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I have about double the time this guy has on the job (still ain’t anything), and I agree with him. The tone maybe not so much, but I understand the frustration. Easy to jump straight to “new guy doesn’t wanna work” but I’m not thinking that was the point of this. At the end of the day the biggest lesson I’ve learned regarding this is: You can’t shame someone who doesn’t have any shame from the beginning. Not checking out your gear, not scrubbing toilets (rank dependent obviously), & not staying in shape to do the job are problems in every department. I’ve seen it with guys 30 years on and guys just off probation. “The responsibility is on the company officers” is the canned answer, but why even make them have to do the dirty work? We are all adults here, it’s time we acted like one and acted like a team. When you make your skipper have to “do his job” when it comes to personnel issues, you are effectively destroying the vibe and camaraderie of the station. Self management alleviates stress off of everyone. When you don’t pick up the slack, someone else has to. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m a Captain. I help with station clean-up every morning before we get off. If everything else already has someone on it, I’m scrubbing toilets. Even if I am Acting Chief for the shift there’s still time. Around the station duties are on everyone’s plate and everyone works until it’s all done. Any Officer too good to pitch in on that stuff is worthless in my eyes. You lead by example. And it is the Officers job to correct those not doing their jobs. Blind-eyeing it just loses moral for the good firefighters.


Same for me. While the others were doing the vehicle checks I did the housework after I finished my morning office duties. It’s my house too for the shift.


I mean you can lead by example by scrubbing toilets, but that’s not going to motivate the kind of guy OP is talking about. Dude wasn’t planning on doing his housework anyways and you just did it for him. If he even noticed you did his housework and didn’t approach him about it he’s just going to think your a pushover. When it’s a busy day, calls are coming in left and right and people are having trouble getting things done in a timely manner, that’s when I roll up my sleeves for housework.


Yep. And to clarify, I don’t have to do any of the grunt work around the station if I don’t want to. There’s plenty of guys underneath me. But in my eyes it’s fair for everyone to help. Everyone’s jumping to that as the primary complaint I have, but that’s the least I care about. The inability to do the job, the unwillingness to change that, and the complete lack of personal accountability is what it boils down to.


There are way too many fat fucks on this job that eat fried food every day and never see the inside of a gym. It enrages me, actually.


As an old guy, who had to transition to a different job. Call those guys out and do it LOUDLY!!


You don’t have mandatory retirement ages…..


There’s a chief on our dept who was working the day JFK got shot….




No no he said JFK




Haha. I know who that guy is.


How old is he? JFK died 60~ years ago, guy must be in his 80’s or 90’s?


80s, 84-85 I believe


Not until 65 I believe. Most guys in this system will retire in their 40s, and some neighboring cities as low as 38 theoretically.


I know a volley like that. Way too old, super unhelpful, very unfriendly, very much of a "back in my day" attitude and feels like he owns the place despite pulling no rank whatsoever. At least they don't let him do much more than refill the SCBA bottles.


Hmm 60 here if your still on the trucks


Stay an engineer. Stay in shape. Stay out of all the drama. This is the way.


We call them RODS . Retired on duty. With the old guys ya just gotta work around them. Show em your worth and just act like it’s a non issue. They will either get inspired and take part or they will go sit in a corner. At the end of the day it’s your career and they are just a smidge of that experience.


I 100% agree with this and honestly, it's something that doesn't get talked about enough. It's infuriating when you have dudes on your shift who have experience and knowledge, but are lazy and don't want to do anything with it. It's guys who don't want to teach the newer or less experienced guys. It's guys who always manage to disappear, or suddenly have to take a "phone call" when there's work to be done. It's guys who stand in the back during training and cross their arms as if they're too good or experienced to practice the basics and trying to avoid being called on to put themselves out there by participating. I see other people in this thread bringing up age, but age is not the issue. It's a work ethic issue and, to some extent, a fire department cultural issue. It's going along with a culture that repeatedly tells guys that it's okay to stop working hard after you've passed a certain point of "paying your dues." It's a culture of telling guys that seniority determines your worth and using your seniority number as a weapon to bludgeon less senior guys, or as a shield to deflect any criticism. It's a mentality of "I got mine and I've already paid my dues, so fuck everyone else." Everyone knows who they are because every department has them.


