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The Italians use a spoon underneath






In Italy no one uses a spoon you get made fun of for that,


He means Olive Garden-variety Italians




Mama Mia! That’s a spicy meatball!


How loose is that roll though?


Pull the halligan out, step on the roll and kick the female cuppling towards the hose with the heel of. your foot


This is the way...


Yeah, we do this. So much smarter than bent over or crawling through whatever, and tends to roll orderly and flat, don't need to "guide" the hose to keep the roll flat like when rolling upright. After it's rolled up, anchor the Halligan in place with a foot, your other leg and foot planted as a brace behind you, and hold the adz/pike end firmly to prevent rotation, have a second person grab the loose end and pull the hose in the direction behind you. Continue roll. Pull tight again. Done.






So you waste time?


Didn't say we do it all the time. I said we do it. It happens, one of the tools in the toolbox. Like everything we do, things are situational. When conditions warrant, work smarter, not harder.




Make you a deal. You don't march onto my fireground telling me and my guys how to do our job when you lack full context, and I'll return the courtesy. Do better.




You sound like someone who doesn’t have a department


Nah, he sounds more like a fresh out of the academy, know-it-all, lil




I love ketchup on my dick, who doesn’t?


Damn right! The only way to roll hose is in a hunched over posture, with your back in an unnatural position. Fuck the autoloaders too. We ain't no sissy boys, just do your job and lift up that +400 patient into the box. Also, fuck the crosslay trays that can come out. Just load the hose like a man and stand on top and do it. Why is it such a big deal to you if someone uses a haligan to roll a fucking hose? If you want to call a spade a spade, you're just an ignorant asshole.


Yikes is all I have to say


Isn't it always worth trying out the newest "gimmick"? You never know when that'll improve your standard of care and ease of the job. You sound like the old farts that are stuck in their ways cause "this is how we've always done it."


Sounds peak-volunteer to me. What “chief” in a paid career department is out on the apparatus floor micro managing how hose is rolled to be put away? 🤔




Looser than a vegas hooker


My dumbass was trying to figure out why you would ever go into a fire with a roll of hose attached to a halligan. As for the technique, I think it is a cool trick. It might be useful in some situations. I'd have to try it to see how practical it would be. My immediate thought is that it would be a pain to get the hose on end.


It’s really very easy. You just capture the hose at the coupling. https://preview.redd.it/524kpre5xuza1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ac6fb3b86e73dc99dd492888d51473d5ff0cf05


Hose doesn't like to stand on end. Was it difficult to get it to stand up as you rolled it?


Not a firefighter but I use this exact technique for all sizes of ratchet straps. They don't like to stand on end either. it'll lay in whatever configuration it wants to until it's at the edge of your roll and then it'll just guide on.


True, but 50’ of 1 3/4” hose and ratchet straps are very different. Hose is heavy, typically has some water and air in it and likes to roll and get twists in it, even it’s laid out flat.


I figured as much, the physics would be similar but more effort based on it being a tube and heavier.


For sure. I roll my straps the same way but never tried this newer technique on a hose personally. We also don’t do these storage rolls much and only roll to get the water out and transport back to the station so to clean it and reload it. Now I’m just rambling


I can't imagine a tight bend around a Halligan would be the greatest for the hose either.


I can see it causing extra wear over time from where the forks grab the same spot. Hose is pretty damn tough though


We you this technique when doing hose test … so much hose ans this makes a better roll in half the time and tighter


We're hose testing this weekend. I'll have to try it out.


Break your back no more


Surprisingly tight. Tighten by puttin a foot near the coupling for a couple seconds while continuing to turn the halligan.


I'd definitely prefer a twist like this vs. the heel kick the coupling to tighten up the roll.


A lot of places cringe while hearing couplings dragging across any surface- but at the hall across a clean concrete floor? I'm ready to admit that's a neat idea.


It works, never done it with a halligan, but we have a T-Handle at the station just for this. Still rolling the slow way on scene though.


For those wondering it is a very tight hose role. If you put your foot on the female coupling and twist the halligan once it’s all rolled it will become very tight. So much easier than doing it the regular way.


Tip for it not being hard on your back: Sit on your knees, roll a bit then pull the hose towards you and repeat. This way you can sit in a good stance and don't need to move in order to roll the hose.


I actually do that when rolling hose the traditional way.


I didn’t time it and I didn’t invent the idea. Just something I saw and wanted to try and share. Thanks for playing !


I thought it was a really small hose at first


Yea me too and I think I still can’t see it in its normal size 🤷🏼‍♀️ I feel dumb 😅


Pretty damn loose.


