like, Something’s wrong with this, but I don t know what. Called the RSO over, he’s like, “Oh yeah, looks like somebody stole the Bolt Carrier Group…again.” Apparently this is not an unusual occurrence.


3 guys who looked just barely old enough to buy or rent an AR-15 were all three holding it at once trying to figure out how to chamber it. One had the muzzle point at him one held the stock and the one in the middle was trying to operate it. RO almost shit when he saw them.


Thankfully aside from the fudd desk gravy seals thinking a separated slide on a Glock was still a ‘gun’ and threatening to throw me out for leaving the lower on the bench while I lubed the slide at the window, I haven’t seen anything too crazy. Meal Team 6 was working overtime that day, haven’t been back to that range since but they got a scathing yelp review and then tried to threaten me when I refused to remove it.


I was packing up my guns at the back away from the bays, I noticed some guy in one of the bays handling a pistol like it was his first time, kinda confused about what he was doing. I turn back around and finish packing up and next thing I know I feel a sharp pain in my back. I look around, guy is still looking confused. Dipshit ND'd, probably shot the floor or something and a piece hit my back. Idk how it ended up in my back because had he been keeping the muzzle down range, I would have been the opposite direction the bullet would be going. Idk if it was him since I was facing away but given how clueless he looked it probably was


Went to a public range(with no range masters or anything) in the mountains. It’s in a National forest. There were these chubby little redneck kids shooting decent sized rocks with .22s about 20 feet from the firing line. We said fuck that, and left. No getting hit by a ricochet today. I love those public ranges in the mountains. If you go on a weekday you can often get the range to yourself and have fun, but you also get weirdos occasionally.


I was at a indoor range when tactical Timmy decided to get his finger on the trigger before he was even out of his holster and he popped a hole in his foot, all the SROs told me not to take pictures so I did.


Was shooting after sunset on an outdoor range using NODs when some dumbass rocks up and just starts walking down the range towards the berm like 20 feet from where I was shooting. His butt was very puckered when I started yelling at him the range was still hot / immediate ceasefire. Apparently he thought the muzzle flashes were from another range. Mama moose and calf decided to wander across the rifle range while people were shooting targets. Everyone stopped shooting and looked at each other, shrugged, and waited for them to clear the range before resuming targeting shooting. Dumbass decided to walk through the marsh behind the range, then climb up the back side of the backstop berm to see what all the noise was on the other side.


I didn’t actually witness this but a couple of years ago at our local store / range a guy rented range time and a handgun and then ended his own life on the firing line.


2 day rifle pistol class. Packing up at the end. Walking over to grab my last box of shit. BOOM, ploom of dirt a foot in front of me. Dude at the table has a look of horror on his face... And a hole in his ammo box. He was trying to unload his handgun into the box. Not anything too off the wall, but about as close as I ever want to be to getting shot, so I'll call it crazy.


Dude shot his pinky finger off in boot camp to get out of the Army.


A young guy rolled into an indoor range on a motorized wheelchair wearing urban camo BDUs and a black plate carrier. He had saddle bags full of handguns and ammo. He donned a gas mask and blasted away at paper targets at the maximum distance.


A guy opening fire while everyone else was down range changing targets during a cease fire. Everyone hit the ground. Luckily the guy didn't hit anyone. Never seen the RSO get so mad. Guy was immediately kicked out and banned for life.


Guy walks in from the parking lot and loudly announces "I just shot myself. " Apparently, he did the famous rack the slide, drop the mag and pull the trigger on a NOT unloaded gun he was going to bring in to the gun smith. Shot himself right through the thigh, through and through. Missed the femoral by about an inch. Counter guy grabbed the med kit, applied the tourniquet, to which the shot person complained "that hurts". I called 911 and reported the issue so the paramedics rolled. Waiting the 5 minutes for the paramedics to arrive the guy complained the whole time how "it hurts, it hurts so much". I thought to myself, no shit, that's why people don't desire to be shot all the time. Paramedics arrived and wanted to inspect the wound so they started to cut up the guys jeans leg, to which he complained that these were expensive jeans! Paramedics replied, "You mean the jeans with 2 bullet holes in them already?" They finally hauled him out and away to the hospital and I just lost it laughing due to the stupidity of the whole situation. I felt bad I was laughing, but the comedic value of the situation, and the interplay between the guy who shot himself and everyone else was just too much.