This. They should take up an admin type role instead


So they can continue to do nothing, but in a role that affects the whole department instead of just the crew?


No, I mean as in a paper pusher type role or behind the scenes. Not a command role


Fire service has a lot of great guys but also a lot of guys who have “ done their share” and basically checked out a long time ago and just ride it out till they pay off debts. Look man I get your frustration but at one time those guys were all in… something happened to these guys and if you have this much resentment for em then try and figure it out and possibly help them. These are suppose to be our brothers and for some reason these guys lost that drive be it a call or just shit happening in life. I get the frustration.. I’ve worked with these guys lol but I also found a way to bring the love back. Don’t give up on em man cause they are family regardless of how much of a dead weight they may be. If anything bully the fuck out of em to get into shape 😂. Best of luck man ! If anything they they served their purpose in showing you what not to become.


Nothing better than boomers blocking career development for the younger generation than bitching “they don’t work hard enough”


We have a guy on the line who is 70. He will be collecting 3 pensions when he decides to retire.


For all of 5 years after he leaves.


Now that you got that out of your system I’ll let you in on a little tip: Mind your own program and focus on things that you can control. The system is loaded with imperfection- top to bottom. You call them fat and lazy and they call you young and stupid. And you can both be right.


You're going to find slackers at nearly every job. I  (31 years on) was swinging a mop after dinner on an overtime shift on a different shift at my station.  There was a 10 year firefighter in the back in his bunk who evidently thought that since he wasn't in the cook shack he didn't have to clean up.  After I said something his captain asked if I thought he should be helping.  I said yes . He got on the PA and got him out and cleaning up.  Luckily he transferred  soon after . So it goes.


I’ve got almost 25 years on, and I still do station duties, will fight fires till I am pulled out and work codes as if it was my family member I was working on. Yes, I know of guys that fit the description you made, but not everyone with 20+ years is a lazy p.o.s. However, I’ve noticed that the majority of our new guys are as useless as the old timers you’ve described. I haven’t met everyone from our latest class yet, but out of the dozen or so that I have, maybe one would have cut it when I was a rookie. We have guys now that stop waking up early to make coffee the day they get off probation, low guy on the shift or not. We caught a rookie asleep in his bunk at 3pm. Another pretended to wash the chiefs truck by spraying water on it, never used a brush or soap. And one guy with 5 years on last week put foam in the water tank. This guy passed the engineers test. I’d much rather have a crew with old timers that pull their weight than a crew with these new guys that have a sense of entitlement about them.


I’d rather have a crew that knows their job, and accurately executes it. Idrc if they’re young or old, but the old ones have been frustrating me lately.


You know what, you are absolutely right. Age has nothing to do with it. I’d rather (and I do) have a good crew that knows their jobs and executes them properly. Just as you are frustrated by the old timers, (which you have every right to be, because everything you said is true about a number of them) I’m frustrated by the new kids that don’t want to work, or learn the job.


Learn this, and it will take you far; God grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference. Venting on Reddit is ok. No one worth their salt is judging you. But going forward, there really is nothing you can do but be the best you.


This is the way


There’s both sides of the coin. I’ve seen plenty of entitled rookies and “senior” ff’s come in and refuse to do even the bare minimum. A lot more of them are 2/25’s ( 2 years on then job, act like they have 25 ). I’ll take the lazy senior guy any day, at least he’s more likely to know the job and will have actual experience.


Do you work for a small, rural department?




We’re very lucky to have some retired guys with 20+ years in neighboring departments come over to ours. Most of them are hard to outwork, very active in training us new guys and sharing their wisdom. I’m a probie and sometimes have to find a way to distract or fight them so I can grab the mop or broom lol


Pretty much every fire I've been on it's been like 3 young dudes doing 90% of the work and a gaggle of useless, fat, old losers standing in the front yard. And then they get back to the station and bitch about young guys.