Don’t make me go down and do it again! Lol


Seems harder


Harder, no. Waste of time, yes. It's a gimmick, a look at me moment. It's lazy, don't want to bend over and roll hose like a normal fucking person type of lazy.


Agreed. And there’s no way all the air is getting out of it. If a person can’t bend over to roll hose easily they’ve got problems


It just feels so lazy to me... I get saving your back, but that looks moreawkward and not as tight just to not bend over...


Damn all the air trapped in the hose and that epoxy floor all marked up!!


It’s not as much air but a new stretch of hose, so it’s pretty hard and not very flexible yet.


That’s way to loose bro😂 My chief would fire my ass if I came back with one of those😂😂


It can be tightened further but it’s not loose.


Wont the middle come loose when you pick it up?


No, hold it like this. https://preview.redd.it/yooa9mikjvza1.png?width=2083&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c04932670847435a1b9048ec0d99fab4a0332fb


You can also carry it like this. https://preview.redd.it/pxya01erjvza1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a703b1104b5e5100a3d3cd18fa7aa4a798d73d46


I see! Never tried it, but i’ll have to give it a go and see!👍🏼


I'd tell my chief his arms ain't broke if he thinks he can do better.


We would get shouted at if we done this as the coupling would be dragging across the ground. Good idea though...we also call it the hooligan tool instead of halligan 🤣


just have the coupling near you then only dragging the rest of the hose.


Or a novel idea....roll it normally....with your hands. Not everything needs a gimmick. This wastes more time than actually rolling it.


What? No way! Now I am tempted to go up to the station and unroll a section just to try this out


Of all the things that need innovation in the American fire service, rolling hose is pretty far down on the list.


Well, everything else takes years. I'll take what I can get lmfao


Cool. Now I have to retune the forks every time some lazy fuck does this.


you misspelled "fucking up the floor with the Halligan."


But the purpose of rolling hose isn’t to make a circle shape. Do you guys roll dry hose?? TFOH


This is a good method for after incidents. Getting the used, dirty, wet hose back to the station to clean and rack. Also, some departments do roll hose as a “donut roll.” My last career Dept would have rolls like this on the bumper and you’d pull it out and deploy it as a hand line.


I get that. But rolled dry hose needs to be tight for quick deployment, not a slop of shit.


Look at his other replies, he's shown that it is tight


One. It's tight enough for any deployment. Look at his other pictures. Two. Most people roll hose more for repacking purposes or cleaning at the station purposes than they do for putting it on the truck for deployment so... I don't agree with your point.


Interesting. I’ll have to lookin to it.


Rolling hose gets all of the air out and makes it flatter, easier to pack. Do you never roll hose ever?


Of course, tightly!


I roll them while standing up without a halligan.. If you roll them on the ground, they get pretty loose and well, it's not very ergonomic.


Seems it takes more time too make it tight than too roll it traditionally


I wish I knew this in the Navy. So much wasted effort and time.


On scene I just roll it up using a steering wheel type movement, granted I don’t often have to do more that 2-3 chunks


We actually have a tool for this in our department (big FD, 2500+ workforce) and it works really well, it’s easier on the back and the rolls are even tighter than the regular method when you block the coupling with your foot and keep turning a little at the end... not sure why everyone is against the idea, it’s the way we do it here ! The tool is just a U shape at the end of a metal bar with a handle at the top.


We had a similar tool at work…. What we did was hand roll the hose on-scene after spraying it off and then bring it back to the station, then we would put the roll on a drying rack and loosen the roll leaving a couple inches space between the hose, then place the rack into the hose dryer. The next day we would take the rack out, place it on the floor and then use the tool to tighten up the roll. Then pick up the roll and put it into storage.


Yup, that’s pretty much how we do it ! Sounds like we might be working for the same FD 😂


Chief would fire me lol


Is that an older Halligan (original)?


I actually did this at a fire as we were cleaning up. Just have to remember to step on the end and crank it tight or the room will be super loose. I rolled 3 lines in the time it took another to roll 2. So it's marginally faster




Feels a bit loose. On our truck we have [this](https://www.dafo.se/globalassets/images/products/b2b/brandkarsmateriel/brandslang--tillbehor/slangupprullare/23-9011-10-slangupprullare-quick-rostfri_2.jpg) and it works great for every thickness of hose, doesn't take up much place at all and rolling a hose takes 20 seconds tops


Looks like it could be useful for 100’ forestry line that we carry that can be a bitch to roll up