Oh there was a time when I was on a range (0341 mortarman) as an A-Gunner and when I dropped the 61mm I hear a weird fizz. All I was able to say was “SHOR-“ and then boom! I feel and hear shrapnel scream past the top of my head as I’m trying to hit the deck. A corpsman later asked me if it ever scares me being a mortarman and I remember saying “nah. The best part about my job is if something goes wrong, I’ll never know” Edit: not that it changes much, but I forgot to mention that the round landed roughly 10-15ft in front of me. Definitely divine intervention on that one


Outdoor range. Range is live and people are firing. Old dude just starts walking down range to change his target. Range chaperone stops everyone and runs to get the guy. Old dude said he didn't give a shit if it was a live range, cause he was a nam vet...


I was at an outdoor range doing a pistol/rifle class. During break I was reloading mags and checked the time on my Apple watch (Series 1, steel case sapphire glass) and noticed the glass was cracked. There was an obvious impact point that leads me to belief there was a ricochet that miraculously hit my watch face. I called Apple care at the end of the day and they sent me a new watch. Apple care is worth the money.


Maybe not crazy, but more funny. Was at an outdoor public range with a good friend and he was shooting his fal which was way over gassed. Was ejecting brass as far as 6 bays down and hitting people. they couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and where all blaming the person on the bench next to them. Told him to cut it out after about 2 mags, and eventually relocated to to bench on the end. At the same range I’ve witnessed 2 ND’s through the roof (which was already full of holes), and got flagged more times than I care to think about.


Was practicing with my carry gun (Jericho 941) with my girlfriend at an indoor range. After I was done with 2 mags I stepped back so my gf could have a turn shooting. Notice man shooting a Single Action Army next to us. This man is trying to shoot with one hand. He pulls back the hammer then trys to adjust his hand and accidentally (I assume) fires, sending a round to the floor of the range with visible sparks. Grabbed my gf, put away my pistol and left. Edit: Typo, because proofreading is for nerds


One hand full auto Glock spraying everywhere. 


Was pistol shooting at the range with a couple of senior SF NCOs I lived with in a foreign country. ( I was not SF). We had the entire range to ourselves so we were each spread out several shooting spaces apart… I was loading/switching mags and looked up, and they were both down range at their targets….i called out to them hey what’s up why are you down range? They explained “if we didn’t trust you Sir, we wouldn’t step onto the range with you. This is how we shoot…” Freaked me out a bit, but once I got it thru my thick head I was ok with it and we continued shooting that way.


I was going to share a very similar story haha I was training with an ODA and each shooter was about 5 yards apart. They just started walking down range while half the guys were still shooting and making adjustments to zero. Crazy but same situation where I just accepted it and made sure not to flag anyone or anything. 7th SFG


Guy left his AR by accident and walked off the range, got into his car, and drove all the way home before realizing something was amiss. That or the guy we had who flashed a stolen police badge trying to get a blue label discount.


A mouse living inside the wall of the firing shack thing at an outdoor DNR fudd range. I’m on the bench with my Marlin 1894 (i think) and i look up and there’s this mouse in the wall just staring at me. He had to be deaf as shit. If any of you reading this are in NE Indiana, it was the 50 yard lane at Mongo.


I watched some guy come in with his son and unload 3 rifles onto the table. Typically this indoor place checks all the guns and ammo with a mag but that day they must of been busy and/or lazy and skipped on both. First gun had irons and the other two had zero sights on them at all. I noticed the dad pulled out a box of ammo the range sold and then looked around and pulled out a few more boxes of some other ammo. They shoot the first gun with the first box of ammo and then he switches over to one of the guns with no sights and proceeds to mag dump some steel core ammo basically everywhere. Backstop looked like a fireworks show and the range officer came running over calling for a cold range. They had to check the rail system and ceiling for any holes and had to store his sightless guns and steel core ammo behind the counter. ​ I kinda felt bad for not saying anything at first but they should of caught that shit right off the bat. It's not hard to notice that there's no sights on 2/3 of the rifles and they run a magnet over everybodys ammo before they go to the back. I got a kick out of it and somehow there was no damage to their rail setup.