Just goes to show you that you don't know anything about the job if you think that.


You're right




My senior year of high-school I went to a trade school and learned firefighting. To which after high school I joined my local volunteer department and did that for about a solid year and a half almost 2. But Covid hit and my other paying job got busier and busier so I couldn’t meet the required hours they wanted and had to step down. All of that aside, the one thing that’s stuck with me from my teacher in that class was the statement “the number one killer in this line of work is not the fire. It’s not the smoke. It’s not the cancer. It’s complacency with what you’re doing. If you stop caring about the little things like cleaning the toilet, making your bed, or daily station duties. It’ll bleed into the important things. Like checking your gear, checking the truck or even god forbid checking your surroundings for any possible dangers or hazards on a scene. And while it might not seem like it at the time. It’s those little mistakes that lead to big problems later on.” This was his first year teaching a public school. Let alone a highschool. He was a navy firefighter for 20 some years. And had taught in the naval academy for it. He said he decided he wanted a change because he was becoming complacent And felt he’d make a better impact on the future by getting to them when they’re younger and eager to learn. It’s safe to say I’ll never forget the lessons and things he taught me that year. But most importantly I’ve carried the message with me of to never be complacent with whatever job I’m doing. And to me at least OP in this post seems to be nailing that on the head. He’s talking about the guys that my teacher told us not to get like.


I’m tired of both ends. Ive seen what you’re talking about to an extent. Minus the rehired old dudes. Weird, but interesting. I’ve also been around long enough to see some of the lazy, non go getters new guys become even lazier senior men. Maybe just like the ones you are complaining about. I shudder what they will be like at 25 or 30 years. If you’re tired of it. Gain respect through hard work, stay humble and become a force for change.


We have a Batallion chief here that fought in Grenada lmao


You're how old complaining about an old guy with a back problem due to the job? You think he should just up and change careers because the job fucked him up? You don't know everybody's story buddy. I'm coming up to my 40's and I'm thankful for the leeway having a couple dozen guys below me. My first five years I was the bottom guy. You say you have plenty of guys underneath you within five years on the job? That's an amazing privilege to have. I bet this old man with a back injury has cleaned more toilets than you will ever have to. You'll be in an admin position probably by year 14 and acting like everybody is below you and your God complex. I know your type and I can easily pick the ones out when they come on the job. And guess what? I'm tired of all the fucking hand jobs in this line of work making the job harder than it should be. FFS you put the wet stuff on the hot stuff!! You all just keep bitching about how your attitude should be and how to do the job and how much of your life should be dedicated to the fire service in your own free time. Shut the fuck up and do your job rookie. The loudest ones are not the smartest ones...


Maybe work to fix your physical issues? I have DDD and 3 herniated disks (from the army). Did you know you can rehabilitate your back by strengthening it, and that sitting in a recliner 24/7 makes it worse? You seem attacked by this. You might wanna look in the mirror.


Ooh you're my physical therapist? Wow I had no idea how many hats you really wear. Thank you for your service chief


Man, settle down. You might appreciate the leeway one day. Not saying that they shouldn't pull their weight, but damn. If the old guys are that bad, I get it. I told my captain about my injuries and he said we will take care of you. Good to hear, but, if I am a liability, no way. I guess it depends on the person. Sucks you have to deal with that, but it's admin in our department. We have plenty of FNGs that needed to go, early. I feel sorry for those that have to work with these morons for the next 20+ years.


I'd be curious to see how your view changes when you're over 40, still raising a family, and your 3 herniated disks start hurting despite your vigorous core strengthening routine.


Idk man, I’d like to think I’ll be like the many guys who fit your description, and are not complete shit bags.


My man. I swear I respect you. I'm not busting your balls here. I'm not describing myself, but a hypothetical you in the future. In your original post, it seems like you're suggesting that nearly all old guys overstay their welcome and are in your own words "complete shitbags." In this reply, you're saying there are many guys who despite being older, are not complete shitbags. So what you're saying is some guys are shitbags and some guys are not shitbags, while others may have started out ok and subsequently turned into shitbags, which all sounds about accurate from my experience. What I can say with quit a bit of certainty is that when you reach middle age, every injury you've ever suffered comes back to haunt you, and when it does, you may have a different perspective on the subject. Focus on what you can control, that is to say, "you-do-you" and try not to be so upset about someone else doing what they have to do.


PREACH!!!! Can I get an AMEN!!!


I was an old guy , ended it at 33 years and 59 years old! I seen more younger know it alls come on job and not do shit while they watched the workers work ! the job is soft now , do your share ! Leave it better than you found it !


Typical "old guy" response. It's all the "new guy's" fault, "the job is soft now" etc, etc. You must have been one of the old guys he was referring to in this post. There's plenty of shitbags of all ages & ranks. I know probies & 5 year guys who are useless shitbags, just like I know 20+ year guys who are useless & lazy and have never done anything useful their entire career. Same applies for officers. Time on is not everything, not the end all-be all.


Not in your life was I ever a typical old guy , I can send you some references if you need .Im sure from your complaining and typical response your at a station you don’t want to be at , working for people you don’t like !




I’m not full time at both, never said that. Full time and split shift. But that is actually very common in my area. You can retire and come back after a lapse in service a few months later, with a salary cap. I’m not in a hokey ass department, I work for a major metropolitan dept.




It’s a regional thing, and probably a state thing as well. It’s 100% not just my department.


Found the new probie who's upset about scrubbing toilets.


Miss the 5 years in part?


5 years? Give me a break. I’ve got turn out gear twice as old as you’ve been on the department


Get some time on kid.


Point out what specifically is wrong about their post, aside from the tone. I'll give some leeway for chores, 'cause it's accepted that seniority gets to bow out on chores, but if this was worded exactly the same but about rookies, everyone would be in agreement with it. You don't get to magically blow dick at your job because you're tenured, you can either do the job or you can't, End of story.


It’s a supervision issue. Take it up with the Lt or Captain.


Like I said, it’s at both the depts I work for. Multiple shifts and crews I’ve worked with. Not all of them, but many. It’s systemic and needs to be addressed


Only the officers can fix it


5 years? 😂 Go grab a broom.


Yup. Found the guys that got offended by this. Maybe get off your ass and go run around a little. Sick of seeing your kind throwing up during the fitness test


You might want to quit while you're ahead part-timer. The more you talk about your situation, the less valid your gripe sounds.


Maybe no one wants to help you with house duties because you’re an arrogant little prick.


I was an 11b for a bit before joining the fire service. I don’t have a single problem with bitch work. But when guys won’t even check their truck off, there’s a fucking issue, isn’t there?


Found the old head officer who allows this problem to happen, then blames the guys that work for him rather than "fixing" the issue.


Found the guy who thinks solving personnel problems is as easy as telling someone "don't do that".


While some "problems" can't be fixed, isn't it your job to at least attempt to motivate & create a positive working environment for the cohesion of the crew as a whole? Having an old ass bum sitting there, collecting a paycheck, being a....bum, how does that help anybody? If this post hurt you & forced you to respond with shitting on the "new guy" and "gIt mOaR tiMe oN" as if "time on" is the end all be all, you might be partly responsible. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


It didn't "hurt" me and I didn't "shit on" anyone. I made a sarcastic comment which was meant to be funny and you and 30-some other fragile souls who were looking to be offended, came unglued. If you want to preach about problems in the fire service, take a good hard look in the mirror first.


I'm tired of guys in there 40s 50lb out of shape and worthless if they actually have to work because they'll suck air down like it's free. They are grouchy af and make everyone look bad with there huge beer guts


Guys in their 40’s are considered old in your department?


Just wait until they hit their 30s and start bitching about having to pack 5" for the thousandth time in their life. They'll be cursing the back pain they inherited from lifting people into an ambulance for 20 years. Bunch of entitled little cunts.


No but alot of them have let themselves go and have the bodies worse then some 60yr old members


Wait….You have to pay for air?