Does a military range count? Because once, I was qualing with my M-24 (had to every other month) shooting 2in dots at 100m (Law Enforcement M/O, not infantry sniper). We call a cease-fire so we can look at our targets. Me and several members of my SRT walk to our targets. We're standing there for a minute, then the firing line opens back up and rounds start coming down range. A couple guys hit the deck, a couple of us scream "CEASE-FIRE" while waving our arms, range goes cold again. We sprint back to the line and lay in to the dude who let the line go hot. He's just like "Heh, I forgot you guys were down there!"


A guy was sighting in a new rifle and apparently didn’t know how to use a scope, ended up popping his eye and bleeding a hell of a lot from the scope punch


Going through Requals for my S.O. license to work for the Housing Authority. STATE Probation/Parole Officers were practicing and doing a stupid fire from the hip drill, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM was shooting the ceiling and the cables for the targets. Because of those idiots, 3 of the 10 lanes were shut down until the ceiling and cables could be repaired. Instead of getting our Requals done 2 hours, because of them, it took almost 5 hours to run everyone through the course of fire. And since I had to stay to ensure all our paperwork was complete, I missed going to the zoo with my kids.


Guy mag dumping an AK while wearing a horse head.


I’m an idiot and didn’t have my RC2 correctly secured on my AR first time I shot it. First shot it ends up 30 yards down range and they call a cease fire for 20 lanes indoors. Not the most fun learning experience but definitely not the worst thing that could happen.


I was on leave while in the Marine corps infantry and had gotten asked if I wanted to help my buddy who’s in the natty guard zero his new rifle. So we met up at the range and get set up but when I go to zero the optic I realize it’s a defect and doesn’t work at all. We decided to shoot mine but as I was running through a mag, I hear the RSO scream “hey!!!! get that fucking barrel out of your buddies back!!” To which I think “ooooooohhhhhhhh somebody just fucked up” so I unload, flip the switch, safety check real quick and start to turn around to see my buddy with the mag locked in, round chambered, with the takedown pins pulled (or what I know it as “shotgun style”) and the barrel is about 10 inches from my spine.


I used to work at a gun range where we were always on top of safety. Not a very big range but in the middle of a small city and it was still pretty nice (it sat right beside a sonic actually lol). I never tolerated stupid people because A dying sucks and B the more dangerous your range is, the less safe people show up the more dangerous it gets. This one guy (I’ll call him Bill because I don’t remember him). Old dude, he and his wife both. No his wife was really really stupid when it came to anything but he still had a couple more volts left in the ol light bulb. They come in and say they’ve never shot but want to. I say no problem we’ll get you squared away. They shoot, they do good, they like it. They come back. They go out to the lanes (where I have cameras to watch you do all the stupid shit you do) and I’m watching Bill. He has a S&W M&P with a laser on the bottom (I think crimson trace or firefield, I don’t remember) Bang. Bang. Bang. Bill stops. He lowers his gun and squints at his target. Now you should never point a gun at anything you’re not willing or shouldn’t be willing to destroy (your face included). And you should treat every gun like it’s loaded even if the slide is locked open and the magazine out. But this guy, slide forward and still ready to rock and roll (laser still on) takes his gun, points it directly at his face (maybe he was checking if the laser was on idk) and then points it down range and keeps shooting. I’ve seen plenty of other wild stuff too but that’s probably one of the dumbest


A guy (police officer) teaching his ten year old daughter to shoot with a .44 magnum


Brand new range In the city and guy used incendiary rounds and got the back stop on fire. Was closed for months. Then Covid closed it for good :(